
Universal acclaim - based on 28 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 24 out of 28
  2. Negative: 0 out of 28
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  1. Burst Apart retains all the band's compositional prowess and aural splendor, but it's also a record we can truly celebrate.
  2. May 16, 2011
    Hospice may have been organic and fragile, but Burst Apart is sleek and self-assured, and the new image suits Silberman and the Antlers well.
  3. Sep 13, 2011
    In short, Burst Apart, as truly beautiful as its compositions are, is haunted by Hospice.
  4. Jun 7, 2011
    A collection of mesmeric, epic stillness.
  5. May 9, 2011
    Burst Apart is full of wonderful little surprises like this, that add up to two big ones: that The Antlers didn't try to follow up Hospice by repeating themselves, and nevertheless, that they have delivered a more than worthy successor.
  6. May 6, 2011
    Burst Apart is smart and calculated without feeling as though you're being duped by artificial feelings.
  7. Jul 5, 2011
    Burst Apart, while far from perfect, is sort of a special album.
  8. 100
    It's best to purely take in the dissimilarity of this exceptional new album in contrast to Hospice--it's downright astonishing on its very own.
  9. Jun 7, 2011
    Burst Apart deserves all the plaudits that can be thrown at it; albums are rarely as unashamedly, gut-wrenchingly, genuinely emotional as this.
  10. Jun 6, 2011
    The Antlers maintain the poignancy that becomes them and the result is an album bursting with richness.
  11. Jun 14, 2011
    As an exercise in maintaining artistic form, it's an indisputable success.
  12. 70
    A record that's every bit the sonic departure it had to be, it nevertheless recalls its forebear's themes, seeing matters of the heart from a more reflective stance.
  13. May 9, 2011
    As it stands Burst Apart is a record of big songs from a band that's good at generating big songs, and we should be relieved that The Antlers can be impressive without an overarching concept behind them.
  14. May 12, 2011
    The Antlers won't hold your hand through Burst Apart, which will inevitably make it more of a grower, but stick around -- it's all the more affecting for how it allows you to pick your own stumbling, lonely path.
  15. May 12, 2011
    Burst Apart is clearly the work of the same songwriter, but it never sounds like a mere retread. The Antlers' belief in this material comes through loud and clear, and it will likely resonate with a new multitude of fans, as well.
  16. May 10, 2011
    Thanks to his varied songwriting, there's nary a weak link in Burst Apart. It might not benefit from the easy hooks of a concept album, but if you stick around till the end, it is every bit as rewarding as Hospice.
  17. Q Magazine
    Jun 7, 2011
    The Brooklyn trio rein in the misery. [July 2011, p. 106]
  18. May 20, 2011
    As it turns out, Burst Apart finds the Antlers undergoing the best kind of reinvention, one in which a willingness to seek out newer sonic frontiers helps the band access a more nuanced emotional palette.
  19. May 9, 2011
    It's an album you appreciate not because you have to, but because you want to.
  20. May 10, 2011
    It isn't as conceptual as its predecessor, but Burst Apart is just as much of an event, one that comes with some cautious optimism in the end.
  21. May 26, 2011
    For the follow-up, however, the band have expanded their sound, swaddling typically despondent lyrics in gorgeous electronic textures (Rolled Together, Tiptoe) and Portisheadesque beats, as on the glistening Parenthesis.
  22. 80
    The Antlers magnify private sorrows to overwhelming scale, creating grand anthems and then smearing them with noise.
  23. May 13, 2011
    At its best, Burst Apart is a delicate, varied work that hints that we've only begun to see what this group is capable of.
  24. May 12, 2011
    In fact, this is what makes Burst Apart so unnerving (which is one of the music's chief pleasures).
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 73 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 71 out of 73
  2. Negative: 1 out of 73
  1. May 14, 2011
    There is only one reason why I registered at Metacritic - to rate this very album. I have been browsing Metacritic for about four years now,There is only one reason why I registered at Metacritic - to rate this very album. I have been browsing Metacritic for about four years now, and never have I had the urge to write a review more than for this album. It is simply stunning. There is another dramatic storyline, but while I rate this a ten, it is not quite as good as their first, but definitely my album of 2011. Full Review »
  2. May 21, 2011
    Once you hear the debut album you know this band is going places, It was only a matter of time until they're about to reach their pick, orOnce you hear the debut album you know this band is going places, It was only a matter of time until they're about to reach their pick, or perhaps one of them. This dream-pop/rock band knows just how to keep you craving for more, if it's album-wize or song-wize. I don't think I've found one average track to diss, only if you like this genre. This album is a must have for a morning commute and deep thought divers. Full Review »
  3. May 13, 2011
    Not as good as their early stuff and potential but I'll take it. I think the danger now might be if they became one of those technicallyNot as good as their early stuff and potential but I'll take it. I think the danger now might be if they became one of those technically proficient bands that forget the heart and soul or the organic elements. Let's hope not. Full Review »