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  1. Nov 1, 2012
    It's difficult to know where to start with this album. For me it's Radiohead's finest hour. Beautiful melodies, stunning compositions and a fluidity that is unparalleled. It flows. It really does. From one track to another it brings out a sense of wonder and connectivity that you rarely find these days. I've seen Radiohead live many many times and every time I hear one of these tracks itIt's difficult to know where to start with this album. For me it's Radiohead's finest hour. Beautiful melodies, stunning compositions and a fluidity that is unparalleled. It flows. It really does. From one track to another it brings out a sense of wonder and connectivity that you rarely find these days. I've seen Radiohead live many many times and every time I hear one of these tracks it gets better and better and better. Radiohead are without doubt the greatest band of our generation and I challenge you to find better. Expand
  2. Sep 5, 2010
    It's a great album, but I think Radiohead has done better. I like how it's much different from what they've done before, but I hope they go back to melting faces on the next record
  3. Sep 5, 2010
    another amazing album by radiohead. this album is very diverse and has that ok computer- rock feel to it, and thats what makes it good. i cant stop listening. easily one of the best albums of the 21 century.
  4. Sep 7, 2010
    a truly great album, start to finish full of atmosphere and gloom, every song reflects a deep feeling and provokes happiness, sadness or depression. great album.
  5. Sep 7, 2010
    Another perfect Radiohead album. Absolutely beautiful. First listen is amazing and it improves with each subsequent one. Songs like "All I Need" and "Reckoner" especially impress, and the album doesn't have a weak spot.
  6. Oct 8, 2010
    maybe its not their most revolutionery album...but its certainly their loveliest and cachiest one.
    every single track is right thing to hear.....and headphone effects just blow your mind...... in fact its just an amazing masterpiece!
  7. Mar 1, 2011
    In Rainbows is Radiohead's second best album. (Kid A being first). It sounds like nothing you'll ever hear. Really smooth and soft on the ears. Thom Yorke's beautiful voice sings his most intense love songs ever. "All I Need" is a perfect example of that. All In All, Radiohead have created a great album once again. A-
  8. Feb 12, 2011
    I loved this. It's my favorite Radiohead, second to OK Conputer. This is different than most music out there. I recommend this for people who like alternative and indie rock.
  9. Feb 14, 2011
    Although Radiohead has developed somewhat of a reputation for being everybody's favorite (really that means everyone who is into their variety of music), this does not mean that they should be written off in any way. They produce what is quite possibly the best music I've come across to date. In Rainbows is them at their best.
  10. Feb 24, 2011
    Though it has some weak tracks like Reckoner and Faust Arp, the rest of the album is very solid. Easily one of Radioheads most colorful and beautiful albums. You can feel the level of personality and warmth thom yorke and the rest of the band puts in the songs.
  11. Mar 12, 2011
    Writing this in 2011 I can honestly say this is the album that best represents the 2000-09 decade. Tracks like Nude, Weird Fishes/Arpeggi, and Videotape show Radiohead at their most raw emotionally.
  12. May 7, 2011
    Absolutely stunning from start to finish - there is not a dull or skippable track in my opinion. In every way this is a perfect album: I can't fault it.
  13. May 6, 2011
    radiohead has no bad albums but this album is breakthrough self-released which had a pay what you want system.radiohead is a people's band true artist.this album is honestly almost perfect.not to mention way they incorporated the fans in there music.
  14. Jan 14, 2017
    This was actually the first album I ever picked up by Radiohead, and let me tell you: it changed my life and entire understanding of what music can be.

    In an effortless sounding way, Radiohead is able to roll through and express so many deep and dark emotions. In fact, whenever anyone I meet asks why I am not able to listen to pop music or enjoy, "mainstream," pop music, I always send
    This was actually the first album I ever picked up by Radiohead, and let me tell you: it changed my life and entire understanding of what music can be.

    In an effortless sounding way, Radiohead is able to roll through and express so many deep and dark emotions. In fact, whenever anyone I meet asks why I am not able to listen to pop music or enjoy, "mainstream," pop music, I always send them this album and insist that they listen to this at least twice. It answers that question in ways I have a hard time articulating.

    This is the chapter book of music albums. This is a piece of art that forever leaves you shaken and contemplating everything around you. And yet, after listening to all of Radiohead's albums, they are still able to make music at least as great (if not better) than this. It's absolutely unbelievable.

    If you love music, if you love having a soul, or you just feel lost in the monotony of existence--pick this up right away and it will open your eyes to new colors you never thought you could perceive.
  15. Jun 25, 2011
    To all you **** giving negative scores...You really are idiots, enough said.
    One of the finest albums ever written and recorded. Highly recommended
  16. Jul 7, 2011
    A beautiful, innovative mixture of rhythms, sounds, and much more. Everything flowed together best in this album than past albums. It's Radiohead's high point for me as of now. I still can not pick my favorite song, and if that happens it means the album definitely has potential... and it does!
  17. Aug 31, 2011
    One of those perfect albums. Every song is memorable in some way, the lyrics are amazing, and the band plays their instruments flawlessly. Definitely the best album in the past 10 years and Radiohead's best work yet.
  18. Aug 7, 2011
    This is a fantastic album, there are two songs that I'm not quite feeling, but they're not bad songs. This is Radiohead at their best, and Radiohead at their best is Alternative Rock at its best imo. From 15 step to Weird Fishes/Arpeggi is perfection. All I need is a decent song, but night quite as good as the four before it. Faust Arp is short and sweet and wonderful. Reckoner is probablyThis is a fantastic album, there are two songs that I'm not quite feeling, but they're not bad songs. This is Radiohead at their best, and Radiohead at their best is Alternative Rock at its best imo. From 15 step to Weird Fishes/Arpeggi is perfection. All I need is a decent song, but night quite as good as the four before it. Faust Arp is short and sweet and wonderful. Reckoner is probably my second favorite song on the album after the stellar weird fishes/arpeggi and then we get House of Cards. Probably my least favorite song on the album, but still one I can never skip. The last two songs, Jigsaw Falling into place and videotape are polar opposites, but both wonderful. I can't praise this album enough. Expand
  19. Aug 7, 2011
    A stunning album all the way through. Transcends any specific genre placement. In Rainbows gets better with every play and is a consistent experience without ever providing the same sound twice. As usual, Thom Yorke provides amazing and insightful lyrics. The album progresses in an entirely natural way starting with the upbeat 15 Step and closing with the surreal Videotape. A standoutA stunning album all the way through. Transcends any specific genre placement. In Rainbows gets better with every play and is a consistent experience without ever providing the same sound twice. As usual, Thom Yorke provides amazing and insightful lyrics. The album progresses in an entirely natural way starting with the upbeat 15 Step and closing with the surreal Videotape. A standout track would have to be Jigsaw Falling Into Place but because this album is strong beginning to end that choice is subject to change on a daily basis. Just a beautiful experience. Expand
  20. Aug 31, 2011
    Oh we all know Radiohead. Describe it however you want it wether you'd say beautiful, crazy, incredible, original, etc/ This album and this band is a masterful work of art
  21. Aug 17, 2011
    Radiohead was reached its maturity, making the perfect balance of synths, acoustic instruments and hard driven guitars. The feeling is so true, honest, sad, melancholic; makes me think they still leave music flow through their feelings to create what we have now in this album. This is my favorite album of the decade and a one that defined this time of my life. Thanks Radiohead for such aRadiohead was reached its maturity, making the perfect balance of synths, acoustic instruments and hard driven guitars. The feeling is so true, honest, sad, melancholic; makes me think they still leave music flow through their feelings to create what we have now in this album. This is my favorite album of the decade and a one that defined this time of my life. Thanks Radiohead for such a great album. Expand
  22. Jan 8, 2013
    A fully-realized new style for Radiohead in '07 lead to one of the best albums ever made, a rich, textural paradigm appropriately composed of an emotional juxtaposition of equal parts melancholy and joyous exploration of new ideas, new feelings. Instrumentally, you can't do better and Thom's voice on this thing has literally brought me to tears.
  23. Sep 18, 2011
    As for yes this is true Radiohead as always with always changing rhymes, clearer and sophomore instruments making our brain constantly searching for something. The talent of the band's members here comes to life in a strategic way to make us feel hidden pleasures, desires and wants.

    Concluding in a great Radiohead way.
  24. Jun 15, 2017
    For me "In Rainbows" is a classic. Undoubtedly one of the albums of the 00's. At 10 tracks the album is edited and trimmed so that there is not a weak second on the album. "Faust Arp" is the only thing that is not completely sublime on this. This remains Radiohead's strongest work since "Kid A". "15 Steps" (what a way to open proceedings), "Nude", "Weird Fishes", "All I Need", "Reckoner"For me "In Rainbows" is a classic. Undoubtedly one of the albums of the 00's. At 10 tracks the album is edited and trimmed so that there is not a weak second on the album. "Faust Arp" is the only thing that is not completely sublime on this. This remains Radiohead's strongest work since "Kid A". "15 Steps" (what a way to open proceedings), "Nude", "Weird Fishes", "All I Need", "Reckoner" are all prime Radiohead cuts. Closing track "Videotape" is another. "In Rainbows" finds the perfect balance between early day and later Radiohead, rhythmic experimentation with tunes and melodies. Phenomenal. Expand
  25. Nov 6, 2011
    There's just something about this album. Each song is unique, but somehow connect. Vastly underrated when compared with Kid A and OK Computer. Where each of these albums had amazing high points, they both had some forgettable tracks. This album has spread its genius out throughout the whole album, peaking with "Reckoner", one of the most haunting songs ever recorded.
  26. Nov 15, 2011
    Outstanding, as expected. Probably Radiohead's most accessible effort; definitely good to start with if you're looking to get into them.
  27. Nov 15, 2011
    Brilliant, brilliant album. It is almost odd at first to hear such personal Radiohead lyrics, but the warmth, missing from other albums brings you back to this one again and again. If I was to have a criticism it would be that, upon first listen, no track really jumps out at you as 'fantastic.' Yet, after two, three, four, five... listens they all jump out together, making this one of theBrilliant, brilliant album. It is almost odd at first to hear such personal Radiohead lyrics, but the warmth, missing from other albums brings you back to this one again and again. If I was to have a criticism it would be that, upon first listen, no track really jumps out at you as 'fantastic.' Yet, after two, three, four, five... listens they all jump out together, making this one of the best albums of that decade. Expand
  28. Nov 16, 2011
    What can I say about this album that hasn't already been said? This is Radiohead's most colorful album, and every track has a lot of enjoyment value.
  29. Jan 28, 2012
    Radiohead once again made â
  30. Feb 11, 2012
    Unbelievably good , in every sense. I've never heard emotion expressed in music in a more beautiful way. The greatest album Radiohead have ever made.
  31. Feb 17, 2012
    One of the boiling points of modern music. Absolutely stunning renditions of the finest pieces of music ever written.
  32. May 14, 2012
    it was nice to hear radiohead return to playing together again. after all hail to the thief, thom got out of the band's way with his little solo record, and it's nice to see what came of it. this band plays well together in a way that very few other bands can.
  33. Aug 17, 2018
    My personal favorite out of the band's whole discography. It's almost a collection of all of Radiohead's strengths. It's colorful, vibrant, and oozes rhythm.
  34. Jul 5, 2012
    Now that we're past all the pay-what-you-want hype, we can look at it objectiviely, and realise that this is their bets album, hands down. it's perfect.
  35. Oct 13, 2012
    Near the beginning I didn't really like it and felt that radiohead had begun to shy away from it's the bends/ok computer beginning(pablo honey didn't really count for most fans) but it started to grow on me as it progressed.
  36. Oct 6, 2015
    Radiohead's discography is one of the greatest of all-time. Their ability to go from trend followers (Pablo Honey) to trend setters in the alternative rock scene is what makes me appreciate them even more. As great as HTTT was, I felt that they needed to take a step back and find who they were as a band for their next record & that is exactly what they did with In Rainbows. Vocally, thisRadiohead's discography is one of the greatest of all-time. Their ability to go from trend followers (Pablo Honey) to trend setters in the alternative rock scene is what makes me appreciate them even more. As great as HTTT was, I felt that they needed to take a step back and find who they were as a band for their next record & that is exactly what they did with In Rainbows. Vocally, this is the best Thom has ever sounded and this is the most prominent I've heard Greenwood on his bass.

    Here, there is no experimentation, no risk being taken or excessive usage of electronic music - here, there is nothing but Radiohead creating a perfect alternative rock record! While this is not the first record I would recommend for people who are just about to dive into their discography (I would prefer you listen to their records in order so you can appreciate how they evolve over time), this would be the album that I would say is their absolute best.
    Best Songs: Just listen to it all and be amazed!
  37. Mar 22, 2013
    Stop telling me what to listen to haters. gtfo of here and go listen to Justin Timberlake or Beyonce if you want über catchy pop on a "great" voice.
  38. Jun 15, 2015
    Truly impressive.

    From 15 Steps to Videotape. It features the best songs Radiohead have ever written. Please don't think it's just Kid A again, it IS different. An experiment what turns into an unforgettable experience. And yes I will never forget the quirky, squeeze sound of Nude or the roar of Jigsaw Falling Into Place. An feel of weirdness and social embarrassment follows up to an
    Truly impressive.

    From 15 Steps to Videotape. It features the best songs Radiohead have ever written.
    Please don't think it's just Kid A again, it IS different. An experiment what turns into an unforgettable experience. And yes I will never forget the quirky, squeeze sound of Nude or the roar of Jigsaw Falling Into Place.
    An feel of weirdness and social embarrassment follows up to an explosion of artistic emotionality. Maybe it's just me but its hard to get not emotional while Reckoner turns up or the last chords of Videotape resound.
    A record which is focused on to express the impression in such a sick and fascinating way.

    It feels like Radiohead just have written the background music to your lonely daydreams.
    And as if this was not enough: it is very inspiring, because it shows what true art can do.

    Well this album is from 2007, what happened.

    True artistry is about to help people to believe in their-selves and help them to reach out for the best .

    I think it's very, very sad which way the music industry has put on nowadays.

    This album is in my opinion yeah a reckoner I guess. Just taking you more and more into an manic depression. And fight the demons inside as they are. But will you get over it?..
    And in the end after all this painful sorrow you will feel as you just walked upon a rainbow.

  39. Feb 23, 2013
    "In Rainbows" is a colossal of modern music.Joyful,teary and full of humanity.Lyminous lyrics,great vocals,exquisite guitar efforts from Jonny.Best of the best
  40. Feb 17, 2013
    Beautiful and sophisticated. On constant replay. These songs are simply captivating. I hope they do more along these lines, because I can't get enough of this, and I want more!
  41. Feb 23, 2013
    A great record, all songs on it are worth listening to, and the best Radiohead since OK Computer. Although this may upset a lot of fans, it might even be better than OK Computer.
  42. Dec 22, 2017
    Just dropping by to give my favorite album of all time (so far) its review. A lot of people would rank this album lower than OK Computer, or Kid A. But personally, this album is a gem in the radiohead discography. Love every single track on this album. It's 42 minutes of bliss.
  43. May 13, 2013
    This is the first Radiohead's album I ever listened. My favorite song is 15 Step because the musical arrangement, that is so amazing. The whole album is beautiful and needs to be listened by all.
  44. Aug 31, 2020
    This is a great album and an excellent update on Radiohead’s sound to make it more electronic. Thom Yorke’s signature voice is still present as he wails over every track.
  45. Nov 17, 2014
    It would seem impossible to create an album that in ten songs touches upon grief, death, ecstasy, love, and relationships in 10 songs. Radiohead(my personal favorite band), laughs at this impossibility and instead creates one of the greatest albums I've ever heard.
  46. Jun 18, 2013
    Just pure perfection, easily Radiohead's 3rd best album, behind Kid A, and OK Computer, but this album is a lot different than anything they have ever done. This particular album has beautiful melodies and almost every song on this album you can listen to. Definitely the best of 2008.
  47. Feb 19, 2021
    Sabe PERFEIÇÃO? Perfeição. Um dia melhores albuns criados nessa geração, facilmente um dos melhores da década.
  48. Jul 31, 2013
    Amazing album deserves all the praise it gets. In rainbows is a really chilled out album and not as dark as some of Radioheads other work. Great album to relax to with a cup of tea
  49. Sep 7, 2013
    To say In Rainbows was an amazing album is simply an understatement. Radiohead not only created a masterpiece, exceeding any expectation that fans and critics had, but did so in a time where true musicianship was at a very low output. Where some bands may have gave in and reincarnated their sound to fit a mainstream tone, Radiohead took the sounds of alternative rock a craftily arranged itTo say In Rainbows was an amazing album is simply an understatement. Radiohead not only created a masterpiece, exceeding any expectation that fans and critics had, but did so in a time where true musicianship was at a very low output. Where some bands may have gave in and reincarnated their sound to fit a mainstream tone, Radiohead took the sounds of alternative rock a craftily arranged it with symphonic harmonies and electronic beats, making the best album of the 2000s in my opinion. Personally my favorite Radiohead album, as there is no song I dislike. They nailed it on this one, and unfortunately, I think set a bar too high for any future projects, as King Of Limbs, though solid, was a flop compared to In Rainbows. Expand
  50. Aug 26, 2013
    Radiohead's most consistent album to date, In Rainbows is a calming, yet also complex experience featuring beautiful melodies and instrumentation. It is pure artistic perfection in every sense of the word.
  51. Jul 12, 2018
    Best Radiohead album since Kid A. The organic and electronic moments matchs perfectly. Every single song in its right place. These ones can even exhale bizarreness, but in right way and quite less than another albuns, giving place to beauty and, sometimes sensuality (as Nude), making, that way, songs sounds more tasteful and pleasant. Just excellent.
  52. May 11, 2016
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. This album is truly something special. Every track is perfect. In my opinion, this is Radiohead's Magnum Opus. Everything here feels like it belongs & the album gets better with each listen. Expand
  53. Oct 26, 2018
    While OK Computer may be Radiohead's best record, In Rainbows is a very close second. Front-to-back phenomenal record.
  54. Oct 6, 2013
    You will hear many hardcore music lovers complain about the lack of great, rythmic, catchy and deep lyrics in recent releases but Radiohead once again demonstrate why they are still relevant and one of the greatest bands to grace the industry by providing us with one of the best albums since, well, KID A.

    I feel you can't give the album a just analysis in 5000 characters but all I can
    You will hear many hardcore music lovers complain about the lack of great, rythmic, catchy and deep lyrics in recent releases but Radiohead once again demonstrate why they are still relevant and one of the greatest bands to grace the industry by providing us with one of the best albums since, well, KID A.

    I feel you can't give the album a just analysis in 5000 characters but all I can say is buy/download it and give it a few good listense. It may not be OK Computer level stuff (let's admit, are we ever gonna see something as genius as that again?) but it's superb music.

  55. Feb 3, 2014
    One of my favourite radiohead albums...... there is not one song where you can say "meh"...... and skip it....... the album gets better everytime you listen to it.......
  56. May 10, 2016
    Radiohead's 7th album seems like the third act in their experimental electronic soundscape (following KID A and Amnesiac). The album is more grower than shower, but still delivers amazing quality tracks. Download: Nude, House of Cards, Videotape.
  57. Dec 5, 2013
    I would really write this review in spanish to can really express what this album makes me feel every single time I play it. Its the only perfect album from Radiohead in my opinion. Since "15 step" begins, my ears starts to feel something unique and special. Its beat, the bassline, the ondes martenot sounds and the lyrics are just wonderful. Then "Bodysnatchers", one the most rocker songsI would really write this review in spanish to can really express what this album makes me feel every single time I play it. Its the only perfect album from Radiohead in my opinion. Since "15 step" begins, my ears starts to feel something unique and special. Its beat, the bassline, the ondes martenot sounds and the lyrics are just wonderful. Then "Bodysnatchers", one the most rocker songs on their catalog. "Nude", my personal favorite track on this album and in their whole career, it has some beauty that any other musician had make feel ever. The following track, "All I need", is so dark, so tense, so creepy at times that makes me feel goosebumps and it has that beautiful endind that just makes feel orgasmated. "Faust arp", with that "new" style to sing on Thom's voice is unnatural. "Reckoner: PERFECT TRACK! And then the last 3 tracks, essential in Radiohead's career, but they are like just one piece that should be listened together to understand what it really is. In my whole life, this is the only album I play if I'm sad or angry or better if I'm happy, not matter the season, the hour, the circumstances, its perfect. Expand
  58. Apr 14, 2014
    the best album of radiohead that I never heard, is the great album with balance, to the great album of great heavy and the great level of the bends and ok computer, the fans should have in this private collection, in format CD, or Downloaded, is the best album of 2000's era of RADIOHEAD
  59. Jul 11, 2014
    This is Radioheads 7th studio album and it doesn't disappoint, if your into Radiohead you will know they like a change, from Ok Computer to Kid A. This album really showcases Thom Yorke's vocal range and there creativity with the unique rhythm the tracks have, this album was also produced well. You can tell a lot of effort went into this making this album as a whole, and it payed off.This is Radioheads 7th studio album and it doesn't disappoint, if your into Radiohead you will know they like a change, from Ok Computer to Kid A. This album really showcases Thom Yorke's vocal range and there creativity with the unique rhythm the tracks have, this album was also produced well. You can tell a lot of effort went into this making this album as a whole, and it payed off. Radiohead decided to release this album on there site, letting everyone decide what there willing to pay for it. Which worked out well for them. The first two tracks on this album are different from the rest with having a more up beat to them, and the other 8 tracks having a slower rhythm to them. each instruments fitting in perfectly with the tracks, they also flow together well. The lyrics are clever and are backed up by beautiful instruments and Yorke's vocals. It's hard to pick out certain tracks as favorites because there all great. If your a fan of Radioheads earlier albums this might not be for you, there aren't heavy up heat tracks like there where on The Bends. But all up this album came together well, highly recommend it. Expand
  60. Jul 24, 2014
    This album combines all of Radiohead's strengths; the heavy post-punk riff of "Bodysnatchers", the quirky electronica opener "15 Step", the brooding emo pop like "Nude", "All I Need" and the darkly romantic "Jigsaw Falling Into Place" and "Arpeggi". But they also show us new colors (a variety of which credits the album's title "In Rainbows"). On House of Cards the once-so-sinister YorkeThis album combines all of Radiohead's strengths; the heavy post-punk riff of "Bodysnatchers", the quirky electronica opener "15 Step", the brooding emo pop like "Nude", "All I Need" and the darkly romantic "Jigsaw Falling Into Place" and "Arpeggi". But they also show us new colors (a variety of which credits the album's title "In Rainbows"). On House of Cards the once-so-sinister Yorke plays a desperate lover against a jolly acoustic guitar, on Videotape he plays a suicidal optimist against a piano, and on Faust Arp he shows his rapper/Dylan side, only past seen on Wolf at the Door.

    But this is not just a showcase of Radiohead's talents- Hail To The Thief did that just fine- this is a great album. It's emotional & warm, yet bleak and cold, and one listen to this album can change my mood for days. Second only to OK Computer, this shines as a thrilling installment in Radiohead's repertoire.
    Key Tracks: Bodysnatchers, All I Need, Videotape, Reckoner
    Low Points: None, but if I had to choose Nude or Faust Arp.
  61. Aug 5, 2014
    Radiohead succeeded in making an awesome album using instruments. No effects, all the production went in making crystal-clear the sound of every piece of the puzzle.
    This is an amazing masterpiece.
  62. Oct 11, 2014
    After all these years it is still visceral, hard breaking and edgy - if it doesn't rip your heart out then you have lost more than you could ever imagine.
  63. Dec 9, 2014
    'Don't get any...Big ideas...'
    Chilling. I was 18 and in a relationship when Radiohead released this Pay as you wish masterpiece, and I can remember vividly the effect it had on me. Be warned though, its gloomy, depressing, shockingly real and absolutely exquisite.
    Whether it's Yorke's screech in Nude, the shrill keyboard in All I need Greenwood's gorgeous riffs in Faust Arp or Segway's
    'Don't get any...Big ideas...'
    Chilling. I was 18 and in a relationship when Radiohead released this Pay as you wish masterpiece, and I can remember vividly the effect it had on me. Be warned though, its gloomy, depressing, shockingly real and absolutely exquisite.
    Whether it's Yorke's screech in Nude, the shrill keyboard in All I need Greenwood's gorgeous riffs in Faust Arp or Segway's delicate cymbals in Reckoner- In Rainbows is a comprehensive symphony of varied and sustained brilance. '
    Fresh out of secondary school, In Rainbows rocked me to the core. It made me question everything about the world and all of my preconceptions; but I suppose that is what we should expect of Radiohead. I must admit Hail to the Thief had made me slightly concerned about where the band was progressing, but one foul sweep, a single listen from beginning to end obliterated any of those and as stated simply raised questions about life.
    Truly brillant. Eleven years on after OK Computer, Radiohead have stormed back into the pantheon of musical greatness.
  64. Mar 19, 2015
    Radiohead's 7th full length LP, their first since 'Hail to the Thief' (2003) brought about a subtle change of approach of creating and indeed distributing an album. This is not only a change which resulted with their best work since OK Computer (1997) and Kid A (2000) and perhaps their best work yet, but may have also started the investigation into the important question, how much is aRadiohead's 7th full length LP, their first since 'Hail to the Thief' (2003) brought about a subtle change of approach of creating and indeed distributing an album. This is not only a change which resulted with their best work since OK Computer (1997) and Kid A (2000) and perhaps their best work yet, but may have also started the investigation into the important question, how much is a piece of music worth in the modern era?
    Putting the album's distributive element to one side the music is amazing throughout, like many of Radiohead's albums prior to this there are no tracks which you are likely to skip, a sign of a truly great record, something the somewhat erratic and slapdash immediacy of 'Hail to the Thief' was guilty of in
    places showing that even at their 15 year stay, at this point, as one of rock music's biggest names, they were still improving, still innovating and refining their ever-changing sound. This album will surely place Radiohead on a well deserved pedestal, if it hasn't already.
  65. Mar 29, 2015
    One of the best albums that I have ever listened to in my life. Such a brilliant composition by an amazing band. I love listening to it every time I can.
  66. May 16, 2015
    The most amazing album Radiohead have put out in the most recent years and the proof that the band even after decades of career is still going strong. The record presents itself as a more intimate and even more dramatic group of songs than Hail to the Thief. The songwriting is very mature and the style resembles the mellow and pessimistic tunes of The Bends or even Pablo Honey, but withThe most amazing album Radiohead have put out in the most recent years and the proof that the band even after decades of career is still going strong. The record presents itself as a more intimate and even more dramatic group of songs than Hail to the Thief. The songwriting is very mature and the style resembles the mellow and pessimistic tunes of The Bends or even Pablo Honey, but with tons of experience to back it up. Truly a masterpiece of our time, although not quite as incredible as The Bends, Ok Computer or Kid A. Expand
  67. Jun 23, 2015
    Detailed to perfection, fast tracks slow tracks al flawless, my 2nd favourite from them. Reckoner, 15 Step, Bodysnatcher, Weird fishes, Al I Need, House of cards & Jigsaw falling into place, all instant classics to me.
  68. Jun 8, 2017
    IN RAINBOWS IN RAINBOWSIN AMAZING GREAT MODERN THINKING yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy 555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555
  69. Jan 20, 2017
    Life, death and love.
    This album is for me the masterpiece of radiohead, the incorporation of art rock elements makes this album a symphony and a sing of the beauty of the world in life and how this end so fast.
  70. Feb 18, 2016
    Finest Radiohead album and possibly the best album of the last decade. One of the warmest Radiohead albums with standout tracks including 15 Step, Weird Fishes/Arpeggi and Reckoner.
  71. Apr 15, 2021
    Radiohead's most cohesive album. It combines their, The Bends era pop sensibilities, with the more eclectic and experimental nature of later albums like Kid A. It sounds like you're floating in space, enjoying the emptiness around you, as a virus has wiped out the entire civilisation.
  72. Sep 4, 2016
    If you only know Radiohead for 'Creep' and 'High and dry' then you should listen to this album. Also if you like all of Radiohead's discography, including 'Kid A' and 'Amnesiac' and their other more experimental work you should listen to this album. If you have no idea what a Radiohead is, you should listen to this album. Basically, you should listen to this album.
  73. May 14, 2017
    Great album, most of the transitions work very well and all of the songs are great. It didn't overstay its welcome, and I see and agree with people liking this album.
    Favorite tracks: 15 Step, Bodysnatchers, Nude, All I Need, House of Cards
    Least favorite track: Reckoner:
    Rating: 10/10
  74. Aug 29, 2019
    While, in my eyes, it doesn't live up to all its praise, it's still a wonderful album. The poppier sound and the warmer guitars make the album feel so vibrant, especially on the opener. The album does get a bit less interesting as it goes on, but it keeps Radiohead's amazing consistency. The lyricism is also extremely strong, as to be expected, and Thom's vocals are at a career-high.While, in my eyes, it doesn't live up to all its praise, it's still a wonderful album. The poppier sound and the warmer guitars make the album feel so vibrant, especially on the opener. The album does get a bit less interesting as it goes on, but it keeps Radiohead's amazing consistency. The lyricism is also extremely strong, as to be expected, and Thom's vocals are at a career-high.
    Favourites: Nude, 15 Step, Bodysnatchers (The first 3 songs. Hmmm)
    Least Favourites: Faust Arp
  75. Apr 6, 2017
    One of the biggest AOTY Grammy snubs of recent memory. Radiohead never stop surprising their listeners. 100 years from now, this album will be remembered.
  76. Sep 13, 2020
    This is the best album of all time and nothing can convince me wrong.......
  77. Jan 23, 2017
    Typical ingenious Radiohead writing. Absolutely love the 15/4 feel of 15 Step to start off the album and the typical craziness / falsetto combo of Yorke in songs like Faust Arp.
  78. Sep 18, 2020
    This is how a perfect album sounds like. There isn’t much music in this world that you could compare to In Rainbows. This record’s just... Oh my god, why would I even try to explain? Give this one a listen. Or rather a hundred. Experience it. Study it. Keep playing it over and over. This album changed my life & it may change yours, too.
  79. Jun 26, 2017
    One of their best albums (and personally my favourite). It's consistent, blissful and emotional. Songs like Nude, Reckoner and Weird Fishes are incomparable to anything that I've ever listened to.
  80. Jul 31, 2017
    my personal favorite in the whole Radiohead discography its an album feels like home and that is why the production feels so organic its not too clean or raw its a perfect album that uses both electronic and rock and the album gives out such a unique sound and it also one of their most explosive releases they have ever done. 15 step is a fun song even though Thom vocals are calm and bodymy personal favorite in the whole Radiohead discography its an album feels like home and that is why the production feels so organic its not too clean or raw its a perfect album that uses both electronic and rock and the album gives out such a unique sound and it also one of their most explosive releases they have ever done. 15 step is a fun song even though Thom vocals are calm and body snatchers feels like a updated version of a song from Pablo honey when it comes to instrumentation, nude is a beautiful song and when i said the production feels more organic it really shows in this song when you can here buzz frets from Colin bass and thats like 3 out 10 other amazing and well written songs in this album i cant talk about its one of my favorite albums of all time and it shows how good of an album it is. Expand
  81. Mar 17, 2018
    I remember all the hype when it was released, I was just beginning college back then. Back then it was a cool new offering of a famous alt rock band. Now 10 years after it has grown to become a classic (for that time and listener's pespective are crucial ingredients) and it sound both fresh like today and classic as their other big ones: OKC and Kid A. They've done it and I am proud II remember all the hype when it was released, I was just beginning college back then. Back then it was a cool new offering of a famous alt rock band. Now 10 years after it has grown to become a classic (for that time and listener's pespective are crucial ingredients) and it sound both fresh like today and classic as their other big ones: OKC and Kid A. They've done it and I am proud I could be part of this becoming an evergreen.

    Top: Strange to write that, but everything here seems perfectly fit. Not a single worse moment, which in my books surpasses even OK Computer (Electrioneering sometimes is annoying). Broghtest moment might include coming of the guitar in 15 Step (reminding me a bit of some cool Frusciante RHCP hooks), Bodysnatchers break, Nude's bass, Weird Fishes arpeggis and vocal canon, All I Need Melody and glockenspiel, Faust Arp folky nature, Reckoner's beat, riff and angelic vocals, House of Cards straightforward melody, Jigsaw turning from said story to belting out the vocals, Videotape's funeral piano hook and somberness. And it's all so crisply produces.
  82. Feb 12, 2022
    lacks any pretense: their aesthetic is organic and fluid, indicating a band that responds honestly and artistically to circumstance, rather than one that imposes a rigid, stagnant aesthetic for more idealistic purposes
  83. Mar 24, 2019
    Favorites: 15 Step, Bodysnatchers, Nude, Weird FIshes/Arpeggi, All I Need, Faust Arp, Reckoner, House of Cards, Jigsaw Falling Into Place, Videotape
  84. Apr 26, 2019
    A truly beautiful album. Radiohead are a band known for changing things up and creating memorable music. This is one of my favourites from them, only bested by their masterpiece ‘OK Computer’. In Rainbows consists of 10 perfect songs, personal standouts being Nude, Weird Fishes and Jigsaw Falling Into Place.
  85. Jan 21, 2022
    Radiohead manage to get further than usually and offer us better lyrics and tracks that benefit from more original structures. Some songs remain classic compared to rock standards, and the others shine by the amazing crescendos they include. The band pays attention to the silences and the instrumental moments are often the most poetic and brilliant of the record. This album feels veryRadiohead manage to get further than usually and offer us better lyrics and tracks that benefit from more original structures. Some songs remain classic compared to rock standards, and the others shine by the amazing crescendos they include. The band pays attention to the silences and the instrumental moments are often the most poetic and brilliant of the record. This album feels very particular, like it was thought to be made on measure to fit perfectly. It proposes raw tracks in addition to soft and dreamy ones. Highly versatile but also very consistent !

    I can't help but make the comparison: I find Tom Yorke's voice and performance very similar to Matthew Bellamy's (from Muse), especially on the end of "Nude".
  86. May 10, 2020
    Listen to 'In Rainbows' is an experience introspective, relaxing, comfortable, and so sweet, than you could ignore the sadness and depressing lyrics that this have.
    An album about the meaning of being alive.
  87. Feb 6, 2020
    This album is a 10.0. I’d say it occupies 25% of my music listening. The other 75% by Anima, Kid A, and Doolittle lol.
  88. Apr 20, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. One of the best albums ever made. Highly disappointed by All I Need and House Of Cards, but I know others love them so I can excuse it. Expand
  89. Aug 21, 2022
    All time favorite, best album I’ve heard literally, radiohead is the GREATEST
  90. Sep 25, 2019
    My personally favorite Radiohead album.
    Don't get me wrong, OK Computer is gorgeous but i personally enjoy more this album than any RH album
  91. Feb 1, 2020
    Amazing record! Possibly my favorite in Radiohead’s discography. It’s much less dreary than their previous albums and the listen is smoother in a sense. Also Nude is one of the most beautiful songs ever recorded.
  92. Sep 8, 2021
    It's perfect. I love how it's experimental like Kid A and OK Computer but still stays rockish.
  93. Apr 24, 2020
    One of the best album of ever. It's contains everything i love in the music.
  94. Sep 1, 2020
    It's easily one of their best albums, 'In rainbows' is a perfect collection of art rock, alternative rock and electronic sounds.
  95. Oct 23, 2021
    To put it simple: nothing bad to say about this album. every song is great.
  96. Nov 16, 2020
    Speechless. In between rainbows. Omg I just can't believe what I heard. OMGGGGGG
  97. Feb 15, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. just f***ing precious. this album varies greatly in terms of genres, starting with the cheerful 15 step, moving onto that beautiful arpeggi from weird fishes, to the masterpiece jigsaw falling into place, finishing up with the syncopated rhythm videotape. each track from this album has its own soul and originality. radiohead's best album in my opinion Expand
  98. Mar 26, 2021
  99. May 17, 2021
    This album is amazing. From the chilling transition into the 3rd verse on Bodysnatchers, to the electronic production on All I Need, to Thom's amazing vocals on Reckoner, truly one of the best albums of the 2000's.
  100. Apr 25, 2021
    While i do think this album is pretty overrated, i can't deny how good it is. Tons of great songs are littered across this 10 album. I cant believe they gave this album out for free when it came out.
    Best Songs: Bodysnatchers, 15 Step, Nude, House of Cards
    Worst Songs: Faust Arp

Universal acclaim - based on 42 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 40 out of 42
  2. Negative: 0 out of 42
  1. In Rainbows really does present Radiohead at their most full-blooded and confident.
  2. Overall, the material feels more human, more honest, more assured.
  3. Happily, In Rainbows is pretty, pretty good.