
Generally favorable reviews - based on 23 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 19 out of 23
  2. Negative: 0 out of 23
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  1. Dec 17, 2015
    It’s an album on which struggle is audible.
  2. Oct 16, 2015
    The finale isn’t particularly grand, but Holding Hands With Jamie does much to harness the passion of "left of the dial" indie rock while paying attention to now, eschewing accessibility and melody for the sake of finding something aurally distinct.
  3. Oct 16, 2015
    Kiely makes for a compelling, at times dryly funny, chronicler of everyday life-hate.
  4. Oct 6, 2015
    Hard, fast, and utterly compelling, this is quite unlike any girl band you've ever heard.
  5. Oct 5, 2015
    Traces of Liars’ DNA persist, as do similarities to those tireless Texans Shit and Shine, but it’s hard to think of another guitar-based band conjuring fear this exhilarating and volume this rapturous.
  6. Oct 5, 2015
    Holding Hands with Jaime is a remarkable debut album. It ticks off plenty of familiar noise-rock boxes, but Girl Band massages them into a whole that feels authentically their own.
  7. Mojo
    Oct 1, 2015
    Girl Band play ugly noise with a charisma and energy to drag them from the no wave ghetto, to somewhere bigger. [Nov 2015, p.89]
  8. Sep 29, 2015
    Holding Hands with Jamie deftly maneuvers and manufactures its own sense and nonsense in equal measure.
  9. Sep 28, 2015
    By reinventing the idea of what a guitar-centric band should sound like from the bottom up, Girl Band has established itself as a much-needed force in rock, and Holding Hands With Jamie is among most exhilarating opening salvos of 2015.
  10. Sep 28, 2015
    The way the album veers between savage energy blasts and more deliberately paced displays of power is extraordinary.
  11. 80
    These nine songs often build and build only to splutter out in a last, exhausted gasp. And then the next track cranks up and the cycle continues, giving the record a grinding, thwarted sense of frustration.
  12. Sep 28, 2015
    It's rare to come across an album that allows you only the faintest impression of its workings while simultaneously impacting you in a profound way.
  13. Sep 25, 2015
    Reference points include Liars and The Fall, but Girl Band is very much its own beast.
  14. Sep 24, 2015
    Holding Hands with Jamie documents four musicians in flux together, their increasing ability to rely on one another allowing them to bother less with outside expectations. If the album felt too complete, they wouldn’t be taking enough chances.
  15. Sep 24, 2015
    Senses pummelled and synapses shredded, Holding Hands With Jamie represents anything but an easy ride. But then reputations aren't earned lightly, and Girl Band have earned theirs as the most excitingly coarse noise rock outfit on the planet through sheer guts and tenacity.
  16. Sep 23, 2015
    These are cranky, abstracted journeys through texture, noise and rhythm with howling, gibbering singer Dara Kiely as our unreliable spirit guide. At their best, Girl Band manage to locate a sweet spot between chaos and precision, poise and frenzy, hysteria and logic.
  17. Sep 23, 2015
    Just musical enough to swallow, and just raucous enough to rattle your bones, Girl Band's Holding Hands with Jamie represents all the harmful and healing qualities of noise. It won't be long until you're hooked.
  18. Sep 23, 2015
    Girl Band’s latest is a startling upending of any and all expectations you would dare place upon a modern rock group.
  19. 85
    With their debut they have, for the most part, broken metaphysical barriers between techno, noise and punk, and presented a record beaming with youthful exuberance, and containing a frightening level of intensity. The presented fruits of their labour, inspired by Kiely’s breakdown, are resounding.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 17 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 15 out of 17
  2. Negative: 1 out of 17
  1. Oct 25, 2019
    This is all over the place, a swirling flurry of noisy chaos. One thing is certain, this is not an album that clicks on the first listen. ItThis is all over the place, a swirling flurry of noisy chaos. One thing is certain, this is not an album that clicks on the first listen. It took me at least 5 full (painful) listens before I heard anything. What I did hear was more interesting than particularly enjoyable but the more I've listened to it, the better it has gotten. It's very different to your mainstream rock. This kind of heavy lifting isn't for everyone but there is definitely something of value to be heard in the storm. Full Review »