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Generally favorable reviews- based on 3397 Ratings

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  1. Sep 4, 2014
    very poor album she tried to create something for the charts with the wrong formula, she looks desperate to stay in the game and she is clearly falling
  2. Nov 1, 2014
    Wow this is so bad :( she comes off so fake and contrived went to see her show and was besided the heavy autoune set worst part about the show was most the songs were from this with only a hit or 2
  3. Jan 26, 2015
    2 good songs and that is it. terrible work considering that we know that she is potential. Her fans have hyped up this album just to be a major let down by the so called "Queen"
  4. Mar 23, 2015
    Further proof that her first album was a fluke. Embarassing, weak, boring, there's little to recommend. Even her tiny fanbase is getting sick of her. Nothing to see here, she's over.
  5. Nov 19, 2013
    This album is very boring and lacks substance to its songs. Only two songs on it are worth listening to, and the rest are just random words put together in a common, cliched pop beat.
  6. Dec 3, 2013
    I couldn't listen to ARTPOP more than twice. It's not enjoyable, it feels like she put together all the sounds she could find and she got a weird, all-over-the-place album with songs that have her yelling awfully
  7. Mar 25, 2014
    lady gaga is an inspiration when it comes to when your feeling down or when you want to be successful or been bullied and you need help . Lady gaga's artpop is the best album is 100 % worth listening to .
    grade for lady gaga's artpop A+
    grade for lady gaga A+
  8. Jun 13, 2014
    this album is GARBAGE, and there is nothing artistic about it AT ALL. Poor Gaga wanted to regain public interest but sadly she flopped hard, and it' good to see everyone else succeeding while this pretentious try hard Madonna wannabe fades into oblivion.
  9. Jan 23, 2015
    Pior álbum da carreira, merece ser esquecido. Flopado em todos os sentidos, singles, vendagens e etc. Esperava mais de Lady Gaga, na verdade nem espero mais, já sei que caiu no abismo sem volta.
  10. Dec 3, 2013
    So many songs and nothing said, no messages has been passed to who's listening... Lady Gaga is so full of pride but she doesn't have humility and we can see it on ARTPOP... What a delusion
  11. Nov 30, 2013
    One word: mess. It's nice that she is lightening up her subject matter a little bit, but it's at the point where I feel less intelligent after listening (Fashion! and Donatella). There are other songs which try too hard to mean things (Venus and Artpop). It isn't cohesive and it's just embarrassing not to mention I just have no preference for very little of the songs. Disappointed.
  12. Dec 3, 2013
    That sucks! OMG, how can anyone hear it? Never buy artpop, you will regret it! A copy of other mixed albums for other singers. Extremely loud and annoying.
  13. Dec 3, 2013
    ARTPOP brings in the boring again for Lady Gaga. While tracks like GUY and Gypsy are stand outs, the rest of the album just lulls a girl to sleep...bring back 'The Fame', Gaga!
  14. Aug 26, 2016
    Umm, I don't know exactly how to explain how atrocious obnoxious and hideous this album is. The worst album I have ever listened to. Terrified seeing the downgrade from masterpieces like The Fame Monster and Born This Way to Artpop. Lady Gaga really disappointed me.
  15. Feb 28, 2017
    This album is her worst one in my opinion. It's not as good as Born This Way or The Fame/Fame Monster. Only songs that I liked were Applause and maybe Venus.
  16. Nov 17, 2013
    Desperately trying to prove she's "art" and "pop" Gaga ends up failing on both accounts. The album is certainly bold and expressive, but completely one-note; Gaga used up all the tricks she knew. Pretentiously trying to make herself an "artist", she heavily borrows schemes and motifs from every true artist she can possibly borrow from only to look like a artsy mash-up project, rather thanDesperately trying to prove she's "art" and "pop" Gaga ends up failing on both accounts. The album is certainly bold and expressive, but completely one-note; Gaga used up all the tricks she knew. Pretentiously trying to make herself an "artist", she heavily borrows schemes and motifs from every true artist she can possibly borrow from only to look like a artsy mash-up project, rather than producing something innovative and original. In the end, she's a decoy without much doubt a great singer, but one unable to bring anything new to the table. Ridiculously poor on lyrical side as well, Gaga seems to have lost the touch; recycling old ideas is hardly inspiring for absolutely anyone who is at least somewhat aware of the art world... That being said, I'm positive ARTPOP will be a bestseller Gaga has the most devoted fans out there, willing to jump through fire for her. And maybe that's the best description of the music industry today: if you have the fans to buy your records, then who cares if the record is good? Expand
  17. Nov 30, 2013
    So disappointed. Applause sort of unnerved me about the album and my expectations were on par with how Applause was. Do What U Want is really the only song I can listen to, rest is garbage.
  18. Jul 19, 2019
    Um grande esterco sonoro. Swine, Dope e Jewls N Drugs piores trabalhos já feitos por uma cantora pop. É até vergonhoso considerarem esses gritos aleatórios, a voz arranhada e instrumentais barulhentos músicas - tão mais para sons atormentadores. Me ajuda RedOne!
  19. Mar 22, 2020
    Worst album of 2013, pretencious unlistenable crap, a total mess, the begining of her end, overrated by her cacafans, flop deserved
  20. Nov 26, 2013
    The album really doesn't go anywhere. Gaga used to bring the goods to the table but now she seems to have left them somewhere else. Choosing the better song off the album would be sex dreams.
  21. Dec 2, 2013
    Odiei esse álbum, o pior da Lady Gaga!!! kkkkk, brincadeira, só não gostei!!! Na minha opinião as melhores são ArtPop, Applause, Do What U Want e Dope!!
  22. Dec 3, 2013
    lower than expected, sickening beats, lyrics without feeling some written by more than 5 people, Lady Gaga did not ascend to the expected level artpop only declined and showed that it is not so important to pop music.
  23. Dec 3, 2013
    This is not art and is not pop.
    Simply the worst album of her career. The songs seem leftover The Fame Monster and Born This Way.
    Definitely not a good album. Might work for the dance floor but it is not pleasant to hear.
  24. Dec 3, 2013
    The album is entirely boring. There is a vague proposal to introduce a concept, something that remains vacant until the last sound. Lady gaga has been better and seems to be falling into oblivion, no longer knows innovate and its image is saturated.
  25. Dec 3, 2013
    Not big ideal! Sorry, buttttttt is true! Not big ideal! Sorry, buttttttt is true! Not big ideal! Sorry, buttttttt is true! v Not big ideal! Sorry, buttttttt is Not big ideal! Sorry, buttttttt is true! Not big ideal! Sorry, buttttttt is true!
  26. Dec 9, 2013
    gaga made her worst album EVER. this thing sucks, i mean, the big quantity of eletro pop songs are sooo boring, the only ballad of this album (dope) is terrible. this is not art, it's just pop and poor pop hahaha the only good musics are 'aura' 'do what u want' and 'gypsy'. i hate it
  27. Dec 11, 2013
    Did it add something new to pop music?
    I don't think so ,some of the albums songs are creative but some of them sink under the the good ones
    I really like the production of the albums
    And I don't think that pop added something to art or art added something to pop
  28. Dec 12, 2013
    It's sad that she seemed to not try very hard on this album. The 2 stars are for the tracks Venus and GUY. Even though Born This Way got mixed reviews, I gave it a try and found several strong songs on the album. This album seems like she is trying to string together ideas that never seem to come together. Style over substance seems to plague the album and just created a big letdownIt's sad that she seemed to not try very hard on this album. The 2 stars are for the tracks Venus and GUY. Even though Born This Way got mixed reviews, I gave it a try and found several strong songs on the album. This album seems like she is trying to string together ideas that never seem to come together. Style over substance seems to plague the album and just created a big letdown for me. I hope she can pull herself together and get past her bizarre media spectacle and start writing good music songs again. Expand
  29. Dec 13, 2013
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Me espantou um cd tão fraco vindo da Gaga, Um álbum intitulado Artpop poderia soar melhor, mas só consigo ouvir como um grande amontoado de informações resultando em uma poluição sonora, sendo salvo apenas pelos vocais em meio instrumentais bagunçados Expand
  30. Apr 12, 2014
    ARTPOP is a good album, but it trips a little bit as you listen throughout the album, and it is awkward.

    Some songs like "Jewels n Drugs" and "Fashion" do not belong in the album and feel like placeholder songs. Here's a song by song review: Aura - 9 - A strong opening to the album; the production is fantastic in this song, despite the lyrics not making that much sense. Venus - 7 -
    ARTPOP is a good album, but it trips a little bit as you listen throughout the album, and it is awkward.

    Some songs like "Jewels n Drugs" and "Fashion" do not belong in the album and feel like placeholder songs. Here's a song by song review:
    Aura - 9 - A strong opening to the album; the production is fantastic in this song, despite the lyrics not making that much sense.

    Venus - 7 - If Venus wasn't produced by Lady Gaga, I would give this song a lower score. But due to her getting hands on and making a 'not bad' beat, I have to give her credibility. Overall, this song feels like it belongs in the 90's or 80's.

    G.U.Y - 6 - The beat feels generic in some parts of the song and the lyrics aren't her best, but it is a song you can dance to.

    Sexxx Dreams - 8 - This is Lady Gaga's worst album, lyrically, but the production is better than her last albums. The song is also not your regular generic pop song and brings in a great 80's vibe.

    Jewels n Drugs - 3 - Skip this song. It sounds exactly like the other so called 'rap' songs and the artists featured on it do very little effort to save this song.

    MANiCURE - 8 - After JND, this song is refreshing and while not the best song lyrically, it is a great song to dance to,

    Do What U Want - 9 -While also not that good lyrically, it (sort of) conveys a good message and the beat is great. Different from your usual pop song.

    ARTPOP - 9.5 - One of the best songs on the album. This song sounds like something from The Fame era and upgraded a bit with one of ARTPOP's selection of beats. The lyrics also have some meaning, as she tries to explain what ARTPOP means.

    Swine - 8 - Taking a drift to the more EDM side of this album, this song really goes in. With a great beat, but some not so meaningful lyrics, this song is nice and is different from any song so far.

    Donatella - 6 - This song sounds like a more dumbed down version of Swine. I do have to give her some credit for taking a risk and making a song about fashion and designers, which isn't everyone's cup of tea.

    Fashion - 4 - While Donatella had great beats and production, this song takes a BIG step back and feels like a generic pop song, just with some odd lyrics. I do not know why she hired David Guetta and Will.I.Am to help make this song, as she was fine with her other producers, (Zedd, herself, etc.).

    Mary Jane Holland - 9.5 - The last noteworthy EDM song on ARTPOP, it makes a great finish, before heading to the slower songs. This song sounds awesome and the lyrics are not bad at all. It is way different than any song that Gaga has done so far (besides Bloody Mary).

    Dope - 7 - This song does deserve some credit for trying to switch genres very quickly, but it does not execute it well. This ballad also has some okay lyrics.

    Gypsy - 8 - This song sounds like another ballad at first, but then switches to Dance. This sudden change is the best part about this song, and it is executed very well.

    Applause - 5 - While I was expecting a great song to finish this album, I was instead greeted by a generic pop song that you would hear on the radio. The lyrics are nice though and it feels like an okay ending song,

    ARTPOP is good depending on which genres you like. If you like EDM/Dance, this album will be great to you. If you're looking for ballads, ARTPOP is probably not your cup of tea. Overall, this is an good album, but disappointing. Hopefully, Volume 2 will be executed better.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 30 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 9 out of 30
  2. Negative: 0 out of 30
  1. Q Magazine
    Jan 7, 2014
    The melodies here are fine, they do a job, but nothing backs up Gag's Warholian rhetoric or scales the barmy heights of Bad Romance. [Jan 2014, p.116]
  2. 60
    While it’s stronger than the messy ‘Born This Way’, Artpop feels little more culture-quaking than a good collection of fun, silly, well-crafted pop songs.
  3. Nov 22, 2013
    This is two albums in a row now that were basically a bit boring, and she needs to sort it out soonish please.