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  1. Jun 13, 2012
    ***FIXED*** MDNA IS NOT A BAD ALBUM - BY FAR. Some people and critics would like nothing more than to see Madonna just go away. And that's not fair, and it's also a total double standard. Why should Madonna disappear? Because she's in her early 50's and still making hawt dance music? Or could it be because she refuses to be a free soul or won't stop doing and saying as she pleases? Jealous***FIXED*** MDNA IS NOT A BAD ALBUM - BY FAR. Some people and critics would like nothing more than to see Madonna just go away. And that's not fair, and it's also a total double standard. Why should Madonna disappear? Because she's in her early 50's and still making hawt dance music? Or could it be because she refuses to be a free soul or won't stop doing and saying as she pleases? Jealous much haters??? I have so much respect for this woman! Not only because she's one of the original innovators of the Pop music genre - it's because she has bigger balls than more than half of the men i have ever met! And i think that freaks people out! Madonna not only has to attempt to stay relevant sonically (which she's still succeeding) she has to fight ageism. Why can't women over a certain age be considered sexy or interesting? Critiquing Madonna shouldn't be based on her age or about what she's done before. It should be about what she's still doing and her impact on music and society! MDNA is as strong of Pop album as any other that's come out this year (or last) I think the underwhelming first two singles hurt the appeal of the album from the jump. She was pressured to get Gimme All Your Luvin' out in time for the Superbowl performance. Girl Gone Wild was good, but it's difficult even for me to stomach hearing her refer to herself as a girl. The video was Erotica/Vogue 2.0 and it was exciting to see her being sexy, interesting, pro-queer Madge again! MDNA has some amazing dance tracks on it, proving she can still contend with the new pop stars of the last 5yrs. Gang Bang is one of the most brilliantly bizarre and aggressive songs she's ever put on an album. I'm Addicted is dancefloor genius! By the ending of the song when she's singing MDMA, MDNA over and over - if your soul doesn't feel that and make you want to dance you have no soul. Hopefully Turn Up The Radio will be a single and have a video - because it's HAWT! Love Spent is beautiful and Free Falling is one of the most personal and most beautiful Madge has ever written. All hail The Queen! She's still got it, record sales or not - Madonna is like no other - and thank God for that! (8.5 out of 10) Expand
  2. Nov 4, 2012
    Madonna não fez um ótimo álbum pop, ela fez um ótimo álbum da Madonna"

    Nick Levine, BBC Online. Essa é a melhor definição para descrever décimo segundo álbum de inéditas da Rainha do Pop. MDNA foi "vazado" essa semana e já está causando o que um trabalho da Madonna merece. Não só
    Madonna não fez um ótimo álbum pop, ela fez um ótimo álbum da Madonna"

    Nick Levine, BBC Online. Essa é a melhor definição para descrever décimo segundo álbum de inéditas da Rainha do Pop. MDNA foi "vazado" essa semana e já está causando o que um trabalho da Madonna merece. Não só pelo fato de ser apenas um trabalho da Madonna, mas ser um álbum digno dos melhores elogios possíveis.

    Mais uma vez, a mulher mais importante do mundo da música, se reinventou. Dessa vez, ela encarna a "adolescente de 53 anos querendo desabafar sobre o ex-marido". Contudo, ela deixa de lado aquele pop chiclete farofa sem falar nada com nada que fez em Hard Candy para uma sonoridade mais sombria, estilizada e pop de verdade. A escolha pelo time limitado de produtores faz com que MDNA tem uma coerência centralizada em um plano sequência de sonoridade começando por um tom mais dark, passado aos poucos para pop mais despretensioso, depois chegando um eletropop moderno mais cadenciado para dar espaço para as baladas pop e terminando em um pop mais tradicional com mistura de R&B na versão deluxe. Uma colcha de retalhos extremamente bem costurado sem deixar as remendas amostra devido ao fato de produções precisas e inspiradas em quase todas as faixas. Não é o álbum mais comercial dela, mesmo assim é um álbum pop genuíno. Madonna volta aos bons tempos onde ela realmente consegue enganar quem ouve achando que ela tem uma voz poderosa. Sabendo equilibrar efeitos e a voz natural dela durante todo o álbum, ela ganha destaque ao voltar a entoar baladas feitas para sua voz com a mesma maestria dos anos oitenta e devo admitir que é aqui seus melhores momentos vocais. Como já disse. o tema do álbum é basicamente sobre seu ex-marido, o cineasta Guy Ritchie. Finalmente, Madonna parece exorcizar ele de sua vida em letras muitos pessoais. Talvez sobre a luz de Adele, Madonna faz sua versão pop para o fim de um relacionamento. Nada muito genial, mas tem momentos ótimos e de puro "madonnisse". Isso fica claro em genial Gang Bang, a melhor música dela em anos. Na faixa ela dispara que quer atirar na cabeça dele e mandá-lo para o inferno. E só foi eu que percebei, mas o "bicth" que ela fala tanto na música seria quase o nome do ex-marido disfarçado? Já que **** e "Ritchie" tem o mesmo som ao falar. De qualquer forma, uma produção inspiradíssima com uma sonoridade ousada e original fecha o pacote apenas como a Madonna consegue fazer. Em I Don't Give A, ela finca os pés em um pop mais chiclete sem perder o clima de vamos malhar o "Judas" e desabafar mais um pouco. A batida leve, descártavel e dançante conquista desde o primeiro segundo. E o que falar de Nicki Minaj entregando um verso genial e finalizando com a frase do ano: "There's only one queen, and that's Madonna/ **** E a canção ainda termina apoteótica com um coral evocando a supremacia da Rainha do Pop. Em Turn Up The Radio é feito o "hino de estádio" do álbum. Já consigo ver uma multidão em um estádio cantando a canção em um só coro. Apesar de ssas três músicas serem os pilares, outros momentos inspirados ajudam a elevar o álbum: os divertidos singles Girl Gone Wild e Give Me All Your Luvin', Some Girls com inspiração da cantora Robyn e a cinica I'm a Sinner. Nas baladas tenho que reconhecer que Masterpiece é bonitinha, Love Spent é honesta enquanto Falling Free é lindamente grandiosa. Contudo, é na R&B/pop I **** Up sua melhor canção romântica mostrando sua culpa e pedindo desculpa pelo fim do casamento. Infelizmente, existe alguns tropeços. A chatinha Superstar parece saído do álbum da Katy Perry, I'm Addicted não convence, Beautiful Killer é dispensável e B-Day Song é o disperdicio do talento da M.I.A. A pior é o remix do LMFAO para Give Me All Your Luvin'. Graças a Deus é apenas um bônus na versão deluxe e não chega atrapalhar o álbum. Enfim, Madonna voltou como ela é: sendo a Madonna que o mundo conhece.
  3. Dec 9, 2012
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. While, MDNA is no masterpiece, it almost certainly trumps her last effort. With removing some cliched lyrics and only a few bad songs (*cough* "B-day Song" *cough* "I Don't Give a" *cough*) this could have been the album that she must try to best over and over. Instead, it's more of the start of something new, kind of. Expand
  4. Jan 16, 2013
    Not her best. But inexplicably a way better than any of her rivals albums recently released. "Gang Bang" - one of my favorite from MDNA - is a direct journey to Tarantino universe, an incredible mixture with sound that makes you picture the exact scene without a single image. Must say that this album sounds totally different after you see an MDNA concert.
  5. Mar 5, 2013
    There are lots of "useless" albums in pop music, without well-worked music and lyrics, just to have fun. MDNA is probably the best of them. Just enjoy because it is a pure pop record. And by the way, Madonna (and her music) will never grow old. Roll on the next album!
  6. Jul 19, 2014
    Some great great songs on this. Highlights being "Gang Bang", "Some Girls", "Love Spent" & "Falling Free", (all coincidentally the William Orbit tracks). There are a couple of lets downs, ("Superstar" & "B-Day Song"), but the rest of the album is so good, I can't bring my score down because of a couple of half-assed fillers. Considering 14 of the 16 songs are decent. I'll break it down:Some great great songs on this. Highlights being "Gang Bang", "Some Girls", "Love Spent" & "Falling Free", (all coincidentally the William Orbit tracks). There are a couple of lets downs, ("Superstar" & "B-Day Song"), but the rest of the album is so good, I can't bring my score down because of a couple of half-assed fillers. Considering 14 of the 16 songs are decent. I'll break it down:

    Girl Gone Wild- 8/10 (It's Great, but too generic to get top marks. It was made for the charts, and that's bad.)

    Gang Bang- 10/10 (Perfectly crafted, the gunshots, sirens, F1 cars, all perfectly timed. It fits SO well. As one critic called it, "history's first dancefloor murder ballad," and I couldn't agree more.)

    I'm Addicted- 9/10 (Tells it like it is. I do get addicted to this song. I want MORE. But that's why it doesn't get top marks, it's so good and makes me want so much more that I get disappointed at not being able to have it.)

    Turn Up The Radio- 8/10 (Critics loved it, and I can see why. It's summery and has a few really cool flicks when it comes to sound, but it's repetitive and after a few listens you'll probably skip it.)

    Gimme All Your Luvin'- 8/10 (Some really unique ideas, hard to dislike. It's missing something, but I have no idea what that is. The bridge is great also.)

    Some Girls- 10/10 (You need to hear the instrumental [orbitstreamcast - SoundCloud] to really appreciate the perfection of the chords and synths in this song. Unbeatable.)

    Superstar- 5/10 (I like the music. Not the singing. Not the lyrics. It's definitely an acquired taste this one.)

    I Don't Give A- 10/10 (Once again, it's unique done perfectly. You won't find a song like this, but you won't ever need to.)

    I'm A Sinner- 8/10 (This is unique, but it's a bit of a let down when compared to the track before it. Maybe a more strategically placed positioning on the album would do it more justice.)

    Love Spent- 10/10 (You don't know whether to dance or cry. The progressiveness is done so perfectly and so subtly you won't even notice. The lyrics are so well put together, and smart ["Frankly if my name was Benjamin"], you won't be able to hate this, no matter what you normally enjoy.)

    Masterpiece- 10/10 (I hate ballads, but this I like. For me to like a ballad it has to be extremely good, this track deserved a bit more recognition I think, considering it was a promo single. So the public did hear it.)

    Falling Free- 10/10 (Such a nice soothing song. Probably the most underrated of her entire career.)

    Beautiful Killer- 9/10 (Lyrics are just OK, but apart from that, not a fault. Reminiscent of "Die Another Day.")

    I **** Up- 9/10 (A rare song by Madonna. One where SHE is at fault, and not everyone else. That alone makes it good in my book.)

    B-Day Song- 4/10 (Sound like she wrote the lyrics, sang the song, and produced it all inside the one day of her birthday. SO half assed it's almost unlistenable.)

    Best Friend- 10/10 (Beautiful Lyrics. Amazing production. Surprisingly well sung. This one really gets to me, and NOTHING gets to me. This alone makes up for the atrocities of B-Day Song and Superstar.)

    It really is so sad, that it had to end. ;)
  7. Nov 26, 2021
    This is very solid Madonna album, including good songs. The best are Falling Free, Masterpiece, Girl Gone Wild, Love Spent and Beautiful Killer. Good mix of energetic dance songs and lovely ballads, with nice and deep lyrics.
  8. Feb 28, 2015
    O álbum é essencialmente feito para se jogar nas pistas, com letras não tão profundas como Madonna já fez durante sua carreira - vide Ray of Light e American Life, por exemplo - MDNA segue a linha tênue entre músicas para se descartar (B'Day Song, Superstar, I F**ked Up) e músicas para adorar (e até imaginar videoclips) Gang Bang, I don't give a, Masterpiece, Falling Free, o single GirlO álbum é essencialmente feito para se jogar nas pistas, com letras não tão profundas como Madonna já fez durante sua carreira - vide Ray of Light e American Life, por exemplo - MDNA segue a linha tênue entre músicas para se descartar (B'Day Song, Superstar, I F**ked Up) e músicas para adorar (e até imaginar videoclips) Gang Bang, I don't give a, Masterpiece, Falling Free, o single Girl Gone Wild e a bela Love Spent - faltou divulgar está música Madge!
    Melhor que o anterior Hard Candy, MDNA não entra na lista dos melhores álbuns da Rainha do POP, mas se você quer dançar, curtir a vida ou até mesmo limpar sua casa sem pensar nos problemas, o álbum é uma ótima pedida.
  9. Dec 9, 2016
    The William Orbit produced tracks the real winners here. They may not be up to 'Ray of Light' standards, but they have his mark stamped all over them. Benny Benassi also makes his mark quite well. All undeniably fun dance and pop tracks. However, the others are a little on the naff side.
    Madonna does tend to blend into the background throughout most of the album (mostly because her vocals
    The William Orbit produced tracks the real winners here. They may not be up to 'Ray of Light' standards, but they have his mark stamped all over them. Benny Benassi also makes his mark quite well. All undeniably fun dance and pop tracks. However, the others are a little on the naff side.
    Madonna does tend to blend into the background throughout most of the album (mostly because her vocals are so heavily treated), but it's still a total joy to hear her having fun from start to finish.
  10. Apr 1, 2012
    I am a recent Madonna fan. I started to love her music when I bought Celebration. I only listened to another album which is Confessions On A Dancefloor. I must admit, after Confessions, I had really high expectations that MDNA did not meet. She seems to be more focused on being mad at her ex than actually jumping on the occasion to reinvent herself as an artist. This is what you get : aI am a recent Madonna fan. I started to love her music when I bought Celebration. I only listened to another album which is Confessions On A Dancefloor. I must admit, after Confessions, I had really high expectations that MDNA did not meet. She seems to be more focused on being mad at her ex than actually jumping on the occasion to reinvent herself as an artist. This is what you get : a wannabe-dark Madonna album with a production that is clearly irrelevant. Why did it hit a 7? MDNA has a certain charm. The lack of depth in lyrics in some songs is compensated with thickly layered songs and unexpected beats. The deluxe edition is somewhat useless. The only good extra track is "Best Friend". Even though "B-Day" is clearly a wink to the audience,"Beautiful Killer" and "I F*ck*d Up" possess a few very awful lines hat ruins the whole songs and make it less believable. My favorite tracks : "Masterpiece", "Falling Free", "Best Friend", "Love Spent" (even though this one could have been better).. Expand
  11. Sep 2, 2012
    This album has grown on me over time. I don't think it will ever be on par with "Ray of Light" and "Confessions on a Dancefloor" in terms re-playability, or even "Music" and "American Life" for that matter, but I definitely feel more life and energy emitting from this album than I did from "Hard Candy." The funny thing is, "Hard Candy" had a more cohesive sound, but even so it mostlyThis album has grown on me over time. I don't think it will ever be on par with "Ray of Light" and "Confessions on a Dancefloor" in terms re-playability, or even "Music" and "American Life" for that matter, but I definitely feel more life and energy emitting from this album than I did from "Hard Candy." The funny thing is, "Hard Candy" had a more cohesive sound, but even so it mostly just felt like Madonna was phoning it in and/or trying too hard for a mainstream hit. That album had a couple of great tracks in "Miles Away" and "Beat Goes On," while everything else was listenable but felt obligatory.

    "MDNA," on the other hand, isn't so sonically cohesive but feels much more real and raw. Where the lyrics fail, on most of the more club-ready tracks, the production pushes those songs to higher ground. For instance, "Girl Gone Wild," "I'm Addicted," "Turn Up the Radio," and "Give Me All Your Luvin' " feature generally cliched and/or immature lyrics, but the music itself bangs with vitality and grinds with sensuality. These songs don't exactly expand the sound or push the boundaries of dance-pop music, but they sound just as good (if not better) than at least half of the current top 40 and dance club hits from artists half Madonna's age.

    Then there are really good songs that probably aren't shallow enough to be released as singles, but reach lyrical and/or thematic heights that only a woman of Madonna's age and life experience could reach. "Love Spent" is one such song, on which William Orbit supplies a fantastic folk-tronic track and Madonna tells a very specific break-up story from her own life, one of a romantic partner who wanted her as much for her money as for her love. While most of us aren't rich enough to relate to the exact situation she is singing about, the song is still a cathartic release for any of us who have ever felt under appreciated in a relationship and tired of being the only one who seems to be giving. This is what the best pop music has always been able to do - take a specific story or situation and make it universal and relatable to almost anyone.

    Another fine example of this type of song craft is "I **** Up," which is (for some dumb reason) only available on the deluxe edition of the album. Once again, a specific story from Madonna's life is made relatable simply because she is so willing to admit her own faults and shortcomings in a relationship. It's especially heartbreaking to hear her detail what could of been had she behaved differently.

    There are a couple straight up duds on the album. She probably should have relegated the juvenile collaboration with Nicki Minaj, "I Don't Give A," to bonus track status, and she probably should have left the even worse collaboration with M.I.A., "B-Day Song," off of all editions of the album. And while "Gang Bang" is sonically interesting and far from a dud, it's also unnecessarily violent and campy for my own taste (though some may be fine with that).

    Overall, though, "MDNA" is a surprisingly solid album that is occasionally brilliant. It could have been better, had Madonna & Co. supplied better lyrics for the mostly spectacular production work. But it is also rarely downright bad, and it is more purposeful and interesting than anything Madonna has put out since "Confessions." And while I don't know that she has another album in her that is up to the classic standard of "Ray of Light," her improvement here is reason enough for celebration.
  12. Apr 3, 2012
    I was actually waiting for something more like Ray of Light. I can't say I'm disappointed, there are a few good songs in the album, but I honestly expected more from her because I KNOW she can do way better. Overall, this is a good Madonna album. Not the best, not the worst, in my opinion.
  13. Mar 26, 2012
    4 years ago, in 2008, "Hard Candy" has been released. World, in particular Madonna's fans, was shocked because it was Madonna's worst album. The sound wasn't particular or revolutionary. Yes, in that album there were good songs like "Miles Away" or "Candy Shop" but there were horrible and stupid songs like "Spanish Lesson" or "Incredible", too. Now, we are in 2012 and Madonna returns with4 years ago, in 2008, "Hard Candy" has been released. World, in particular Madonna's fans, was shocked because it was Madonna's worst album. The sound wasn't particular or revolutionary. Yes, in that album there were good songs like "Miles Away" or "Candy Shop" but there were horrible and stupid songs like "Spanish Lesson" or "Incredible", too. Now, we are in 2012 and Madonna returns with a new album that has the role to be better than "Hard Candy". And MDNA is better than "Hard Candy". I think that this CD has 4 parts : great songs, good songs, quite good songs and horrible songs. The horrible songs are "Give Me All Your Luvin" and "Superstar" that are really stupid. I think that a children can make tracks better than these. The quite good songs are "Girl Gone Wild" ( I don't know how can some people say that this song is better than some Confessions' songs) and "Some Girls". The great song are the interesting "Gang Bang", "Masterpiece", "I'm Addicted" and "Falling Free" and the other tracks are all good. This isn't revolutionary but is a really good pop album. Madonna started her career in 80's and now, in 2012, she still is one of the most greatest and most successful singer in the world. She is the Queen of Pop, because who can make a good album like this after 30 years of career?? Expand
  14. Mar 30, 2012
    I'd say MDNA locates itself right between Confessions on a Dance Floor and Hard Candy. In average it's neither too good or bad. Orbit produced tracks feels way better than the rest... this should have been a solo producer record
  15. Apr 3, 2012
    I give this album a solid 7. It definitely has a few flaws. Particularly songs like "Girl Gone Wild", "Give Me All Your Luvin''", unfortunately the songs showcasing the album to the public. The first just seems contrived to get a "club pop" hit amongst the younger females of today, while the latter was just too calculated for the Superbowl. Not to mention features subpar raps from hisI give this album a solid 7. It definitely has a few flaws. Particularly songs like "Girl Gone Wild", "Give Me All Your Luvin''", unfortunately the songs showcasing the album to the public. The first just seems contrived to get a "club pop" hit amongst the younger females of today, while the latter was just too calculated for the Superbowl. Not to mention features subpar raps from his usually rocking features (Nicki, M.I.A.)

    Besides those two subtle bumps opening and mid-album, tracks like "I'm Addicted", "Superstar" and "Love Spent" showcase a woman still capable of controlling the dancefloor without reaching generic like she has been since the 80s.
  16. May 3, 2012
    Only Madonna can cause a festival of meltdowns on Twitter. Never have my mentions moved so rapidly. I almost vomited from motion sickness. It's crazy how intensely anticipated this woman is. I guess it comes with the territory of being the Queen of Pop.

    Like the rest of the world, as soon as the album leaked I just had to get my hands on it, despite the fact that the quality was horrid,
    Only Madonna can cause a festival of meltdowns on Twitter. Never have my mentions moved so rapidly. I almost vomited from motion sickness. It's crazy how intensely anticipated this woman is. I guess it comes with the territory of being the Queen of Pop.

    Like the rest of the world, as soon as the album leaked I just had to get my hands on it, despite the fact that the quality was horrid, as usual with those **** web-rips. Still, I caught ever ounce of my life.

    As someone who's never been a huge Madonna fan, I was overall pleased with the turn out. I'd say I was about 50/50 on songs I loved and songs that I thought were mediocre. I don't there is a single bad song, but I find a handful of them generic.

    "I **** Up" was instantly my favorite. I figured it would be when Guy O'seary posted a link to it on Twitter a couple of days ago. I love the urban style drummer boy backing under the fluid string section. It stands out from the other tracks because it doesn't sound electric. It's almost acoustic, of course if you strip away the fleshy production, aside from the guitar and Madonna's feather-weight vocals. I really think this song could serve as a high-charting singled, especially if they censor it as "I Effed Up." Oh, the controversy.

    The best uptempo song on the album is undoubtedly "I'm Addicted." It's one of those songs you hear at the club and pause right before the chorus, only to jump around like an ADHD kid when the beat drops. Oh, then there's the chant, which is almost essential in pop music today! "MDNA! MDNA!" It's a play on words, also, if you didn't catch that. The song is actually full of them. She describes a lot of symptoms of someone on ecstasy as her "feelings" in the song. That gives me a little more appreciation for the song, since it has a bit of thought behind the lyrics.

    Not far behind is "I Don't Give A" which is Madonna's big **** you" to the negativity in her life. (Sidenote: does her rap style remind anyone of Michael Jackson's "They Don't Really Care About Us?") It's really corny, but just corny enough to be considered "cute." Oh yeah, Nicki Minaj also takes a few minutes out of her hectic life to go the **** off about how less-than you bum **** are compared to her. The icing on top was the sweet line hailing Madonna as the "one queen," then gnarly off a psychotic **** in typical Minaj fashion.

    Oooh, and let me gush about how much I live for "Gang Bang." I don't know who she is talking about, but she is reading them for filth. I mean, if you're willing to follow someone to hell (after you murder them) just so you can kill then "over and over and over and over and over and over and over again" then it's logical to say you're bitter. She ends the songs with a grimy dubstep piece that sent shivers up my spine. This, more than any other song, gives me a glimpse of the old Madonna.

    "Girl Gone Wild," the second single, is a top notch club banger. It's one of those insanely catchy, but generic songs I mentioned before, but what makes it a really good song is the beat. I'll admit that I love "Give Me All Your Lovin'" because I like to cheer. It served it's purpose as Superbowl hype single and put her back on everyone's mind. Like I said before, there are no bad songs on the album, but the rest of the album will have to grow on me. I'll revisit this review in a week when we have a higher quality version. Until then, I'll rate this album a solid 7.5/10. Madonna has already proven her worth, yet she still makes music like she's got more to prove. It makes for consistent solid albums.
  17. Oct 24, 2013
    Madonna was 54 when MDNA came out. If released during 2008, this might be a bigger hit than Hard Candy but ultimately the first single choice and a climate of ageism finally took a toll on this club-pleaser. The theme that stands out most in some of the songs are those that dealt with her failed relationship with Guy Ritchie. If properly developed, the theme could bring more resonance toMadonna was 54 when MDNA came out. If released during 2008, this might be a bigger hit than Hard Candy but ultimately the first single choice and a climate of ageism finally took a toll on this club-pleaser. The theme that stands out most in some of the songs are those that dealt with her failed relationship with Guy Ritchie. If properly developed, the theme could bring more resonance to some of the other songs. Having said that, I totally dig Girl Gone Wild (simple club stormer which critics had too much time to find problems with lyrical depth) and I F*** Up (which should have been on the main album instead of just the deluxe). Until then, Madonna will deliver her next masterpiece in her career milestone. Don't rule her out! Expand
  18. Dec 8, 2012
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. There is no denying that Madonna is pop royalty. Although I was never deep into her stuff, I wanted to try this one out. This album is honestly one of the best pop records this year. I really love "Girl Gone Wild", "I Don't Give A", "Turn Up The Radio", and "Gang Bang". Expand
  19. Aug 14, 2013
    "MDNA" is actually pretty good! It's more "pop- like" than other Madonna stuff. And one of my favorite singers, M.I.A. does a song on it, called "Give Me All Your Luvin'"
  20. Dec 14, 2013
    Não o seu melhor álbum, mas também não o seu pior (porra, vocês já ouviram o Hard Candy????), agressivo, divertido e apesar de soar genérico e clichê algumas vezes, ainda assim um bom álbum, não a obra prima que todos esperavam que fosse, um álbum just ok. Ninguém monta uma carreira inteira com Like a Prayer's e Ray of Light's.
  21. Apr 4, 2015
    Overall a good album. I'm probably one of the only people that thinks this album was actually better than Rebel Heart. I liked all the dance tracks on here produced by Benny Benassi and I also liked Madonna's lyrics and singing, although I did not like the songs produced by Martin Solveig. These things add up to a B for the album. Highlights: "Gang Bang", "Girl Gone Wild", "I'm Addicted",Overall a good album. I'm probably one of the only people that thinks this album was actually better than Rebel Heart. I liked all the dance tracks on here produced by Benny Benassi and I also liked Madonna's lyrics and singing, although I did not like the songs produced by Martin Solveig. These things add up to a B for the album. Highlights: "Gang Bang", "Girl Gone Wild", "I'm Addicted", "Love Spent". Worst song: "Superstar" Expand
  22. May 14, 2016
    Oh, my God, I am heartily sorry for having offended Thee
    And I detest all my sins
    Because I dread the loss of heaven, and the pains of hell But most of all because I love Thee, And I want so badly to be good"....she sings in the opening track - "Girl Gone Wild". And this is the exact Madonna who wants "it so badly to be good". This is an album very close to my heart. It was my first
    Oh, my God, I am heartily sorry for having offended Thee
    And I detest all my sins
    Because I dread the loss of heaven, and the pains of hell
    But most of all because I love Thee,
    And I want so badly to be good"....she sings in the opening track - "Girl Gone Wild". And this is the exact Madonna who wants "it so badly to be good". This is an album very close to my heart. It was my first Madonna album. Songs like "Masterpiece", "Falling Free" and "I'm A Sinner" are my all time favourite Madonna songs. But of course this is not a Madonna standard album. The EDM production is not upto Madonna's mark. Anyway, the deluxe edition album cover is a pure art. It justifies the emotion and name of album so well. Other essential tracks are - I'm Addicted and Gang Bang.
  23. Nov 20, 2018
    Better than Hard Candy but the Queen can do better than following what is hip at the current moment.
  24. Mar 27, 2020
    The worst Madonna album in 2010s; it's too cohesive, and quite weird; like first half of album could not exist, and I wouldn't mind. "Masterpiece" definitively is the best song of this album.
  25. Aug 19, 2019
    Тот же уровень, что и его предшественник, потеря надежды на качественный альбом. Сборник, солянка из песен, никакой концепции, однако даже среди этого можно выделить несколько хороших песен которые и спасают весь альбом, ведь ровно половина альбома неслушабельна.Тот же уровень, что и его предшественник, потеря надежды на качественный альбом. Сборник, солянка из песен, никакой концепции, однако даже среди этого можно выделить несколько хороших песен которые и спасают весь альбом, ведь ровно половина альбома неслушабельна.
  26. Apr 5, 2012
    Better than I expected it to be after listening two horrible singles.Kind of bipolar album,divided in it's core-some good songs and some bad songs,smart and stupid,full of lies yet also very sincere at the moment.In a word-it's a mess of an album but occasionally a really seductive mess.
  27. Mar 27, 2012
    Madonna has really had to step up her game to cash in on lady gaga cashing in on her. She named her album (MDNA) after extacy (MDMA) and with songs like "gang bang" "I'm a sinner" "girl gone wild" and "i dont give a" she aims low to score high.
  28. May 13, 2012
    After who as who, but Madonna is to be expected something more than that. The twelfth album called
    "MDNA" is a compilation of pop songs kept in electronic, dubstep climates. Tracks, however seem to
    be terribly common - what you can even see in the single "Turn Up The Radio" or "Love Spent". Even ballads such as "Masterpiece" turns out terribly crude. Fortunately, on the release were also
    After who as who, but Madonna is to be expected something more than that. The twelfth album called
    "MDNA" is a compilation of pop songs kept in electronic, dubstep climates. Tracks, however seem to
    be terribly common - what you can even see in the single "Turn Up The Radio" or "Love Spent". Even
    ballads such as "Masterpiece" turns out terribly crude. Fortunately, on the release were also good
    compositions, such as presented during the finals of the Super Bowl - "Give Me All Your Luvin' " or
    referring to Depeche Mode "I'm Addicted".
  29. Oct 30, 2013
    MDNA certainly wins in terms of quality in comparison with Madonna's previously forgettable entries such as 2005's Confessions and 2008's Hard Candy. But it's also certainly no Ray of Light. Predictable and simple EDM opener "Girl Gone Wild" indicates the mood of the album, which is simply Madonna finding familiar footing in mainstream music's current trends. Despite the mediocrity of leadMDNA certainly wins in terms of quality in comparison with Madonna's previously forgettable entries such as 2005's Confessions and 2008's Hard Candy. But it's also certainly no Ray of Light. Predictable and simple EDM opener "Girl Gone Wild" indicates the mood of the album, which is simply Madonna finding familiar footing in mainstream music's current trends. Despite the mediocrity of lead single "Give Me All Your Luvin'", MDNA never ends up sounding like a failure. The trance and dubstep infused into bass thumper "Gang Bang" is a perfect siding to a song about murdering a former lover and closing ballads "Masterpiece" and "Falling Free" remind us why Madonna was once the crowning champion in pop melodrama. All-in-all, MDNA could be better or worse. It reminds us that Madonna still has more to come, but it doesn't deliver us as much as it should. Expand
  30. Dec 4, 2013
    The first clue this album was not going to be up to the normal standards was when the subpar first single 'Gimme All Your Luvin' was released. There are some decent tracks to be had but it mostly sounds like the rejects from 2000's "Music".
  31. Feb 23, 2014
    MDNA rarely has a standout moment, (Addicted and I'm A Sinner are the only two real standouts) and the songs elsewhere from that feel over crowded or just get a little too carried away with themselves (Gang Bang being one), if I'm honest, I think the queen of pop lost her vibe after Confessions on a Dance floor, but it might be more necessary to say she probably lost it after Ray of Light.
  32. Nov 6, 2015
    Bem, bem mediano. Talvez este seja o álbum da cerreira que ninguém soube como madonna conseguiu sair de uma era grandiosa como Confessions e começou a cair nos álbuns seguintes, o álbum em si não e tão ruim. Musicas estridentes e muitas vezes chatas.
  33. Mar 23, 2020
    "MDNA" was Madonna‘s first album since her divorce from Guy Ritchie in 2008. Thematically it explored the different facets of a post-divorce scenario. The mourning, the hate and starting to be open for a new relationship again. It had a strong concept in my opinion. Soundwise, it’s mainly an uptempo pop album that experiments A LOT with EDM. It only took Madonna 6 months to record this"MDNA" was Madonna‘s first album since her divorce from Guy Ritchie in 2008. Thematically it explored the different facets of a post-divorce scenario. The mourning, the hate and starting to be open for a new relationship again. It had a strong concept in my opinion. Soundwise, it’s mainly an uptempo pop album that experiments A LOT with EDM. It only took Madonna 6 months to record this album. I didn’t know how to rate this album. It has some great, interesting and experimental moments but also some embarrassing & trend-chasing moments and absolute career lows. I‘m gonna give it a 6 because it’s not a terrible record and definitely better and more innovative than "Hard Candy" (2008). "Girl Gone Wild", "Some Girls" and "I'm Addicted" are extremely fun EDM dance pop songs. "Girl Gone Wild" is a great way to start off the album and throws it back to the outro of Madonna's legendary "Like a Prayer" (1989) album; "Act of Contrition". "Love Spent" and "Gang Bang" are also definitely EDM but they have a much more interesting production. "I Don’t Give a" has an epic outro but the rest of the song is not that great. "Masterpiece" and "Falling Free" are the closest you‘ll get to a ballad on this album. They are both highlights on the album and have a nice, interesting production. "Falling Free" reminds me of Madonna's magnum opus "Ray of Light" (1998). "Best Friend" is also mid-tempo and one of the more emotional songs on the album. Again, the production is very interesting and different. "I F***** Up" also tries to go down that emotional route but somehow it doesn’t work and just sounds like a filler to me.
    The biggest mistake of this project are the moments where Madonna tries to do carefree pop bops aka "Turn Up the Radio", "Superstar", "I'm a Sinner" or "Beautiful Killer". It does work on the album’s lead single "Give Me All Your Luvin'" though by the way. "B-Day Song" MUST have been a joke. I can’t believe that song ended up on an album from the Queen of Pop. Wtf is this? One of the worst songs of her entire career. Those five songs could’ve definitely been cut. Terrible. So all in all, "MDNA" is an okay album. Six songs could’ve been cut and it would’ve gotten a 7 from me. But even without those songs, it still sounds overproduced at times and trend-chasing. Madonna is supposed to set trends but with this album and its predecessor she tried to do what everyone on the charts did.

    Favorites: Masterpiece, Girl Gone Wild, Gang Bang & Best Friend
  34. Nov 16, 2020
    girl gone wild addicted gang bang masterpiece are the top tracks! she has so many other top par AMAZING albums this one is ok but not easy to listen to
  35. Apr 5, 2022
    I am not a Gaga fan, and I love this album just because it has five shining songs: Turn Up the Radio, Girl gone wild, give me all your luving, Superstar and Masterpiece. Without one of these songs this album would be terrible, I was like waiting more to be the Pop Queen.
  36. May 30, 2022
    De toda a discografia da mamãe, é o que menos gosto. Mas tem alguns momentos muito bons
  37. Mar 26, 2012
    Masterpiece and Falling Free are great sogs, and even Girl Gone Wild is good at what it's for: dance. But the others songs are silly and unemotional.
  38. Mar 26, 2012
    MDNA is the return of the queen of pop. I liked some songs, like "Beautiful Killer" and her recent single "Girl Gone Wild." But I was on Twitter, while listening to the album, and I honestly did not know when was the next song. From I **** Up I did not know which song was next. What I mean is that Madonna has created an album with a sound very similar, and some songs his voice was full ofMDNA is the return of the queen of pop. I liked some songs, like "Beautiful Killer" and her recent single "Girl Gone Wild." But I was on Twitter, while listening to the album, and I honestly did not know when was the next song. From I **** Up I did not know which song was next. What I mean is that Madonna has created an album with a sound very similar, and some songs his voice was full of auto-tune.
    What I think this album is that an attempt was somewhat of a frustrating "Confessions On The Dance Floor 2.0". I think her album is good but could be better, or better, much better.
  39. Mar 26, 2012
    Average at best, below average by Madonnas standards. The tracks are entirely to safe for the most part and she seems to be so preoccupied with trying to keep up with the times and sounds dated attempting so. She's gone from setting trends to following them, shame really.
    Best tracks: Gang Bang, I'm Addicted, I dont give a.
  40. Sep 27, 2012
    Like any Madonna album, it certainly commands attention - however, the basic beats, simple lyrics and generic dub step and 'club sound' moments do leave you feeling very let down. With the likes of Kylie, Gaga, Britney and Robyn controlling the dance charts of late, it would appear the reigning Queen of Pop may soon be refered to as 'The Queen Mother of Pop' - which isn't a good thing.
  41. May 19, 2012
    I wanted to like this album, but apart from a couple of songs, most of this record is forgettable. I think one of the reasons for this is the production, which sounds stuffy. Not one of her best.
  42. Feb 16, 2013
    Your average club music. Nothing special here, which is about where Madonna should be at her age. Hopefully this will be her last album, and she never officially walks away from music like Cher did.
  43. Nov 25, 2012
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Madonna já está a muito tempo no patamar em que não tem que provar nada para ninguém, é a maior cantora pop que o mundo conhece. Mas este album poderia ter sido muito melhor, destaque para as produções de William Orbit que é muito "Madonna" a conexão entre os dois é muito boa. Músicas como Girl Gone Wild. Turn Up The Radio, Superstar, B'day Song, seriam ótimas se não fosse da Madonna. Destaque especial para faixas; Gang Bang, Love Spent, Falling Free e Beautiful Killer Expand
  44. Mar 30, 2013
    Não que MDNA seja um álbum ruim, pelo contrario bom. Mas quando se trata de Madonna tudo já esta muito saturado, as músicas não são muito originais, mas até agora os singles são comerciais, com destaque para aparição de Nicki Minaj e M.I.A.
  45. Jul 19, 2013
    Madonna is an intelligent woman, but wanted to repeat the formula that many have applied in the last years and the result was an album of which only some tracks are saved
  46. Aug 2, 2014
    What the **** is the queen of pop doing? It's true that since Confessions we can't hear a really good music coming from Madonna but MDNA prove to the world that everything that it's bad can be worst. Why she didn't wrote Gaga's name on Give Me All Your Luvin? What age she think she had when recorded Girl Gone Wild or Gang Bang? Come on, let's be nice and say that Masterpiece (the reallyWhat the **** is the queen of pop doing? It's true that since Confessions we can't hear a really good music coming from Madonna but MDNA prove to the world that everything that it's bad can be worst. Why she didn't wrote Gaga's name on Give Me All Your Luvin? What age she think she had when recorded Girl Gone Wild or Gang Bang? Come on, let's be nice and say that Masterpiece (the really masterpiece in album) saved the album from my 1 or 2 and became Madonna's best ballad since Nothing Really Matters. I said good ballad, not think about Turn Up The Radio.
    Also, MDNA is better than Hard Candy but come on, it can't be worse that the sweet-trash album.
  47. Apr 1, 2015
    UGH. This has got to be the laziest, least ambitious album of Madonna's career. Ya know, it gets increasingly harder to justify why she's still the queen of pop when she churns out mediocre crap like this. I'll admit, it's not all horrible, but compared to the stuff she's done before and the stuff that other musicians are doing now, MDNA is bland and forgettable. I'm also not one to listenUGH. This has got to be the laziest, least ambitious album of Madonna's career. Ya know, it gets increasingly harder to justify why she's still the queen of pop when she churns out mediocre crap like this. I'll admit, it's not all horrible, but compared to the stuff she's done before and the stuff that other musicians are doing now, MDNA is bland and forgettable. I'm also not one to listen much to lyrics, but they were exceptionally bad here. "Oh la la, you're my superstar. Oh la la, that's what you are." Really? Coming from a huge fan, this album is a major disappointment. Expand
  48. Feb 26, 2015
    girl gone wild, i **** up, best friend, beautiful killer, masterpiece, gang bang and im addicted are the best songs in the album....its sad that gmayl was the first single...ggw could have been so much bigger
  49. Feb 22, 2017
    Infelizmente, um álbum totalmente descartável. Nem mesmo a volta de William Orbit como colaborador rendeu canções memoráveis. Dificilmente será lembrado no futuro, até mesmo, por Madonna no repertório de suas turnês.

    Girl Gone Wild: 4 Gang Bang: 7 I'm Addicted: 6 Turn Up the Rádio: 5 Give Me All Your Luvin': 6 Some Girls: 3 Superstar: 5 I Don't Give A: 4 I'm a Sinner: 5 Love
    Infelizmente, um álbum totalmente descartável. Nem mesmo a volta de William Orbit como colaborador rendeu canções memoráveis. Dificilmente será lembrado no futuro, até mesmo, por Madonna no repertório de suas turnês.

    Girl Gone Wild: 4
    Gang Bang: 7
    I'm Addicted: 6
    Turn Up the Rádio: 5
    Give Me All Your Luvin': 6
    Some Girls: 3
    Superstar: 5
    I Don't Give A: 4
    I'm a Sinner: 5
    Love Spent: 6
    Masterpiece: 5
    Falling Free: 5
    Beautiful Killer: 5
    I F**ked Up: 5
    B-day Song: 4
    Best Friend: 6
    Give Me All Your Luvin' - Party Rock Remix: 4

    Total: 5
  50. Apr 7, 2018
    es de sus peores trabajos, pero tiene algunas joyas como lo seria "Masterpiece"
  51. Sep 9, 2020
    Large chunks of MDNA are shockingly banal, coming across not so much as bad pop songs per se, but as drably competent tunes better suited to D-list Madonna wannabes. The album offers evidence that the singer has fallen behind, that she is no longer setting the conversation in a genre she essentially invented - blending Top 40 pop with club music.
  52. Jun 15, 2019
    This release has some good moments (Girl Gone Wild, Some Girls, Falling Free, Masterpiece, Love Spent). But the whole record seems like a wasted opportunity. This is the first Madonna LP that makes me feel like it shouldn't be a Madonna LP at all. The hype was high since she performed on the SuperBowl, But i do feel she didn't deliver herself as much as she should. It was her firstThis release has some good moments (Girl Gone Wild, Some Girls, Falling Free, Masterpiece, Love Spent). But the whole record seems like a wasted opportunity. This is the first Madonna LP that makes me feel like it shouldn't be a Madonna LP at all. The hype was high since she performed on the SuperBowl, But i do feel she didn't deliver herself as much as she should. It was her first Post-gaga extended LP, the media was at her, she has just won a golden globe. Well, as a I said, a wasted opportunity. Expand
  53. May 13, 2023
    One of the most unfortunate works by the artist known as Queen of Pop. It is only better than Madame X, which is not a compliment. There is absolutely NO good song on this album. Even though the tracks Love Spent and Falling Free stand out they are not good enough to do justice to Madonna's work. Such a shame and disapoint coming from a once considerated "Immaculate" discography.
  54. Apr 1, 2012
    As a late 30-something, I grew up during Madonna's prominence in the pop music world. And I'm not too ashamed to admit I listened to her throughout the 80's and 90's. When Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera came onto the scene, many were looking to see which one would be the "new Madonna". Yet Madonna was still relevant in those days. That was then and this is now. For better or worse,As a late 30-something, I grew up during Madonna's prominence in the pop music world. And I'm not too ashamed to admit I listened to her throughout the 80's and 90's. When Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera came onto the scene, many were looking to see which one would be the "new Madonna". Yet Madonna was still relevant in those days. That was then and this is now. For better or worse, Lady GaGa has taken the title of "the new Madonna" to the new generation of pop music listeners, replete with controversial lyrics and outlandish outfits, both trademarks of Madonna during the height of her popularity. Therein lies the problem with Madonna's MDNA, and the album preceding it, Hard Candy. Both albums feel like Madonna is struggling to remain relevant by taking elements of other pop acts and incorporating them into her own rather than make her own music and follow her own path. Not to put too fine a point on it, but MDNA feels like Madonna is trying to copy Lady GaGa and others, rather than be the artist who helped to INSPIRE Lady GaGa. Ultimately forgettable, even for a Madonna fan, MDNA feels like further proof that Madonna should let go and realize there's been a changing of the guard in the world of pop music. Expand
  55. Apr 23, 2012
    This is the worst album ever made by Madonna, it has so many fillers, it doesn't seem an album made by the queen of the most important genre in the music industry, it seems made by someone like Katy Perry and I think is at the same level of atrocities like Bionic or Femme Fatale. She is still a great songwriter but I don't really think this is what we all were expecting from Madonna. LoveThis is the worst album ever made by Madonna, it has so many fillers, it doesn't seem an album made by the queen of the most important genre in the music industry, it seems made by someone like Katy Perry and I think is at the same level of atrocities like Bionic or Femme Fatale. She is still a great songwriter but I don't really think this is what we all were expecting from Madonna. Love Spent, Turn Up The Radio and Gang Bang are good songs but I don't know why I think they go unnoticed. Expand
  56. Sep 12, 2013
    Not bad per se, but could and should have been much, much better. I feel like she opted for the popular sound and commercial appeal instead of the innovation she's come to be known for.
  57. Mar 31, 2012
    She's trying to go to the 1980's Era but unfortunately she can't! ... Non of the songs fits her old career and her voice is way back. so trying something classical would be way better than coming back by copying Gaga. Rate 4/10
  58. Sep 14, 2015
    Álbum chato, onde não se vê evolução, só não é pior que o Confessions.

    Madonna que troço é esse? Álbum pra esquecer depois do Hard Candy vim com uma coisa dessa é regresso.
  59. Nov 21, 2016
    Your average club music. Nothing special here, which is about where Madonna should be at her age. Hopefully this will be her last album, and she never officially walks away from music like Cher did. Collapse
  60. Aug 3, 2019
    Of the 17 tracks on this album, I only like 7 of them.

    "I'm Addicted"
    "Turn Up the Radio""
    "I'm a Sinner"
    "Love Spent""
    "Falling Free"
    "Beautiful Killer"
    "Best Friend."
  61. Mar 26, 2012
    There are some good songs, "Masterpiece", "Falling Free". BUT, most of the album, especially the first half is made of silly, unoriginal electronic tracks that not even Ke$ha would record. Madonna you are a legend, you should be making inspired music.
  62. Mar 28, 2012
    I think that it is a good album with catchy songs. But it feels like unfinished works, some songs just sounds like demo. I think that only 2 songs deserved to be called as masterpiece, it's song Masterpiece and Falling Free.
  63. Apr 1, 2012
    I couldn't wait for "MDNA" but now I'm so disappointed... I believe that this is Madonna's worst album I expected more from Martin Solveig, but most of the songs sound the same. There's no originality, lyrics are very boring and there's nothing else to say.
  64. Jul 22, 2012
    MDNA is definitely Madonna's worst album. It contains two really good songs, Girl Gone Wild and Gang Bang and that's it. The rest of the album is horribly mixed, produced and sung. Songs like Superstar, I Don't Give A and Love Spent make me wonder what has happened to the genius Madonna that wrote albums like Ray of Light, American Life or Confessions on a Dance Floor.
  65. Oct 9, 2018
    Madonna's writing skill on this album can't be compared with what she did with Ray of Light and Confessions on the Dance Floor. The only dance track that really stands out is Girls Gone Wild, while the remaining ones are noisy and difficult to enjoy. Still, songs like "Masterpiece" and "Falling Free" are something for us to remember about this album.
  66. Sep 2, 2019
    Madonna's worst release til today. It is an unoriginal album with bad pop music in it.
  67. Apr 3, 2012
    MDNA is just not a master piece as celebration. Madonnas tracks arent strong anymore. She needs to retire before she humiliates herself again with another bad album
  68. Mar 26, 2012
    As expected Madonna is trying to do what is working for everyone else rather than trying to do her own thing, the only thing is she isn't doing it half as well as her peers. There are a few songs that are passable but between her nasal vocals and Peter Pan attitude towards lyrics and content this album is a massive disapointment. Hopefully next time around she will do her own thing ratherAs expected Madonna is trying to do what is working for everyone else rather than trying to do her own thing, the only thing is she isn't doing it half as well as her peers. There are a few songs that are passable but between her nasal vocals and Peter Pan attitude towards lyrics and content this album is a massive disapointment. Hopefully next time around she will do her own thing rather than everyone elses. Expand
  69. Apr 4, 2012

    She is makes music for her daughters party but this could also be Lady Gaga or Katy Perry.
    She ist not so special anymore and the only great song is with Nicki Minaj.
    Sorry but she is terrible...
  70. Apr 4, 2012
    If you are a fan of Nicki Minaj & M.I.A then this album is right for you, If are expecting Confessions on the Dancefloor part 2 or you are a fan of Madonna's 80's and mid 90's work then skip this record, you are going to be very disappointed, MDNA is Madonna's worst album, i gave it a 2 star because it has only two decent tracks which could fit perfectly in her previous album 'Masterpiece'If you are a fan of Nicki Minaj & M.I.A then this album is right for you, If are expecting Confessions on the Dancefloor part 2 or you are a fan of Madonna's 80's and mid 90's work then skip this record, you are going to be very disappointed, MDNA is Madonna's worst album, i gave it a 2 star because it has only two decent tracks which could fit perfectly in her previous album 'Masterpiece' and 'Falling Free'. Expand
  71. Apr 5, 2012
    I think some of reviews here are really off the mark. The album is very bland and BORING, and one song - Gang Bang - is a real STINKER. It's a low point for Madonna. For what it's worth, I've been a Madonna fan since the very beginning. This album doesn't get as personal and compelling as 'Ray of Light' or 'American Life' and isn't as poppy as.. well, pretty much everything else she'sI think some of reviews here are really off the mark. The album is very bland and BORING, and one song - Gang Bang - is a real STINKER. It's a low point for Madonna. For what it's worth, I've been a Madonna fan since the very beginning. This album doesn't get as personal and compelling as 'Ray of Light' or 'American Life' and isn't as poppy as.. well, pretty much everything else she's done. :-P pee-eww. Expand
  72. Apr 9, 2012
    The new album from Madonna, MDNA, is between the average (American Life) and worst (Hard Candy). His title of Queen Of Pop has started to bleach when she started making commercial pop with Timbaland and Justin Timberlake (4 Minutes) it sounded like them. But let's focus on the album! The radio side (and Girl Gone Wild Give Me All You Luvin ') is this side that I have not loved, even hated,The new album from Madonna, MDNA, is between the average (American Life) and worst (Hard Candy). His title of Queen Of Pop has started to bleach when she started making commercial pop with Timbaland and Justin Timberlake (4 Minutes) it sounded like them. But let's focus on the album! The radio side (and Girl Gone Wild Give Me All You Luvin ') is this side that I have not loved, even hated, but the strangest side as Gang Bang Free Falling and I just loved but it remains laughable. Yes I said laughable. This disc is rotten, we move from pop to techno via dupstep by the momment. Now The Queen Of Pop are the Lady Gaga, Rihanna, Katy Perry and Britney Spears. This new album really disappoints. Expand
  73. Aug 28, 2019
    I love Madonna, i admire her as a living icon, queen of pop music and maybe also a woman with the biggest influence on the genre, ever. So, i hate to say this, i really do - this album just isn’t good. Production is so messy that you cant hear anything else most of the time. Although there is this one bright and iconic moment on this body of work - and its nothing but Gang Bang, one of theI love Madonna, i admire her as a living icon, queen of pop music and maybe also a woman with the biggest influence on the genre, ever. So, i hate to say this, i really do - this album just isn’t good. Production is so messy that you cant hear anything else most of the time. Although there is this one bright and iconic moment on this body of work - and its nothing but Gang Bang, one of the best songs she’s ever released, the rest of the LP just falls flat, sounds awful and forgetable. Sorry, Madge. And sorry for calling you like that. Expand
  74. Sep 10, 2019
    Worst album in Madonna's discography. Girl Gone Wild, Masterpiece, Falling Free and Beautiful Killer are best tracks on album. Others are trash.
  75. Oct 2, 2020
    A sonoridade desse álbum parece demos descartáveis de uma cantora pop teen genérica,o álbum todo parece muito infantil e não parece ter um toque Madonna nele,só se salvam nesse álbum Turn Up The Radio e Girl Gone Wild
  76. Mar 27, 2012
    A bunch of suits got together and paid "MDNA" $120m to produce the first of what now promises to be bland, forgettable junk. Why is Madonna competing with Ke$ha and Britney etc. Oh she's not, the suits are. Yawn.
  77. Apr 7, 2012
    HORRIBLE album, crumbs, Nick Minaj is terrible, Madonna is so terrible, everything is terrible, I miss Madonna when her sang American Life, Like a Prayer, Vogue, but this album.......
  78. Jan 16, 2013
    as has been failing for a long talk in the musical anbito, Madonna does it again, what is this? A joke? Album rescued only two or a song and of course, no single.
  79. Sep 23, 2014
    Psych! Hello my little Medonsters, it's the true Queen of Pop here. I want to apologize for this garbage I gave you back in 2012. I was a little preoccupied with using a trowel and mortar to even the hills and valleys of my arms and ended up giving easily the worst record of my career. At least you were all sheepish enough to attend my tour (no live singing, no refunds!) and for that I amPsych! Hello my little Medonsters, it's the true Queen of Pop here. I want to apologize for this garbage I gave you back in 2012. I was a little preoccupied with using a trowel and mortar to even the hills and valleys of my arms and ended up giving easily the worst record of my career. At least you were all sheepish enough to attend my tour (no live singing, no refunds!) and for that I am moderately thankful. I hope you all listen to Girl Gone Wild and then take to bashing damn Lady Gaga for me, it's important we destroy the more talented early on so nobody questions my lack thereof. Also, I expect all my fans to begin speaking in English accents immediately. Adieu! Expand
  80. Mar 26, 2012
    i do not like this new madonna because she is trying to copy the younger singers like katy perry and lady gaga making "superstar " (bad song ) and the songs with MIA and Nicki minaj are BAD sorry but it is true
  81. Jul 29, 2012
    This album is awful. It's Madonna worst album up to date. All songs are such a mess. This album is the worst album of 2012. It debuted very good on US Billboard 200, but on the second it decrease with 85% in sales. The album left the chert afret 9 weeks. This is probably the flop album of the year.
  82. Mar 26, 2012
    This album is pretty bad. There's only a few good songs, the rest are mostly fillers. The lyrics are down right horrible. It really shows that Madonna doesn't really care about the album. She's only putting this out, so she can go on tour.
  83. Mar 26, 2012
    Vocally speaking, the album is horrendous. Her voice is pitch corrected, auto tune, and vo-coded to the point that in some songs it literally sounds like a robot. Fallin Free would have been amazing if she didn't sound like she sitting in front of a fan singing. Overall, the album is very shallow and bland. Madonna is above this.
  84. Mar 29, 2012
    Do I think this album deserves a zero? No. But I want to compensate the 10 which are given here. I think album is really worth a 3 or 4. This is definitely NOT a comeback of Madonna. I am a fan of this artist but this album brings nothing new. Everything on it has been done before AND better. No new sounds, nothing. The one song that stands out Gang Bang but this one bores after a fewDo I think this album deserves a zero? No. But I want to compensate the 10 which are given here. I think album is really worth a 3 or 4. This is definitely NOT a comeback of Madonna. I am a fan of this artist but this album brings nothing new. Everything on it has been done before AND better. No new sounds, nothing. The one song that stands out Gang Bang but this one bores after a few listenings. Its just too hollow This albums has lots of cheap comupterdrumbeats. If you take notice of the fact that she worked with the best writers and producers on this album you realize that the result cant even be described as mediocre. Expand
  85. Mar 27, 2012
    I'd go as far as saying this is the most disappointing album of the decade. We thought Hard Candy was rock bottom- think again. MDNA is a desperate cry for relevancy, featuring collabs with Nicki Minaj and M.I.A., talks of Justin Bieber supporting the tour, and so on. The album lacks any soul, and is embarrassing when compared to her masterpieces like Ray of Light, Erotica, ConfessionsI'd go as far as saying this is the most disappointing album of the decade. We thought Hard Candy was rock bottom- think again. MDNA is a desperate cry for relevancy, featuring collabs with Nicki Minaj and M.I.A., talks of Justin Bieber supporting the tour, and so on. The album lacks any soul, and is embarrassing when compared to her masterpieces like Ray of Light, Erotica, Confessions etc. Here's hoping for a better album next time around. Expand
  86. Mar 27, 2012
    AWFUL! Like many have said, the album is bland. It lacks any real depth. Madonna is trying to compete with youngster, but fail miserably. The only good song on the album is Love Spent.
  87. Mar 28, 2012
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. The album is really bad. Having really good songs, combined with very weak songs gives you a very noticeable inconsistency. Not really digestible, it is necessary to have multiple listeners an idea of â Expand
  88. Mar 29, 2012
    Absolutely awful. This album is the most unoriginal piece of trash i've heard. It's basically her trying to seem hip and relevant by singing things like "gang bang" and basically promoting a drug. Every track sounds the same, and i'm sure most of the album was sampled from music released within the last year or so.
    All I have to say Madonna is bye.
  89. Apr 13, 2012
    Please .... Stop with dance Madonna! It is not convincing, not surprisingly, does not invent anything new .... is a constant reiteration of the same models and diagrams! I want to have a mature and adult work!!!. After of Hard Candy (disastrous!!!) , she has failed to advance an improvement.
  90. Jul 18, 2012
    The twelfth album from Madonna, MDNA, is one of his most dance albums, but it's actually not a masterpiece either. I must admit that there are very good songs on MDNA as Girl Gone Wild Give Me All Your Luvin 'Turn Up The Radio and host of commercial songs. Otherwise, Madonna starting to look like those it influancé the past ten years (Gaga, Rihanna, Katy Perry, Gwen Stefani, etc.The twelfth album from Madonna, MDNA, is one of his most dance albums, but it's actually not a masterpiece either. I must admit that there are very good songs on MDNA as Girl Gone Wild Give Me All Your Luvin 'Turn Up The Radio and host of commercial songs. Otherwise, Madonna starting to look like those it influancé the past ten years (Gaga, Rihanna, Katy Perry, Gwen Stefani, etc. ..). The problem is not the realization but the Madonna herself. She is in some ways that revolutionized pop culture, with hits such as Vogue, Like A Virgin, Hung Up and I passe. But on MDNA, there is no key that Madonna Girl Power had to before hand. Finally MDNA the word to describe it: DISAPPOINTMENT Expand
  91. Nov 26, 2013
    American Life was the last sincere Madonna's album, since then seems that the only concern she has is to have a new hit. Since her album, "Confessions on a dance floor", when she came with ABBA's sample in her new single Hung Up, going into Justin Timberlake's help in her album hard candy til now, when se came with Nicki Minaj and her poor rap. The fact is that Madonna became especializedAmerican Life was the last sincere Madonna's album, since then seems that the only concern she has is to have a new hit. Since her album, "Confessions on a dance floor", when she came with ABBA's sample in her new single Hung Up, going into Justin Timberlake's help in her album hard candy til now, when se came with Nicki Minaj and her poor rap. The fact is that Madonna became especialized in absorb the popularity and success of the new artists, like she did with Britney Spears in 2003, when her new album of that year was destroyed by the public and the critics.
    When Madonna sing songs like Girl Gone Wild, Give Me All Your Luvin and B-Day Song it seems like she don't have any sense of reality or ridiculous, becoming a shadow of she use to be. In the end of the day, Madonna can be the QUEEN OF POP,
    after all her career is incomparable, but her fear to be overcome shows that Lady Gaga's Born This Way is so much better than MDNA
  92. Nov 14, 2013
    This was actually one of her worst albums to date (if not the worst). As a Madge fan since the very beginning I was let down and disappointed, especially with the rap features. More like CRAP features. However justice was not served for girl gone wild tsk tsk.
  93. Nov 24, 2021
    Salah satu album terburuk Madonna, dia seharusnya pensiun pada tahun 2005, lol
  94. Mar 4, 2015
    Worst album of her career. A career that also house the horrible American Life, yet this was much worse. It tries to hard and fails on delivery. No memorable songs on this album.
  95. Sep 23, 2017
    horrível sem talento, péssimo nunca foi boa ao vivo então e pior meus ouvidos chegam a sangrar de ouvir uma coisa desta Madonna e péssima pode se aposentar ja
  96. Aug 24, 2022
    Madonna's 12th album has a good title and a nice cover, but that's almost as much as you can say in its favour. it's disappointing in its lack of ambition
  97. Jun 4, 2020
    this is the most generic BASIC album of madonna all albums since American life madonna is so down

Generally favorable reviews - based on 34 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 18 out of 34
  2. Negative: 2 out of 34
  1. Uncut
    May 2, 2012
    Madonna's 12th album has a good title and a nice cover, but that's almost as much as you can say in its favour. [Jun 2012, p.77]
  2. Apr 17, 2012
    [The music] is not exactly bad, but has about as much creativity and passion behind it as a spreadsheet.
  3. 70
    No, MDNA can't be hailed as Madge's best ever album, and it may not contain the most thought- provoking lyrics of her career (perhaps an intentional tongue-in-cheek poke at the current state of pop music?), but it is the reigning Queen of Pop's most inspired work since Music, as well as the highly addictive record Madonna celebrants have been craving.