• Record Label: Capitol
  • Release Date: Oct 3, 2000
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Universal acclaim- based on 1244 Ratings

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  1. Sep 9, 2022
    The artists liked by critics who dislike this album can never make an album half as good as Kid A in his/her lifetime!
  2. Nov 4, 2022
    Wtf is this, This album makes me feel something but I still don't know what. But I know one thing, this is a f***ing masterpiece
  3. Jun 12, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. **** great, every song in this album is a 9, a 10 or even an 11/10

    Fav tracks: idioteque, htdp, everything in its right place, motion picture soundtrack and much more
  4. Jul 19, 2023
    Review só pra lembrar a nota que eu dei pro album:
    album mt bom, agora só escrever pra passar dos 75 caracteres.
  5. RonG
    Jun 6, 2006
    Wonderful in places (Optimistic, In Limbo, Idioteque), occasionally shocking (Treefingers - was someone leaning on a keyboard?) but very pleasantly surprising - I never thought I'd have an album with the line "Yesterday I woke up sucking a lemon" in it, let alone to have it repeated a few times . Generally excellent
  6. EricM
    Jan 3, 2007
    The famous lyricist Yip Harburg once said, "Words make you thing, music makes you feel, songs make you feel thoughts." This is exactly what I get from Radiohead's Kid A. To say that this album or any abum for that matter is pretentious just doesn't make sense to me. How can anyone advocate for change without those against that very change saying they're pretentious. The famous lyricist Yip Harburg once said, "Words make you thing, music makes you feel, songs make you feel thoughts." This is exactly what I get from Radiohead's Kid A. To say that this album or any abum for that matter is pretentious just doesn't make sense to me. How can anyone advocate for change without those against that very change saying they're pretentious. Radiohead clearly makes music for the sake of making music. They refuse to sell their albums on iTunes because they don't want to sell their songs by themselves for they feel each album is its own entity and the songs only make sense in the context of the album. This band pushes the boundaries of music. They are the only widely known band to do so not necessarily the best at it but still they are doing it. This album requires an open mind when it comes to music. While I believe that there is an abundance of melody on this album I stand by the fact that nowhere is it set in stone that melody needs to be in music. Sure we all like a melody but why create a cheap melody for the masses if its not in the songwriters mind? Songwriting is an expression of what someone is feeling and this is what Radiohead wanted to make at this time. Personally I think Hail to the Thief is their greatest triumph but Kid A must be respected as part of the miraculous journey of Radiohead. Expand
  7. boboJ
    Jul 7, 2004
    i dont like the album as much as my review implies. when it comes to my enjoyment its a 7, but kid a is so impressive its a 9 and as time passes will probly end up as a 10. that being said, its much easier to repspect than love. much.
  8. KeilS
    Dec 7, 2005
    As beautiful, jarring, ultimately comforting experience. Subdued revolution at its finest.
  9. RobertW.
    Aug 30, 2008
    Although, this album may appear challenging, cold and at times distant, it is the intricate and lively percussion effects and generous use of the ondes martenot, that combine radiohead's avant garde electronica, with their more popular alternative rock.
  10. DominicB
    Jun 14, 2009
    Stunning album from the world's finest. Not a single weak track on this album (Yes, even Treefingers). It starts with 2 electronic masterpieces which sets you up for the rest of the album. Quality in every department. "How to Disappear Completely" is a stunning song and one of Radiohead's best.
  11. RyanT.
    Jul 18, 2002
    Though not as good as the masterpiece OK Computer. This album is innovative and very experimental. Most of the songs are mindblowing besides a few filler songs such as Treefingers. Listen to this album with a open mind.
  12. Éamann
    Apr 19, 2005
    Stunningly beautiful. They have an incredible ability to come up with lovely tunes. Their best album.
  13. MorrisL
    Jul 23, 2006
    Buying this album is like making an investment. I got it on its release, and listened to it twice before putting it away in repulsion. Then, about three YEARS later, I pick it up and play it through, and found three or four gems amidst a lot of truly terrible songs. But, all the same, when it shimmers, the beauty leaves you breathless, and there's enough shimmer to make it worth your Buying this album is like making an investment. I got it on its release, and listened to it twice before putting it away in repulsion. Then, about three YEARS later, I pick it up and play it through, and found three or four gems amidst a lot of truly terrible songs. But, all the same, when it shimmers, the beauty leaves you breathless, and there's enough shimmer to make it worth your money. But remember, you're buying future enjoyment, and present hatred. Expand
  14. DavidH
    Sep 5, 2006
    firstly, this album is not ok computer. Was never going to be and nothing ever will be. What it is is an album that given a few listens will have you realising is very very good indeed. That is its main problem, some people will have given this one listen and disliked it, however after a few times it becomes deep, intriguing and essential. It is not mainstream and it is not radio . Each firstly, this album is not ok computer. Was never going to be and nothing ever will be. What it is is an album that given a few listens will have you realising is very very good indeed. That is its main problem, some people will have given this one listen and disliked it, however after a few times it becomes deep, intriguing and essential. It is not mainstream and it is not radio . Each song on its own is a masterpiece however and the only reason it doesnt get a 10 is that i think ok computer is better. Given more time tho this might even overtake that classic... Expand
  15. LeeteF.
    Apr 18, 2008
    A very nice album, but please. Admit it. It is NOT awesome when you've heard it like 40 times. First 5 times are random (except for opening track of course), the next 30 listens are incredibly entertaining and breathtaking. But then the album loses it's quality or whatever. Just like any electronic album does. The sounds don't last as long as proper instruments. Sry guys. A very nice album, but please. Admit it. It is NOT awesome when you've heard it like 40 times. First 5 times are random (except for opening track of course), the next 30 listens are incredibly entertaining and breathtaking. But then the album loses it's quality or whatever. Just like any electronic album does. The sounds don't last as long as proper instruments. Sry guys. Give this a listen, and then put on something like David Bowie's Hunky Dory, and you'll know what i mean. Good point about this being a headphones album in a dark room late at night. It is right now. Expand
  16. SamerM
    Sep 30, 2008
    This album starts with one of the greatest opening tracks of all time, Everything in Its Right Place, which sets the scene for a new, different Radiohead. Radiohead made something new, but it's also something as good as before, if not better. Idioteque is an amazing song, and the same goes with Optimistic. The only problem is that the lyrics seem like they were pulled out of a hat This album starts with one of the greatest opening tracks of all time, Everything in Its Right Place, which sets the scene for a new, different Radiohead. Radiohead made something new, but it's also something as good as before, if not better. Idioteque is an amazing song, and the same goes with Optimistic. The only problem is that the lyrics seem like they were pulled out of a hat (which is actually how they were picked). Everything in Its Right Place seems a lot less epic when you realise Thom's saying "Yesterday I woke up sucking on lemons" while the electric stuff in the background makes sure everyone knows of this fact. Expand
  17. GeoffS
    Aug 14, 2006
    This album reminds me of floating on a cloud... a cloud of EXTREME PARANOIA!! ABAHABALALH!!!
  18. DanH
    Jun 23, 2008
    The aural equivalent of a James Joyce novel. "Treefingers" is weak for me, as is "In Limbo"; everything else is stunning. Hence the 9. If you liked this, get "Neon Golden" by the Notwist - its actually better than Kid A.
  19. PatrickK.
    Dec 22, 2001
    This album is quite good, but it is nothing special. So a major-label band actually shows some originality and intelligence... big deal. There is plenty of music more "daring" and mind-fucking than Kid A; it just doesn't get played on MTV. Their lyrics are nothing groundbreaking either, basically just rehashed Marxism with an obscurantist twist. Capitalism and technology alienate This album is quite good, but it is nothing special. So a major-label band actually shows some originality and intelligence... big deal. There is plenty of music more "daring" and mind-fucking than Kid A; it just doesn't get played on MTV. Their lyrics are nothing groundbreaking either, basically just rehashed Marxism with an obscurantist twist. Capitalism and technology alienate us?? No shit.. So I must agree in part with the all the reviewers sucking Radioheads's collective dick.. Kid A shows some originality and intelligence, something all too rare in the wanker-filled world of rock'n'roll. But they do not deserve the fawning acclaim and cultish following they enjoy, which I venture is due more to EMI's advertising budget than anything else. Expand
  20. Oct 5, 2010
    A truly wonderful album, with a few songs that probably experiment too far, and lose me a bit ("Kid A", "Treefingers"). A lot of these songs, though, still have a quintessential Radiohead sound, and the overall theme of the album is so different from "OK Computer". It feels like a natural extension to that albums feelings of being lost in the modern world of technology, with Yorke's voiceA truly wonderful album, with a few songs that probably experiment too far, and lose me a bit ("Kid A", "Treefingers"). A lot of these songs, though, still have a quintessential Radiohead sound, and the overall theme of the album is so different from "OK Computer". It feels like a natural extension to that albums feelings of being lost in the modern world of technology, with Yorke's voice now becoming part of that system of electronics, to great effect. For people stuck in the alt rock of "Pablo Honey", it will not be a very appealing sound. But those that loved the message of "OK Computer" will really get a lot out of this album, and it's among Radiohead's best. Expand
  21. Sep 7, 2010
    An absolutely groundbreaking effort and quite a gutsy change of direction after the phenomenal success of OK Computer (1997). I actually think Amnesiac is a bit of an improvement, but let's be honest, with a Radiohead album, there usually isn't much room for that. A lovely record.
  22. Sep 5, 2017
    The follow up to the magnificient "OK Computer" marked the start of the next chapter of Radiohead where they moved from cutting edge rock to progressive/experimental music. Not as groundbreaking as many give it credit for but Radiohead definitely created one of the last great albums of the 20th century with this. 10 tracks long, each one seems to belong exactly where it is - as the openingThe follow up to the magnificient "OK Computer" marked the start of the next chapter of Radiohead where they moved from cutting edge rock to progressive/experimental music. Not as groundbreaking as many give it credit for but Radiohead definitely created one of the last great albums of the 20th century with this. 10 tracks long, each one seems to belong exactly where it is - as the opening song says "Every in its right place". The amount of work gone into the album is there for all to hear. It has a complexity that only comes when the artist is completely immersed in their work. The title track "Kid A" is the highlight for me and is as good a track as Radiohead have produced. I used to have favourite tracks from this album but over the years I've grown to love the record as a whole more than any specific tracks. "Kid A" really should be listened to as a whole piece. A mix of experimental touches but with good tunes driving it forward. It's a pity they didn't release it with "Amnesiac" as was once mooted as I think it would have been one of the truly great double albums. Expand
  23. Dec 18, 2017
    A beautifully haunting, distopian and chilling album from Radiohead. Making my vinyl collection for sure, I'm just here to show appreciation for this album.
  24. Oct 29, 2013
    It really is the best, most evocative and most profoundly moving Radiohead album. OK Computer, now we'll use you to do something marvellous and homogenous. Quieter and more concrete than its predecessor, it shows influences from triphop, krautrock and the likes of Aphex Twin and Björk.
  25. May 10, 2016
    The controversy of this album was so large at the time due to Radiohead completely changing their sound to create an album far before its time. Artists such as Kanye West, Bjork and Kid Cudi still use this album as reference to their work. Download: Idioteque, Everything in its Right Place, Motion Picture Soundtrack, Morning Bell.
  26. Apr 9, 2014
    This is by far the best album of the 2000s. Simply awesome; the beautiful beginning, Everything In Its Right Place: it's epic. And what about Idioteque? Easily on the best songs ever.
    This is a masterpiece, way better than Ok Computer
  27. Aug 29, 2019
    An extremely unique album, which took even longer to appreciate than its predecessor, but gives almost as much as it back.
    Thom sounds as incredible as 'OK Computer' and this album features some of his career highlights, on "How to Disappear Completely" and "Optimistic". The vocal effects are very well implemented, too, and despite me loathing them in most music I come across, they
    An extremely unique album, which took even longer to appreciate than its predecessor, but gives almost as much as it back.
    Thom sounds as incredible as 'OK Computer' and this album features some of his career highlights, on "How to Disappear Completely" and "Optimistic". The vocal effects are very well implemented, too, and despite me loathing them in most music I come across, they somehow manage to fit in the songs, especially on the opener.
    Instrumentally, this album is amazing. The album dabbles and experiments with rock, electronica, jazz, ambience and so much else. The atmosphere made on songs like "Everything In Its Right Place" and "How to Disappear Completely" is masterful, and these experimental instrumental make sure that there is no dull moment on the album.
    The lyrics are a lot more cryptic than those than appear on any of the band's previous work. For lines chosen at random, some lyrics are incredibly well written, and while the album relies just as much on atmosphere to sends it messages, the lyrics don't falter.
    Overall, an extraordinary album that truly made me rethink my stance on electronic music as a whole. While I'd argue that it isn't as good as 'OK Computer', it's easily one of Radiohead's best.
    Favourites: Everything in Its Right Place, How to Disappear Completely, Idioteque, Optimistic
    Least Favourites: Treefingers
  28. Nov 18, 2018
    Revisiting some of the most critically acclaimed records of all time, today I listened to "KID A", the fourth studio album from UK art-rock band Radiohead. It's an experimental post-rock project that's an extremely unique and interesting, yet special listen - especially when heard through audiophile headphones. It's a great experience.

    This is by no means a mass appealing album, but it
    Revisiting some of the most critically acclaimed records of all time, today I listened to "KID A", the fourth studio album from UK art-rock band Radiohead. It's an experimental post-rock project that's an extremely unique and interesting, yet special listen - especially when heard through audiophile headphones. It's a great experience.

    This is by no means a mass appealing album, but it isn't trying to be. Way ahead of it's time when released in the year 2000, this album still holds up now... if released tomorrow it would still sound just as great. Rich, dense and precise instrumentation combined with Yorke's emotion-packed (often falsetto) vocals pull you into an alternate world - this world is clinical, genuine, calculated & polished... almost so polished that it seems inhuman and robotic, as if we're pulled into a simulation or a machine. The band's entire musical imprint transcends genre once again, following their previous release "OK Computer" - a project which I look forward to hearing.

    My favourite tracks here include 'Everything In It's Right Place' (I love the instrumental so much, as well as the repetition of the track's title... not to mention the vocals and warp effects), 'How To Disappear Completely', 'Optimistic', 'In Limbo', and 'Idioteque'. Also, the artwork perfectly respresents the album - it's ice-cold, jagged, glitchy, and it feels very precise. Overall, "KID A" is 9/10 from me.
  29. May 8, 2019
    Incredible album. Radiohead completely reinvented themselves, and made an album, in my opinion, better than OK Computer. Idioteque is my favorite Radiohead song.
  30. Aug 2, 2020
    This is a fantastic record! A showcase of rock sensibilities with electronic flares. It truly was groundbreaking in cross-genre-polinziation. The lyrics are the bare minimum, and one wishes they were more descriptive and alluring. This record has production that is akin to if a deity tried their hand at alternative. The guitars are hard and piercing. The beats are pulsating and alive. TheThis is a fantastic record! A showcase of rock sensibilities with electronic flares. It truly was groundbreaking in cross-genre-polinziation. The lyrics are the bare minimum, and one wishes they were more descriptive and alluring. This record has production that is akin to if a deity tried their hand at alternative. The guitars are hard and piercing. The beats are pulsating and alive. The other instruments are orgasmic to the ears. Radiohead truly made a record that can stand the test of time. Also, Thom’s vocals are at times quiet and bombastic. The main takeaway here is the experience for the orifices on the side of the head. It is truly an album that is great every track by track. My favorite track is Idioteque Expand
  31. Feb 1, 2023
    Normally when artists go away from their usual sound and try to go in a completely wrong direction, the outcome is either the old fans don't like it and it receives a lower reception than the previous album, the old fans stick to the older stuff whilst gaining a new fanbase that likes the new sound that the band has adopted, and then there is Radiohead even when they try to get away fromNormally when artists go away from their usual sound and try to go in a completely wrong direction, the outcome is either the old fans don't like it and it receives a lower reception than the previous album, the old fans stick to the older stuff whilst gaining a new fanbase that likes the new sound that the band has adopted, and then there is Radiohead even when they try to get away from the sounds of OK Computer and The Bends, they still manage to win over Radiohead fans and music fans alike. Ask any Radiohead fan, and you will find Kid A in the top 3 of their favourite albums by them, maybe along with In Rainbows or OK Computer which I find to be the holy trinity of the band as being their most successful and widely acclaimed albums produced by Radiohead. The whole point of Kid A was to get away from the sounds of OK Computer and The Bends and doing something different to get away from the fame the past 2 albums brought them, away from the pressure to top that album. Even when they try to do that, not matter as hard as they can, the fans love it, as seen with the user score. Critics maybe not so much as they were used to Radiohead being an alternative rock band and the last thing they thought the band was going to release is an electronic and experimental rock album.
    Some of the songs stay true to the traditional instrumental sound of Radiohead as seen with How To Disappear Completely, Optimistic and maybe even Motion Picture Soundtrack. The album is emotional, dealing with the immense pressures of fame and success and falling into a limbo of being at the top of the world but at the same time, at the bottom of a pit full of depression, anger and confusion with no idea of how to get out than hoping and wishing as much as you can and that this is a dream that you will wake up from and everything around you is not real. From the first moments of listening to Everything in its Right Place, you get put into this atmosphere of being in this futuristic dystopian setting which OK Computer captured, carrying on with the themes of the government being the puppeteers of the common people, pushing and pumping consumerism onto people and how our greedy ways and destructive ways of life and politics will be the end of us with songs like Idioteque touching upon those themes.

    Is it a must hear album? Yes, I've had this opinion for a while believing that Radiohead are possibly the most talented group of musicians out there with the skill they have when it comes to instruments and keep innovating techniques no one would of ever thought to do, and Kid A is just one part of capturing just what 5 musically masterminded talents from Abingdon can do.
  32. Apr 25, 2022
    Definitely my favorite Radiohead album. This album marks a huge turning point for the band as they shifted from a more standard rock band into something entirely different, using electronic elements with mind-blowing intensity. I will say, it is hard to get through the entire album in one sitting, but if you can, it proves to be incredibly rewarding. 'Idioteque' and 'Everything in itsDefinitely my favorite Radiohead album. This album marks a huge turning point for the band as they shifted from a more standard rock band into something entirely different, using electronic elements with mind-blowing intensity. I will say, it is hard to get through the entire album in one sitting, but if you can, it proves to be incredibly rewarding. 'Idioteque' and 'Everything in its Right Place' are masterpieces that represent Radiohead at peak fascinating. Expand
  33. May 18, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Kid A, Radiohead's 21st century debut, is as dystopian as it gets. Possibly one of the coldest albums of all time, Thom expresses an empty emotion that is very difficult to capture in good music. Through the framing of an experimental electronic/rock album, the band demonstrates a confident ability to guide the listener through the tracks as if you are floating across the experience. The songwriting is excellent for the most part, although some songs like The National Anthem had a bit too much ambiguity in the lyricism. Other than that, most of tracks had a poetic-like nature to them, demonstrating an ability to fit into the dystopian vibe that they are trying to convey. This album has the most heart wrenching songs in Radiohead's discography, and what an appropriate album to house them.

    Favorite Tracks: Everything In Its Right Place, The National Anthem, How To Disappear Completely, Optimistic, Idioteque, Morning Bell, Motion Picture Soundtrack

    Least Favorite Tracks: Treefingers, In Limbo
  34. Feb 25, 2023
    My favorite Radiohead album so far. It just itched my brain in the right way.
  35. Kid
    Sep 15, 2003
    Kid A is not a msterpiece, for it is far too many flaws and several poor songs. But it is extremely innovative; I never had heard anything like it when I picked it up and haven't heard anyting similar since. Impatient listeners beware: you need to listen to this at least twice befote you start enjoying it. An album that seems to get better with each play.
  36. Oligami
    May 20, 2007
    Feverish, ardent music that seems to be the antithesis of their previous masterpiece. As confusing as a subway map of Tokyo.
  37. OzzL
    Mar 6, 2009
    A few great songs, and as a whole it's quite solid, but due to its lack of accessibility (took me a good few listens to get into it) I'd say it's one of their weaker albums. Although it's still really good.
  38. AlbertoM
    Aug 16, 2005
    Great record, though I prefer Bends, Computer and Hail first...
  39. Capu
    Sep 13, 2006
    dont even try to think about ok computer when listening to this album.... just sit back and listen to a band who know they're making something amazing, without sticking to anyone's boundaries... not absolutely fantastic, a couple of tracks stretch the avant-gardeness a lil too far (treefingers, kid a and the last three minutes of motion picture soundtrack im looking at you...) dont even try to think about ok computer when listening to this album.... just sit back and listen to a band who know they're making something amazing, without sticking to anyone's boundaries... not absolutely fantastic, a couple of tracks stretch the avant-gardeness a lil too far (treefingers, kid a and the last three minutes of motion picture soundtrack im looking at you...) but this is made up in spades by other tracks. this is not what the industry would have wanted from one of the worlds biggest bands... but who cares??? cos radiohead certainly dont... Expand
  40. JohnR
    Apr 20, 2009
    A very good album by Radiohead but sparse in some parts which works for some songs and not for others. A great follow up to OK COMPUTER.
  41. Jan 7, 2011
    Kid A is a very playful album. all sorts of musical elements in this album. Thom Yorke's voice soars high in this album. "The National Anthem" sounds like a track that is spiralling out of control. The opener "Everything In It's Right Place" sounds distorted, and "Idioteque" is like an electronic funk song that sounds amazing. All In All, Kid A is a very good album. B+
  42. May 6, 2011
    If I had the choice, I would give up this album just so as to stop Amnesiac spawning, though I would miss great songs like Everything In Its Right Place, Optimistic, Idioteque and Morning Bell (which directly led to Morning Bell/Amnesiac, which was weak compared to the original, to say the least).
  43. Jul 21, 2012
    A strange blockbuster. Like getting a completely new yet intelligent perspective on the world you've come to sense in the same old light. I've always thought that the insecurities and pressure on the band was present beneath the perfect production, and it comes to draw focus from the sharp world-diagnoses Radiohead crafts so well.
  44. Aug 26, 2022
    I wasn't so sure about this album after the first two songs. But as the album progressed I came to like it a more. It's incredibly artistic and it sounds amazing.I do kind of wish that there was a more vocal performance from Tom Yorke on this album. But from what was provided, it was very delightful.
  45. jamesc
    Mar 15, 2005
    this album is symptomatic of post 'ok computer' radiohead. the stuff thats good is fantastic (everything in its right place, optomistic) and whats bad is rubbish (kid a, treefingers). overall i would say its one half genius, one half muck but the genius half alone makes it worth the effort.
  46. Andy
    Aug 22, 2006
    Some memorable tracks but not as important as OK Computer or the Bends.
  47. DeezlP
    Apr 23, 2007
    Hits more often than it misses. The ultimate problem is that it seems to be behind the times- it would have been faintly radical in 1997, quite radical in 1987, and bleedin' amazin' in 1977. On a technological front, the likes of Autechre would destroy them; on the other hand, Autechre don't have a sense of songcraft. Quite often, the lyrics needn't mean anything, Hits more often than it misses. The ultimate problem is that it seems to be behind the times- it would have been faintly radical in 1997, quite radical in 1987, and bleedin' amazin' in 1977. On a technological front, the likes of Autechre would destroy them; on the other hand, Autechre don't have a sense of songcraft. Quite often, the lyrics needn't mean anything, because they connect to the music so well, and vise versa. All the same, certain songs- especially "Treefingers"- are clever, but only really drift along on that. Expand
  48. Mar 25, 2018
    This album is certainly distinctive; the music and lyrics are original and fairly memorable. Besides being distinctive, Kid A, in my opinion, isn't much else. It's loud and dark-sounding, but it doesn't sound very cool, or fun, and it isn't very enjoyable for the most part. Some songs fail to pack a punch, and are really just forgettable. "Treefingers", "Bell", and "Motion Picture" don'tThis album is certainly distinctive; the music and lyrics are original and fairly memorable. Besides being distinctive, Kid A, in my opinion, isn't much else. It's loud and dark-sounding, but it doesn't sound very cool, or fun, and it isn't very enjoyable for the most part. Some songs fail to pack a punch, and are really just forgettable. "Treefingers", "Bell", and "Motion Picture" don't stand out in my memory, and are not great or even very good as a result. Even if the lyrics on Kid A are really good, I hardly notice them due to the overwhelming music and edited, often-impassionate vocals. The music alone doesn't make Kid A an enjoyable or masterful album, and I just can't pay attention to the lyrics. I really don't care much for the vocal delivery on this album either.

    Now, I do think "Idioteque" is a strong song, and it's wholly entertaining and even captivating. The first song is equally unforgettable and musically effective.

    I really don't love Kid A: the music and vocals just don't amaze me like they do other people. Still, Kid A is an interesting, original album.
  49. Mar 23, 2021

Generally favorable reviews - based on 24 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 19 out of 24
  2. Negative: 1 out of 24
  1. 100
    Comparing this to other albums is like comparing an aquarium to blue construction paper.... It's the sound of a band, and its leader, losing faith in themselves, destroying themselves, and subsequently rebuilding a perfect entity. In other words, Radiohead hated being Radiohead, but ended up with the most ideal, natural Radiohead record yet.
  2. Spin
    Radiohead have completely immersed themselves in the studio-as-instrument--signal processing, radical stereo separation, and other antinaturalistic techniques. Even the precious Guitars--saturated with effects and gaseous with sustain--resemble natural phenomena rather than power chords or lead lines. Essentially, this is a post-rock record.... Kid A is not only Radiohead's bravest album but its best one as well. [Oct 2000, p.172]
  3. For an album that apparently grew out of the band trying to get away from melody, there's a lot of it here. They can't help themselves. They try to do a song with a robotic dance beat, load it up with bleak phrases like "laughing till my head comes off" and "take the money and run" and "this is really happening," call it "Idioteque" for chrissake, and what stands out are not the beat and not the phrases or the apparent concept of dance music being silly when horrible things are happening in the world, but the seven or eight different heartwrenching vocal lines and the amazing way they intertwine.