
Universal acclaim - based on 13 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 9 out of 13
  2. Negative: 0 out of 13
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  1. Jun 30, 2015
    Growing all the more discernable and immediate with each listen, More Faithful proves itself to be an impressive statement from the group, one that finds No Joy transcending their influences and proves them worthy of inclusion in the same breath as the genre’s biggest names.
  2. Jun 4, 2015
    More Faithful is a masterpiece for headphones, and more enjoyable with every listen at high, open air volumes, easily offering the best songwriting and aural presentation the band has mustered yet.
  3. Magnet
    Jul 8, 2015
    The genre's sonic touchstones are still mostly intact here, but More Faithful is full of unexpected turns. [No. 122, p.59]
  4. 80
    By the time it’s over, you’re wondering how a record so precise, so considered, can sound so gloriously laid-back, and quite how they’ve managed to convey so many different ideas so efficiently.
  5. Jun 5, 2015
    It's a record built less on borrowed nostalgia and genre fetishism and more on earnest, risk-taking creativity and mixing genres in weird sonic chemistry experiments.
  6. Jun 16, 2015
    There's a feeling that nothing on the album is accidental.
  7. Jun 4, 2015
    If each of these eleven songs didn't deviate from their affective formula until now, there's not much reason to change it up. I do wish I could hear more lyrics and emotional sentiment.
  8. Jun 4, 2015
    More Faithful is a genre-bending record with explosive yet concentrated sound that stays true to No Joy’s signature shoegaze rock.
  9. Jun 9, 2015
    It’s a jarring rather than smooth listen, but that’s exactly the point from a band that places premium value on the pattern of tension and release.

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