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Generally favorable reviews- based on 1891 Ratings

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  1. Aug 13, 2018
    album of the year !! whoever thinks the “others” can take/have taken her spot ... pls respect urself. i’m embarrassed for u. ANYWAYS, we love a self-titled album ! worth the wait.
  2. Aug 13, 2018
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. THE BEST ALBUM OF 2018 !! Nicki again showed us that she is the Queen Of RAP! Expand
  3. Aug 13, 2018
    As being part of the barbs myself I would I like to start by saying no this is not nickis best album. But the hate that it is receiving is also not what it deserves. Overall I rate this a 9/10 because it’s is such a good album even though pink print will always be that **** Queen was that album in which you had to look at every song from a different perspective, I liked EVERY song.As being part of the barbs myself I would I like to start by saying no this is not nickis best album. But the hate that it is receiving is also not what it deserves. Overall I rate this a 9/10 because it’s is such a good album even though pink print will always be that **** Queen was that album in which you had to look at every song from a different perspective, I liked EVERY song. Personally my favorites are Barbie Dreams , She really lets all her feelings out and rides the beat so heavy and the little surprise at the end OOOF WIGGGG ! Chun Swae this song I already felt it since I heard it first on QUEENRADIO the wat was so smooth her verse was amazing ! Majesty I can’t even , I think very one that listens to it already knows it’s one of the best! And the rest of the album but I look at each song from various perspectives each time. So please before any of lil Kim’s , cardis or anyone else’s fans attack nicki. Sincerely listen to the album look at the lyrics and if you feel offended about your stan being noticed or called out then sis this is the rap game, get use to it or beat it. Expand
  4. Aug 13, 2018
    I was a Barb in the 2009-2012 era and then I just gave up on her because she would not release an album. I thought she was washed out and could no longer rap like she used to so I joined the Bardi Gang. Then Queen dropped and I realized that she stills has it. She proved to me that she was the Queen of Rap.Her best album yet. I am so sorry for doubting you, Nicki. I am now no longing partI was a Barb in the 2009-2012 era and then I just gave up on her because she would not release an album. I thought she was washed out and could no longer rap like she used to so I joined the Bardi Gang. Then Queen dropped and I realized that she stills has it. She proved to me that she was the Queen of Rap.Her best album yet. I am so sorry for doubting you, Nicki. I am now no longing part of the Bardi Gang and I hope that the Barbz and Kens will let me back into the kingdom. Expand
  5. Aug 13, 2018
    Best album she has ever put out. Bars, creativity, versatile and it doesn't sound like everything else.
  6. Aug 10, 2018
    Boring. Heard this a million times! A couple good songs and one wasn't even her own flow. Seriously, she is okayish lyrically but her beats were trash.
  7. Aug 12, 2018
    One of the best albums of the year, nicki have the female hip hop/rap in your hands, every song catch different emotions when you're listening.
  8. Aug 11, 2018
    Increible album,de lo mejor que va de año e incluir palabras en español le daba mas toques.
  9. Aug 12, 2018
    This is what she's the Queen. This is pure art. Congratulations Queen. You deserve the world.
  10. Aug 13, 2018
    This is a big no no. I was expecting much more by the way she hyped this album out.
  11. Aug 14, 2018
    The album is not good. Just seems like she's trying so hard. She wants to prove she's the "Queen" when really she ain't it. She really needs to retire she's to old to be rapping about 2010 stuff.
  12. Aug 12, 2018
    What happened to Nicki? At what point did she start doing **** music? This album is wack af!
  13. Aug 12, 2018
    This album is simply amazing, it surprised me how many bops are on it, so incredible that you can see some stupid haters under this section being pressed giving 0 score, while professional critics give positive reviews, imagine being this dumb and obsessed
  14. Aug 12, 2018
    This is her best album to date! She really shows everyone she is the queen once again. Everything is perfect, her wordplay and flow are unmatched. Have it on replay since the release.
  15. Aug 13, 2018
    Definitely, Nicki remains the Queen of Rap and she’s going anywhere too soon.
  16. Aug 12, 2018
    Nicki was able to surpass his last album, this surely is his best, a perfection!
  17. Aug 13, 2018
    Nicki's Queen does not live up to it's title, showing little to no growth in 4 years. She continues to recycle the same things, about her body, about sex, about being the best female rapper in the game, without actually showing it.

    The album itself seemed to be a shuffle of songs she recorded and just put out there, she's superficial saying if you're broke you're ugly in the song "rich
    Nicki's Queen does not live up to it's title, showing little to no growth in 4 years. She continues to recycle the same things, about her body, about sex, about being the best female rapper in the game, without actually showing it.

    The album itself seemed to be a shuffle of songs she recorded and just put out there, she's superficial saying if you're broke you're ugly in the song "rich sex" and then tries to be deep and sentimental in the song "come see about me", which looses the sentimental value to it.

    Nicki is at her best when she is on the offense, and aggressive, which she shows glimpses of in songs like Barbie Dreams, Chun Li, LLC, Good Form, but on the rest of the album she plays it safe.

    Unfortunately for Nicki she has lost the crown and will have to do A LOT better than this to earn it back.
  18. Sep 9, 2018
    This is just horrible. I still don't understand why Nicki MInaj is famous because she clearly doesn't deserve it. Overrated and disgraceful.
  19. Aug 10, 2018
    Honestly her worst album. Her flow is killer at times, but the beats and production just aren't interesting at most times. The best songs are Ganja Burns and Chun-Li. I don't know, it just doesn't strike me as much as her old stuff did. She spends to much of the album talking about sex, how she's the GOAT, and sneak dissing. She calls herself the queen of rap however, the crown no longerHonestly her worst album. Her flow is killer at times, but the beats and production just aren't interesting at most times. The best songs are Ganja Burns and Chun-Li. I don't know, it just doesn't strike me as much as her old stuff did. She spends to much of the album talking about sex, how she's the GOAT, and sneak dissing. She calls herself the queen of rap however, the crown no longer belongs to her. Expand
  20. Aug 11, 2018
    Everything she did with this album is enough to prove that she is the queen already! what a comeback.
  21. Aug 10, 2018
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Nicki queen !!! never disappoints, only have good songs. If I had more than 10 I would Expand
  22. Aug 11, 2018
    By far the best album of the year, and one of the best of the career. Majesty is my favorite, please Nicki turn it into a single
  23. Aug 10, 2018
    is the best album for a female rapper in so far this year. Good Job Nicki Minaj
  24. Aug 11, 2018
    Nicki is the best at what she does, best album of the year! Queen of rap! I love this album!
  25. Aug 11, 2018
    I love this album, I can not believe how Nicki Minaj evolved musically and lyrically
  26. Aug 11, 2018
    One of her best albums up to date, again proving the haters wrong and the ones that doubted her proving why she is STILL AFTER 10 YEARS ONE OF THE GREATEST RAPPERS OF ALL TIME!!
  27. Aug 11, 2018
    Once again proving with this album why she is the Queen of the hip-hop game and why there is no competition.
  28. Aug 12, 2018
    Amazing work of art. She’s a great artist and this album shows her growth. People expected club bangers but instead she focused on her lyrics and her growth as an artist. Impressive! 100% Bars. The homage to Biggie is everything
  29. Aug 12, 2018
    Minaj promised and delivered. First time listens can be quite deceiving so after a few listens I definitely feel that this album hit the mark. "Queen" had high expectations without a doubt, especially following "The Pinkprint", nonetheless it blends the classic feel with incredible beats and impeccable lyrics. The only hiccup for me would be that each track delivers a similar topic, thoughMinaj promised and delivered. First time listens can be quite deceiving so after a few listens I definitely feel that this album hit the mark. "Queen" had high expectations without a doubt, especially following "The Pinkprint", nonetheless it blends the classic feel with incredible beats and impeccable lyrics. The only hiccup for me would be that each track delivers a similar topic, though that is not necessarily a problem. Overall, "Queen" lives up to its title.
  30. Aug 12, 2018
    The entire album has got only two skips. That means out of NINETEEN songs, only two I find not fitting for the album. I think Nicki, once again, proved that she is simply one of the best rappers in the rap game and definitely unbeatable in the female rap game. This album has surpassed all expectations and I'm beyond excited to see how it will do.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 22 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 12 out of 22
  2. Negative: 0 out of 22
  1. Sep 10, 2018
    On Queen, Nicki spends a lot of time ordering beheadings--which are fun, but get old quick--rather than showing us why she is and should be queen. Here's to hoping the next album gives us a more earnest, more raw glimpse of the head that wears the crown.
  2. Aug 20, 2018
    When Minaj leans into her untouchable strengths as a rapper, things get really exciting and an album of tracks as strong as "LLC" or "Barbie Dreams" would be one for the books. As it stands, however, Queen is another chapter of Minaj's good but largely meandering and inconsistent full-length album output.
  3. Aug 20, 2018
    Queen's title implies it's meant to function as a coronation for one of the biggest rappers ever, but it's more the sound of Minaj fighting to keep that crown on her head.