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Generally favorable reviews- based on 214 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 25 out of 214

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  1. Aug 7, 2020
    Linkin Park offer us here a striking record of their own songs they remixed. Obviously the idea was good but the global direction of the project didn't suit everyone. It is comprehensible because electro and DJ styles come to the fore of 'Reanimation'. Rock and metal genres hopefully show up in the way only Linkin Park can produce it at their best. They had the perfect mastery ofLinkin Park offer us here a striking record of their own songs they remixed. Obviously the idea was good but the global direction of the project didn't suit everyone. It is comprehensible because electro and DJ styles come to the fore of 'Reanimation'. Rock and metal genres hopefully show up in the way only Linkin Park can produce it at their best. They had the perfect mastery of (de)crescendos, jerky beats and musical explosions...
    The major argument of this album is that we can feel it came from Linkin Park themselves. We are not talking here of a silly project remixed by another so-called artist. The band revisited their own work two years later, adding a lot of great featurings, sounds and tempos. Some tracks really are surprising by their unsuspected depth. I knew (and cherish) 'Hybrid Theory' before the release of 'Reanimation' but still I was surprised by some songs I thought I already knew by heart. I thought Linkin Park will always do music the way they did 'Hybrid Theory'. But they proved to me I was wrong. According to me, 'Reanimation' is a masterpiece in its own way by letting every instrument speak, every silence extend, each voice at its place. We hear rap, we hear rock, we hear screams, we hear scratching, we hear melodies and mascarades.
    Some songs - I admit it - may be stodgy and difficult to appreciate. Let's not forget we are reviewing an experimental album !
    'Reanimation' will forever remain a classic and key pillar of Linkin Park's work, contributing to the huge panel of style and genres they approach in their own very personal way. The band was just starting out at that time but did not hesitate to offer something diametrically opposed to what the public was looking for after 'Hybrid Theory' (just as they did again later with 'Recharged' and 'One More Light'). I am totally aware that many 'fans' were disappointed and shocked by this brand new approach but we all can be open-minded when it comes to particularly great music.
  2. Mar 16, 2014
    Reanimation is effectively a mix album of songs from, I believe, Hybrid Theory. Whilst that concept seems, in principle, like this may just be electronic and mixed up garbage, it is far from it; each song manages to keep the raw aspects intact whilst giving them a slightly jittery, electronic feel, sending the songs almost beyond formal recognition, and landing them as something new, freshReanimation is effectively a mix album of songs from, I believe, Hybrid Theory. Whilst that concept seems, in principle, like this may just be electronic and mixed up garbage, it is far from it; each song manages to keep the raw aspects intact whilst giving them a slightly jittery, electronic feel, sending the songs almost beyond formal recognition, and landing them as something new, fresh and unique. Great album, but that sense of "we've been here before" creeps in, and it is not to be forgotten that these songs already existed, making the album kind of feel slightly cheap overall. However, if you are a Linkin Park / Hybrid Theory fan, give it a go; it will not disappoint. Expand
  3. Dec 23, 2013
    This album is awesome, much better than the sh*tty Recharged, that's awful. This album has awesome remixes, except for In The End, which still isn't too bad. Krwling, My Dsmbr, Place for My Head, they are all amazing, Points of Authority, the list goes on. And yes, the 15 second snippets are annoying, but that doesn't take away from the awesomeness and mystique of the album and it'sThis album is awesome, much better than the sh*tty Recharged, that's awful. This album has awesome remixes, except for In The End, which still isn't too bad. Krwling, My Dsmbr, Place for My Head, they are all amazing, Points of Authority, the list goes on. And yes, the 15 second snippets are annoying, but that doesn't take away from the awesomeness and mystique of the album and it's mesmerizing sound. Awesome, 8/10 Expand
  4. DME
    Sep 30, 2013
    In short, the album has a range of awesome and disappointing tracks. It's at least worth checking out.
  5. Aug 17, 2013
    Reanimation. It's been a fair few years since I'd last heard this album and Hybrid Theory. As a result, this past week I've been listening to these two albums. And I can honestly say after a couple of listens to Reanimation, it's their best album they've released. And it isn't even a real studio album. Reanimation takes Hybrid Theory's Nu Metal sound, and infuses it with more Rap sounds.Reanimation. It's been a fair few years since I'd last heard this album and Hybrid Theory. As a result, this past week I've been listening to these two albums. And I can honestly say after a couple of listens to Reanimation, it's their best album they've released. And it isn't even a real studio album. Reanimation takes Hybrid Theory's Nu Metal sound, and infuses it with more Rap sounds. This is why the album had a lot of DJ's many people hadn't heard of working on the album to gain them exposure and put a fresh new sound on the songs.

    Don't be worried though if you haven't heard the album before but are a fan of Hybrid Theory, your heavy rock and Chester vocals still remain, with the powerful riffs we knew getting a bit of the cyber treatment, especially in the Points of Authority remix. The album is terrific, and as an added bonus it's a remix of the Japanese version of Hybrid Theory so you also get High Voltage and My December remixes which both sound pretty good.

    Nu Metal fans can rejoice in this album, it was a breath of fresh air when it came out, and still is today. Rap and Rock lovers can unite in this, and even if you are not the biggest Rap fan, you can't help but remember the catchy lyrics added and sing along to them. Not many albums have the ability to do that, so take this as an added bonus. I absolutely recommend this album to any Linkin Park fan and any fan of Rap and Rock in general. One thing I will say is Cure For The Itch should have been left alone, but apart from that, it's fantastic.

    I give it a 10/10 for being so different to the Nu Metal genre. Worth a few listens minimum.
  6. Jan 24, 2013
    Better than what people are saying in my opinion. I like Reanimation BETTER than Hybrid Theory, as a whole, and think this was their best blending of styles, even still.
  7. Jun 27, 2012
    Great album!! because this isnt just a bunch of remixes, it features entirely reinterpreted songs, arrangements, sectionst, and a more industrial,hip hop aproach.
  8. Apr 11, 2012
    It's the atmosphere across the whole of this remix album which gives it such an interesting listen, Mike Shinoda was very involved with getting the whole album to sound cohesive and dark, with everything from techno anthems to old school hip-hop, it's on overdrive melodically with all aspiring talent onboard.
  9. Nov 3, 2011
    Not their best album, but deffinitley one to keep on the iPod. Remixing their song was a smart, yet dumb idea. "H! Vltg3" and "Kyur4 th Ich" they should of left original. But on the other hand, "Krwlng" , "Pts.of.Athrty" and "By_Myslf" are better remixed than original in my opinon.
  10. Jan 5, 2011
    This was an amazing Album.. I Loved it.. I usually select some of the songs from this album to play it in my car stereo.. Absolutely Rocks.. Best Band Ever..
  11. JamesT
    Jul 6, 2008
    Great Album! Like a new album!
  12. WesleyH
    Jul 6, 2008
    Well, i think this is one of the most different remix albums that I see...All the time we see the connections of the songs.
  13. Gavin
    Nov 20, 2007
    Loved this when it came out most tracks on here worked better than the originals specially Krawlin (or how ever its spelt on the track) other favioutes include My{Dsmbr and In Te En. Overall nice album i still listen to it to this day.
  14. Kevin
    Aug 11, 2007
    Their most hip hop driven album. It's a solid remix album that appeals to mostly people who love underground rap and Linkin Park. However, most of the original songs sound better than their remixes.
  15. alexf
    Jul 25, 2007
    I love Linkin Park so much! This album just shows how creative they are. I love every song on this album.
  16. KivK
    Mar 17, 2007
    best cd ever
  17. Dave
    Sep 11, 2006
    As the Listener states well Linkin Park stepped out into the unknown in this album. They have my full respect for such a move. What an awesome album that came from it too, full of emotion and great music. 10/10
  18. Thelistener
    Jul 8, 2006
    A production master piece, all you who think its crap, obviously didn't listen to it properly, or maybe you're deaf. To see them trying to break boundaries and put there reputation on the line is impressive. But if your narrow minded enough to only appreciate one style of music then you wont like it.
    May 25, 2006
    it's great. my fave is the with you remix. most of it is better than the original just because of the music. more of an updated version than a remix.
  20. mg
    May 4, 2006
    Absolutly awsome!!
  21. paulv
    Nov 3, 2005
    Thiz is a great album to bop your head to!!
  22. TheKilla
    Aug 29, 2005
    the best remix album i've ever heard, the songs truly live up to the originals. this album is must have for any LP or rock fan.
  23. JeremiahH
    May 14, 2005
    It's remixes give it a thrilling variety to the originals of hybrid thoery. the only thing that bugs me is that they had pointless intermissions that were nontheless a waste of time.
  24. Cai
    Apr 30, 2005
    Pretty damned impressive, better than the original in many ways; less repetitive and formulaic, more coherant and ultimately more appealing. Now we need a retake of Meteora.
  25. SimonoD
    Jan 5, 2005
    this record kicks ass, i think this is their second best album after Hybrid Theory. Lp Rules!
  26. SatchmoA
    Jul 9, 2004
    This album is utterly spetacualr... Almost 100 different artist join together, to form a new genre of perfection. Rap, Hip-Hop, Alternitave and more than you could hope for. From Mike's melodic rapping, to Chester's raging vocals of pure insanity, the whole album is Top-Shelf goodness. And I come to conclude that this album is a must have for anyone who likes "music". And Yes This album is utterly spetacualr... Almost 100 different artist join together, to form a new genre of perfection. Rap, Hip-Hop, Alternitave and more than you could hope for. From Mike's melodic rapping, to Chester's raging vocals of pure insanity, the whole album is Top-Shelf goodness. And I come to conclude that this album is a must have for anyone who likes "music". And Yes MATT P, You SHOULD try your mother on a plate, just like CHRIS B had told you to. Well matt you did that even before chris's excellent advice eh? Expand
  27. DerekM
    Jul 8, 2004
    i liked the album. it really wasnt that much greater then HT though...but remixes are cool. Just one sugestion...if LP remixed the songs themselves instead of getting other ppl to do it then i wouldve gave them a 10. Peace Out! -Pudls ;)
  28. AnnS
    Jul 1, 2004
    This cd is excellent!!
  29. ChrisB
    Dec 22, 2003
    Hey mat p if you think this cd was crap on a plate you should try your mama
  30. LukeK
    Nov 26, 2003
    This is a great cd for those who have broad range of music they like, other who are narrowmind groundling's when it comes to their prefence. Linkin Park breaks away alittle from their metal roots to try some interesting things which suprizingly works in some of the tracks... not so well in others.

Mixed or average reviews - based on 14 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 14
  2. Negative: 2 out of 14
  1. On the one hand, the results are more varied than the monochromatic ''Hybrid Theory.'' On the other hand, the remixes at times obliterate one of the band's most distinctive characteristics -- the vocal interplay between singer Chester Bennington and MC Mike Shinoda, a blend that allows their pop tendencies to poke through from time to time.
  2. The dominant sound is of flickering sequencers and heavy-handed synth-pomp which showcases Linkin Park's keen interest in the work of Depeche Mode, but also often leaves them sounding about as cutting-edge and dangerous as Jesus Jones.
  3. The music isn't exactly groundbreaking, and none of the remixes improve on the Hybrid Theory originals, but the boyish energy of Reanimation has its own appeal, and it's not too far emotionally from the tried-so-hard spirit of "In the End."