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Generally favorable reviews- based on 828 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 94 out of 828

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  1. kathleen
    Nov 21, 2004
    I love this cd so much!! eminem is THE bomb!!! I LOVE HIM!!
  2. ThomasS.
    Nov 21, 2004
    I actually give this a 7.5 But PPL u guys are way underrating this album. It's still Em, and Im glad he made a new album. The alubm's for us to enjoy. So enjoy it!
  3. BradleyE
    Nov 20, 2004
    Eminem is the Bob Dylan of our times. he is rapping about his life and what he knows.there are some silly songs, yet does anyone remember anything before the eminem show? If you are a talent artist usually you will have that one painting or album that defines your career. for eminem that may have been the eminem show an albun that is timeless and never gets old no mater how often you Eminem is the Bob Dylan of our times. he is rapping about his life and what he knows.there are some silly songs, yet does anyone remember anything before the eminem show? If you are a talent artist usually you will have that one painting or album that defines your career. for eminem that may have been the eminem show an albun that is timeless and never gets old no mater how often you listen to it. All these music critic are brain dead from listening to to meny albums once over and giving it a rating. that is what they are payed to do and im sure there are stacks of disks laying on there desks. Luckily for a true music lover some albums don't go down easily on the first or 5th time. But i tell you the more i listen to encore the more i love it. Expand
  4. ivank
    Nov 19, 2004
    this was great...
  5. addyl
    Nov 18, 2004
    em always rapped words no one expected would rhyme. on encore he rhymes words that have no business rhyming. amazing feat. this album is hilarious, which is refreshing. toy soldiers almost made me cry.
  6. ReneeD
    Nov 18, 2004
    I think it's an awesome CD! I actually laugh out loud! It definitely puts a smile on my face....
  7. thunt
    Nov 17, 2004
    this album is great it has a lot more depth not his best album but still the best cd i bought since his last best tracks my 1st single,mockingbird,spend some time,and evil deeds
  8. jackm
    Nov 17, 2004
    great album. eminem continues to defy everyone by banging out hot beats, and not holding back on what he has to say. still the best.
  9. leej
    Nov 17, 2004
    it is his weakest yet his genius still shines through
  10. dannyf
    Nov 17, 2004
    not his best but still it's eminem who can do better
  11. felixxxk
    Nov 16, 2004
    i actually think it was a 6.5 performance ... it kinda seems eminems runnin out of stuff to rap about, so he just goes all out goofy on this album and maybe one track with farts and burps woulda been kewl but 5 or 6 tracks ? and i cant bring myself to agree with resurrecting the christopher reeves raps back from the marshall lp... but thats not to say that there isnt any good tracks on i actually think it was a 6.5 performance ... it kinda seems eminems runnin out of stuff to rap about, so he just goes all out goofy on this album and maybe one track with farts and burps woulda been kewl but 5 or 6 tracks ? and i cant bring myself to agree with resurrecting the christopher reeves raps back from the marshall lp... but thats not to say that there isnt any good tracks on the cd....puke, big weenie and spend sum time are good ones ... and sumhow we;re forgetting the bonus album where "we as americans" is probably better than almost every song on the normal cd ..... but we'll see how em responds to all the critisizm hes gettin Expand
  12. Joseph
    Nov 16, 2004
    I think people are underrating this album
  13. JavonS
    Nov 16, 2004
    This album is just lyricially the best album he's ever done. Jay z is good but just not as good as eminem. Like someone else said. If u say this album is boring then u don't know rap at all and didn't take the time to listen.
  14. RebeccaP
    Nov 16, 2004
    i only bought the album about 3 hours ago, i havnt even listened to all the tracks. but i think em hs came out tops here. ok, so he does sound tired - theres no other way to put it - and he could do with some bigger beats on some of the tacks to liven them up a bit, but form what ive heard, i tihnk its a great album still. toy soldiers is amazing. mackingbird is beautiful, mosh is cool, i only bought the album about 3 hours ago, i havnt even listened to all the tracks. but i think em hs came out tops here. ok, so he does sound tired - theres no other way to put it - and he could do with some bigger beats on some of the tacks to liven them up a bit, but form what ive heard, i tihnk its a great album still. toy soldiers is amazing. mackingbird is beautiful, mosh is cool, and so is puke, and never enough. ill have to listen to the rest before i can comment any further though. Expand
  15. KobeeH
    Nov 16, 2004
    ENCORE. Eminem's latest is definitely what his title says it is. You can tell he's just having fun after the Show. I don't feel it's meant to be what we've come to expect from Em. This is not even close to being a bad thing. True, there is a bit of the old style Slim in there. But, he also has a more fun flow going on. Not to say, I'm a fan of all the songs, ENCORE. Eminem's latest is definitely what his title says it is. You can tell he's just having fun after the Show. I don't feel it's meant to be what we've come to expect from Em. This is not even close to being a bad thing. True, there is a bit of the old style Slim in there. But, he also has a more fun flow going on. Not to say, I'm a fan of all the songs, neither was I on his last 3. But, nonetheless, ENCORE is a really good album. Don't listen to those professional jerks up there. Buy the album and experience Eminem again. Expand
  16. DanS
    Nov 16, 2004
    Album sounds different than usual and it didnt sound all that appealing at first listen, but than after few more listens it grew on me. Its different but its still eminem, maybe more matured but still awesome lyricist. Notable Masterpiece song is Mocking Bird
  17. JosephA
    Nov 15, 2004
    I think some of this album really shines. In some places its like hes holding on to his past, but there are moments that do show alot of growth. To me is seems very transitional. I think we're gonna get something really different and great on his next effort. I think what makes this disappointing is that most people thought we would get that "something different" this time around.
  18. CharlieLN
    Nov 15, 2004
    I loved this CD. But still, not up to level of the Marshall Mathers LP or Em Show. i didnt really like all the goofy songs. i think everyone will rag on him so much his next cd will be angry- like mmlp, maybe. Anyways- in order, the best songs are: like toy soldiers, mockingbird, love you more, never enough(nate has a great hook), crazy in love, and encore.
  19. ZacharyB
    Nov 15, 2004
    I will try to keep this as brief as possible. This is a near-flawless album. The only problem is that it may not be as good as the first three, but I don't think there's any point in comparing because every album this man has made in the last five years is an instant classic, and this is the first album he has released which is a holding pattern. Sure, he's heavy in the I will try to keep this as brief as possible. This is a near-flawless album. The only problem is that it may not be as good as the first three, but I don't think there's any point in comparing because every album this man has made in the last five years is an instant classic, and this is the first album he has released which is a holding pattern. Sure, he's heavy in the ether when it comes to bathroom humor this time around, and he does touch upon his various "beefs" more than he did on the last album, but Evil Deeds, Never Enough, Yellow Brick Road, Like Toy Soldiers, Mosh, Puke, My 1st Single, Rain Man, Just Lose It, Ass Like That and Encore are perfect songs that are all compulsively listenable, and that leaves about 5 weak tracks and some of his funniest skits ever, so I fail to see why people are getting down on Encore sore harshly. Perhaps if he had cut Big Weenie, Crazy in Love and Mockingbird and supplmented them with the three tracks on the bonus disc, We as Americans, Love You More and Ricky Ticky Toc (all great), and replaced One Shot 2 Shot with a non-conceptual, token D-12 track (which seemed to work pretty well on the Marshall Mathers LP and just as well on The Eminem Show) we would all be singing a different tune. Sure, Puke is called Puke, but it's infectiously catchy and hooky as well as clever and I can see how his rhymes fall flat occasionally but they're still tighter than any other MC now, before and most likely ever. Expand
  20. Dr.Drew
    Nov 15, 2004
    hey i really dislike the overall rating of this album, because this new eminem cd i will admit takes a little adjusting to, but once you're there, any eminem fan should love it. em has matured over the years and proves that in his album, as well as seems to have resolved the anger he once had, now he relaxes with his sense of humor better than ever. every song of his tell a story hey i really dislike the overall rating of this album, because this new eminem cd i will admit takes a little adjusting to, but once you're there, any eminem fan should love it. em has matured over the years and proves that in his album, as well as seems to have resolved the anger he once had, now he relaxes with his sense of humor better than ever. every song of his tell a story w/out a whole bunch of bullshit that other rappers just spit. Dre', D12, and 50's presence in the album give it extra spice as well as em's good variety of singles that people would be crazy not to call singles. i agree with one of the other reviewers, this proves who's a loyal em fan, well you would be crazy not to be one after this one. check out never enough, mosh, rain man, spend some time, mockingbird, one shot 2 shot, etc etc it's all worth it although he hints at retirement, he leaves hope for the future, EMINEM IS THE FUCKING GREATEST thank you Expand
  21. CourtneyM
    Nov 15, 2004
    I think this cd is great! I can't compare any of his albums to one another because they are all great in their own ways, just like encore is. #14 is hilarious if u listen to his verses.Listen to the cd one more time if you doubt it.
  22. StephenC
    Nov 15, 2004
    Not his best album, but still the best album ive heard all year. Brilliant!
  23. DjDado
    Nov 14, 2004
    YO, you have to rate a review against an object 'all things' continum, not against Mr. Mather's past shiz. That means that Encore, while a letdown relative to Eminem (esp. for those expecting something more serious ala a Marshall Mathers 2 LP) the dude is still rocking the industry w./ wicked skillz. Bangers: Never Enough (50 sounds like he got his jaw fixed), My 1st YO, you have to rate a review against an object 'all things' continum, not against Mr. Mather's past shiz. That means that Encore, while a letdown relative to Eminem (esp. for those expecting something more serious ala a Marshall Mathers 2 LP) the dude is still rocking the industry w./ wicked skillz. Bangers: Never Enough (50 sounds like he got his jaw fixed), My 1st Single, Rain Man (damn that song is getting torn up ... people are not getting the point of it), Curtains Down (watch for Encore yeah yeah), Yelllow Brick Road, Like Toy Soldiers (Em's respect for Dre is powerful) Expand
  24. PatrickS
    Nov 14, 2004
    This CD has 4 good songs the rest are nowhere up to par.
  25. conswalism
    Nov 14, 2004
    this album lives up to the expections, equally as good as teh amazin Eminem Show, best songs are evil deeds, puke, toy soldiers, crazy in love and the amazing mockingbird, ure still amazin em
  26. finfrosk
    Nov 14, 2004
    When I saw the reviews I was worried, but listening to this album I can safely say the critics are idiots, they are wrong, the have no clue. It's one of his best albums. Really. Eminem is a genius, but geniuses are often misunderstood.
  27. ZakK
    Nov 13, 2004
    This is such a disappointing album. His versus sound lazy. He does have some funny stuff in it. This is a good or great album for other rappers, but eminem this is just crap.
  28. MarkC
    Nov 13, 2004
    Different from his other albums to be sure, but just as good. It is like he has worked through all his issues that were evident on his previous work, and now he can more fun with his songs. Look at Rain Man, Big Weenie and Ass Like That for example. This cd will weed out the "fans" that only listen for the controversy that he usually attracts, which can only be a good thing. I look Different from his other albums to be sure, but just as good. It is like he has worked through all his issues that were evident on his previous work, and now he can more fun with his songs. Look at Rain Man, Big Weenie and Ass Like That for example. This cd will weed out the "fans" that only listen for the controversy that he usually attracts, which can only be a good thing. I look forward to his future releases. Expand
  29. TannerW
    Nov 13, 2004
    Amazing CD. This CD would be one of the best that Eminem has done. For all you who hate this CD, you don't understand rap.
  30. DomP
    Nov 13, 2004
    I know some of you are dissapointed...I actually had this CD a month ago and im not buying the copy thats out now...Wait 4 the special edition with We as americans and i love you more..both songs are impressive...U passed Em..but im looking foward to the nxt cd..u will improve

Generally favorable reviews - based on 26 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 12 out of 26
  2. Negative: 3 out of 26
  1. "Encore" is almost willfully uneven: it includes some of the most exhilarating songs Eminem has ever recorded, alongside some of the most inert. [15 Nov 2004]
  2. For the most part, Encore's strained, vaguely sad, regressive wackiness makes a lucid and compelling argument that Eminem should retire Slim Shady and let the real, serious Marshall Mathers stand up and be heard.
  3. Encore is a fourth fascinating record from Eminem, but it's also easily his weakest and, in many ways, tamest album to date.