• Record Label: Geffen
  • Release Date: May 10, 2005
User Score

Mixed or average reviews- based on 325 Ratings

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  1. Negative: 97 out of 325

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  1. Nov 24, 2017
    A very belated review of a very unfairly criticized album. MB is the sound of Weezer nailing the near perfect power pop aesthetic. Forget Pacific Daydream which is trite rubbish by comparison and give this a try.
  2. May 5, 2016
    Easily one of the most under-appreciated Weezer albums. While the lyrical work doesn't come close to anything from Pinkerton or Blue, ever song fits so well together in that buttery alt-rock-pop zone.
  3. Oct 15, 2014
    I'll never understand why so many people give this album such a hard time. I'll admit it's a little too mid-tempo at times and could have been better, but it's a pretty solid and "classic" Weezer album imo.
  4. RobbinL
    Aug 1, 2005
    Wow! I am truly at a loss for words. The band is clearly just a shadow of its former self. The hooks are gone, the melodies too. The lyrics?! Rivers is this what you are getting for your tuition money at Harvard? I'd ask for a refund, Dude. And No, getting Hugh Heffner to appear in your video will not help you save your faded reputation either. May the real Weezer R.I.P.
  5. Oct 10, 2014
    I'm not really sure why people prefer Hurley and Raditude over this. I mean, yes, I particularly didn't like the slickness of the production and the sometimes generic lyrics, but it's still good. Not as good as TBA and Pinkerton, though.
  6. Mar 22, 2015
    8/10 .................................................................................................................................................
  7. BriJ.
    Feb 23, 2008
    This album is not Pinkerton or the Blue album. It is better. It shows that they have evolved and every song is very catch. To me, the weakest songs are the 2 that got the air play; Beverly Hills and We are all on drugs. Those 2 were ok, but the rest of the album was awesome. Take it for what it is. It's happy upbeat power pop. There's nothing with that when in this day things This album is not Pinkerton or the Blue album. It is better. It shows that they have evolved and every song is very catch. To me, the weakest songs are the 2 that got the air play; Beverly Hills and We are all on drugs. Those 2 were ok, but the rest of the album was awesome. Take it for what it is. It's happy upbeat power pop. There's nothing with that when in this day things are so depressing. This is one of my most listened to cd's still? My concern would be whether they will be able to top this cd on their next one, if there is a next one. Expand
  8. BlizakeB
    Apr 25, 2006
    Blue Album great, Pinkerton great, but Make Believe? I wish I could make believe that Rivers didnt crank out this sloppy album, I feel ripped of as a Weezer fan. Please Rivers put yourself together and get the original Weezer back(Rivers Cuomo, Brian Bell, Patrick Wilson and Matt Sharp) and make another great album or at least a good one
  9. JeffJ
    Jul 29, 2006
    Rivers just tried too hard to come up with something good, it ends up sounding pretty cheesy at points. It's not totally unlistenable though.
  10. Apr 1, 2016
    Not much redeemable on this album. "Beverly Hills" and "We Are All on Drugs" are two of the worst singles that Weezer has ever put out. The beats are pretty stagnant and only feature a few chords like on "Perfect Situation" and the lyrics on "Freak Me Out" are laughable. This was the moment Weezer went mainstream, and the result is some pretty terrible tunes.
  11. Sep 29, 2014
    This lazy, dull, and shameless album had me try and "Make Believe" my way to a better Weezer album. It's so lifeless, the songs drag on forever, it tries to have heart and sincerity but fails on almost every occasion. Beverly Hills is catchy, but depressing at a closer listen and it's also lazy. That's the whole problem with this album, the songs are lazily constructed both in terms ofThis lazy, dull, and shameless album had me try and "Make Believe" my way to a better Weezer album. It's so lifeless, the songs drag on forever, it tries to have heart and sincerity but fails on almost every occasion. Beverly Hills is catchy, but depressing at a closer listen and it's also lazy. That's the whole problem with this album, the songs are lazily constructed both in terms of music and lyrics. Most songs only use 2 chords, and is a complete step-down from Weezer's previous album, Maladroit. There are a few classic Weezer songs, Perfect Situation and Haunt You Every Day, but other than that this album sucks. Expand
  12. Jan 28, 2015
    I think this album could hold the world record for most stupid lines of lyrics in a single album. Literally, every song has a major flaw somewhere, with the singles being the biggest offenders. Also, Weezer had no idea what sound or genre they were going for on this album. Beverly Hills and This Is Such a Pity are only separated by one track, but they sound like they could've come from twoI think this album could hold the world record for most stupid lines of lyrics in a single album. Literally, every song has a major flaw somewhere, with the singles being the biggest offenders. Also, Weezer had no idea what sound or genre they were going for on this album. Beverly Hills and This Is Such a Pity are only separated by one track, but they sound like they could've come from two different artists. What was Cuomo thinking when he wrote lyrics like the ones on Freak Me Out? (Man, you really freak me out/I'm so afraid of you/and when I lose my cool/I don't know what to do.) These could've been written by a mediocre ninth grade English student. It sounds cheap, and it is. Expand
  13. AaronE
    May 10, 2005
    F'n awesome! Its neither worse, better or equal to their previous material. make believe just is.
  14. DevinB
    May 10, 2005
    The scathing, hateful Pitchfork review is right. This is not just an awful album, it's so jaw-droppingly, impossibly bad that it retroactively destroys the enjoyability of everything Rivers Cuomo has ever done. Pinkerton was one of my favorite albums as a kid. However, I've been so traumatized by Make Believe that I can no longer listen to it without curling my toes in horror. I The scathing, hateful Pitchfork review is right. This is not just an awful album, it's so jaw-droppingly, impossibly bad that it retroactively destroys the enjoyability of everything Rivers Cuomo has ever done. Pinkerton was one of my favorite albums as a kid. However, I've been so traumatized by Make Believe that I can no longer listen to it without curling my toes in horror. I hope you're happy, River. You've finally, definitively ruined your legacy. Expand
  15. CosmoJPrelog
    Jun 4, 2005
    The first album to influence me to vacuum
  16. MarcB
    Jun 8, 2005
    When i was 15, their blue album came in my life like a 300 tons rock on my head!It was refreshing, a new kind of pop-punk and the guys were doing great vocals almost reminding the beach boys. For this one the first time was really deceiving(except bev.hills and We are all on drugs). Then i heard it a couple of times(i work in a cd store),And found that there's credit to give to When i was 15, their blue album came in my life like a 300 tons rock on my head!It was refreshing, a new kind of pop-punk and the guys were doing great vocals almost reminding the beach boys. For this one the first time was really deceiving(except bev.hills and We are all on drugs). Then i heard it a couple of times(i work in a cd store),And found that there's credit to give to weezer for trying to try some new things.The last song (so alone in love,i think) is the best example(reminds me of Radiohead "Life in a glass house" )We are all on drugs will surely be the next big hit for them. Collapse
  17. ElliotR
    May 10, 2005
    I enjoy it.
  18. JamesK
    May 10, 2005
    Most underappreciated album of all time. This album is amazing.
  19. JamesJ
    May 10, 2005
    Weezer have it spot on. Great songs with feeling. Different from their previous albums, but in this case change is good. Their best since the Blue album.
  20. MarkW
    May 11, 2005
    Dull. Bad. I really enjoyed the harder polished edge of Maladroit, as it struck me as a creative step forward... I was really looking forward to Make Believe, and have been soundly disappointed. The songs are too simplistic, and the edge is gone. Even Beverly Hills seems like a forced effort. Worst =w= by far.
  21. SteveS
    May 10, 2005
    Well just as i suspected alot of people are voting to soon. I belive u have to listen to a album over 10 times before u label it shit. I remember when pinkerton first came out everybody hated it. Then they actually started to listen to it and now its along with blue for the 2 best albums. I believe this album is good so far and if you keep on listneing to it you will understand it more Well just as i suspected alot of people are voting to soon. I belive u have to listen to a album over 10 times before u label it shit. I remember when pinkerton first came out everybody hated it. Then they actually started to listen to it and now its along with blue for the 2 best albums. I believe this album is good so far and if you keep on listneing to it you will understand it more and appreciate cuomo's work more. no its not a blue album but most bands change and you have to change with them. Expand
  22. JulianK
    May 10, 2005
    not to feed off of my original bias as a weezer fan, but this disc is just great. It's a step in a different dirrection for weezer just like the other 4 were. i'm very impressed with the crafting of these songs, very mellow and powerful at the same time.
  23. BrianneG
    May 10, 2005
    Whether the lyrics are passionate, trite, or simply ironic, Weezer's strengths rely on their cohesive sound and familiar formula. Hopefully, non-Weezer fans will enjoy it as much as I do.
  24. BillS
    May 20, 2005
    Rob J, Pinkerton and the blue album were excellent records. It has nothing to do with nostalgia. Make Believe is mostly a boring, generic record. It's not in the same league as the first two weezer releases.
  25. PeterA
    May 30, 2005
    A mediocre album--I was expecting a lot more when I heard Rick Rubin was working on it. There are a few good tunes such as "perfect situation" and "hold me" but overall this is a fairly boring album... and I have all of their albums. I would hope for more on their next effort (if they last that long).
  26. RogerS
    May 9, 2005
    Weezer's best album since Pinkerton. A joy to listen.
  27. BelovedAunt
    Jun 1, 2005
    Its A GREAT WEEZER ALBUM. If you are blessed with superior musical taste, you will likely enjoy this major comeback. Cuomo mixes Charlie Brown lyrics, angst drenched melodies and heavenly vocals to a satisfying melange of power pop utopia. And anyone that tells you otherwise has no interest in music, a very low IQ and possibly personal hygiene issues. And no other way to express the pent Its A GREAT WEEZER ALBUM. If you are blessed with superior musical taste, you will likely enjoy this major comeback. Cuomo mixes Charlie Brown lyrics, angst drenched melodies and heavenly vocals to a satisfying melange of power pop utopia. And anyone that tells you otherwise has no interest in music, a very low IQ and possibly personal hygiene issues. And no other way to express the pent up rage of the impotent computer bound Weiners that frequent these boards. Either that or they only listened to it once before pronouncing their turgid views with venom and bile. Buy it! it will immediately reside in your top 5 for the year. Expand
  28. BrianL
    Jun 6, 2005
    While not up to Weezer's amazing standard from the Blue Album years, this is better than Maladroit, their last release, and some of the songs are genuinely brilliant; This Is Such A Pity, We Are All On Drugs and Haunt You Every Day being my favourites
  29. [Anonymous]
    Jun 6, 2005
    horrible, ugh
  30. ShaneyT
    Aug 9, 2005
    most critics don't give the album more than a couple listens, and this record needs quite a few before its beauty is revealed. give it a fe more spins and you'll notice that "This is Such a Pity", "The Damage In Your Heart", "The Other Way", "Freak Me Out", and "Haunt You Everyday" are great additions to the Cuomo songbook.
  31. KoenDeCrock
    May 11, 2005
    I can't believe this!!! This is sooooooooo bad it makes me wish metacritic allowed negative scores. Of course, "Beverly hills" was a good indicator for how bad this album was going to be, but believe it or not, it is one of the "best" songs on the album. weezer is going into Def Leppard territorium with this album, an ancient long forgotten land that noone has dared to thread since I can't believe this!!! This is sooooooooo bad it makes me wish metacritic allowed negative scores. Of course, "Beverly hills" was a good indicator for how bad this album was going to be, but believe it or not, it is one of the "best" songs on the album. weezer is going into Def Leppard territorium with this album, an ancient long forgotten land that noone has dared to thread since the end of the eighties. Expand
  32. ryanb
    May 10, 2005
    Absolutely brutal. The Pitchfork review sums up my thoughts nicely, though I'd like to add the song "Hold Me" smells strongly of "I Started A Joke" by the Bee Gees.
  33. DaveS
    May 10, 2005
    everytime i hear this album it makes me want to vomit. I also can't believe that Rolling Stone is calling it great and comparing it to Pinkerton... last time I checked, Pinkerton was named "worst album of 1996" by RS
  34. NicolasC
    May 11, 2005
    Not as good as blue different from Pinkerton better than green and the same as maladroit = Good album
  35. JustinS
    May 10, 2005
    I like the return of Rivers' emotion. I do not, however, like the brief retreads into unintelligent pop (We Are All On Drugs, Best Friend, Freak Me Out). Other than those tracks though, this album is amazing, especially with its hybrid Pinkerton-Blue songs (Pardon Me, The Other Way, Perfect Situation, Peace). Overall a great album and worthy of the Weezer name.
  36. GaryM
    May 11, 2005
    'Make Believe' is not Blue or Pinkerton. If you want it to be those albums, don't bother listening as it will never meet your lofty standards. On its own, though, 'Make Believe' is a fine album with at least six songs which are EXCELLENT and the rest of which is very good (except Freak Me Out, which I don't care for.) The lyrics aren't as good as 'Make Believe' is not Blue or Pinkerton. If you want it to be those albums, don't bother listening as it will never meet your lofty standards. On its own, though, 'Make Believe' is a fine album with at least six songs which are EXCELLENT and the rest of which is very good (except Freak Me Out, which I don't care for.) The lyrics aren't as good as Pinkerton but the music is very solid and Rivers can shred. And back by popular demand, Rivers writes personal songs again, only to be trashed by you people. He can't win for losing. Very good album. Worth picking up for Perfect Situation, This is Such A Pity, Haunt You Every Day and The Other Way. Expand
  37. Josh
    May 11, 2005
    Totally awful. Every song is formulaic--they take a trite sentiment and repeat it over and over. All of the lyrical magic I expect from Weezer is gone. I still love Blue, PInkerton, and Maladroit, though.
  38. BenA
    May 10, 2005
    Don't listen to the snobby Pitchfork cronies. So what if the prissy indy in-crowd doesn't accept weezer. This album rules. The lyrics are laughably bad by themselves but the songs are so brilliant it makes them shine. I love this album. It makes me so happy. Weezer is back and they are dorky as ever. A+
  39. drewe
    May 10, 2005
    perhaps the most interesting facet of the weezer 'legacy' is the polarity with which their later albums have been received. the blue album and pinkerton are almost unanimously hailed as classics. however, starting with the green album, weezer's albums have seemed to elicit two responses: glowing praise and utter disgust. the division of weezer's fan base over these perhaps the most interesting facet of the weezer 'legacy' is the polarity with which their later albums have been received. the blue album and pinkerton are almost unanimously hailed as classics. however, starting with the green album, weezer's albums have seemed to elicit two responses: glowing praise and utter disgust. the division of weezer's fan base over these albums makes sense. the blue album was an album of good pop music. it was accessible enough to appeal to a wide audience, yet clever and catchy enough to satisfy music elitists. pinkerton was not so immediately successful, though in time it earned due praise for its raw emotion and honesty (it stands as my all-time favorite album). however, the green album and maladroit lacked the elements that made the first two releases so special. the green album had some catchy melodies, but its songs were so sterilized and watered down that it was hard to take weezer seriously. maladroit was an even worse failure, allowing rivers to indulge his guitar-god fantasies at the expense of any real substance. to weezer's loyal fan base, these albums stood up against their earlier work. to the rest of us, these albums represented perhaps the greatest musical letdown we'd ever known. where the green album and maladroit had some saving graces, 'make believe' has next to none. here rivers seems to regard cliche and generality above emotion and expression. most of this album's songs seem much more fit for pre-teen journals than the author of some of rock's greatest anthems. the one bright spot on the album is 'perfect situation,' which serves as, if anything, a taunting reminder of weezer's former selves. the rest of the album is bland and boring and, for a fan whose obsession with pop music is strongly rooted in weezer's early work, the equivalent of betrayal. have some decency, boys. Expand
  40. HollisH
    May 10, 2005
    Just simply awful. Kinda like if a computer tried to write a power-pop album.
  41. matthews
    May 10, 2005
    I would have to give this album because it just blows the last 2 albums out of the water. Giving it a zero is just ignorant, I am unsure if these people have even heard the album. Also Pinkerton was named wosrt album of 1996 but we all know that Pinkerton was not critically acclaimed until later. But the main point, the cd is a fine example of what a cd should consist of, the highs are o I would have to give this album because it just blows the last 2 albums out of the water. Giving it a zero is just ignorant, I am unsure if these people have even heard the album. Also Pinkerton was named wosrt album of 1996 but we all know that Pinkerton was not critically acclaimed until later. But the main point, the cd is a fine example of what a cd should consist of, the highs are o so high and the lows are few if any. Expand
  42. ClintB
    May 11, 2005
    If you are a Weezer fan, and not just a "blue album" or "pinkerton" fan, you would enjoy it. However, if all you like is the albums I listed above, you may not enjoy it as well. I love the Blue Album and Pinkerton as much as anyone..but you have to think...Most of the songs on the Blue Album were written well over a decade ago, Weezer has grown up some more. I think Make Believe is well If you are a Weezer fan, and not just a "blue album" or "pinkerton" fan, you would enjoy it. However, if all you like is the albums I listed above, you may not enjoy it as well. I love the Blue Album and Pinkerton as much as anyone..but you have to think...Most of the songs on the Blue Album were written well over a decade ago, Weezer has grown up some more. I think Make Believe is well rounded; it has some older-sounding songs, and a little bit differant stuff too. Anyone who says this ruins "everything Rivers Cuomo has ever done" is a moron. He grew up some more. That happens you know... Expand
  43. MarkD
    May 12, 2005
    Devastatingly bad album, only about 2 great songs. It breaks any knowledgable weezer fan's heart that rivers didn't put more effort into this. I agree totally with Pitchfork. I can't stress how bad it was for this band when Matt Sharp left. And after listening to both The Rentals, and Weezer's two greats I can say that it was better when Matt was helping Rivers write, Devastatingly bad album, only about 2 great songs. It breaks any knowledgable weezer fan's heart that rivers didn't put more effort into this. I agree totally with Pitchfork. I can't stress how bad it was for this band when Matt Sharp left. And after listening to both The Rentals, and Weezer's two greats I can say that it was better when Matt was helping Rivers write, or at least containing his huge ego --which has destroyed his music. I'll always listen to the first two albums, their Bsides and a couple off Maladroit. and I'll probably give RIvers another chance, but nextime I'll be expecting nothing above the level of Taking Back Sunday. Expand
  44. JoeG
    May 12, 2005
    Wow, this is just plain bad. Stop holding on to these guys being what they used to be. They are simply ordinary and crappy now. Where do I start-The lyrics are plain horrible and simple. I have no songwriting talent and may be able to write better than this crap. The music is even worse. Not a single guitar riff worse remembering. nothing cool at all. It really seems like these songs were Wow, this is just plain bad. Stop holding on to these guys being what they used to be. They are simply ordinary and crappy now. Where do I start-The lyrics are plain horrible and simple. I have no songwriting talent and may be able to write better than this crap. The music is even worse. Not a single guitar riff worse remembering. nothing cool at all. It really seems like these songs were put together in 30 minutes. Do not buy, you will be sorry Expand
  45. MatthewM
    May 12, 2005
    I would have been better prepared for the boring songwriting of this album if it had been titled "Weezer Sings Songs From Junior High Poetry Class." Unless you are in a junior high poetry class, you're heart will break when the once-creative Cuomo sings, "How is your heart little darling? I didn't mean to get so mad. Let me just hold you closely. How did things get so bad?" Mad I would have been better prepared for the boring songwriting of this album if it had been titled "Weezer Sings Songs From Junior High Poetry Class." Unless you are in a junior high poetry class, you're heart will break when the once-creative Cuomo sings, "How is your heart little darling? I didn't mean to get so mad. Let me just hold you closely. How did things get so bad?" Mad and bad, eh Rivers? My personal favorite low is the atrocious cliche "taller than a mountain, deeper than the sea." How this painfully trite disc was ever concocted by the poet behind "Pinkerton" is beyond me. Anyone spotting Rivers Cuomo's talent should notify the proper authorities: 1-800-MB-BLOWS. Expand
  46. KevinM
    May 10, 2005
    Amazing. i think its a great step forward for weezer and is in the same league as the first 2 records. I can't see where some of the mixed reviews are coming from.
  47. jingg
    May 13, 2005
    people who hate make believe just don't get it. one has to be a really sensitive weezer fan to truly appreciate make believe. it's full of many subtleties that you just have to discover on your own. it's a real grower of an album, but once it has taken root, you can't help but love it to bits. at first, many might comment on the seemingly trite and simplistic lyrics. i people who hate make believe just don't get it. one has to be a really sensitive weezer fan to truly appreciate make believe. it's full of many subtleties that you just have to discover on your own. it's a real grower of an album, but once it has taken root, you can't help but love it to bits. at first, many might comment on the seemingly trite and simplistic lyrics. i think rivers had a purpose for writing the lyrics as such. if you take them as a whole with the arrangements and melodies, you'll discover the real depth of these songs. Expand
  48. thomb
    May 13, 2005
    Why bother?
  49. frankd
    May 14, 2005
    stop to always referring to blue album and pinkerton because this is a GOOD album, best song is the last one.
  50. BenH
    May 15, 2005
    Francis is right, just listen to it again. It is by no means Pinkerton and not even Blue, but it beats out maladroit and green. I think that people just can't handle Weezer adjusting their musical style and thats too bad. This is a very good album that will come more alive every time you listen to it. -One note to the guys at Metacritic: Its not fair that some bands metascore is Francis is right, just listen to it again. It is by no means Pinkerton and not even Blue, but it beats out maladroit and green. I think that people just can't handle Weezer adjusting their musical style and thats too bad. This is a very good album that will come more alive every time you listen to it. -One note to the guys at Metacritic: Its not fair that some bands metascore is lowered due to cheap sarcastic internet reviews, I say throw those out. Expand
  51. GreggyP.Wild
    May 15, 2005
    Where is all the negativity coming from? I was into Weezer way back in the early 90's and fell in love with their first album. Their last 2 discs did absolutely nothing for me at all. Way too commercial and middle of the road stuff, guys. This is the quirkiest and most entertaining album since Pinkerton. I don't buy Weezer albums for crappy middle America radio hits like Hash Where is all the negativity coming from? I was into Weezer way back in the early 90's and fell in love with their first album. Their last 2 discs did absolutely nothing for me at all. Way too commercial and middle of the road stuff, guys. This is the quirkiest and most entertaining album since Pinkerton. I don't buy Weezer albums for crappy middle America radio hits like Hash Pipe, I buy them for original, quirky, sometimes heart breaking songs like The Other Way, Perfect Situation, This Is Such A Pity and Peace. A very good album, not great but nowhere near terrible. p.s. Pitchfork is probably the worst source for album reviews on the planet. They haven't been right about a single album since 1997 and The Verve's Urban Hymns. Expand
  52. JasonB
    May 15, 2005
    Utterly Bad! I say use this CD as a coaster!
  53. SteveW
    May 16, 2005
    I think some people are overanalyzing this release. It is a great combination of Weezer's new sound and the self deprecating honesty of Pinkerton and the Blue Album. If you're looking for another Pinkerton or Blue Album, you might be disappointed but if you look at this with a more open mind, you'll find that Weezer hasn't lost a step at all.
  54. DaveD
    May 10, 2005
    A new direction for =w=. I think "Perfect Situation" is an incredible song. Pitchfork you can't trust...They gave Fiery Furnaces a good rating, for Christ's sake. I'm a long time fan of =w=, and after the last two, I am well satisfied by this album. Though I do agree with pitchfork about the "diarrhea" thing...I had the same thought. But I will say that "Haunt You Everyday" A new direction for =w=. I think "Perfect Situation" is an incredible song. Pitchfork you can't trust...They gave Fiery Furnaces a good rating, for Christ's sake. I'm a long time fan of =w=, and after the last two, I am well satisfied by this album. Though I do agree with pitchfork about the "diarrhea" thing...I had the same thought. But I will say that "Haunt You Everyday" reclaims the weezer tradition of closing an album epically strong - a bar raised high by Only in Dreams and Butterfly. Expand
  55. neutro
    May 27, 2005
    This album is almost entirely disposable. If these were the "cream of the crop" of all the songs the band had worked on since the last potboiler - I think it's time to hang up the instruments and stop tarnishing what's respectable of their previous material.
  56. MichaelV
    May 9, 2005
    I have been a Weezer fan since the days of Undone in the Buzz Bin! When MTV was MUSIC Television. This album does it all and shows that The Weez isn't afraid to grow up, throw in a little piano and apologize for nothing (or everything?). Rivers shows us that his plaintive lyrics with the same crunchy guitar and "Oooooo Ahhhhh Oooooos" that we know and love will keep us coming back I have been a Weezer fan since the days of Undone in the Buzz Bin! When MTV was MUSIC Television. This album does it all and shows that The Weez isn't afraid to grow up, throw in a little piano and apologize for nothing (or everything?). Rivers shows us that his plaintive lyrics with the same crunchy guitar and "Oooooo Ahhhhh Oooooos" that we know and love will keep us coming back for more. Listen for "Perfect Situation", "Hold Me" and "We Are All On Drugs" to become hits from this fine piece of album. To the original comeback kids: Weezer fans everywhere salute you!!! Expand
  57. bretttc
    Jun 1, 2005
    Awful. Terrible. Bad. Useless. Futile. CRAP. Etc..
  58. GregP
    Jun 14, 2005
    This is the kind of album that makes me feel good about the music year.
  59. MarkP
    Jun 15, 2005
    I liked it at first, but the more listened to it the more i liked and after i tried taking it out to listen to something else i couldnt get it out of my head and keep putting it back. i guess it just keeps growing on me.
  60. GregR
    Jun 2, 2005
    Music criticism is so subjective. Why would you trust one person's word over another? There are as many positive reviews here as there are negative ones. Weezer has always been a band in command of the catchy pop song and this album is no different. Unless you are some sort of rabid Weezer fan who holds on to Blue and Pinkerton as if suckling on your Mother's breast you should Music criticism is so subjective. Why would you trust one person's word over another? There are as many positive reviews here as there are negative ones. Weezer has always been a band in command of the catchy pop song and this album is no different. Unless you are some sort of rabid Weezer fan who holds on to Blue and Pinkerton as if suckling on your Mother's breast you should at least enjoy this album [even if you don't love it]. Remember that those same people who long for a new Pinkerton would be complaining just as vocally if we'd heard it done 5 different ways by now. Expand
  61. SamA
    Jun 2, 2005
    This is a great album. Perfect Situation could be the best Weezer song yet.
  62. CorneliusW
    Jun 5, 2005
    Sounds like a bad Rooney album. I'm serious.
  63. brian
    Jun 6, 2005
    its ok, its tough to compete with the blue album or any of there successful CD's. A lot of the songs sound basically the same
  64. Travis
    Jun 7, 2005
    Absolutely can not believe this garbage is from the same band that created the Blue album and Pinkerton. I never expected any of their albums to top either of those, but this a horrible display of slant rhyme and moronic songs. The first awful track is about how he doesnt belong in Beverly Hills. Then a few songs later he's in his Mercedes-Benz and on drugs. How retarted.
  65. Steve
    Jun 7, 2005
    "why bother? its gonna hurt me, its gonna kill when you desert me, this happened to me twice before, it wont happen to me anymore." As I look back on these lines from Why Bother, I can only think that Rivers could see the future up to 2005 when he wrote that song. Yup, twice before (green, maladroit).
  66. Joey
    Jun 9, 2005
    Lovin' this album! My favourite track is probably the new single, 'Beverly Hills.' All the songs are really catchy but some sound like each other. Though doesn't every artist do that?
  67. JustinK
    Jul 1, 2005
    Make Believe isn't the best from Weezer, but it's much better than 90% of the other alt rock albums out. It's quick, catchy, and simple but still fun. If you're a bitter 35 year old dad looking to relive the early 90's weezer, this isn't the album for you. For everybody else, it's a good listen.
  68. DavidB
    Jul 10, 2005
    Unlistenable. What a disappointment...
  69. WillO
    Jul 18, 2005
    This album is so empty of emotion. I've heard their more recent self-titled (green) album and I thought that was pointless. This is merely horrid. Even without comparing it to their first two albums, the songs are childish and have stupid riffs and choruses that aren't really catchy but just make one shudder to hear how lacking his songwriting is.
  70. TBoneM
    Jul 2, 2005
    I've listened through this a few times. At first the songs seem to have some hooks but are a little annoying. Later you will realize they're just annoying. Let's start with a 10. -2 because it does nothing new, unless you live in 1995 or the suburbs. -2 because the first single - Beverly Hills- sucks and is annoying. -2 because the rest of the songs sound like a formula. -1 I've listened through this a few times. At first the songs seem to have some hooks but are a little annoying. Later you will realize they're just annoying. Let's start with a 10. -2 because it does nothing new, unless you live in 1995 or the suburbs. -2 because the first single - Beverly Hills- sucks and is annoying. -2 because the rest of the songs sound like a formula. -1 because people are hyping this too much. There you have it. I think I'm being generous. Expand
  71. NicolasP
    Aug 7, 2005
  72. RachelA
    Aug 8, 2005
    It is so difficult for me to separate Rivers' biographical vignettes (since it is no secret this band is ALL ABOUT HIM) from my overall impression of this album. His emotional development may have arrested sometime around 1986 (he was 15). In some instances, this can produce quality art. Specifically, his sordid sexual experiences as a rock star compelled him to pen "Tired of Sex". It is so difficult for me to separate Rivers' biographical vignettes (since it is no secret this band is ALL ABOUT HIM) from my overall impression of this album. His emotional development may have arrested sometime around 1986 (he was 15). In some instances, this can produce quality art. Specifically, his sordid sexual experiences as a rock star compelled him to pen "Tired of Sex". For that most Pinkerton fans are grateful. However, this lack of emotional development is also reflected in his desire to become a rock god of sorts. The result is pandering to 14 year olds and fratboy types who can "rock out" to Beverly Hills. Yay. Perhaps we expected too much from Rivers. We forgave past transgressions such as the green album and Maladroit, which both had a few glimmers of hope for the future. I should have whipped out my old copy of Pavement's "Crooked Rain, Crooked Rain for the sad, prescient truth: Songs mean a lot when songs are bought And so are you Let's run down to the practice room tension and fame a career career, career, career I feel duped. Expand
  73. AndrewL
    Jan 20, 2006
    Brilliant album. Do not listen to the detracters.
  74. JustinM
    Jan 27, 2006
    Solid album with a couple weak tracks.
  75. DylanP
    Jan 3, 2006
    We Are All On Drugs is one of the worst songs ever recorded. What the heck happened to =w=
  76. HomieBB
    Jun 26, 2006
    the first half is good but the second half of the record is garbage except for "best friend"
  77. MikeS.
    Nov 25, 2007
    I can only hope that "tout ensemble" will be back to cuomo's old writing days,not that make believe was particularily bad,its just not up to true weezer standard!
  78. BrendanD
    Mar 5, 2007
    It's now been nearly two years since what may end up having been the final Weezer release came out, and I have to say, upon its initial release, I drubbed it just like anyone else. I agreed mainly with the Pitchfork assessment, that this was a weak record, especially by the saviors of power-pop, the spiritual inheritors to mid-'70s Cheap Trick, etc., etc. Recently, however, I It's now been nearly two years since what may end up having been the final Weezer release came out, and I have to say, upon its initial release, I drubbed it just like anyone else. I agreed mainly with the Pitchfork assessment, that this was a weak record, especially by the saviors of power-pop, the spiritual inheritors to mid-'70s Cheap Trick, etc., etc. Recently, however, I began noticing something. Being on the cusp of turning 23, having recently graduated college, and being somewhere in between longing to be back amongst teenage peers and wanting to act like a grown-up, I started reflecting on the music I've loved throughout my life. Since I grew up in the '90s, Weezer was amongst those bands I considered my favorite. Then I started thinking, what has Weezer actually DONE for me? Well, go back to the Blue Album -- it's an album about being a freshman or sophomore in high school; by junior year, however, you've gotten MORE melodramatic, thinking your life is just one big fricking soap opera -- and that's where Pinkerton comes in. By the time you're ready to at least pretend to act like a grown-up, around 18 or 19, you're dating, screwing, drinking, doing drugs, things like that, and that's where the Green Album works. And when you're getting ready to finish up your college career and thinking that the real world's coming soon, so you'd better cherish what little time you have left, Maladroit (which, by the way, means "awkward," a perfect explanation of what it feels like to be about 21), goes down perfectly. Then comes "Make Believe." It's easy to dismiss this as the worst of Weezer's records (which it isn't; that distinction, and screw the Weezophiles who worship at the Japanese-fetish temple, goes to Pinkerton); but this actually cuts deeper once you're in that mode of being just-about-ready to grow up and move on with your life. Take "We Are All On Drugs," for example. Dissed by most as Weezer turning from the slightly ambiguous turn on drug use to an anti-drug anthem, people have missed what it's about: it's about not being a kid anymore but still feeling like you want to party as if you are. This is an album about how much growing up sucked in retrospect, but how absolutely frightening it is to think you might not be able to live a carefree life anymore. The fact that Rivers Cuomo is stuck in a perpetual state of arrested development is unimportant; this album holds up really well, despite the shoddy and glitzy production by Rick Rubin. Expand
  79. JoeB.
    Aug 8, 2007
    Considering that most music reviewers are self-pretentious idiots with not a hint of musical knowledge within them (seriously - I bet that the some of these reviews are by journalists not important enough to cover real news), it's not surprising that an album as catchy and well-made as Make Believe is disregarded and even blatantly insulted. Have a look at some of the unfavourable Considering that most music reviewers are self-pretentious idiots with not a hint of musical knowledge within them (seriously - I bet that the some of these reviews are by journalists not important enough to cover real news), it's not surprising that an album as catchy and well-made as Make Believe is disregarded and even blatantly insulted. Have a look at some of the unfavourable reviews: wtih the exception of one or two, they rant on almost exclusively about the lyrics. What about the catchy guitar and vocal hooks? Well, here's what CokeMachineGlow's Clayton Purdom has to say: "You can Expand
  80. BShort
    Dec 23, 2005
    Love this album! First time i really became a fan of Weezer..love "this is such a pity"
  81. BillP
    May 11, 2005
    Where do you folks get off attacking Rivers and his new album. What is so bad about it I wonder.... I THINK IT ROCKS YOUR SOCKS OFF!
  82. JoshB
    May 11, 2005
    Wow, people are being really harsh. This is a good, solid album. I'm a life-long Weezer fan and I am quite pleased. I hope you naysayers remember that this is how people reacted to Pinkerton when it came out. Now look at the legend that is that album. Who know what may happen?
  83. ShaneM
    May 10, 2005
    I have a ticket for the Philly show I bought on Ebay for $65 but after hearing Make Believe I don't even want to go. Actually, I changed my mind - I do want to go....so I can hurl the new album at Rivers as soon as they play the any song off the new album....
  84. mikem
    May 11, 2005
    This album is probably the worst disc of this decade so far, but it is not the worst that i have ever heard. too bad guys.
  85. J.L.Perez
    May 10, 2005
    While not their best this is still a fun album thats good to listen too.
  86. markt
    May 10, 2005
    The pitchfork review makes me mad. 4? Are you kidding?
  87. SethWilson
    May 10, 2005
    I don't mean to make over generizations or be one of those people who gives things a zero just because they hate a band. I really like weezer. but this album just sounds lazy and makes me wonder about the 70+ songs that didn't make the album. Are these the brilliant songs that Rivers wants to hide away, or are they even more lackluster than these? the lyrics are juvenile and, I don't mean to make over generizations or be one of those people who gives things a zero just because they hate a band. I really like weezer. but this album just sounds lazy and makes me wonder about the 70+ songs that didn't make the album. Are these the brilliant songs that Rivers wants to hide away, or are they even more lackluster than these? the lyrics are juvenile and, quite frankly, BS. You can tell they have no real basis in true emotions and could have been written by a 12 year old's basement band. Even the production is off base, which is surprising from someone like Rick Rubin. Perhaps I expect too much... but this is just very disapointing and almost insulting. Expand
  88. RandyK
    May 10, 2005
    Weezer played it way too safe, and the result is INCREDIBLY bland and boring. A cd that doesn't deserve to be placed next to my copies of Blue and Pinkerton. The Pitchfork review is spot on.
  89. JackJ
    May 10, 2005
    Unbelievably good album.
  90. KevinG
    May 11, 2005
    okay so it's not lyrically up to standard or not breaking any ground but it's still damn infectious (as per usual great hooks) been humming it all day and for me thats makes it more than an average album
  91. MattG
    May 11, 2005
    The problem with this album isn't that it's awful. It's not. It's really, really not. However, it is so mediocre when compared to Weezer's past records it's heartbreaking. Even Maladroit and the Green Album has shining moments of creativity and good old fashioned rock in songs like "Burndt Jamb" and "Hashpipe". All Make Believe has are unsightful and The problem with this album isn't that it's awful. It's not. It's really, really not. However, it is so mediocre when compared to Weezer's past records it's heartbreaking. Even Maladroit and the Green Album has shining moments of creativity and good old fashioned rock in songs like "Burndt Jamb" and "Hashpipe". All Make Believe has are unsightful and uninspired whines set to standard chords. Such a disappointment from a such a talented band. Expand
  92. DanK
    May 11, 2005
    I expected more from a comeback album. Compared to the likes of Pinkerton and the Blue album which i stil love to listen to now, this album is much like Maladroit in having jsut a few decent tracks. My fave track on the album is "perfect Situation" even though he seems to run out things to say by the time the chorus kicks in. The track "This is such a Pity" pretty much sums up the album I expected more from a comeback album. Compared to the likes of Pinkerton and the Blue album which i stil love to listen to now, this album is much like Maladroit in having jsut a few decent tracks. My fave track on the album is "perfect Situation" even though he seems to run out things to say by the time the chorus kicks in. The track "This is such a Pity" pretty much sums up the album for me in that it is a damn pity! We can only hope their next album if they do one, is an improvement. Don't get me wrong i don't think its tragic, just aint no pinkerton! Expand
  93. MattK
    May 10, 2005
    It's a really good album. I think it has a lot of the strengths of all their other albums. Different but classic weezer at the same time. Fits right in there with there solid catalog.
  94. RyanA
    May 12, 2005
    I am really surprised at how scathing some of the reviews for this album are. I feel its better than Green and certainly Maladroit. Perhaps Weezer are being punished for getting such great reviews on their last, relatively poor album. I guess people just don't like the ballads, but lyrically this is the best and most honest Rivers has been since Pinkerton, though maybe people need I am really surprised at how scathing some of the reviews for this album are. I feel its better than Green and certainly Maladroit. Perhaps Weezer are being punished for getting such great reviews on their last, relatively poor album. I guess people just don't like the ballads, but lyrically this is the best and most honest Rivers has been since Pinkerton, though maybe people need for him to write songs about lesbians and Japanese girls touching themselves in order to see that. Expand
  95. JonS
    May 12, 2005
    I knew this album was not going to be good when I first heard "Beverly Hills". Then I heard "we are all on drugs" and "my best friend". It was then I realized that Weezer has done something truly aweful. Just now, when I was walking home from class I passed some frat guys on their balcony with thier shirts off blasting "beverly hills" and drunkenly screaming the lyrics. ughhhhh. The I knew this album was not going to be good when I first heard "Beverly Hills". Then I heard "we are all on drugs" and "my best friend". It was then I realized that Weezer has done something truly aweful. Just now, when I was walking home from class I passed some frat guys on their balcony with thier shirts off blasting "beverly hills" and drunkenly screaming the lyrics. ughhhhh. The pitchfork review is dead on. Expand
  96. JebJ
    May 12, 2005
    I remember clearly when I was a child and my great-grandfather (who lived with us at the time) was forced by some invisible demon to walk down the driveway and tap on the mailbox every morning for 2 straight minutes in failed attempts to get the ringing in his ears to cease. He equated the mailbox with his ringing in his ears which in effect was simply a symptom of an impending stroke he I remember clearly when I was a child and my great-grandfather (who lived with us at the time) was forced by some invisible demon to walk down the driveway and tap on the mailbox every morning for 2 straight minutes in failed attempts to get the ringing in his ears to cease. He equated the mailbox with his ringing in his ears which in effect was simply a symptom of an impending stroke he would suffer. Simply put, this album is awful. Anyone who says that it isn't hasn't yet heard the album. Expand
  97. DaveB
    May 12, 2005
    What a great love it or hate it release...not groundbreaking, but a nice collection of great pop songs. What else did you expect from Weezer -- an album that sounds like Arcade Fire? I have to agree with Rob Sheffield, and it's not just because he wrote that hilarious Shakira bit a while back. I enjoy it, too, what else can I say -- "Beverly Hills" = dumb, funny, weird, just like the What a great love it or hate it release...not groundbreaking, but a nice collection of great pop songs. What else did you expect from Weezer -- an album that sounds like Arcade Fire? I have to agree with Rob Sheffield, and it's not just because he wrote that hilarious Shakira bit a while back. I enjoy it, too, what else can I say -- "Beverly Hills" = dumb, funny, weird, just like the actual city. Expand
  98. RodC
    May 12, 2005
    I don't know what Weezer fans are griping about. Cuomo sings more earnestly on this record than he has since Pinkerton. Just because it's not about the same content, does not mean it's not full of emotion. And the notes he hits on this record...that is classic Weezer. It's what made songs like Waiting on You and Devotion such treasured B-sides. And that is overall what I don't know what Weezer fans are griping about. Cuomo sings more earnestly on this record than he has since Pinkerton. Just because it's not about the same content, does not mean it's not full of emotion. And the notes he hits on this record...that is classic Weezer. It's what made songs like Waiting on You and Devotion such treasured B-sides. And that is overall what impresses me with this CD, that and the embarrasing earnestness, I mean he is pouring his soul out. It's very gripping and he is really brave to put his feelings on the line like that. But just because it's not Pinkerton and it's not about girls across the sea, the fans want to rake Cuomo over the coals. Earnestness is Earnestness regardless of what it's talking about. In some ways it's even more emotional than Pinkerton, and way more personal. The only reason this CD doesn't get a 10 is that Beverly Hills and My Best Friend are not very good songs, but then all of Weezers old CD's only had 10 songs, so this comes out perfect. Please let the idiots at Geffen release stuff that sounds like Weezer or even release "This is such a Pity". That will be such a big hit. I predict top ten and it will make them a household name. Please Geffen do not drop the ball on this brilliant, catchy record. Expand
  99. MattE
    May 12, 2005
    I think all the people giving this album terrible reviews are just listening once, shutting off their ears halfway through the album, and throwing it over their shoulders. If you give it 3-4 listens, you'll realize that this music simply says more than any =w= album since "Pinkerton."
  100. JoeM
    May 12, 2005
    One of the best weezer albums since pinkerton, and the blue album. Make Believe has recaptured the emotion that the last two albums lacked. And musically speaking, its the most impressive, and experiemental sound they've come up with yet. By the way, the last guy who talked about RS saying Pinkerton was the worst album of 96, they know that was the stupidest thing they ever said, and One of the best weezer albums since pinkerton, and the blue album. Make Believe has recaptured the emotion that the last two albums lacked. And musically speaking, its the most impressive, and experiemental sound they've come up with yet. By the way, the last guy who talked about RS saying Pinkerton was the worst album of 96, they know that was the stupidest thing they ever said, and they know now its one of the most important alternative rock album of the 90s Expand

Mixed or average reviews - based on 25 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 7 out of 25
  2. Negative: 8 out of 25
  1. Entertainment Weekly
    Weezer's most conventional disc... a cleaner-sounding record heavy on way-earnest power ballads. [13 May 2005, p.85]
  2. Rolling Stone
    A breakthrough for Weezer... Cuomo's songs are his most plaintive and brilliant since Pinkerton. [19 May 2005, p.74]
  3. Sometimes an album is just awful. Make Believe is one of those albums.