
Generally favorable reviews - based on 10 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 9 out of 10
  2. Negative: 0 out of 10
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  1. Uncut
    Apr 20, 2011
    Now reissued and remastered, those principals are still sound: classic riffs and also more toothsome and unswinging structures, what ch are nice, especially when they stop. [Apr 2011, p.94]
  2. Mojo
    Apr 20, 2011
    Homme has gone on to make sexier records, but for sheer creepy sensuality QOTSA is the definitive article. [Apr 2011, p.112]
  3. Apr 14, 2011
    When Homme hums that "words are weightless here on Earth because they're free" over dense space swirl, you hope gravity never takes hold.
  4. Apr 14, 2011
    All the elements are here, though they're on the darker end of the coal/diamond spectrum, and the mostly unremarkable bonus tracks don't do the set any favors. But when it's good, it's damn good, and through the murk, there's the sound of a band that would one day be truly great.
  5. Apr 14, 2011
    Although less varied and dynamic than Rated R, Queens of the Stone Age simply crackles with energy. At its best, it's just as electrifying, even if it doesn't maintain the dizzying momentum which rolled its follow-up to instant glory.
  6. Apr 14, 2011
    Comparing the two albums side-by-side, you can hear a nice tonality in the re-release, a sharper, crisper quality that just wasn't holding up in the 1998 version. However, part of QOTSA's vital sound is the thickness of Josh Homme's guitar, the fuzz and grain that permeates from each riff and solo. That is still present, it's just a more precise distortion.
  7. Apr 14, 2011
    Other changes of note are a full remaster, which has actually made a palpable difference to the plumpness of the bass in songs like 'Hispanic Impressions', and three extra tracks, all released on split EPs prior to this album coming out. They haven't ruined it or anything daft, but also aren't cooking at the level of most of the actual album.
  8. Apr 14, 2011
    It's not often that padding out an already hefty album actually improves it, but in the Queens' case, the revised tracklist provides a more accurate portrait of how the band molded its mercurial Desert Sessions experiments into chiseled hard-rock monoliths.
  9. Apr 14, 2011
    The best songs are really good; and the other songs sound sort of like their best songs, just slightly less good. And everything remains in this meaty swath of goodness.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 89 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 83 out of 89
  2. Negative: 1 out of 89
  1. Dec 8, 2014
    QOTSA deliver a debut record that sets out the bands stall for the rest of their career. The music is primal yet at the same time complex. TheQOTSA deliver a debut record that sets out the bands stall for the rest of their career. The music is primal yet at the same time complex. The rhythm section pounds along with often sludgey power chord sequences in brutal fashion but this is more than your average hard rock/metal. You get a sense that QOTSA are a band with serious self belief. There is no doubting the talent of the band but I do think what we have here is a bit on the raw side and the likes of "Rated R" and "Songs For the Deaf" trump the debut. "Queens of the Stone Age" is a good introduction to the band and an essential listen for fans. Casual listeners should check out some of their later stuff first but be sure to check out the likes of "Regular John", "Walking On the Sidewalks" and "Give The Mule What He Wants". Full Review »
  2. Feb 6, 2014
    While Songs for the Deaf just about edges it, this is my second favourite album of all time. Includes a lot of my favourite QOTSA songs and isWhile Songs for the Deaf just about edges it, this is my second favourite album of all time. Includes a lot of my favourite QOTSA songs and is just an all round brilliant album. Has a great tone that's half way between Kyuss and QOTSA's later records and (probably) includes my favourite ending song of any QOTSA album. Just buy it. Full Review »
  3. Jan 10, 2021
    First listenings were totally uninteresting. I had trouble to understand why this record were so famous, so important for some people. All theFirst listenings were totally uninteresting. I had trouble to understand why this record were so famous, so important for some people. All the album felt so grey, so flat, inintelligible and unimpressive. It felt like there were no chorus and no rhythm. Singer's voice didn't evoke any emotion to me.

    But from thread to needle I managed to get in the mood of 'Queens of the Stone Age'. I surprised myself to nod in rhythm during some songs. So I shaped my expectations to stop waiting for a guitar or drum solo that would sign an impressive flight that would never come. In the end I managed to get some satisfaction from riffs and some lyrics. But I will not lie; it wasn't an easy listening. This album rhymes with first steps of stoner rock genre.
    Full Review »