• Record Label: Mute
  • Release Date: Oct 18, 2011
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 223 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 10 out of 223
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  1. Oct 19, 2011
    This album completely blew me away, every song is beautifully crafted, and it's 2 CD's! This will always be in my car's glove compartment. Fantastic!
  2. Oct 18, 2011
    Hurry Up, We're Dreaming is stellar and spectacular. M83 succeeds at reaching for the stars, using evocative imagery and bright synthetic colors to create immense sounds at every turn. Each track finds itself exploring different dynamics and different expressive qualities. The sum of the two CDs feels more vast than its 74-minute run time would initially suggest. All in all, this albumHurry Up, We're Dreaming is stellar and spectacular. M83 succeeds at reaching for the stars, using evocative imagery and bright synthetic colors to create immense sounds at every turn. Each track finds itself exploring different dynamics and different expressive qualities. The sum of the two CDs feels more vast than its 74-minute run time would initially suggest. All in all, this album must be heard by everyone to be believed. Expand
  3. Jun 3, 2012
    This is both his most ambitious and his most disciplined album. Past albums were very enjoyable, but sometimes lacked focus, depth, and variety. Consider all those problems solved this time. Warmth, humility, and unfairly addictive beats burst from almost every song.
  4. Apr 26, 2012
    This is the first album I bought completely since probably the 90s. I usually nitpick an album based on 15 second previews... this one, I just bought it all.

    Some songs I didn't care for, but after listening again and again, they became my favorites. Great album, probably one of the best albums I've heard in years.
  5. Oct 20, 2011
    What M83 have created here is, literally, from another planet. In 22 songs, Gonzalez manages to create the perfect balance between consistency and variety, between melancholia and sudden interstellar bursts of energy.
  6. Sep 29, 2012
    Probably the best electronic band around today. "Midnight City" and "Steve Mcqueen" are mindblowing tracks.The modern synths and the 80s atmosphere create a dreamy mood. It's an amazing album.
  7. Oct 28, 2011
    This is, by far, the best and most accessible album by M83 yet. I have listened to this album nonstop since it has been released. It is beautiful, catchy, and memorable. I highly recommend it!
  8. Dec 22, 2011
    See, there is the number of time you will play a song. And, only for a few albums per decade can you manage to get those kind of heavy stats THAT fast.
    On an entire album.

    Hooked, like never before by this "band" that hooked me up so good already.
    The only drug I'll allow is also the most gentle & epic one.

    Merci les mecs.
  9. Feb 25, 2012
    Best album of M83 I've heard, second album of the year for my soul. All musics come deeper in our bodies, and makes us cry by their beauty..
    Frenchies prooves us how damn good they are to write songs, to give us feelings about music..
  10. Jun 18, 2012
    Best album I've heard since Radiohead's 2007 record "In Rainbows". I'm not usually a fan of such heavy electronic music, but this album absolutely blew me away. That's saying a lot, and yes, "Raconte-moi Une Histoire" is awesome.
  11. Mar 26, 2013
    In today's high tech world where everything and everyone moves so fast and sudden, it becomes harder for me to stay put. Although Internet giants such as YouTube, Pandora Radio, and Spotify have made music more available, I also feel that they have made most songs we listen to equally forgettable; "well that was a cool, song. Okay, what's next?" The point I'm getting at is in today's worldIn today's high tech world where everything and everyone moves so fast and sudden, it becomes harder for me to stay put. Although Internet giants such as YouTube, Pandora Radio, and Spotify have made music more available, I also feel that they have made most songs we listen to equally forgettable; "well that was a cool, song. Okay, what's next?" The point I'm getting at is in today's world it takes a special kind of artist with a special kind of album to keep me seated from the opening track to the closing track. An album with music so colorful and sharp, with tales of dream scape and adventures, I literally say to myself "where have you been all my life!?" Case in point--M83's Hurry Up, We're Dreaming. Not since Radiohead's 2007 In Rainbows (or even Daft Punk's 2001 Discovery album) has an album captured me with overwhelming enthusiasm such as Hurry Up, We're Dreaming has. M83 effectively tell stories of childhood innocence ("Raconte-Moi Une Histoire"), space travel (Year One, One UFO), and a life beyond imagination ("New Map") with their dreamy instrumentation. The 2-disc album is reminiscent of Pink Floyd's 1973 classic Dark Side of the Moon, in that the each song in the album picks up where the other leaves off; as if developing stories in a novel, with each track unravelling something new and astonishing where the former track leaves off and the latter picks up. Hurry Up, We're Dreaming is sure to be a beloved classic as time goes by. For now, it should be regarded as a modem classic in an age where music seems to bombard audiences with flavor of the month songs by artist who try too hard to be the next big hit; or already famous artist clutching onto relevancy with "today's sound." Hurry Up, We're Dreaming is ultimately fantastic because M83 doesn't seem to force the album upon it's audience (with perhaps "Midnight City" being an exception seeing how it's a radio-friendly tune). The entire album sings with a passion of patience, grace, love, and truth that expresses how much time and effort M83 has put into their songs. And that similar patience, grace, and love is emitted by me, the listener, through how relaxed and optimistic I am as I listen to the album. I'd go as far to say Hurry Up, We're Dreaming is more of a story being told through music than just "songs." A musical novel, if you will. And just as I reach the last pages of the final chapter of a fascinating book with that "wow! What a marvelous tale! I can't wait to tell someone about it!" feeling, M83's Hurry Up, We're Dreaming gives me that equal satisfaction. Simply put, M83 has given audiences a modern day classic. A musical treasure that's aesthetically pleasing to the ears, heart, mind, and soul. Hurry Up, We're Dreaming is an artistic inspiration. Expand
  12. Oct 16, 2013
    best album everrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
  13. Nov 24, 2013
    Gonzalez composes his "magnum opus". 22 absolutely brilliant, soundtrack-to-my-life songs, tastefully executing a number of genres that fill the midst of the Venn diagram.
  14. Feb 17, 2014
    This 2 Disc Album is beautifully crafted and presents a masterful sound. The sound is reminiscent of 80's synth and is very dreamy. I loved every song on the album and would highly suggest it.
  15. Nov 13, 2016
    Perhaps the finest album of the 21th century. It is exhilarating, thrilling, and endlessly inspiring. M83 has invented a new type of music, one that is revolutionary and has the vibes of the 80s electronic music but yet feels and sounds different and unique and one that is breathtakingly beautiful. The time will prove this album to be a classic and the album will endure for centuries andPerhaps the finest album of the 21th century. It is exhilarating, thrilling, and endlessly inspiring. M83 has invented a new type of music, one that is revolutionary and has the vibes of the 80s electronic music but yet feels and sounds different and unique and one that is breathtakingly beautiful. The time will prove this album to be a classic and the album will endure for centuries and will inspire countless of great artists and works. It is a great work of art, a masterpiece of music. Expand
  16. Jun 22, 2014
    One of the best listening experiences I've ever had. Why this only has a 76, I have no idea. It turns boring commutes/trips into voyages. It turns boring days in front of the tv into adventures. It turns lonely nights into happy days. It's nothing but happy/good vibes all the way thru. I can't explain how much I love this cd. The critic score is way too low. But that's not the only time.One of the best listening experiences I've ever had. Why this only has a 76, I have no idea. It turns boring commutes/trips into voyages. It turns boring days in front of the tv into adventures. It turns lonely nights into happy days. It's nothing but happy/good vibes all the way thru. I can't explain how much I love this cd. The critic score is way too low. But that's not the only time. Look at The Devil and God Are Raging Inside Me by Brand New (the only album I know of that beats this one as best album ever, imo). This album is a drug trip without even taking a single drug. It's one of my best friends and I can't thank Anthony Gonzalez enough for this masterpiece. It is simply incredible. "Incredible" doesn't do this album justice but I guess it'll have to do for now until we discover a more powerful word. Expand
  17. Nov 28, 2017
    One Word; Masterpiece, Hurry Up, We're Dreaming is an articulated album that far exceeds any sort of exception, raises the bar so high with its level of production, almost Timeless to say the least, brilliant work of Art.
  18. Dec 30, 2015
    The reason this album has polarizing reviews from critics is because it sounds like an amalgamation of M83's previous albums.However this is untrue and the album remains fresh and evergreen as ever that too being a double album. One of my favourite album's of all time and M83's best album IMO.

    Standout tracks: Midnight City,Claudia Lewis,Outro ....
  19. Oct 11, 2016
    This album changed my life - this is, in my opinion, what music should be like. Every song is incredible in its own right - Klaus I Love You is one of the most underrated songs on the album. Say what you like, but Anthony Gonzalez is a genius.
  20. Nov 15, 2016
    Wow i am speechless this album is really well done its such beautiful emotional journey done the way that only m83 could do it.I love his style of making music
  21. Jun 4, 2017
    This album, to me, was the best album that the group had made so far. I totally loved all of the tracks, including the killer tracks: "Steve McQueen", "Midnight City", "Raconte-Moi Une Histoire", "Reunion" and "Wait".
  22. Mar 1, 2019
    It's like a journey to the world that fulfills with dreams and imaginations. But through music way.
  23. Apr 29, 2020
    Great album. A bit disappointed that the other albums didn’t raise to the same mark.
  24. Sep 28, 2019
    Um excelente álbum com faixas maravilhosas que te transportam para outro mundo. Com certeza a obra-prima do M83 e um dos melhores álbuns de música eletrônica da atualidade.
  25. Nov 25, 2022
    M83's 2011 album, Hurry Up, We're Dreaming, is a brilliant piece of work that not only showcases Anthony Gonzalez's brilliant mind, but also crafts a wonderful spiritual and sentimental feeling. A feeling you don't usually feel when listening to modern music.
  26. Nov 13, 2021
    This album is just perfect, each sound complements each other very well and each song has a different atmosphere but that doesn't take the album out of context and probably Midnight City has one of the best sax solos of all time.
  27. Oct 18, 2011
    Hurry Up, We're Dreaming contains such a quantity of melancholia and mood we don't know where to head, and therefore preferred to cram up by choosing the dual format, even at the risk of upsetting the listener. A gamble at this time.

    Yet more than a collection of singles, Hurry Up, We're Dreaming should rather be seen as an affirmation: M83 is a significant group who has the necessary
    Hurry Up, We're Dreaming contains such a quantity of melancholia and mood we don't know where to head, and therefore preferred to cram up by choosing the dual format, even at the risk of upsetting the listener. A gamble at this time.

    Yet more than a collection of singles, Hurry Up, We're Dreaming should rather be seen as an affirmation: M83 is a significant group who has the necessary legitimacy to the achievement of an album of this magnitude.
  28. Nov 17, 2011
    One of my favorite double albums of all time, and one of the best albums of the year. The critic score is far too low, and I'm very surprised. M83 is becoming the band I've always wanted them to be.
  29. Oct 24, 2011
    Album number 6 is Anthony Gonzalez's masterpiece. Arguably one of the greatest electronic shoegaze acts, M83's Hurry Up. We're Dreaming is suberb from start to finish. Fans of the band will love the direction the album heads in...Gonzalez clearly wants to take us to Messier 83. Electronic spacey sounds and saxaphones give this album a distinct sound and 80s undertones provide the newAlbum number 6 is Anthony Gonzalez's masterpiece. Arguably one of the greatest electronic shoegaze acts, M83's Hurry Up. We're Dreaming is suberb from start to finish. Fans of the band will love the direction the album heads in...Gonzalez clearly wants to take us to Messier 83. Electronic spacey sounds and saxaphones give this album a distinct sound and 80s undertones provide the new spinoff. Hurry Up. We're dreaming could be right at home in 1986 alongside Visage, it sits fondly as one of the greats of the 21st century. Expand

Generally favorable reviews - based on 38 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 30 out of 38
  2. Negative: 0 out of 38
  1. Jan 3, 2012
    Gonzalez paints broad strokes on this vast musical landscape, and although a wee long, Hurry Up, We're Dreaming may be his conceptual masterpiece.
  2. Mojo
    Dec 22, 2011
    The trade-off for this grandiloquent approach is that some of the songcraft has been swept away in the surge. [Nov 2011, p.93]
  3. Entertainment Weekly
    Nov 15, 2011
    Gonzalez wraps both hooks and hallucinations in bubbly melodies only occasionally bogged down by murky sprawl. [28 Oct 2011, p.73]