• Record Label: Capitol
  • Release Date: Oct 22, 2013
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  1. Oct 22, 2013
    This is a very good sequel to Teenage Dream. Katy experiments on new genres on this album and I truly admire the diversity that she offers on her new opus. Bravo Katy and I'm excited for your future work!
  2. Oct 22, 2013
    PRISM is an incredible album. At first listen doesn't sounds like the usual Katy Perry. Roar is the only one song which could be in Teenage Dream. Prism is not a 100% album, but is easy to see that Katy grew up musically. She has a long way ahead and Prism shows us that Katy is in the right way. The best songs from Prism is "Ghost", "Spiritual" and "By The Grace of God", but these songsPRISM is an incredible album. At first listen doesn't sounds like the usual Katy Perry. Roar is the only one song which could be in Teenage Dream. Prism is not a 100% album, but is easy to see that Katy grew up musically. She has a long way ahead and Prism shows us that Katy is in the right way. The best songs from Prism is "Ghost", "Spiritual" and "By The Grace of God", but these songs doesn't works on the radio. The songs for the radio are "Legendary Lovers", "It Takes Two", "Dark Horse" (which should be the 3rd single) and "Walking on Air". My Rate is 10 because Katy gave her best in this album and she did very well. Expand
  3. Oct 22, 2013
    Amazing!! Prism is so fresh. Katy is so fresh. Best pop singer ever!! This record is so lovely, Katy find herself e looks like she's pretty comfortable. LET THE LIGHT IN!
  4. Oct 22, 2013
    Katy Perry is doing the same thing. There's just a few good songs, but all of them sounds the same. Maybe she needs to try something new. There's good lyrics on the album while the rhythm of all of them are getting Perry's back to "One of the Boys...", she needs more of the potential of "Teenage Dream".
  5. Oct 22, 2013
    Katy has never promised that her new album is going to be a "dark album". Haters please shut your mouth and go read that interview. This is an amazing album. Unlike Teenage Dreams, songs in the album are not very catchy at the first time, but the more you listen, the more you love. For example, Ghost, Unconditionally, Love Me.
  6. Oct 22, 2013
    PRISM is Ms. Perry's most cohesive and mature album to date. It features glittering, catchy pop songs (all done in typical Perry style) which are slight improvements to similar songs from Teenage Dream. It also features growth and vulnerability which really makes PRISM what it is. Songs like "Ghost," "Love Me," "This Moment" "Double Rainbow" and "By the Grace of God" may be seen asPRISM is Ms. Perry's most cohesive and mature album to date. It features glittering, catchy pop songs (all done in typical Perry style) which are slight improvements to similar songs from Teenage Dream. It also features growth and vulnerability which really makes PRISM what it is. Songs like "Ghost," "Love Me," "This Moment" "Double Rainbow" and "By the Grace of God" may be seen as throwaway pop ballads, but they indicate that while Perry likes to have fun (indicated by "This How We Do" and "Birthday"), she is in fact an adult. No doubt, despite some chances taken on "Legendary Lovers" and the ballads, PRISM is a typical top 40 album. But it is a top 40 album in its most ideal sense. Perry is showing the others how to do it. Her humor and her emotions come through, remarkably keeping us entertained without any fillers. Each song stands on its own, but also contributes to the overall album. Perry is still feeding into the mainstream, but is doing so now with more confidence and more of a sense of herself. Well done! Expand
  7. Oct 22, 2013
    The sixteen-track set shows a more mature side of Perry, alongside a consistent and well done production. The problem with it, is that, ultimately, its lyrics are banal and cliched. The singer deserves respect for coming up with Prism, a record that's plenty of positivism and love. Standouts include "Legendary Lovers", "Spiritual" and "Choose Your Battles".
  8. Oct 22, 2013
    The musical evolution of Katy's from the songs 9 16, she really let the light in, not so cormecial as "Teenage Dream" and not as organic as "One of The Boys", she finally found herself artistically.
  9. Oct 22, 2013
    much ballad, very cheerful music
    songs of self control and music to make it clear that you send.
    Congratulations katy.
    music highlights
    It Takes Two, and Love Me Roar course
  10. Oct 22, 2013
    The PRISM so light and airy and at the same time, is as distinct and complete. I really enjoyed what I heard and I recommend everyone to buy and listen to this wonderful album. PRISM in my opinion does not deserve negative scores.
  11. Oct 22, 2013
    Sounds like Katy finally found her sound. This record is more sober than her previous one and the music is also more serious. She ranges from dance beats to sweet ballads. Hold on tight, haters, Katy is back, better than ever and ready for more #1's.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 26 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 26
  2. Negative: 0 out of 26
  1. 40
    Everything that is missing from [Lady Gaga's Artpop] is here, but everything that is good about it is spectacularly absent from Prism.
  2. Q Magazine
    Nov 22, 2013
    Prism feels transitional, the work of an artist clever enough to be restless, yet unable to split from a winning formula. [Dec 2013, p.110]
  3. Nov 14, 2013
    It doesn’t require the patience or emotional/intellectual involvement that albums I typically listen to require. The cool thing, though, is that it does have quite a bit of redeeming value.