• Record Label: Sony
  • Release Date: Jul 16, 2013

Universal acclaim - based on 29 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 28 out of 29
  2. Negative: 0 out of 29
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  1. Jul 15, 2013
    An excellent, unexpected, and infectious triumph.
  2. Jul 16, 2013
    [Producer] Stuart Price coaxes the best out of the Boys here for some of their finest dancefloor work since 1993's limited edition "Relentless."
  3. Jul 8, 2013
    They’re reborn, revitalised, and really rather good.
  4. Jul 23, 2013
    Throughout the record a pleasing balance of melody and repetition is maintained.
  5. Jul 10, 2013
    More than three decades on from the day the pair first met in an electronics shop on the King's Road the Pet Shop Boys still manage to pack more ideas in an album than many others do in a thirty year career.
  6. Jul 10, 2013
    Rather than sound like two guys in their fifties messing around with some expensive equipment to recapture their past glories, it’s strikingly modern.
  7. Jul 16, 2013
    Two young dudes couldn't make a synth-pop record so polished and seamless, one with a maturity matched only by the constant quest for surprise. Only the Pet Shop Boys can do that, as evidenced by Electric.
  8. Aug 1, 2013
    Springsteen cover ‘The Last To Die’, is a witty aside, but throbbing 4/4 dominates as the electronic legends make a welcome return to their roots.
  9. Mojo
    Jul 10, 2013
    It gets on the dancefloor to create some bona fide hits of its own. [Aug 2013, p.89]
  10. Jul 8, 2013
    Electric finds Pet Shop Boys more daring and accomplished than most pop stars half their age.
  11. 80
    As an exercise is sounding totally, defiantly alive, it is a complete success.
  12. Jul 11, 2013
    The record is effusive but unsentimental, pointedly funny (Love Is A Bourgeois Construct) and occasionally subversive (The Last To Die, a Springsteen cover).
  13. Jul 16, 2013
    The duo impressively join a raft of other legacy artists (David Bowie, Black Sabbath) in proving that getting older doesn’t mean you have to lose your passion for creativity or, in the case of Electric, your libido.
  14. Jul 23, 2013
    Electric isn't quite electrifying in the way that Very and Introspective and "What Have I Done To Deserve This?" are, but nearly every track has a moment or two that ignites seemingly long-gone enthusiasm.
  15. Jul 16, 2013
    Electric finds a reenergised Pet Shop Boys’ still masterful in the dark art of crafting ‘smart-bomb’ dancefloor bangers.
  16. Q Magazine
    Jul 10, 2013
    With Electric, Pet Shop Boys have succeeded spectacularly. [Aug 2013, p.92]
  17. Jul 16, 2013
    A pulse-quickening, mind-tickling dance LP 27 years after their debut? This duo did much more than get lucky.
  18. Jul 15, 2013
    The Pet Shop Boys have once again given themselves a lease on another era, and Price was obviously the right choice to help them do so.
  19. Jul 23, 2013
    Tennant and Lowe's rueful melodies and vocals dilute the euphoria. Classic Pet Shop Boys, in other words.
  20. Jul 16, 2013
    With Electric, they prove once again they’re up to the task.
  21. Jul 8, 2013
    Whatever the reason, a band that sounded pretty weary eight months ago sound recharged and inspired.
  22. 80
    It's the most simple, directly dance-oriented they've been since Disco, putting down a marker for the rest of the album.
  23. Meta-pop doesn’t come much more moving than this.
  24. 80
    Electric is a work of renewed purpose, whose short time-frame and scant tracklist (no PSB album has ever clocked in shy of ten songs) belie the gems that lie within.
  25. Jul 12, 2013
    They show us what pop music can do.
  26. 100
    Electric is the second really fantastic pop-dance blast of the year.
  27. Uncut
    Jul 10, 2013
    Price's maximalist approach is largely successful, producing vivid, neon-lit dancefloor monsters like "Axis" and "Fluorescent." [Aug 2013, p.74]
  28. Jul 18, 2013
    Tennant and Chris Lowe hit far more often than they miss here; Electric is the most boisterous and lively Pet Shop Boys album since Very.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 75 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 62 out of 75
  2. Negative: 5 out of 75
  1. Jul 18, 2013
    Yes, that's a very bold statement, but with this being one of the very few albums of 2013 with just about excellent reviews all-around, itYes, that's a very bold statement, but with this being one of the very few albums of 2013 with just about excellent reviews all-around, it definitely lived up to the hype and then some!

    I think all us pet-heads knew something amazing and unique in even the PSB world was coming (and judging by the constant sales and moving up in the charts here on Amazon and other outlets, it seems the public overall is catching on and finally NOT labeling them as an '80's act (wake-up Pandora!).

    I remember listening to 'Axis' for the first time as a teaser, then it was followed up with 'Vocal' and teasers for 'Inside A Dream' and 'Fluorescent' (the latter of which I didn't care for at first, but then it turned out to be my most fave song on the album) releasing these songs as both singles and teasers was the perfect way to market their stuff BEFORE the release of their album helped tremendously with the build-up!

    Parting ways with Parlophone, the inclusion of Stuart Price, or (what has been stated/assumed by Tennant on occasion) a negative fan reaction from 'Elysium' (a stellar album!) there were many stated/ironic situations that led to the making of this awesome album and in less than a year! This is genius at work and to think: it's the FIRST in a THREE-PART collection WOW!

    As I stated in my title, this album has that rare quality: similar to Fleetwood Mac's 'Rumours', this has the characteristics of classic written all over it. Every song on here can/could be made into a hit; every song could be known by fans and non-fans alike. It will be interesting to see how Tennant/Lowe handle this album via their x2 label they've already broken a good amount of conventional rules upon releasing the album and it looks like it's paying off maybe they will break more rules and not limit this album to a handful of songs, but possibly a good 3/4 of the album could be made into hits here's wishing :)

    Anyway, amazing album: it's been on repeat along with The Editors' 'The Weight of Your Love' (very under-rated), and David Bowie's 'The Next Day' Haven't loved music this much in a long time Thanks Chris & Neil
    Full Review »
  2. Jul 17, 2013
    Elysium contained 4 of best songs the Pets have ever written 'Invisible', Leaving', 'Breathing Space' & 'Face Like That' but it was the laidElysium contained 4 of best songs the Pets have ever written 'Invisible', Leaving', 'Breathing Space' & 'Face Like That' but it was the laid back nature of the other songs that ruffled fans feathers (not me i loved it all apart from 'Hold On' really).

    Electric however is sensational if Elysium played out like a retirement piece this is like a re-birth.
    The production from Stuart Price is exceptional & tracks like 'Fluorescent' & 'Inside a Dream' are so moody & clubby i could see them used as the soundtrack to nightclub scenes that you so often see in movies. 'Love is a Bourgeois Construct' is a triumph but for me the most amazing track is 'Thursday' this is PSB at their absolute best the chunky bass stabs & classic PSB 80's riff are just pre-cursors to an anthemic piano/vocal breakdown & then when Example does his bit it goes into orbit not just his rap but the chorus he sings is pure dance music heaven, surely this is the 3rd single?

    Apparently this is part 1 of a PSB/Stuart Price trilogy if that's the case let's hope we get part 2 in 10 months time again, i could get used to this swift turnaround of albums.

    Essential purchase
    Full Review »
  3. Jul 16, 2013
    After Elysium, which wasn't bad but according to PSB standards a definite disappointment, this is indeed a return to form. Great achievement.After Elysium, which wasn't bad but according to PSB standards a definite disappointment, this is indeed a return to form. Great achievement. Sets a terrific precedent as the first album on their own label. Makes me want to get back to Europe!!!!! Full Review »