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Universal acclaim- based on 511 Ratings

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  1. Negative: 19 out of 511

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  1. MiguelL
    Sep 6, 2006
    Who can sound like Prince, Queen, Bowie, System of a Down, Radiohead, without loosing identity? ... MUSE
  2. HansG
    Sep 5, 2006
    Muse gets better with every album.Best album of 2006!
  3. HjyytzS
    Aug 31, 2006
    The BEST Muse album!!
  4. Babbleflaff
    Aug 31, 2006
    Love the Album. One question annoys me though. Why the hell do they always get compared to Radiohead :| It's just annoying now.
  5. rottencabbage
    Aug 31, 2006
    Utter rubbish, like the rest of their catalogue. It's bombastic, pretentious, and completely uninspired (never mind Matthew Bellamy being amongst the nation's most asinine lyricists, with drivel vomiting forth from his Thom Yorke/Jeff Buckley-wannabe maw). Wait, that's how every Muse album sounds, isn't it?
  6. Amelia
    Aug 31, 2006
    oh my god... brilliant - it hasn't left my cd player yet
  7. fraserj
    Aug 28, 2006
    sheer brilliance -> queen have just been out-queened
  8. Emily
    Aug 28, 2006
    Definitely their best album; however it wasn't love at first sight ;) map of problematique's probably the best song i've heard in a long, long time-love the samples used in it.
  9. kylef
    Aug 28, 2006
    this is muse best album yet i cant wait to c them in concert
  10. alanusmeritocracy
    Aug 26, 2006
    a brilliant exciting album, best this year, cant wait to see this band and hear these tracks live.
  11. EarlyStorm
    Aug 25, 2006
    This band is exciting - this Cd is exciting. I love it!
  12. MadelineH
    Aug 21, 2006
  13. JuliaA
    Aug 20, 2006
    this is a great album among the releases of so called modern vintage and those post-thingy.many bands could make great rock-craft,but not many of them able to deliver it in eerie yet beautiful way without being cheesy.the lads surely knew how to make themselves stand out at the map of musical for those critiques who said it's crappy,I think they should spin the CD at least this is a great album among the releases of so called modern vintage and those post-thingy.many bands could make great rock-craft,but not many of them able to deliver it in eerie yet beautiful way without being cheesy.the lads surely knew how to make themselves stand out at the map of musical for those critiques who said it's crappy,I think they should spin the CD at least three more times to get the essence. Expand
  14. DWit
    Aug 20, 2006
    I love Absolution and Origin Of Symmetry but this album has crossed the line of grandiose and become lame. I still believe this is better than Showbiz but Muse can do better. I love the emotion that they evoke, even though it has become lame. That being said, this album isnt horrible and I still love Muse.
  15. DavidS
    Aug 17, 2006
    I've never been a fan of Muse. I've always considered them a Radiohead ripoff. My girlfriend pleaded with me to take a listen to this cd, and wow! It's nothing like their previous efforts. It oozes originality and creativity! Every song is gorgeous, layered and full of hooks. I guess I'll be eating crow for a while. I can't wait to catch them live at V Festival! I've never been a fan of Muse. I've always considered them a Radiohead ripoff. My girlfriend pleaded with me to take a listen to this cd, and wow! It's nothing like their previous efforts. It oozes originality and creativity! Every song is gorgeous, layered and full of hooks. I guess I'll be eating crow for a while. I can't wait to catch them live at V Festival! Muse, you've converted me! Expand
  16. MichaelC
    Aug 16, 2006
    Best album of the year. Muse's musical sophistication is unparallelled. Knights of Cydonia is the most creative rock song of the past few years, and Assassin, Exo-Politics, Take A Bow, Starlight, and City of Delusion are all better, harder-hitting rock songs than anyone else is capable of producing. Phenomenonal musical and lyrical artistry that absolutely cannot be matched by any Best album of the year. Muse's musical sophistication is unparallelled. Knights of Cydonia is the most creative rock song of the past few years, and Assassin, Exo-Politics, Take A Bow, Starlight, and City of Delusion are all better, harder-hitting rock songs than anyone else is capable of producing. Phenomenonal musical and lyrical artistry that absolutely cannot be matched by any band outside of possibly Radiohead at their very,very best. Expand
  17. ConsequencesForVillainy
    Aug 16, 2006
    Imagine if the disappointed soul of OK Computer were able to gain access to a spaceship and, eventually, become disillusioned with this new frontier. Black Holes and Revelations is a swirling mass of concentrated arena tek-rock, mostly on point and embracing harmonies that have been popularized by bands like Queen. This is an album that starts off blistering (I would choose "Take A Bow" Imagine if the disappointed soul of OK Computer were able to gain access to a spaceship and, eventually, become disillusioned with this new frontier. Black Holes and Revelations is a swirling mass of concentrated arena tek-rock, mostly on point and embracing harmonies that have been popularized by bands like Queen. This is an album that starts off blistering (I would choose "Take A Bow" over TV on the Radio's " Wolf Like Me" for opening track of the year) segues into "Starlight" (ethereal, very Martin Gore/Alan Wilder Stuff), and explodes with "Supermassive Black Hole". The wildly corny "Knights of Cydonia" intro mars what prove to be Muse's best harmonies yet. Three or four outstanding tracks for those who like the genre - the rest are the usual filler you find on concept albums. Expand
  18. MattW
    Aug 10, 2006
    Musically, Wow! Its just the best band in the world. Its not quite Origin, but itwould be unfair to expect it to be. 1 criticism, no Hysteria or Stockholm Syndrome equivalent apart from Assassin, which still isnt that similar. So what though eh!
  19. loki
    Aug 1, 2006
    Not a bad album, but definately not their best. Self indulgent, but thats what we love about muse. Still a great album with one of the best endings (last 3 songs) in recent time.
  20. TomM
    Jul 31, 2006
    I was a little disappointed on the first listen, partly because the harmonics etc didn't seem as clever as previous albums (some of the melodies were slightly predictable). But it steadily grew on me to an addiction stretching to switching it onto 'repeat', and listening to the different components proved me wrong and made it apparent how much talent Muse have
  21. ElvenL
    Jul 31, 2006
    The Best Muse Album. In My Fave 5 Albums List
  22. LukasP
    Jul 31, 2006
    Album of the year!!!!!!!! I love them:-)
  23. lukyh
    Jul 31, 2006
    This should be the album of the year!!! provided that U do not take it too seriously. Thank God thay have changed their direction a bit...
  24. Timothj
    Jul 29, 2006
    As a massive longtime muse fan im am a little dissapointed with this release. Its not that this album is so dramatically different to others that bothers me. Its that muse seem to have let the production of many of the tracks get in the way of writing amazing songs. The first four tracks are brilliant, but until knights of cydonia begins to play, i get annoyedand bored. Despite what some As a massive longtime muse fan im am a little dissapointed with this release. Its not that this album is so dramatically different to others that bothers me. Its that muse seem to have let the production of many of the tracks get in the way of writing amazing songs. The first four tracks are brilliant, but until knights of cydonia begins to play, i get annoyedand bored. Despite what some idiots say about muse being radiohead imitators, most would agree they are a very original band. Absolution sounds like nothing i'd ever heard before (and by the way i own EVERYTHING radiohead have released) however in 'black holes' many songs sound like muse playing other bands songs. netherless, my faith is not lost as this album will provide people much enjoyment to most muse fans and attract new fans with new sounds. Expand
  25. CrownL
    Jul 29, 2006
    Though it has a slightly more commercial feel to it then any of their previous work, it is still a masterpiece. I don't want to say if it's their best album to date, as i think their last three albums are all masterpieces in their own way, but this is certainly a great album. One of the things that really sets it apart is it's incredible variety. It has funky dance tunes Though it has a slightly more commercial feel to it then any of their previous work, it is still a masterpiece. I don't want to say if it's their best album to date, as i think their last three albums are all masterpieces in their own way, but this is certainly a great album. One of the things that really sets it apart is it's incredible variety. It has funky dance tunes (Supermassive Black Hole), Soft Ballads (A Soldiers Poem, Hoodoo), And epic anthems (Invinceble, City Of Delusion and of course Knights Of Cydonia). Overall it is a fantastic achievement that not only broadens Muse apeal, but also takes their music to another level. Expand
  26. PitchforkaretheworstsiteontheentireWeb
    Jul 27, 2006
    And what music has Pitchfork's critic produced lately that we can have a snide little listen to then? Really, Pitchfork reviewers, if you can't even acknowledge that this album is bursting with different styles and ideas, you're stone deaf. The sign of a worthless critic (oxymoron, I know) is one who's willing to destructively criticise without anything to back up And what music has Pitchfork's critic produced lately that we can have a snide little listen to then? Really, Pitchfork reviewers, if you can't even acknowledge that this album is bursting with different styles and ideas, you're stone deaf. The sign of a worthless critic (oxymoron, I know) is one who's willing to destructively criticise without anything to back up their opinions other than "because I don't like it". Expand
  27. S.S.M
    Jul 26, 2006
    In a playlist divoted tpo pussy week poprock or retro rock without fututre to play in its grand to see mure carve it up again. The want to glam it up, it could be worse, the is still another stella Muse effort IMO.
  28. R
    Jul 23, 2006
    Thanks to this album and people reviewing it, I've added 'grandiose' to my vocabulary. I'll have a look at now.
  29. markc
    Jul 23, 2006
    surely one of the best british rock albums ever
  30. LuisC
    Jul 23, 2006
    album of the year. prog, eclectic, powerfull, perfect!!!!!!!

Generally favorable reviews - based on 32 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 22 out of 32
  2. Negative: 1 out of 32
  1. Entertaining and rabble-rousing, daft and deadly serious, it's a fantastic record, with almost limitless appeal.
  2. Under The Radar
    Black Holes and Revelations isn’t a perfect record but it’s a worthy addition to an already stellar catalog. [#14]
  3. It shouldn't work, but Bellamy's mania is so convincingly realised that even the most avowed Muse refusenik may have to finally concede defeat.