• Record Label: Merge
  • Release Date: Apr 7, 2015

Universal acclaim - based on 27 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 25 out of 27
  2. Negative: 0 out of 27
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  1. Oct 2, 2015
    Cat Power for the next generation.
  2. Mojo
    Apr 21, 2015
    Tripp is a complicated, slow-burning wonder that matches Cerulean Salt for fuzzy, bed-headed zingers but adds several layers of regret and self doubt and is all the more rewarding for that. [May 2015, p.95]
  3. Magnet
    Apr 15, 2015
    Ivy Tripp is the sound of promise realized. [No. 119, p.61]
  4. Apr 14, 2015
    Her songwriting chops prove better with each new release, making Ivy Tripp her most accomplished outing yet.
  5. Apr 13, 2015
    Born of D.I.Y. punk culture, Waxahatchee's fuzzy, introspective pop stands out due to the fearless honesty of the songs, and Crutchfield's refusal to dumb down her emotional currents or underestimate her audience. Ivy Tripp is another excellent and remarkably bold chapter of this exciting, unflinching sound.
  6. Apr 10, 2015
    When I listen to Waxahatchee, I feel a little less strange. Less washed up.
  7. Apr 10, 2015
    It's a far cry from the lo-fi surge of Cerulean Salt, but Crutchfield has progressed beyond that breakthrough LP, and begun the next phase of a career that's only trending upward.
  8. Apr 10, 2015
    On Ivy Tripp, Crutchfield creeps further into adulthood, expanding both her outlook and sound without losing the intimacy that endeared her to us in the first place.
  9. After this increasing headway, Ivy Tripp is slicker than its predecessors, but Crutchfield’s emotional rawness hasn’t been glossed over.
  10. Apr 9, 2015
    Compared to the honed three-speed Cerulean Salt, the rhythmic scattershot of Ivy Tripp makes for a more exciting casual listen, but it does weaken the album’s aural cohesiveness. It’s a fair trade-off.
  11. Apr 8, 2015
    Iit never feels forced or like she's making some kind of push. It's unhurried and natural and real.
  12. 80
    Cerulean Salt managed the compelling trick of being so devoutly personal it felt universal. It's possible that in moving to obscure this personal element in her music, Crutchfield has found an even more profound way to make it clear that we're all on this Ivy Tripp together.
  13. Apr 7, 2015
    It’s Crutchfield’s commitment to embracing both sides of herself--and not downplaying either--that makes Ivy Tripp the most accomplished record to bear the Waxahatchee name.
  14. Apr 7, 2015
    Ivy Tripp cements that Crutchfield is better able to hone in on her fears and articulate emotional realities.
  15. Apr 7, 2015
    Aimlessness can be a rite of passage for twentysomethings, and Crutchfield shines brightest when she transforms that fear into frenetic pop joy.
  16. Apr 6, 2015
    The overall ethos for this collection of songs is that less really is more. Leading to an absolute triumph of a record. Incredible songs, performed with honesty and passion.
  17. Apr 6, 2015
    Ultimately, Ivy Tripp is the best record in Crutchfield's discography, but her rise is undoubtedly continuing. Where she will plateau remains to be seen, but she is already making her mark as one of America's premier songwriters and she shows no signs of stopping.
  18. Apr 6, 2015
    Crutchfield keeps her songs concise, and weaves in subtle forget-me-nots.
  19. Apr 6, 2015
    Cerulean Salt was a tough album to top but, with this bleak yet beautiful follow-up, Crutchfield might have done just that.
  20. 91
    The inventive production and songwriting transform result in monolithic, almost sculptural works that rarely make more than half-hearted gestures to anything specific outside themselves.
  21. Q Magazine
    Apr 2, 2015
    The familiarity of Ivy Tripp breeds disquiet, rather than contempt, its surface cracking like thin ice, revealing its depths. [May 2015, p.115]
  22. Uncut
    Apr 2, 2015
    It's odd to praise a record for lacking assurance, but her avoidance of contrived resolution feels appropriate. [May 2015, p.84]
  23. Apr 2, 2015
    Ivy Tripp is not a record about being in love or and it's not a record about getting your heart broken; it's about the foggy, messy tangle of the feelings in between. And they've never sounded so good.
  24. Apr 2, 2015
    [The songs] are confessional and vulnerable, yet so strong. Of the quiet songs, only the grungy dirge slows things to a crawl.
  25. Apr 2, 2015
    Her third LP, Ivy Tripp maintains a sense of sincerity throughout, letting her purge her own thoughts while providing a sanctuary for her listeners.

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