
Generally favorable reviews - based on 29 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 25 out of 29
  2. Negative: 0 out of 29
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  1. 90
    Baldi's lyrics encapsulate those tenets just as well as the music he and his bandmates create.
  2. Jun 11, 2014
    The balance is the thing, and on Here and Nowhere Else, the balance is very, very good.
  3. Apr 10, 2014
    It's all part of the sizable growth demonstrated on Here and Nowhere Else, which more than anything is defined by the sound of raw energy giving way to coherence and control.
  4. Apr 9, 2014
    While Here And Nowhere Else is a noisy onslaught that rattles along at a cracking pace, there's a real sense of fun and catchy melodies that Billie Joe Armstrong would be proud of.
  5. Apr 4, 2014
    Cloud Nothings might still be young and quite indebted to their 90’s influences, but their latest shows they’ve already mastered all the qualities of a truly great rock band and all of their contradictions: fury, angst, precision, sloppiness, catchiness and, of course, fun.
  6. Apr 3, 2014
    It's markedly more frantic and reckless than the deliberate, measured anger and restraint of its predecessor.
  7. Apr 2, 2014
    Here And Nowhere Else not only reaffirms Baldi as one of the most prolific and consistent songwriters of his generation--its hard to believe he's still only 22 considering the extent of his back catalogue--but also suggests there's much more to come in the future.
  8. 75
    Here and Nowhere Else’s disposition for self-examination coaxes out a superior depth and nuance when stacked against Cloud Nothings’ previous works.
  9. Apr 1, 2014
    With Here And Nowhere Else, they’ve thrown the first punch, and it hits you square in the jaw.
  10. Apr 1, 2014
    Call it sustainable punk--the kind that doesn't need to burn out or fade away.
  11. Apr 1, 2014
    There’s a sense of maturity and control present, without losing their trademark edge.
  12. Apr 1, 2014
    Baldi's songs still bash and seethe, but with more flashy time-signature shifts, open space and studio trickiness.
  13. Apr 1, 2014
    Baldi and Co. take the best bits from Albini's tutelage, apply them to lo-fi pop-punk structures and infuse all of it with tightly wound angst.
  14. Apr 1, 2014
    Though Here And Nowhere Else gets stuck in one setting, it’s proving that Cloud Nothings’ peerless critical darling wasn’t the result of dumb luck.
  15. Mar 31, 2014
    Once again, though, Baldi is simply unwilling or unable to stop writing hook-filled songs, rendering Here and Nowhere Else even more tense and thrillingly conflicted than its predecessor.
  16. Mar 31, 2014
    On the heels of a breakout, there’s no let down here and if the album doesn’t necessarily break new ground, it treads the ground of the the last record in more interesting ways, with a more confident stride.
  17. Alternative Press
    Mar 28, 2014
    Here And Nowhere Else is Cloud Nothings' best effort yet--and that's saying something. [May 2014, p.90]
  18. Mar 28, 2014
    Here and Nowhere Else is relentless in the best possible way.
  19. Mar 28, 2014
    Twenty minutes of pedal-to-the-floor, tension-igniting rock ‘n’ roll can just be too much in most hands, but Here and Nowhere Else condenses these moments into more reasonable servings that are successful across the board.
  20. Mar 28, 2014
    Here and Nowhere Else is another heavy, catchy-as-hell Cloud Nothings record.
  21. Mar 27, 2014
    It's brash, ballsy and, above all, fun.
  22. 85
    Not for a long time have I listened to something that so delights in its lack of abandon; their name might be uninspiring, but Cloud Nothings’ output is clearly anything but.
  23. Mar 26, 2014
    Cloud Nothings, with teeth clenched tight and feedback flowing aplenty, rock a blue streak without letting a single moment go by hook-free.
  24. Mar 26, 2014
    This is an impeccable record from an incredible songwriter.
  25. Mar 26, 2014
    As a careening, breakneck listen, this will be up there as one of the best of the year.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 57 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 52 out of 57
  2. Negative: 1 out of 57
  1. Apr 9, 2014
    Cloud Nothings are so good at producing raw and rough garage rock at a very high quality. All the energy of Attack On Memory is here, and theyCloud Nothings are so good at producing raw and rough garage rock at a very high quality. All the energy of Attack On Memory is here, and they have expanded on it expertly. A great, mature, balanced and exciting album. Full Review »
  2. Dec 17, 2014
    awesomeuhuhuhuhuhhufheihfiudhidufiudhfihfperbvhadbfvhadbfvhadbfvbadflvbaldfhbvladfbvhljadfbvladfbvladbfvlabdflhvbadljfvbaldfbvlajfdbvadhjfbvlaawesomeuhuhuhuhuhhufheihfiudhidufiudhfihfperbvhadbfvhadbfvhadbfvbadflvbaldfhbvladfbvhljadfbvladfbvladbfvlabdflhvbadljfvbaldfbvlajfdbvadhjfbvladfbvladfbvladjfbvladjfbhvlajdhfbvladfhbvaldfhbvaldfhbvladjfbvladjfbhvladjhfbvlajdfbvladfhbvladfbvladfbvladfhbvladfbvljadfbvladfbvladfbvlajdfbvlajdhfbvljahdfvadfvadfvadfvadfvadfvadfvadfvadfvadfvadfvadfvadfvadfvadfvadfvadfvadfvadfvafvafdvafdvaefvaefdv Full Review »
  3. Jun 14, 2015
    this album is great, people give it **** because it isn't as good as attack on memory and that's unfortunate. this album was set in athis album is great, people give it **** because it isn't as good as attack on memory and that's unfortunate. this album was set in a different direction due to the loss of their lead guitarist, dylan (the band's frontman) even said that he wanted to take every album in a new direction while still having a signature sound. all in all i loved this record from start to finish. Full Review »