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Generally favorable reviews- based on 1891 Ratings

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  1. Aug 13, 2018
    Outdid herself. Nicki proved why she is the QUEEN OF RAP!!!! No other female in the game is this talented. Only negatives are Swae-Lee on Chun Swae and at time on Coco Chanel, Foxy was off beat
  2. Aug 11, 2018
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Nicki Minaj spent 4 years without releasing anything and when he returned, in addition to breaking the record of other rappers, he still showed that he is roaring in what he does and showed everyone who really commands the rap game. SHE IS A QUEEEEEEEEEEEN!!!! Expand
  3. Aug 11, 2018
    A masterpiece.

    Although Nicki brags a lot on this album, I get it. She's been in the game for almost 10 years, and she's still doing the damn thing, still breaking records. The album is excellent, my personal favourites being LLC, Good Form, Ganja Burns and Majesty. Barbie Dreams is also a genius track.
  4. Aug 11, 2018
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Melhor álbum de Rap do ano, cada música passa uma mensagem destruidora e que destrói a carreira da Cardi B Expand
  5. Aug 11, 2018
    The album is wonderful, it's something new. Good and catchy rhythms that will make you dance. Without a doubt his best work so far
  6. Aug 11, 2018
    Really great album. Some songs are way too long, but still work perfectly! Great work for Minaj!
  7. Aug 11, 2018
    Its an amazing album! Majesty is my favorite, lyrics well done e great melody, nicki did a relly great job, congrats 'queen'!
  8. Aug 10, 2018
    The queen is back and she really snapped on this one. Right off the bat Ganja Burns is a heavenly track with Nicki demonstrating her amazing singing voice. On Majesty, Labrynth sounds amazing and Em delivers his best performance in years, but it's Nicki that pulls the track together and makes it cohesive. She completely goes off on Barbie Dreams, just dissing people left and right withThe queen is back and she really snapped on this one. Right off the bat Ganja Burns is a heavenly track with Nicki demonstrating her amazing singing voice. On Majesty, Labrynth sounds amazing and Em delivers his best performance in years, but it's Nicki that pulls the track together and makes it cohesive. She completely goes off on Barbie Dreams, just dissing people left and right with some of the best punchlines of her career. Other standout tracks include Come See About Me, Nip Tuck, and Good Form. The features deliver for the most part (we could have done without Future and Lil Wayne but Swae Lee comes through.) Overall, probably her most solid and cohesive album. Very few skips and the attention to detail here is incredible. Expand
  9. Aug 12, 2018
    The album has an innovative content but without leaving aside the quality we expect from Nicki Minaj, besides having great participations and fast verses, strong and dirty. It was a great turn to reaffirm who is the Queen of rap
  10. Aug 13, 2018
    Seu segundo melhor álbum. Como sempre, Nicki nos entrega um trabalho impecável
  11. Aug 11, 2018
    nicki is shining brighter than ever. she spit bars, the production was amazing, and the album was ENTERTAINING and EXCITING.
  12. Aug 11, 2018
    Once again the queen of rap proved why she deserves the title, the album is perfect.
  13. Aug 11, 2018
    Something totally new and perfect, really Nicki did not lie about Queen. You can feel her in every verse. This album came to kill.
  14. Aug 11, 2018
    Nicki is amazing in everything she does. the album is incredible. thanks Nicki minaj
  15. Aug 10, 2018
    Amazing album, this is pure Rap perfection, the Queen killed it, everything on it is perfect
  16. Aug 10, 2018
    Esse album é tão real, tão bem feito, os versos, letras, produçao, digno da eterna rainha do rap, que vai contrapartida da industustria e lança um album com rap raiz, trap e r&b, passando por todos esses generos com uma forma sutil de se ouvir
  17. Aug 10, 2018
    Album of the year! QUEEN NICKI IS THE BEST! her flow,her raps, the beat and the musics, all is perfect!
  18. Aug 13, 2018
    This album was far better than I even expected. I love how she attacked her ‘Queen’ concept from different POVs, while attacking the genre of Hip Hop from every angle possible. Even down to the order of the tracklist, it was so smooth. I was never never bored one minute during this album. There’s literally something for everyone. Best album of her career. Best album of 2018, no doubt. RapThis album was far better than I even expected. I love how she attacked her ‘Queen’ concept from different POVs, while attacking the genre of Hip Hop from every angle possible. Even down to the order of the tracklist, it was so smooth. I was never never bored one minute during this album. There’s literally something for everyone. Best album of her career. Best album of 2018, no doubt. Rap album of the year at the Grammys 2019, it’s only right. Expand
  19. Aug 10, 2018
    The album is relatively good. It has some flaws. I wish Nicki would've been more raw and real and cut off some of the songs that were made only to be radio hits and be catchy and generic. The album is still nice, my favourite track is Ganja Burns.
  20. Aug 11, 2018
    Most rappers NEVER top their debut album. Today? I believe Ms. Minaj has outdone ALL of her albums. Sonically, Lyrically, creatively? There isn't an album that has been released in the last few YEARS that can compare/surpass. Nicki's reign as the queen of rap and hip hop is timeless and like none other.
  21. Aug 11, 2018
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. better Album of the rap world of alls. This is just to remember that the queen is alive Expand
  22. Aug 13, 2018
    Amazing album one of her best to date and one of the best hip hop albums in a while. The album is put together with great percussion, in which it caters to the taste of different persons.
  23. Aug 10, 2018
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Dope. Queen. Love this!!! Is the Nicki best album, this album has a lot of musical rap art! Expand
  24. Aug 10, 2018
    Minaj's best album to date . With all the hard work who was put in this album we can call it a CLASSIC . Minaj outdid herself , the effort put in the lyrics , the vocals , the flows , Minaj just reclaimed her throne . A REALLY good Album , it deserves all the sucess !
  25. NMX
    Aug 11, 2018
  26. Aug 10, 2018
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. the best album, great job!!!!!!!!!!! Nicki
    Nicki did the work that everyone knew she could do, now
    really proved to be a queen, making an album on the level a queen should do. Definitely a milestone in the history of female rappers. Nice job, queen!
  27. Aug 11, 2018
    O álbum Queem veio com um amadurecimento do estilo musical de Nicki Minaj. De certeza esse álbum vai marcar uma história para essa artista brilhante que é Nicki Minaj.
  28. Aug 10, 2018
    Não adianta hates filhos da puta ela é a rainha caralhooooooooo. E vem para o Brasil ,logo cadela ti amamos, e quero um grito de "vocês acharam qeu n ia rebolar minha bunda hoje?"
  29. Aug 13, 2018
    Nicki showed us exactly why she was the Queen of Hip Hop, She made an album that sounds completely different from anything else that is out. Versatile, not just a radio album, but an ALBUM! Respect the Queen.
  30. Aug 11, 2018
    Queen by Nicki Minaj is exactly what a female rapper needed to do. This album is so complet in lyricism, flow, it' so smart! Is a versatile album where she rescues herself from the old to the new Nicki in the best way and the most important it's not a boring album.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 22 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 12 out of 22
  2. Negative: 0 out of 22
  1. Sep 10, 2018
    On Queen, Nicki spends a lot of time ordering beheadings--which are fun, but get old quick--rather than showing us why she is and should be queen. Here's to hoping the next album gives us a more earnest, more raw glimpse of the head that wears the crown.
  2. Aug 20, 2018
    When Minaj leans into her untouchable strengths as a rapper, things get really exciting and an album of tracks as strong as "LLC" or "Barbie Dreams" would be one for the books. As it stands, however, Queen is another chapter of Minaj's good but largely meandering and inconsistent full-length album output.
  3. Aug 20, 2018
    Queen's title implies it's meant to function as a coronation for one of the biggest rappers ever, but it's more the sound of Minaj fighting to keep that crown on her head.