• Record Label: Atlantic
  • Release Date: Jun 4, 2013

Generally favorable reviews - based on 17 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 13 out of 17
  2. Negative: 1 out of 17
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  1. Jun 4, 2013
    Evil Friends offers ample evidence that the match between Portugal. The Man and Burton expanded the horizons of both parties and will likely heighten the band's profile considerably.
  2. Alternative Press
    Jun 4, 2013
    The quartet gets a little glammy, turn in a fist pumping epic, and achieve Beatles-esque flights of fancy. [Jul 2013, p.104]
  3. Oct 4, 2013
    Sure, they're not very hip, but Portugal the Man are anything but slouches, and Evil Friends is proof that some bands get big for being good, nothing else.
  4. Jun 4, 2013
    While the writing has a tight focus and singer John Baldwin Gourley sounds like he’s whispering his thoughts directly to you, the rest of the record bursts with all manner of sonic color.
  5. Jun 5, 2013
    Evil Friends kicks out the jams, heightens the hits, and rolls it all up in a trippy joint.
  6. Jun 4, 2013
    For creating something as fresh and strong as this at album number eight, Portugal. The Man deserve to be applauded.
  7. Jun 12, 2013
    It’s more streamlined than their past work, more ornate while simultaneously accessible and experimental, though that may be partially to their producer’s credit.
  8. Sep 12, 2013
    When an album’s quality level ranges from intolerable to merely tolerable, it’s not a positive sign. Middling.
  9. Jun 20, 2013
    It is by far their most focused and polished album, and Danger Mouse makes sure that everything is sonically smooth (even if a few feel almost like Broken Bells b-sides).
  10. Jun 4, 2013
    Danger Mouse’s fingerprints are all over all of these songs, and it’s easy to see parallels with some of his other projects, but in many ways Evil Friends is the most quintessentially Portugal. The Man album the band has released. It’s also undoubtedly their best.
  11. Jun 11, 2013
    The frequently overstuffed, occasionally scatterbrained album is far from perfect. But even when going for broke gets them into trouble, Portugal seem happy to get up there and overshoot the mark.
  12. Jun 7, 2013
    Portugal. The Man have created something special with Evil Friends. The core songwriting and performances are top notch, and Danger Mouse’s input adds a plethora of valuable modifications and ideas.
  13. 80
    Everything there was to like about Portugal. The Man before is present on Evil Friends and multiplied tenfold.
  14. Jul 23, 2013
    Evil Friends has a more colorful, toylike sound than 2011’s In the Mountain in the Cloud--an asset to pop-oriented tracks like “Creep in a T-Shirt” and “Purple Yellow Red and Blue” but a stumbling block to heavier ones like “Waves” and “Holy Roller (Hallelujah),” which come off like riots attempted from inside a snow globe.
  15. Jun 4, 2013
    Where Broken Bells is pensive and slow, Evil Friends is hyper-caffeinated and energetic, and better for it.
  16. 35
    The songs themselves don’t shine through the production.
  17. Under The Radar
    Jun 13, 2013
    The album boasts a fuller sound than previous albums as well as some strong moments, but does not boast anything as immediately memorable, as previous works have. [Jun-Jul 2013, p.89]
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 85 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 78 out of 85
  2. Negative: 4 out of 85
  1. Jun 7, 2013
    Growing up in England with a music obsessed father from Liverpool, meant I was exposed to The Beatles at an early age. In my teenage years,Growing up in England with a music obsessed father from Liverpool, meant I was exposed to The Beatles at an early age. In my teenage years, living just outside of Manchester I had Oasis. I hear inspiration from both of these bands in PTM.
    They have written seven albums in eight years, displaying subtle variance, growth and continuity. Their last album 'In the mountain in the cloud' wasn't adventurous enough, for a band with their creativity. Collaborating with Danger Mouse has really brought out the best in PTM. I could listen to this album all day, everyday. It has the songs, the production, great musicianship, thoughtful lyrics and a brings a fresh new style with it.
    Full Review »
  2. Jun 6, 2013
    I have been a long time fan of Portugal. the Man, and though they have become more and more influenced by the pop aesthetic, they continue toI have been a long time fan of Portugal. the Man, and though they have become more and more influenced by the pop aesthetic, they continue to produce beautiful melodies and meaningful music. It also is incredibly catchy, hook-filled music, with choruses that will sink themselves into your subconscious. Not my favorite effort from P.tM, but still worthy of high praise. Full Review »
  3. Jun 4, 2013
    Hadn't heard of Portugal. The Man before I listened to this album but am so glad I know them now! The album is the perfect mix of catchyHadn't heard of Portugal. The Man before I listened to this album but am so glad I know them now! The album is the perfect mix of catchy hooks, Thought-provoking lyrics, Impressive Instrumentals, and of course great production from Danger Mouse! Full Review »