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Generally favorable reviews- based on 187 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 13 out of 187
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  1. Sep 5, 2011
    One of my favorite bands and a band I can always expect to put out a great album, has unfortunately put out it's worst album to date. Rain Dance Maggie was a solid single and had me geeked for the release, however, this was really the only song on the album that had any substance for me. I won't blame Josh replacing John as the defacto reason, but there is a very different vibe andOne of my favorite bands and a band I can always expect to put out a great album, has unfortunately put out it's worst album to date. Rain Dance Maggie was a solid single and had me geeked for the release, however, this was really the only song on the album that had any substance for me. I won't blame Josh replacing John as the defacto reason, but there is a very different vibe and texture to this album that does not quite fit with what is normally expected from RHCP's. I'm definitely not with this album...big bummer in music this year. Expand
  2. Oct 25, 2011
    Many years ago I broke up with my girlfriend because we grew apart. I still cared about her... but no magic. It was over. Dear RED HOT CHILI PEPPERS. It's over. I've loved you since 1985. Yes, I'm an old-timer. So, I can (and do) appreciate that you've gotten older, hey, I've gotten older too... but the name of your band is RED HOT CHILI PEPPERS... maybe switch the tempo up a little bit.Many years ago I broke up with my girlfriend because we grew apart. I still cared about her... but no magic. It was over. Dear RED HOT CHILI PEPPERS. It's over. I've loved you since 1985. Yes, I'm an old-timer. So, I can (and do) appreciate that you've gotten older, hey, I've gotten older too... but the name of your band is RED HOT CHILI PEPPERS... maybe switch the tempo up a little bit. Add a little , uh, somethin' "red hot" maybe? Why did you turn into TRAIN? Anyway, I'll always care about you. XXOO Expand
  3. Jun 14, 2013
    Huge RHCP fan...I really wanted to like this album, but their music just lost their heart and soul after Frusciante left.; Anthony Kiedis is the only thing keeping this album afloat. Only songs I could really get into were Rain Dance Maggie and Ethiopia
  4. Dec 21, 2016
    Bad job. No soul, no heart. Cold and buroucratic, It have some few good moments, like MEET ME AT CORNER, GOODBYE HOORAY and Monarchy of roses. But even this goods tracks was not near to the classics songs from by the way and californication. If they change some songs and use some b-sides like OPEN/CLOSE this album could be better....
  5. Sep 20, 2011
    I wanted to listen to this, wasn't hoping for any surprises though...Then, in a nutshell: I'm shocked they're still around and wonder the existence of this album. Being now in my 20s, I can barely imagine myself enjoying this even if I was 14. This is all sorts of crap, RHCP simply have nothing more to show us. Face the facts.
  6. Sep 2, 2011
    This is the worst piece of crap the band has put out in over 15 years. They lack their usual strong tempo without John Frusciante and even Peppers purist should not be giving this crap high marks. Not one hit on the entire CD.
  7. Jan 14, 2013
    If the Album is anything like the Album Tour that I witnessed last night well.....Red Hot Chili Peppers otherwise know as Flea's Flying Funk Circus took to the stage after half an hour of classic US punk in the vain of the Dead Kennedys, I wish I had caught their name as I would listen to them again, once the ruckus had subsided Flea's band opened with one of the worst U2 covers I haveIf the Album is anything like the Album Tour that I witnessed last night well.....Red Hot Chili Peppers otherwise know as Flea's Flying Funk Circus took to the stage after half an hour of classic US punk in the vain of the Dead Kennedys, I wish I had caught their name as I would listen to them again, once the ruckus had subsided Flea's band opened with one of the worst U2 covers I have ever heard and then proceeded to stumble on for two hours of aural rape that shan't soon be forgotten, if it wasn't for some genuinely entertaining funk instrumentals between songs there was no way to tell when one barrage of skat rambling end and another began. They really are the Rolling Stones of grunge. The drummer did ok at counting in ones but it was noticeable to all that there was a second drummer tapping out the rhythm. To add some much needed sex appeal the vampire guy from twilight played guitar. his use of Whaa peddle got much applaud. Flea looking like David Letterman now, still entertained the crowd by walking on his hands, quiet remarkable that he just celebrated his 65th birthday.After abusing a woman about her **** **** were he got a **** thrown his way.
    I don't know what the Bowie track was that they covered but they shat on it good and proper, even with a guy clearly playing a backing cd on stage.
    I was quite disappointed that to finally have the chance to hear two classic Flea tracks played live only to have 10,000 singlet wearing, goat throwing douchbags sing so loud I couldn't hear the band.
    I'm glad I stole my tickets.
    I hate Anthony Peters.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 36 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 16 out of 36
  2. Negative: 1 out of 36
  1. Oct 9, 2012
    Throughout, Klinghoffer never takes over like Dave Navarro did with One Hot Minute, but he's not knocking down any doors, either.
  2. Q Magazine
    Sep 21, 2011
    It's the heart of the matter, and the song that sets the bar. [Oct 2011, p.122]
  3. Sep 21, 2011
    New axe-slinger or not, I'm With You is a given for this band--at least four songs too long and Rick Rubin's nonchalance leaves everything sounding precisely and consistently the same.