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Universal acclaim- based on 2281 Ratings

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  1. Apr 13, 2011
    IN RAINBOWS will be remembered for the marketing scheme to promote the album. The album itself is only ten tracks, none that demonstrate innovation or creativity that Radiohead were once known for. It's not ambitious as all it gives the listener a collection of love songs that pose beauty but no emotional depth. It starts off with '15 Step' a song that combines electronic with Radiohead'sIN RAINBOWS will be remembered for the marketing scheme to promote the album. The album itself is only ten tracks, none that demonstrate innovation or creativity that Radiohead were once known for. It's not ambitious as all it gives the listener a collection of love songs that pose beauty but no emotional depth. It starts off with '15 Step' a song that combines electronic with Radiohead's now distinct lack of instruments. The song is largely forgettable, destined to be a skipper due to the directionless noise on the track that lacks of the depth of previous Radiohead tracks such as 'National Anthem.' Following it is 'Bodysnatchers' and 'Nude,' both two beautiful tracks that are highlights. Both, thankfully, are stripped down by the pretensions of the last two Radiohead albums and give the fans interesting and versatile tracks. The start of 'Nude' has beauty written all over it. Unfortunately, the rest of the album falls into dullness, and it feels that In Rainbows never reaches a climatic high of any sort. Whilst tracks such as 'All I Need' and 'Videotape' are amazing in their own ways and highlights, they are just songs that become tiresome. In Rainbows is a frustrating listen, one that will disappoint, lacks the beauty it tries to convey, comes across as self- indulgent and is reckless in it's lack of originality. Radiohead may be pushing forward in the promotion stakes, but musically wise, they are similar to a runner who spends too long of his time at the water stand. Expand
  2. JTMoo
    Jun 10, 2010
    Ok Computer, Kid A, and Amnesiac are possibly the best three sequential albums I have ever listened to. In Rainbows, pretty but a bit boring. Bumped it up a notch for innovative marketing.
  3. DaveC
    Jul 16, 2009
    Very MOR by Radiohead standards. Even compared to their earlier more conventional albums such as the Bends, In Rainbows sounds watered down. Does the album have highlights? Well, "Jigsaw Falling Into Place" is pretty fun, but I don't have much to say about the rest. Radiohead rarely seem to go anywhere they haven't been before and if I were being honest, they would be considered Very MOR by Radiohead standards. Even compared to their earlier more conventional albums such as the Bends, In Rainbows sounds watered down. Does the album have highlights? Well, "Jigsaw Falling Into Place" is pretty fun, but I don't have much to say about the rest. Radiohead rarely seem to go anywhere they haven't been before and if I were being honest, they would be considered subpar as Bends-era b-sides. My least favourite Radiohead album. Expand
  4. RobbieC
    Apr 23, 2009
    Is this really their best album? I don't get it!
  5. CourtneyB
    Oct 4, 2008
    I don't understand the proclamations that this is the best record since OKC. It's pretty good but unlike OKC or the albums released since, it is not surprising or deep... to me, it's mostly good but mostly boring and shallow.
  6. GT
    Apr 28, 2008
    I just don't get how people can call this "the best since OK Computer". If you prefer this over Kid A, Amnesiac or even Hail to the Thief (which I think is really good, despite the fact that so many people seem to dislike it), I think you've missed something. I can't really explain why, but this just sounds so polished and "clean". Poppy, maybe. All I need could have been a I just don't get how people can call this "the best since OK Computer". If you prefer this over Kid A, Amnesiac or even Hail to the Thief (which I think is really good, despite the fact that so many people seem to dislike it), I think you've missed something. I can't really explain why, but this just sounds so polished and "clean". Poppy, maybe. All I need could have been a Coldplay song... I'm quite disappointed to say it just doesn't do much for me. Expand
  7. RobertV
    Apr 21, 2008
    You know Smooth Jazz? This is Smooth Electrorock.
  8. JonG.
    Jan 31, 2008
    Compare this to Kid A is a crime, this is a boring repetitive album. I'm not a RH fan but this is a bad joke. Anybody here listen to Ok Computer?... Lets face it, Radiohead have too many fans, they don't do the effort anymore. This album is about fans, money and fame, not about music. I give 5 points for the great marketing campaign.
  9. GonzO
    Jan 16, 2008
    A couple of the upbeat tracks are sort of catchy, but the vocalist - who, despite mysterious popular acclaim, simply cannot sing - again ruins the overall experience with his shrill, ear-piercing trademark whine. I gave it a good go, but count me in with the reviewer who simply does not understand why critics worldwide fall all over themselves at the mere mention of this band. I rated a A couple of the upbeat tracks are sort of catchy, but the vocalist - who, despite mysterious popular acclaim, simply cannot sing - again ruins the overall experience with his shrill, ear-piercing trademark whine. I gave it a good go, but count me in with the reviewer who simply does not understand why critics worldwide fall all over themselves at the mere mention of this band. I rated a "4" largely because of the distribution method chosen for this album. If only this sort of class and creativity could carry over into the actual music. Expand
  10. IbanL
    Dec 16, 2007
    Kinda like okay, I guess. Despite the major marketing breakthrough the album itself lacks innovation and renovation. After Amnesiac (my personal favorite album of them) and HTTT this is pretty poor for me. It's like a fourth transitional album: And it does get boring.
  11. ParksB.
    Dec 10, 2007
    Really, Why can't they just go back to the awesome alt-rock band they used to be on Pablo Honey, The Bends, and Ok Computer. The Past almost 10 years (aside from pieces of hail to the thief) have been an agonizing exercise in self-indulgence. In Rainbows, while it does have "songs" feels muddy, overwrought, and over-composed. Everyone is blinded by their marketing scheme, which Really, Why can't they just go back to the awesome alt-rock band they used to be on Pablo Honey, The Bends, and Ok Computer. The Past almost 10 years (aside from pieces of hail to the thief) have been an agonizing exercise in self-indulgence. In Rainbows, while it does have "songs" feels muddy, overwrought, and over-composed. Everyone is blinded by their marketing scheme, which actually was genius and brilliant. Maybe thats what all the fanboys have been giving 10 ratings. Expand
  12. ChrisP
    Dec 8, 2007
    A pretty album, but ultimately unsatisfying. This is the sound of Radiohead in a comfortable groove, and it's more of an adult-alternative snooze than anything interesting.
  13. Radioheadfan
    Dec 4, 2007
    Limps along until you realize its not worth helping this lame dog. A real snoozer.
  14. HT
    Nov 16, 2007
    The album has 4, maybe 5 great songs, but, beeing honest, no more. That leaves more of the half of the album in the point of view of your fast-forward button. It´s a pity, Radiohead is a band that really cans doing much more better than this.
  15. ChrisB.
    Nov 11, 2007
    Every Radiohead album since OK Computer has been vastly overrated, overhyped, and over dissected by music critics, this one isnt any different. This time though, half the songs dont seem to lead to anywhere except some sort of hungover dream state.
  16. ZachJ.
    Nov 9, 2007
    maybe rolling stone has never heard "roygbiv" from the boards of canada's 1998 release "Music has the right to children" before they heard the song "all i need". i guess 9 years is long enough that when radiohead uses the same beat it doesn't sound like any other band on earth. boards of canada = other worldly
  17. IsaacAshe
    Nov 3, 2007
    Ultimately fails to grab you by the scruff all the way through - a disappointment after all the plaudits I read before listening, and the genius solo work of Thom Yorke that proceeded this release.
  18. markn.
    Nov 1, 2007
    Okay - this just gets a pass mark because it is only slightly more listenable than the last three Radiohead albums - there are at least some melodies here. Thom Yorke is surpremely talented, but somewhere between OK Computer and Kid A he got scared of what he could do and he's been wallowing in pseudo-genius ever since. Even the new Britney Spears album (appalling lyrics and all) is Okay - this just gets a pass mark because it is only slightly more listenable than the last three Radiohead albums - there are at least some melodies here. Thom Yorke is surpremely talented, but somewhere between OK Computer and Kid A he got scared of what he could do and he's been wallowing in pseudo-genius ever since. Even the new Britney Spears album (appalling lyrics and all) is better than this. Expand
  19. nickc
    Oct 31, 2007
    The songs, while layered and beautiful, are indistinguishable and blend completely together. I've listened to this album 20 times, and I still can't remember a single moment afterwards except for bodysnatchers and nude. Best album of the decade, by radiohead, of all time? No. Just No. I'd put this one between Kid A and Amnesiac. Doesn't hold a candle to OK Computer, The songs, while layered and beautiful, are indistinguishable and blend completely together. I've listened to this album 20 times, and I still can't remember a single moment afterwards except for bodysnatchers and nude. Best album of the decade, by radiohead, of all time? No. Just No. I'd put this one between Kid A and Amnesiac. Doesn't hold a candle to OK Computer, Bends, or Hail to the Thief. And 15 step is the worst ablum opener Radiohead's ever written. Expand
  20. JonathanF
    Oct 30, 2007
    wow, definitley the most overrated band of life.
  21. SteveK
    Oct 28, 2007
    Radiohead seems to draw their inspiration from those esoteric soundpieces that they usually play in Yoga-Classes. That doesn't have to be all bad, but I have a hard time connecting the music to these euphoric overall ratings they get. Therefore I can't help but think that this band is quite overrated.
  22. AshleyP
    Oct 26, 2007
    I tried, I really tried to like this. Their last four albums have been masterful. But In Rainbows, with its uninspiring sounds/chords backed up with stale rhythms, and monotonous, emotionless vocals (with a few momentary exceptions), does nothing for me. The album shows no signs of cohesion; it is thread-less, and uninviting. It sounds perfunctory and cheap, barely a step up from The I tried, I really tried to like this. Their last four albums have been masterful. But In Rainbows, with its uninspiring sounds/chords backed up with stale rhythms, and monotonous, emotionless vocals (with a few momentary exceptions), does nothing for me. The album shows no signs of cohesion; it is thread-less, and uninviting. It sounds perfunctory and cheap, barely a step up from The Eraser. It's been amazing decade-long adventure, but, finally, and inevitably, I suppose, they have let me down. It is all down to taste, I appreciate. After reaching a peak within a genre with OK Computer, they moved on toa new style. Now, I suppose they had reached their limit with the next 'triplet'. So, on to a new style. It is not to my taste. Expand
  23. AlexS.
    Oct 25, 2007
    The Bends and OK Computer were great if a tad too pretentious. Kid A doesn't hold up even now and yet Aphex Twin does. Now there's this overly simple, horribly vague, and of course overrated record. The dynamic is almost never here on this record. The guitars are near generic most of the time. Sure House of Cards and other moments of some songs are pretty. But had they released The Bends and OK Computer were great if a tad too pretentious. Kid A doesn't hold up even now and yet Aphex Twin does. Now there's this overly simple, horribly vague, and of course overrated record. The dynamic is almost never here on this record. The guitars are near generic most of the time. Sure House of Cards and other moments of some songs are pretty. But had they released the album the Liars had this year, the reviews would've been even more acclaimed, I promise. And yet a more dynamic and well thought out record (like one by the Liars or something by Sigur Ros) gets much worse reviews. To see In Rainbows get reviews even better or close to that of The Knife's Silent Shout or M.I.A. is hilarious and inevitably seen to be as novelty. Expand
  24. DavidH.
    Oct 24, 2007
    It's not a bad album, but it's just not that exciting either. Why do they feel they owe it to the fans/public to regress to their conventional rock format. Fair enough, the Bends was great at the time, but they are capable of more than that these days, as was evident in the fantastic Kid A and Amnesiac. Sonically, In Rainbows is closer to OK Computer than they have been in a It's not a bad album, but it's just not that exciting either. Why do they feel they owe it to the fans/public to regress to their conventional rock format. Fair enough, the Bends was great at the time, but they are capable of more than that these days, as was evident in the fantastic Kid A and Amnesiac. Sonically, In Rainbows is closer to OK Computer than they have been in a decade, but none of these songs have the depth or classic songwriting of that great album. I don't think Radiohead have ever sounded so MOR. Expand
  25. JosephO.
    Oct 23, 2007
    I don't think this comes close to the big 3 - Bends, Ok Computer, and Kid A. I wouldn't even put it in my top 10 for this year yet. I get the same feeling that I had when I first heard Amnesiac...slightly bored.
  26. AllanC.
    Oct 23, 2007
    There is nothing wrong if you don't like this album as much as the rest of the crowd has. Sure we're a small minority but it's OKAY to be different. I personally tried to like this album. It's meant to be a grower but my initial opinion of this album was incredibly poor. I couldn't get myself to like it on about the first 10 listens. The album is a decent album There is nothing wrong if you don't like this album as much as the rest of the crowd has. Sure we're a small minority but it's OKAY to be different. I personally tried to like this album. It's meant to be a grower but my initial opinion of this album was incredibly poor. I couldn't get myself to like it on about the first 10 listens. The album is a decent album but I feel all this universal acclaim doesn't suit the music. To me the album isn't as close to OKC and pretty much I have to ignore the millions of people who apparently have very different tastes from me. Possibly the best album of the year by Sunset Rubdown is getting a 77. That's one thing I don't understand. Expand
  27. ReubenF
    Oct 23, 2007
    Sadly, it is commonplace for bands to lose it over time. Most are one-hit wonders. Some manage a few good albums. A select few sustain a career among the best for longer than a decade. Radiohead are among the select few. However, on this album, they prove themselves no exception to the general rule. They have past their used by date. The end.
  28. kriss
    Oct 21, 2007
    Well I'm going to be honest, I've listened to this about four times already and I'm not really digging it. I don't know if it is because this is a "grower" or whatnot (I love OK COMPUTER, but I'm not a hardcore Radiohead fan), but this being a Radiohead record I'd more than to listen to it a few more times, but this being the best record of the year and all Well I'm going to be honest, I've listened to this about four times already and I'm not really digging it. I don't know if it is because this is a "grower" or whatnot (I love OK COMPUTER, but I'm not a hardcore Radiohead fan), but this being a Radiohead record I'd more than to listen to it a few more times, but this being the best record of the year and all those 10s and 9s I see, I have to disagree with, though oddly enough I still say "Person Pitch" is the best thing to happen this year. Expand
  29. AB
    Oct 21, 2007
    I wonder how long it actually took to make this album, 3+ yrs since the last they must have been on vacation, but i dont blame them, although they should have stayed. Two things are working here, they've at least addressed that they are doing the same thing over and over, thats in the title, and they used the internet resources to cut out the middle man, that should continue. This I wonder how long it actually took to make this album, 3+ yrs since the last they must have been on vacation, but i dont blame them, although they should have stayed. Two things are working here, they've at least addressed that they are doing the same thing over and over, thats in the title, and they used the internet resources to cut out the middle man, that should continue. This album is boring at best, fun to sleep to. Expand
  30. edenc.
    Oct 20, 2007
    Mediocre album... none of the songs really caught my attention. 15 step, weird fishes, and all i need were good but still not great... I don't get how critics simply rate an album high because it is unique not because it is good music.
  31. Joris
    Oct 20, 2007
    In the critic's eye Radiohead can permit themselves even plain mediocre tracks as Jigsaw Falling Into Place and the uninspired one-riffbased track Bodysnatchers, but in the end the unearthly beauty of House of Playing Cards, All I Need, 15 Step, Reckoners, the haunting Nude and Arpeggi make up for a Decent Radiohead album. Not their best by far, and not by any means one of the better In the critic's eye Radiohead can permit themselves even plain mediocre tracks as Jigsaw Falling Into Place and the uninspired one-riffbased track Bodysnatchers, but in the end the unearthly beauty of House of Playing Cards, All I Need, 15 Step, Reckoners, the haunting Nude and Arpeggi make up for a Decent Radiohead album. Not their best by far, and not by any means one of the better albums to have come out in 2007, but still solid. Expand
  32. ReasonablePerson
    Oct 18, 2007
    Disgustingly overrated. It's not bad album, but some of the comments here are absolutely insane...Better than OK Computer? Best album of all time? Perfect in every way? Give me a break for God's sake! Do you people even listen to any other bands, or do you just crawl out of your basements every 4-odd years to heap praise on Radiohead? Get a grip.
  33. StevenD.
    Oct 18, 2007
    Worst Radiohead album since Pablohoney. Pleasant enough in the blandest possible way. Clearly they're settling in for middle-aged rockstar MOR retirement, all obvious string sections, airy synth sounds and copious amounts of reverb. Also, the songs all seem weirdly simple. It's a pity but I guess hardly unexpected.
  34. MichaelS.
    Oct 18, 2007
    Apparently Radiohead is getting another free pass for making another album after OK Computer. Doesn't seem to matter what they put together, people will call it brilliant because Radiohead made one of the best albums ever made. For me, its mostly just a bunch of dreary, unfinished bedroom rock done much better by many other groups out there. If Thom and Johnny are into that kindof Apparently Radiohead is getting another free pass for making another album after OK Computer. Doesn't seem to matter what they put together, people will call it brilliant because Radiohead made one of the best albums ever made. For me, its mostly just a bunch of dreary, unfinished bedroom rock done much better by many other groups out there. If Thom and Johnny are into that kindof thing now, I say go for it, make your solo albums and reap the praise they will automatically come for them. I just wish that when the full band together they would pick up their axes and their drumsticks and rock me like they do on Bodysnatchers on a much more regular basis. Expand
  35. baffleds.
    Oct 18, 2007
    In Rainbows stands a good chance of becoming the most overrated album of the new millennium. I am simply *baffled* by the fawning reviews above. After OK Computer, Kid A, and even Hail to the Thief, this sounds like the result of a weekend jam at Nigel's place. How can it have escaped so many ears that these songs are nothing more than dressed-up riffs? And how can so many critics In Rainbows stands a good chance of becoming the most overrated album of the new millennium. I am simply *baffled* by the fawning reviews above. After OK Computer, Kid A, and even Hail to the Thief, this sounds like the result of a weekend jam at Nigel's place. How can it have escaped so many ears that these songs are nothing more than dressed-up riffs? And how can so many critics and fans have been satisfied by these watered-down, adolescent lyrics: "I don't wanna be your friend; I just wanna be your lover" -- I might have expected this from Justin Timberlake, but not Thom "an airbag saved my life" Yorke. Can someone help me out here? I feel like I'm living in a rock and roll version of the Emperor's New Clothes. Expand
  36. StephenB.
    Oct 17, 2007
    Radiohead is the most overrated band ever! They are a more boring, more obscure, but more experimental (for experimentalism's sake) U2. They are obviously talented, but maddeningly hollow. Sorry.
  37. JeffW
    Oct 16, 2007
    Anyone else bothered by the complete lack of coherence in the lyrics? You could take every line in the entire album, randomly arrange them, and each song would have just as much meaning or emotional punch as it does now (none). While these songs have a beauty to them musically, they have a complete emptiness to them because there is nothing to really sink your teeth in.
  38. allen
    Oct 16, 2007
    I'm really suprised at all the gushing for this album! I'm a huge Radiohead fan, and I do think this is a good ablum. However, I'm slighlty perplexed by the "best album ever made" and "best radiohead album ever". Seriously? Please! Again, this is a good record, but better than OK Computer and/or Kid A? Not a chance.
  39. pierreb.
    Oct 16, 2007
    not bad
  40. PaulD.
    Oct 16, 2007
    I know Radiohead will always be critical darlings (see above) but, even as a diehard fan, I can only describe this album as a directionless drone. I never thought an album would make me yearn for the pop sensibilities of Amnesiac. Glad I only payed a fiver.
  41. TomB.
    Oct 15, 2007
    The softness seems limp and WILL NOT let up. Can it touch Ok Computer? Get the fuck out of here, critics.
  42. sm
    Oct 14, 2007
    it's okay.
  43. MesiaS
    Oct 14, 2007
    Hmm, reviews seem to be mixed on this one. I think there are a few good "songs" but their extremely weak lyrical abilities are put on display here on the more sparse songs.
  44. Joe
    Oct 13, 2007
    Only good track was the 2nd one (but that's just my opinion). Feel free to flame. Oh, and props to Radiohead for the whole fighting the system thing -- we need more bands that can do that.
  45. claytons
    Oct 13, 2007
    i hardly can understand these great reviews, and i can't help but think that this album would go virtually unnoticed if it wasn't Radiohead. the majority of the tracks seem to wander aimlessly, in all their duration making their way to a crescendo that never occurs. this sort of minimalistic ambiance simply reveals a dearth in instrumentation - far from an intriguing and i hardly can understand these great reviews, and i can't help but think that this album would go virtually unnoticed if it wasn't Radiohead. the majority of the tracks seem to wander aimlessly, in all their duration making their way to a crescendo that never occurs. this sort of minimalistic ambiance simply reveals a dearth in instrumentation - far from an intriguing and vulnerable nudity. and, if i recall correctly, many of these tracks are leftovers. do they not sound exactly as such? haven't we come to expect at least a little more from Radiohead? they're lucky i'm giving them a 6. Expand

Awards & Rankings


Universal acclaim - based on 42 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 40 out of 42
  2. Negative: 0 out of 42
  1. In Rainbows really does present Radiohead at their most full-blooded and confident.
  2. Overall, the material feels more human, more honest, more assured.
  3. Happily, In Rainbows is pretty, pretty good.