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  1. May 25, 2020
    Lady Gaga's third studio album is my favorite project from her so far. 'ARTPOP' pushes all the boundaries of pop music and more. Every song on the album is so dynamic in terms of production and lyrical context. Gaga's vocals are outstanding on every track. One or two take minor missteps, but the record as a whole is beautiful and risky all at once. This is the definition of pop music doneLady Gaga's third studio album is my favorite project from her so far. 'ARTPOP' pushes all the boundaries of pop music and more. Every song on the album is so dynamic in terms of production and lyrical context. Gaga's vocals are outstanding on every track. One or two take minor missteps, but the record as a whole is beautiful and risky all at once. This is the definition of pop music done right. Lady Gaga is certainly an artist and one of the best pop stars on the planet. This record proves just that.

    Album Track Ranking:
    1. G.U.Y.
    2. Gypsy
    3. Donatella
    4. Sexxx Dreams
    5. Venus
    6. Swine
    7. Aura
    8. MANiCURE
    9. Dope
    10. Applause
    11. Mary Jane Holland
    12. ARTPOP
    13. Fashion!
    14. Jewels N' Drugs
  2. May 23, 2020
    She should never have released such a bad recording. The songs are poorly produced, as lyrics do not make sense, there is not a minimum of cohesion between the tracks. Bizarre.
  3. May 21, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. “ARTPOP” is pure art. It is, basically, the greatest masterpiece I’ve ever experienced. Completely aware of what I’m saying, this album has changed my life. It gives me shots of raw art and its representation. I truly can’t understand why people give this album so much hate. If Lady Gaga had the chance to produce it on her way, without the pointless application of the record label, she’d probably deliver us, not only her career album, but the millennium album. Expand
  4. May 7, 2020
    This album has many great songs, but Lady Gaga was a bit late to the game with EDM. By 2013, it was already a saturated music market - lots of great songs here though and recommend a listen to pick those songs you like
  5. Apr 26, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. What art the album, I liked it a lot but oh some songs that lacked a little bit but the album mixes between techno and pop what art Expand
  6. Mar 31, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. È un album incompreso ahimè, audace e si barocco ma POP PURO, lady Gaga dimostra di essere si incompresa ma finalmente diversa dalle altre pop star, che creano hit banali e immediate Expand
  7. Mar 27, 2020
    Very diversive body of work. Besides pop, there is lots of EDM, some sadness, drugs n' love, and some rapping. It's not as bad that it was described in 2014...
  8. Oct 6, 2019
    É o melhor álbum da Gaga.
    Merece 10... E quem não deu essa nota, não entende nada de arte.
  9. Mar 26, 2020
    ARTPOP was trully ahead of its time, as we can see years later. The use of electronic sounds mixed with rock, hip-hop and pure pop is insane.
  10. Mar 22, 2020
    Worst album of 2013, pretencious unlistenable crap, a total mess, the begining of her end, overrated by her cacafans, flop deserved
  11. Feb 20, 2020
    Really great album she created. I really like the song “Venus” and “ Mary Jane Holland”.
  12. Feb 17, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Es un excelente álbum, el ritmo y las letras son únicos, amo y adoro este album Expand
  13. Feb 13, 2020
    Pure pop. Pure art-poppist creation. This album has a hidden mystery of transcendentalism that is not properly contextualized but purely genuine.
  14. Jan 31, 2020
    ARTPOP proves Lady Gaga's versatility and shows more and more her stronger voice.
  15. Jan 28, 2020
    One of Gaga's best pieces of work and Artpop doesn't get the recognition that she deserves. Start to finish this album is a piece of art there really isn't a lot to not like besides just little things. But Artpop deserved better.
  16. Jan 24, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Es sin duda la representación del arte popular en su forma visual y músical, reúne desde Pop hasta Hip-Hop además de las increíbles producciones de las melodías en EDM. Sin duda el álbum del milenio, muy futurista para su época. Expand
  17. Jan 16, 2020
    Após 6 anos, reovindo este album, posso notar genuinamente a mente brilhante de Lady Gaga. A cada música contagiante e cheia de mistérios e metáforas perfeitas e totalmente encaixadas, Lady Gaga desafia a cultura da música pop com sua rebeldia. Um álbum realmente a frente do seu tempo.
  18. Jan 10, 2020
    El álbum del milenio así es Otras desean tener algo así de iconic
    Bye espero esperemos LG6
  19. Jan 10, 2020
    Um trabalho com maturidade e forte concerteza um dos álbuns da década totalmente aclamado
  20. Jan 4, 2020
    A concepção: a sonoridade é baseada nas batidas dos anos 70, composto por referências de synthpop e mixagem incomum. As referências artísticas marcam as composições e a forma de cantar, de Koons a Botticelli Gaga nos leva a um universo onde a ART provoca. ARTPOP é um álbum que não se enquadra nas bases do pop regular, por isso sofreu seu devido boicote, pois Gaga deixa de ser Pop para serA concepção: a sonoridade é baseada nas batidas dos anos 70, composto por referências de synthpop e mixagem incomum. As referências artísticas marcam as composições e a forma de cantar, de Koons a Botticelli Gaga nos leva a um universo onde a ART provoca. ARTPOP é um álbum que não se enquadra nas bases do pop regular, por isso sofreu seu devido boicote, pois Gaga deixa de ser Pop para ser Underground. O que podemos dizer é que Lady Gaga desafiou a indústria e nos trouxe um novo e magnífico (incompreendido) som. Expand
  21. Jan 2, 2020
    this is a tough album.
    It was written in one of the worst phases of Gaga’s life and it perfectly represents that anger, that sadness that Gaga experienced in that period.
  22. Dec 26, 2019
    Adelantado a su tiempo, merecía mas singles un album con mucho potencial pero lo lanzó en el momento equivocado
  23. Dec 10, 2019
    Some of the best Gaga songs of all time… But it was way before it’s time ... hence the bad reviews… But if you’re real are geek in your real pop person this **** is the ****
    Thank you gagaaaaaa
  24. Dec 8, 2019
    A beautiful and sonically innovative album. Sadly, it was greatly overshadowed by negative press surrounding gaga. An unrecognized musical gem that deserved more than what it got.
  25. Nov 28, 2019
    É um álbum transcendental, a frente de seu tempo, que vira e mexe aparece em alguma lista nostálgica ou rememorando clássicos de 2013. Acredito que se tivesse sido melhor divulgado e trabalhado teria sido um dos maiores da carreira da Gaga, mas ainda assim conseguiu grandes feitos ditante de pouco ou nenhum investimento da gravadora, com a Gaga ainda sustentando a divulgação final doÉ um álbum transcendental, a frente de seu tempo, que vira e mexe aparece em alguma lista nostálgica ou rememorando clássicos de 2013. Acredito que se tivesse sido melhor divulgado e trabalhado teria sido um dos maiores da carreira da Gaga, mas ainda assim conseguiu grandes feitos ditante de pouco ou nenhum investimento da gravadora, com a Gaga ainda sustentando a divulgação final do disco e clipes, e com toda a bagunça que houve profissional e na vida pessoal da Gaga também durante toda essa era.
    Querendo ou não esse álbum foi um divisor de águas na carreira da Gaga, foi o que fez ela dar uma pausa no pop comercial e best-selling, para ir cantar jazz com o rei dessa categoria, Tony Bennett, depois fez o intimista Joanne. Enfim, mudou totalmente os rumos de sua carreira, vai estar sempre no meu coração e vai ser lembrado por muitos! Sejam fãs, ou haters forçando o "flop" do álbum.
  26. Nov 21, 2019
    Un disco muy anticipado que no logró cumplir las expectativas. Si bien cuenta con canciones muy buenas (ARTPOP) también tiene varias bastante prescindibles (X Dreams).
    La producción en general no es de mi agrado pues me parece demasiado sobreproducido, lo cual arruina canciones que pudieron ser buenas baladas al convertirlas en intentos de canción de antro.
    Con una producción más ligra
    Un disco muy anticipado que no logró cumplir las expectativas. Si bien cuenta con canciones muy buenas (ARTPOP) también tiene varias bastante prescindibles (X Dreams).
    La producción en general no es de mi agrado pues me parece demasiado sobreproducido, lo cual arruina canciones que pudieron ser buenas baladas al convertirlas en intentos de canción de antro.

    Con una producción más ligra y un par de canciones menos Gaga y su equipo pudieron haber logrado un mejor disco.
  27. Sep 20, 2019
    ARTPOP was really underrated when it dropped. Now we understand that this album is pure masterpiece. Incredible album and the best by Lady Gaga.
  28. Sep 7, 2019
    Gaga se queda sin una idea clara para su tercer album y termina perdiendo su esencia para pasar a ser una artista pop mas del monton y reciclando viejas ideas.
  29. Sep 5, 2019
    Gaga took upbeat electronic pop to another level with this project
    melodies and beats that get stuck in my mind for weeks
    Aura is a fun playful intro Venus is such a bop i like how she she dived into other genres like the country-ish song "MANiCURE" and the RnB influenced " Do What U Want" Artpop the track is the smoothest most haunting song on the album Applause is definitely my favorite
    Gaga took upbeat electronic pop to another level with this project
    melodies and beats that get stuck in my mind for weeks
    Aura is a fun playful intro
    Venus is such a bop
    i like how she she dived into other genres like the country-ish song "MANiCURE" and the RnB influenced " Do What U Want"
    Artpop the track is the smoothest most haunting song on the album
    Applause is definitely my favorite track
    some of the tracks like " Jewels And Drugs" and "Swine" are a little bit questionable but overall it's a solid album
  30. Sep 4, 2019
    Love you gaga , waitin for u to clean up pop music
  31. Sep 1, 2019
    I just can say, Artpop, sweetie, i’m so sorry that ugly ass people didn’t like u in ur time but we knew u were better than this. U deserved more and u’ve been robbed so badly. But dont worry i wont Ever forget you to listen at least once a year. You’re just pure art and thanks Gaga to giving u to us.
  32. Aug 31, 2019
    Her ambition made her failed totally. Combining the word "pop" and "art" didn't mean the pop music with art. Remember, sometimes you want to skip too far, you will probably fall.
  33. Aug 31, 2019
    I still believe that if this album was released at a later time, or if this concept was used by a man it would have received more universal praise. Engaging, and it has interesting commentary on pop.
  34. Aug 30, 2019
    Icónica. Me gustan todas excepto Swine. Venus merecía ser single oficial y tener video musical :(
  35. Aug 24, 2019
    the best album of her career and people don't understand art that's why it's got bad reviews but honestly you guys don't deserve lady gaga anyway
  36. Aug 11, 2019
    Simply incredible, this is the only adjective can be used to describe the work of Lady Gaga in any area in which she is working. Flawless!!
  37. Aug 8, 2019
    Gaga solidifies herself as a force to be reckoned with on Artpop. She is undeniably one of the biggest pop divas of the 21st century.
  38. Aug 6, 2019
    Álbum visionário que poucos entenderam o conceito. Gaga à frente de seu tempo.
  39. Jul 19, 2019
    Um grande esterco sonoro. Swine, Dope e Jewls N Drugs piores trabalhos já feitos por uma cantora pop. É até vergonhoso considerarem esses gritos aleatórios, a voz arranhada e instrumentais barulhentos músicas - tão mais para sons atormentadores. Me ajuda RedOne!
  40. Jul 19, 2019
    Such a underrated album that should of received multiple Grammys xxxxxxxxxxxx
  41. Jul 3, 2019
    A good album, but not a masterpiece as gaga's previous albums. It has an excellent sons like applause, Venus, like DWW. But this album doesn't feel like gaga, it takes a step backward with some much electronic..
  42. Jun 15, 2019
    The entire concept for this is so pretentious that it looks embarassing. The entire record looks like discarded tracks from her "The Fame+Monster" CD. I would add that it has even pretentiousness on the album cover. Why waste so much art to make delibaretely stupid material? It has a few good songs that lacks originality and creativity. Gaga, are you ok? I don't think gets worseThe entire concept for this is so pretentious that it looks embarassing. The entire record looks like discarded tracks from her "The Fame+Monster" CD. I would add that it has even pretentiousness on the album cover. Why waste so much art to make delibaretely stupid material? It has a few good songs that lacks originality and creativity. Gaga, are you ok? I don't think gets worse when you think that this is the same woman that made The Fame (2008) and Born This Way (2011) just two years ago. Expand
  43. Jun 13, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. completamente a frente de seu tempo, conceito inovador e original, existem faixas FORÇADAS e outras impecáveis, se ouvir o álbum com um fone bom e sem ninguém pra interromper é impossível não gostar Expand
  44. Jun 5, 2019
    ARTPOP é um dos melhores álbuns da Gaga, com ou sem o Do What U Want nas plataformas digitais e de streamings, conceito, arte, tracklist, tudo impecável.
  45. May 24, 2019
    DANCE, SEX, ART, POP. I love this álbum, he is misunderstood by the masses and is quite the front of his time.
  46. May 22, 2019
    Em meio a acertos e erros, ARTPOP é a obra mais excêntrica e audaciosa de Gaga.
  47. Nov 2, 2018
    Artpop is a very mixed bag, despite its excellent production with very talented producers like Zedd and Madeon the lyrics are simply bad. Very few songs on the album stand out and when they do it is thanks to their production. Favourites include Applause, Gypsy, Swine, Mary Jane Holland and Aura.
  48. Oct 29, 2018
    Very good album. More incredible songs than in any other Gaga album (Aura, Venus, DWUW, Gypsy, Applause...) but also more fillers than usual in any album of hers.
  49. Oct 5, 2018
    Even after 5 years this albums still feels fresh. Bad managment and bandwagon hate train made it seem like it's not good. Gaga could have done so much with this album. But I still love it.
  50. Oct 5, 2018
    This is the best pop album Lady Gaga has ever recorded so far. Venus is mystic pop song, lyrics and melody combine in a way you never heard of. Sexxx Dreams is clubby and dancing and Gypsy is one of the best baladas Gaga has ever released.
    This album is so original and I dont understand why most Gaga fans didnt like it when it was released.
  51. Sep 2, 2018
    Not her best body of work, but it does have a lot of incredibly good electropop tracks. The worst song is "Jewels n Drugs". What was she thinking making that???
  52. Aug 27, 2018
    para mim, o melhor album da gaga. cheio de referencias e músicas ótimas, sinto falta dessa era, e eh uma pena que o album tenha meio que "flopado", esse album merecia muito mais atenção!
  53. Aug 22, 2018
    After having rapidly established herself as the biggest pop artist in the world during "The Fame," "The Fame Monster," and "Born This Way" eras, Gaga's subsequent critical and public downfall was inevitable. Unfortunately, it occurred during the release of yet another fantastic pop album by Mother Monster. Admittedly, the album isn't as cohesive as it could be, and it arguably contains theAfter having rapidly established herself as the biggest pop artist in the world during "The Fame," "The Fame Monster," and "Born This Way" eras, Gaga's subsequent critical and public downfall was inevitable. Unfortunately, it occurred during the release of yet another fantastic pop album by Mother Monster. Admittedly, the album isn't as cohesive as it could be, and it arguably contains the single worst track she's ever recorded ("Jewels N' Drugs.") However, for its few missteps, ARTPOP overwhelmingly consists of experimental pop perfection in the form of "Venus," "G.U.Y.," "Sexxx Dreams," "Gypsy," and the #4 and #20 Billboard Hot 100 hits "Applause," and "Do What U Want," respectively. With the passage of time and Gaga's post-Superbowl comeback to the top, I firmly believe this severely underrated album will retroactively receive the "applause" it's due. Expand
  54. Aug 10, 2018
    Great album, if it weren't for late letter exchanges and the pressure to develop a concept that would give Lady Gaga an image of her oddities in 2010. A pity that her manager destroyed an album with the potential to be successful in 2013 It is not a 10, but it is not a 0.
  55. Jul 6, 2018
    For me, this album is the most vulnerable part of Gaga's Career, i really love this album ♥
  56. Jun 24, 2018
    This is VERY disappointing effort coming from the woman who did The Fame and conquered the pop world. It feels like she recorded it in a few minutes by asking kindergarten pupils writing the lyrics. No art at all.
  57. Apr 27, 2018
    "Risking" may be the second name of this album warrior. An absurdly different sound, that anyone who listen, strange. Something "strange" that is so original in Lady Gaga's courage to bring art and music to the heart.
  58. Apr 7, 2018
    album muy infravalorado por el publico, es muy bueno el album, de los mejores de Gaga
  59. Mar 10, 2018
    Artpop is probably the best album by Lady Gaga. A true exponent of electro pop that reflects in a very artistic way the Greek and Roman mythology with enjoyablely danceable sounds. Simply a masterpiece.
  60. Feb 3, 2018
    Everything on this album still bangs, but XTina & GaGa live on the XFactor jamming DWUW will always be far superior to anything R Kelly has ever done.
  61. Feb 2, 2018
    There's been so much hate thrown at this album just because it's experimental and very different to what Gaga usually does, but this is truly a masterpiece from "Aura" to "Applause". All the haters it had somehow made fun of its sales when artists like Miley Cyrus or Katy Perry had worse sales and lack of creativity and originality.
  62. Dec 24, 2017
    Probably her worst album, but still not bad. It's too noisy for me, but I like songs like Dope or Do What You Want.
  63. Dec 1, 2017
    It might not be an album you are expecting at the first listen, but if you get into it, you notice that it really is a great piece of work. It has metaphoric lyrics which are written in an interesting way and Gaga's amazing voice is very present and pointed out in all of the songs.
  64. Nov 17, 2017
    This record is amazing. I can't stand the mixed or negative reviews this album gets when compared to the artistical "crap" that was released by Katy Perry, Miley Cyrus or anybody else. The entire album is written, (co-)produced and "done" by the artist not by a dozen of different songwriters or producers per track.
  65. Nov 11, 2017
    Esse o "álbum do milênio? Decepcionante, um trabalho tão igual aos outros, acho melhor Gaga fazer um marketing melhor da próxima vez.Poucas músicas se salvam nesse álbum.
  66. Oct 23, 2017
    Un àlbum que té art, és fet pur artíticament, la producció electrónica és bona més les lletres i temes que descriu cada cançó i les fan originals, és acceptable.
  67. Sep 22, 2017
    este álbum es realmente arte no puedo creer que la gente fuera tan estúpida de no valorar esto que es tan bueno, espero que gaga vuelva hacer un álbum tan bueno como este
  68. Aug 15, 2017
    its my least favorite gaga's album, its kinda of mess, there are really great songs on it like "venus", "GUY", "dope" and "gypsy", but there are so many bad songs :/
  69. Jul 30, 2017
    ARTPOP is an electronic and electropop album, that made Gaga a better artist. For me the best songs of ARTPOP are Applause, Dope and Mary Jane Holland. But the album does not have a feeling of good quality and it seems that Gaga made it in a hurry. It is great that it has 15 songs, but I heard a lot of filler material
  70. Jun 24, 2017
    Honestly, this is one of the best album I've ever listened to. She's so creative when she mix art and pop together and I really love it. Keep on the great work Gaga.
  71. Jun 20, 2017
    Aura - 9
    Venus - 10
    G.U.Y. - 9
    Sexxx Dreams - 10
    Jewels N' Drugs - 6
    Manicure - 7
    Do What U Want - 8
    Artpop - 9
    Swine - 5
    Donatella - 7
    Fashion! - 7
    Mary Jane Holland - 6
    Dope - 8
    Gypsy - 7
    Applause - 9

    score: 7,8
  72. Jun 19, 2017
    ¿El álbum del milenio?
    ARTPOP no estuvo tan lejos de ser el álbum del milenio. Es uno de los mejores trabajos del artista y representa el nacimiento de un nuevo género de electronic/dance-pop. El concepto artístico detrás de disco es de los mejores del siglo 21, solo basta con enternder bien el mensaje que Gaga desea transmitir. ARTPOP es la ironía musical que disfraza de "arte" para
    ¿El álbum del milenio?
    ARTPOP no estuvo tan lejos de ser el álbum del milenio. Es uno de los mejores trabajos del artista y representa el nacimiento de un nuevo género de electronic/dance-pop. El concepto artístico detrás de disco es de los mejores del siglo 21, solo basta con enternder bien el mensaje que Gaga desea transmitir. ARTPOP es la ironía musical que disfraza de "arte" para bufarse de la música pop comercial y vacía. Lo mejor del álbum es la evolución musical que representa para Gaga.
  73. Jun 17, 2017
    A high quality, well produced electronic album that is definitely under rated. With the exceptions of Jewels N' Drugs and Dope, this album could be kept on repeat and still keep the interest of listeners.
  74. Jun 16, 2017
    ARTPOP, o que seria arte para Lady Gaga e onde podemos localizar pop em arte?
    Neste material, é indiscutível falarmos de "Regressão" por parte de Lady Gaga.
    Em trabalhos anteriores, (Born This Way) vemos a autenticidade de ser uma estrela pop sem pretensão de mostrar algo que todos já sabem, foi um trabalho ardu não é mesmo mesmo? Com ARTPOP, Gaga viu o declínio em suas mãos, podemos
    ARTPOP, o que seria arte para Lady Gaga e onde podemos localizar pop em arte?
    Neste material, é indiscutível falarmos de "Regressão" por parte de Lady Gaga.
    Em trabalhos anteriores, (Born This Way) vemos a autenticidade de ser uma estrela pop sem pretensão de mostrar algo que todos já sabem, foi um trabalho ardu não é mesmo mesmo? Com ARTPOP, Gaga viu o declínio em suas mãos, podemos dizer que neste trabalho Lady Gaga perdeu as mãos, a qualidade deste album foi desastrosa, boa só para seus alienados fãs, onde viram arte no suposto "Pop" de Lady Gaga. Lady Gaga é muito mais que ARTPOP, eu sei... Mas músicas e um álbum tão genérico a fazem regredir, ai é que entra a regressão dela como artista, O pop é localizável, mas a arte só está presente em seu encarte, não encontro arte em suas músicas eu realmente fiquei perdido quanto a isso. Nem a própria sabe distinguir isso quanto ao assunto. ARTPÓP tem faixas destaques como "Venus, MANiCURE e Marry Jane Holland" que sangram de tão pop e profundo que são. ARTPOP sem dúvidas é o pior trabalho de Lady Gaga até hoje.
  75. Jun 14, 2017
    This album is CRIMINALLY underrated. Loads of people always say that Born This Way was one of Gaga's best album, but it was awful. If anything, ARTPOP is her second best album (let's be honest, nothing will ever compare to The Fame Monster).
  76. Jun 14, 2017
    É um disco maravilhoso repleto de músicas boas, instrumentais bem trabalhadas, letras fortes e super produção. Eu super recomendo vocês a ouvirem o álbum.
  77. Jun 10, 2017
    Pra mim é um álbum extremamente forte em batidas, e eu sinceramente não gosto muito disso, então não foi muito do meu agrado. Porém esse conceito que a Gaga queria de "Art" e "pop" pra mim foi alcançado, no geral é um bom trabalho. Minha faixa favorita é Venus, e minha faixa que eu não gostei foi Swine.
  78. Jun 10, 2017
    Uma mistura de vocais poderosos com produções eletrônicas maravilhosa, mais uma vez Gaga mostra seu talento e criatividade. Uma pena que houve confusões de escolhas de singles e desentendimentos com a gravadora, embora não tenha interferido na qualidade do álbum acabou prejudicando seu desempenho comercial.
  79. Jun 10, 2017
    AMazing in my opinion the best album gaga has made so far catchy songs slow song I feel like there’s a song for any ocasión. Great job gaga great songs great collars I don’t thing there would be a song I would skip and some are heart touching and spitting for some.
  80. Jun 9, 2017
    I really enjoy this album, Gaga is art, she is the best pop artist in the world.......................................................................
  81. Jun 9, 2017
    No tengo nada bueno para decir, lo unico rescatable es MANiCURE
    Horrible, I just can't believe it that she called this **** as album of decade WTF?
  82. Jun 9, 2017
    Sorry guys, but this is not her worst album. But it had the WORST promotion ever. But the album is good. G.U.Y, Venus (omg, venus), Do What U Want, Gypsy, ARTPOP (the song). Listen this songs or Donatella while you're walking on the street and you'll feel like you're on a runway!
  83. Jun 8, 2017
    Melhores músicas ''ARTPOP'' ''Sexxx Dreams ''Gypsy'' ''G.U.Y. ''
  84. May 22, 2017
    One of the most misunderstood and underrated albums of the last ten years. ARTPOP might not be as polished as Lady Gaga's other works, but it is indeed true. It's a true representation of herself in that period. It has everything that takes to be a great album: strong lyrics, strong concept, great production, an amazing voice, variety but coherence, and above all courage to do somethingOne of the most misunderstood and underrated albums of the last ten years. ARTPOP might not be as polished as Lady Gaga's other works, but it is indeed true. It's a true representation of herself in that period. It has everything that takes to be a great album: strong lyrics, strong concept, great production, an amazing voice, variety but coherence, and above all courage to do something unconventional.
    It is such an amazing job.
  85. May 6, 2017
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. perfect
    Come to me, in all your glamour and cruelty
    Just do that thing that you do
    And I'll undress you
    Give it time, sometimes the simplest move is right
    The melody that you choose, can rescue you
  86. Apr 11, 2017
    Não esperava menos da RAINHA DO POP NÉ MORES. Crazy dance-syth album! so fun at parties. great lyrics, even better musicality. this album combined with her high energy stage shows result in one successful artist.
  87. Mar 26, 2017
    There's nothing good to be said about this album. It's so goddam awful I don't even have words to express.

    Lady Gaga isn't only overrated, but a crappy artist.
  88. Mar 4, 2017

    I can not get why people judged Gaga for this record. For me, It's fresh and unique. Not Gaga's best but not Gaga's worst. Still mad this record got snubbed at the Grammys.

    MY TOP 5

    1. AURA
    3. ARTPOP
    4. FASHION
  89. Feb 28, 2017
    This album is her worst one in my opinion. It's not as good as Born This Way or The Fame/Fame Monster. Only songs that I liked were Applause and maybe Venus.
  90. Feb 24, 2017
    It is unusual album. I love it. It is an art. It is unusual album. I love it. It is an art. It is unusual album. I love it. It is an art. It is unusual album. I love it. It is an art.
  91. Feb 13, 2017
    Amo esse album, Sou KatyCat mas o album é maravilhoso, um dos melhores da carreira dela, Venus, G.U.Y, Fashion pra mim sao as melhores, adoro o album muito bom mesmo
  92. Jan 4, 2017
    The most favorite era of Gaga. The most "Fresh and juicy" era. Tracks are filled with stories and confessions itself Gaga. the most significant songs: Do What U Want , Sexxx Dreams , Venus 'n' Applause
  93. Jan 1, 2017
    A mix about some good electronic/dance songs like Do what u want, MANiCURE,ARTPOP, a beautiful ballads like Dope and Gypsy with songs absolutelly bad like Donatella or swine. I like ARTPOP, but is'nt the big thing
  94. Dec 21, 2016
    No es el mejor álbum de Gaga pero es muy diferente a "The Fame" y "Born This Way" y explotó distintos sonidos que hicieron de este disco algo fresco, bailable y divertido.
  95. Dec 10, 2016
    OK, so 'Jewels and Drugs' is terrible, let's get that out the way. Some other tracks are little on the weak side too, but overall, this is one of the years (if not decades) most underrated albums. It's an brilliant pop record. It fit into her discography perfectly. It has the fun elements present on the 'The Fame', it has the darkness of 'The Fame Monster' and it has the theatrics of 'BornOK, so 'Jewels and Drugs' is terrible, let's get that out the way. Some other tracks are little on the weak side too, but overall, this is one of the years (if not decades) most underrated albums. It's an brilliant pop record. It fit into her discography perfectly. It has the fun elements present on the 'The Fame', it has the darkness of 'The Fame Monster' and it has the theatrics of 'Born This Way'. From start to finish, it may not flow as well as the others, but there's very little here to dislike. Expand
  96. Nov 21, 2016
    Lady Gaga's ARTPOP is a huge, somehow ambitious project. The production work here is quite colorful, expanding and explosive - which, for the most part can't be said about Gaga's performances. Yes, there is quite a satisfying amount of well-composed pop songs here that could easily stuck with the listener, hadn't there been so many mixed feelings rolling around. It is her most explosive,Lady Gaga's ARTPOP is a huge, somehow ambitious project. The production work here is quite colorful, expanding and explosive - which, for the most part can't be said about Gaga's performances. Yes, there is quite a satisfying amount of well-composed pop songs here that could easily stuck with the listener, hadn't there been so many mixed feelings rolling around. It is her most explosive, well produced and strange release yet, but also her messiest, most tiresome album as well. As great as some of the deeper cuts may be, it is the first half of the tracklisting that contains the most cohesive moments, and in the long run, the whole experience steadily becomes more and more compromised by the hyper colorful instrumentals and huge beats (never mind the horrible lyrics). Had it used some trimming in the seemingly endless tracklisting, ARTPOP could be a very successful pop record, both comercially and... yes, artistically as well. Expand
  97. Nov 8, 2016
    1 – “Aura” 4/5
    2 – “Venus” 4/5
    3 – “G.U.Y.” 4/5 4 – “Sexxx Dreams” 3/5 5 – “Jewels N’ Drugs” (feat. T.I., Too $hort, and Twista) 2/5 6 – “MANiCURE” 3/5 7 – “Do What U Want” (feat. R. Kelly) 4/5 8 – “ARTPOP” 5/5 9 – “Swine” 4/5 10 – “Donatella” 3/5 11 – “Fashion!” 4/5 12 – “Mary Jane Holland” 4/5 13 – “Dope” 2/5 14 – “Gypsy” 4/5 15 – “Applause“ 5/5
    1 – “Aura” 4/5
    2 – “Venus” 4/5
    3 – “G.U.Y.” 4/5
    4 – “Sexxx Dreams” 3/5
    5 – “Jewels N’ Drugs” (feat. T.I., Too $hort, and Twista) 2/5
    6 – “MANiCURE” 3/5
    7 – “Do What U Want” (feat. R. Kelly) 4/5
    8 – “ARTPOP” 5/5
    9 – “Swine” 4/5
    10 – “Donatella” 3/5
    11 – “Fashion!” 4/5
    12 – “Mary Jane Holland” 4/5
    13 – “Dope” 2/5
    14 – “Gypsy” 4/5
    15 – “Applause“ 5/5
  98. Nov 4, 2016
    ARTPOP one of my favorite albums. I listen to it every day, day, dancing at the concert at Aura, G.U.Y., Sexxx Dreams, Applause, a fan of him.
    I would not say that all the songs perfect, but all the songs I love.
    During the song I would put eight points plus one point from a fan!
  99. Oct 29, 2016
    This album is wonderful. I'm really fond of it. Gaga is very beautiful in this era. To my mind, ARTPOP is underestimate very very much. Gaga is so amazing. She is pretty talanted.
  100. Oct 27, 2016
    As usual with Lady Gaga, I wasn't entirely sure what to expect for her new album. I knew it was going to be based on rave culture, art, and fashion but wasn't sure about the whole sound she would surprise us with this time. I was pleasantly surprised and amused at the playful lyrics and rhythms, especially with Venus as well as G.U.Y. I love how the album reeks of strong independence, sex,As usual with Lady Gaga, I wasn't entirely sure what to expect for her new album. I knew it was going to be based on rave culture, art, and fashion but wasn't sure about the whole sound she would surprise us with this time. I was pleasantly surprised and amused at the playful lyrics and rhythms, especially with Venus as well as G.U.Y. I love how the album reeks of strong independence, sex, with a bit of shallowness, and vulnerability. Then again, Gaga always tends to show these emotions in her music. Expand

Generally favorable reviews - based on 30 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 9 out of 30
  2. Negative: 0 out of 30
  1. Q Magazine
    Jan 7, 2014
    The melodies here are fine, they do a job, but nothing backs up Gag's Warholian rhetoric or scales the barmy heights of Bad Romance. [Jan 2014, p.116]
  2. 60
    While it’s stronger than the messy ‘Born This Way’, Artpop feels little more culture-quaking than a good collection of fun, silly, well-crafted pop songs.
  3. Nov 22, 2013
    This is two albums in a row now that were basically a bit boring, and she needs to sort it out soonish please.