• Record Label: Sony
  • Release Date: May 31, 2005
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 346 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 48 out of 346

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  1. RaulR
    Jun 4, 2005
    It's definitely not Morning Glory, it's a blind alley that can't even balance on the "Shoulders of Giants"
  2. PaulP
    Jun 1, 2005
    Very average
  3. NoahE
    Jun 2, 2005
    A lot has changed in the world since Oasis won over hearts internationally with "(What's The Story) Morning Glory". They were clearly in their prime then, but saw as their dominance proved all too stoppable and watched their steady decline from "Standing On The Shoulder of Giants" and beyond. It sounded as though Oasis, well, were beginning to plagiarize themselves and became A lot has changed in the world since Oasis won over hearts internationally with "(What's The Story) Morning Glory". They were clearly in their prime then, but saw as their dominance proved all too stoppable and watched their steady decline from "Standing On The Shoulder of Giants" and beyond. It sounded as though Oasis, well, were beginning to plagiarize themselves and became increasingly conventional to their approach. Now, it can be very easy to be apologetic to them and really forgive them after the mediocre efforts of "Heathen Chemistry" and such, but they still seem to be trapped in the woods. "Lyla" is a rather weak lead single that doesn't really make justice of some of the album's three strong numbers: "Guess God Thinks I'm Abel", "The Meaning of Soul" and "Part of the Queue", which, unfortunately, are all sized up together in the middle of the record. But other numbers like "Love Like A Bomb", "The Importance Of Being Idle", "Keep The Dream Alive" and the closing track "Let There Be love" come off as rather unconvincing and fail to both incite or mold the psychedelic spirt of the band. Oasis has every right not to believe the truth, but the truth is, they still are having a bit of difficulty locating where their whim de-railed along the way. Expand
  4. ShamaarA.
    Jun 1, 2005
    Listenable tracks are scarce on this album. Songs like "Mucky Fingers" or "Meaning of soul" are a joke. They should've split at least 5 years ago...
  5. heih
    Jun 1, 2005
    this sucks big time
  6. rotes
    Jun 19, 2005
    I really don't understand the good reviews this record gets. It's just plain boring. It's got no drive, no hooks, not one interesting moment. I'm deeply dissapointed.
  7. DrederickT
    Jun 2, 2005
    This is a disappointing return. I was truly psyched that they would think and dream big as they did with "Morning Glory" and "Be Here Now" after their international decline. But they still sound like they're trapped in this formulaic rut. Has Noel Gallagher lost his poetic sense of wonder?
  8. NeilG
    Jun 2, 2005
    The best song on here is "Lyla" and that's tuneless drivel. What's no surprise is that morons the world over still believe the hype !
  9. carlosg
    Jun 30, 2005
    I was about the biggest oasis fan in the world, always the first in line for the San Francisco/Oakland shows. I also have the distinction of being the first fan to hear the song "Be Here Now" (sneaked into the oakland coliseum 6 hours before they opened the doors) saw oasis do their soundcheck before U2. But lets face it, oasis are getting more and more mediocre with each album. where is I was about the biggest oasis fan in the world, always the first in line for the San Francisco/Oakland shows. I also have the distinction of being the first fan to hear the song "Be Here Now" (sneaked into the oakland coliseum 6 hours before they opened the doors) saw oasis do their soundcheck before U2. But lets face it, oasis are getting more and more mediocre with each album. where is all this hype for "truth" coming from? First 2 oasis albums and Masterplan are AMAZING. but is was ALL down hill from there. each album even worse than the one before. Be Here Now: Good Melodies and guitars but the songs dragged and dragged leaving little to be desired. Do you know what I mean however, is probably one of oasis' best songs. as well as fucking in the bushes, "standing only lasted me about 3 months of listening pleasure", Heathen Chemistry provided about a month of enjoyment, and that was mainly from the songs that Liam wrote. Noel was writing sappy songs about Love and girls and whatever. I couldn't believe it, but it seemed to me that Liam would now be responsible for carrying the torch in oasis. But "truth" proved that to be wrong. "truth" lasted me about 5 days. I haven't listened to it since, just not interested. never like "lyla" that much. sounded like "king of leon" or some other boring shit. i always thought that oasis was unfairly dismissed as copying the beatles sound and always defended them against that accusation. Sure, they are obviously influenced by them, but there are also influences of stones, sex pistols, kinks, t-rex, stone roses, etc. but now just about the only new oasis songs that i want to hear more than a couple of times are the ones that are blatantly beatlesque or lennonesque in the case of Liam's songs. whats sad is that oasis are still capable of writing great songs, but basically they are sell outs. how do you go from priding yourself on being working class and then make a point of wearing gucci and prada. i thought gem and andy would add to the greatness that was oasis. but they didnt, they didnt because oasis albums are a collection of individual song writing and not group writing. In the end, oasis lost the drive. Had their drive been rooted in creating great music, their greatness would not have ended. but because their drive was based on being the biggest band in the world and conquering the world, there was nothing to drive towards one that was accomplished. So now they release an album that is pretty mediocre, not one great, let alone classic, song on the album. and it opens to reviews saying, "best album in a decade"..BULL!!!! Its the worst album in a decade. Its just that this album happened to be released at a time in which bands such as interpol, killers, kasabian, hot hot heat, jet, etc are getting airplay. Expand
  10. I.P.Knightley
    Jun 9, 2005
    A very poor effort indeed. There is a lot of better music out there you should invest your money on.
  11. lisap
    Jul 6, 2005
  12. EljahS
    Jul 8, 2005
    Rather Shit!
  13. NoelG.
    Oct 3, 2007
    Absolutely Pathetic. This is how you de-rail a career, and yes I think other people out their could write better songs - and they're probably not being obnoxious, they're just being honest. Maybe you should listen to people who play instruments, and not rich rock stars who's day has come and gone long ago. Altogether, if you haven't heard this album, I'm being Absolutely Pathetic. This is how you de-rail a career, and yes I think other people out their could write better songs - and they're probably not being obnoxious, they're just being honest. Maybe you should listen to people who play instruments, and not rich rock stars who's day has come and gone long ago. Altogether, if you haven't heard this album, I'm being dead truthful here - your dead lucky - cause its pathetic. If I could turn back time, I would off happily have had the band call it quits after "Heathen Chemistry", the fact that it took the band so long to write and record this, and scrap so many sessions is just ridiculous and laughable. After all Oasis is about honesty, and I swear to god, their is no honesty in this music anywhere Expand
  14. kazuhirok.
    Jul 12, 2007
    oasis is dead.
  15. LindaM
    Jun 4, 2005
    Among the most overhyped and discouraging releases of this year.
  16. tomd
    Jun 5, 2005
    it's not that it's really bad, it's more that it's not very good. don't believe the other "users" aka music label interns chiming in with their lazy syntax. go buy a copy of "what's the story, morning glory" and you'll be fine. what? you already own it, somewhere? well, you just saved yourself about $16 then! better, wait - if you can - and pick it up in it's not that it's really bad, it's more that it's not very good. don't believe the other "users" aka music label interns chiming in with their lazy syntax. go buy a copy of "what's the story, morning glory" and you'll be fine. what? you already own it, somewhere? well, you just saved yourself about $16 then! better, wait - if you can - and pick it up in the discount bin in a few weeks. Expand
  17. graemef
    Jul 25, 2005
  18. JonathanH
    Dec 9, 2006
    I don't know about you but this should go down as the worst rock album of all time. I've been messing around with a guitar for nearly 3 years and I could come up with a better songs than these. In fact, if this was the best I could do, I would'nt even bother trying to get a record deal or even writing these songs. Are these guys just joking , or can they actually write I don't know about you but this should go down as the worst rock album of all time. I've been messing around with a guitar for nearly 3 years and I could come up with a better songs than these. In fact, if this was the best I could do, I would'nt even bother trying to get a record deal or even writing these songs. Are these guys just joking , or can they actually write melody on the guitar with more than three or two chords - Liam Gallaghar? Thats a pretty shocking comment considering alot of the songs from "heathen Chemistry" were the best since "Morning Glory", however Liams Gems and Andys poor songs made it a patchy album. Oasis were best when Noel wrote all the songs (even his lesser great ones are way better than the other three that are in the band) and played lead guitar. And of course having a good producer helps - unlike Dave Sardy who produces Generic rock albums - Marilyn Manson, System of a down and de railed Bush's career with their own generic disastor that was "Goldenstate" subsequently the band split up and may now be done. "Heathen Chemistry" was self produced by the band (or Noel) so thats why is turned out crap because it ended up sounding like a sad 1960s tibute. Lets not forget its the 2000s now. But the first 4 were great records simply because Owen Morris made them sound nice and loud on their frst three and Spike Stent did the introspective and slower paced but brilliant "Standing on the Shoulder of Giants" Just like Bush, this might as well be the undoing of one of the greatest bands on the planet. Expand
  19. danb.
    May 31, 2005
    Everyone slags Standing on the Shoulder of Giants, their fourth album, but aside from two horrible tracks, it was a pretty good album. This one people are praising, but it's pretty lame. The lyrics are mostly shite, the melodies are scarce, and there is none of the urgency the band used to have. And Liam's voice sounds like an impersonation of himself or somehting. I do love the Everyone slags Standing on the Shoulder of Giants, their fourth album, but aside from two horrible tracks, it was a pretty good album. This one people are praising, but it's pretty lame. The lyrics are mostly shite, the melodies are scarce, and there is none of the urgency the band used to have. And Liam's voice sounds like an impersonation of himself or somehting. I do love the last track, and the Importrance of Being Idle. I'm sure as few of the other tracks will grow on me. But I hope the boys get it more together for the next go round. Expand
  20. MaryH
    May 31, 2005
    Oasis have continued to go downhill ever since Be Here Now. This latest album is similar to their two previous ones... and not worth buying. Avoid.
  21. jasond
    May 31, 2005
    Buy their first two albums and avoid the rest, including this turgid affair.
  22. georgel
    May 31, 2005
    i thought oasis already split up!! they should!!
  23. BEZ
    May 31, 2005
    This lot should retire and call it quits. They are just embarrassing themselves now.
  24. carl
    May 25, 2007
    The entire album is really boring , the only song in the entire album that isn't terrible is the importance of being idle.
  25. jong
    Jun 23, 2005
    no live forever, no wonderwall, who cares??? they'll never reach the dizzying heights of 95/96 again, but that doesn't stop this album being chocked full of revolver style tunes and pure rock'n'roll nous. better than anything being produced by the sour faced, joy less, current rock'n'roll fraternity at the moment (yes that mean you, radiohead etc). at least no live forever, no wonderwall, who cares??? they'll never reach the dizzying heights of 95/96 again, but that doesn't stop this album being chocked full of revolver style tunes and pure rock'n'roll nous. better than anything being produced by the sour faced, joy less, current rock'n'roll fraternity at the moment (yes that mean you, radiohead etc). at least oasis know how to have fun. its time the rest of us learnt to have fun as well. Expand
  26. johnm
    Jun 2, 2005
    it a great album!
  27. JohnP
    Jun 1, 2005
    Critics and haters miss the point. Oasis are the last of a dying breed. The last of the true British Invasion worshipers. Come on now, would you really rather listien to melodic ballads of Sytem of a Down or the rockin bad boy antics of Dave Mathews? Excuse me while I go pass gas...
  28. vendegab
    Jun 19, 2005
    fantastic album, top tunes. Liam sounds fantastic and there isn't a weak moment. Excellent
  29. matthew
    Jun 2, 2005
    This is right up there with their first two albums. Andy and Gem breathe new sounds into the album throughout, Noel does his best vocals since "Dont Look Back In Ander," surpassing those with his vocals on "The Importance of Being Idle." A new golden age for Oasis and fans indeed.
  30. jerrys
    Jun 23, 2005
    Hey - admit it. This album has great songs and it is the first Oasis album in years where you do not need to skip a track.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 28 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 13 out of 28
  2. Negative: 5 out of 28
  1. Yes, the rumors are true: Oasis has--for the first time in a decade--made an album worth hearing.
  2. Mediocre melodies ride atop formulaic songwriting.
  3. In the end, it's Oasis's attempts to capture former pinnacles, from trying to re-create the simple sunny-side-up pleasures of "Live Forever" to trying for another album-ending mountain like "Champagne Supernova," that keep their latter-day output so entirely forgettable.