• Record Label: Capitol
  • Release Date: Aug 28, 2020
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  1. Aug 29, 2020
    Perfeito,passo mal com o álbum zero defeitos,Katy servindo sempre uma bíblia
  2. Aug 28, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. it's a beautiful album full of strong and meaningful songs. Thank you Katy for this Expand
  3. Aug 28, 2020
    I can't explain how much this album made my day better, Katy Perry should be proud of all this masterpiece, this woman is the best and this album is a whole new re-discover that will be a massive hug from her to us.
  4. Aug 28, 2020
    Katy Perry´s best album.
    We grew up with her and this album shows her growth
    The lyrics are beautiful.
    my favorite.. cry about it later ..stil
  5. Aug 28, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Álbum curto mas compensa o fato de ser visual. Músicas melancólicas e dançantes como foi proposto. Expand
  6. Aug 28, 2020
    I'm swiftie, I represent my swifties paradise group, Katy brought a very captivating album with happy sounds to enjoy with friends, swifties and katycats united
  7. Aug 28, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Simplemente perfecto, de los mejores discos de Katy , supero todas mis expectativas que tenia de una manera increible Expand
  8. Aug 28, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Es el mejor álbum del 2020, definitivamente. Cada track logra su objetivo, desde lo más oscuros de Not The End Of The World, hasta lo más claro de Only Love. Katy y su disquera tienen una mina de oro, y pueden poner de nuevo el nombre Katy Perry en la cima de las listas otra vez. Expand
  9. Aug 28, 2020
    She is givin´ us, a more mature era than witness, the light is arriving for her, and she is showing that on the album, we can here pure pop. The lyrics are so deep. Even Katy is saying the truth in all the songs
  10. Aug 28, 2020
    canciones son muy pegadizas y letras maduras, Definitivamente nos podemos dar cuenta que katy la paso mal
  11. Aug 30, 2020
    It sounds like a new Katy, one that is good with herself, and that is all that matters, also the songs are amazing! Great album. Love it ♡
  12. Aug 28, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. "Smile" sounds like something lighter and more coherent than its predecessor. Although not a Teenage Dream, it is just as good, it just deserves the opportunity to show its value. As it was in 2010, when the same "critics" massacred TD, and today they acclaim and use it for comparison, don't jump to conclusions. Just enjoy the album, which looks amazing. Katy Perry dealt with themes already known, but with her special and unique touch, being based on her life experiences since 2017 with her "fall" until today, recovered and with her daughter, Daddy Dove Bloom. There it is, Katheryn. Expand
  13. Aug 28, 2020
    such a masterpiece!! I love all of this album, im so happy for katy. My fav is champagne problems
  14. Aug 28, 2020
    Amazing! Katy does not deserve all the hate from critics, the album is amazing, and beautiful.
  15. Aug 28, 2020
    A very cohesive album! Every three songs is like a chapter to Katy’s journey and each chapter has a msg to it. Describes the pain she went through
    Never Really Over
    Cry About It Later Teary Eyes She says there is Hope that she will come out of it no matter what others say! Daisies Resilient Not The End Of The World She mentions she is Grateful, she found her Smile that the past is the
    A very cohesive album! Every three songs is like a chapter to Katy’s journey and each chapter has a msg to it. Describes the pain she went through
    Never Really Over
    Cry About It Later
    Teary Eyes

    She says there is Hope that she will come out of it no matter what others say!
    Resilient Not The End Of The World

    She mentions she is Grateful, she found her Smile that the past is the past. To leave the bad things behind and see the Positive sides of things.
    Champagne Problems

    Theme is Love and Love only! With finding the man of her dreams, that loving herself helped her get by and letting the world that she isn’t limited to any one thing.
    Harleys in Hawaii Only Love
    What Makes A Woman

    It’s Her Best Album! ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️
  16. Aug 28, 2020
    Honestly, every song in this álbum is gold, de seres Moré attetion this whole artístic Album
  17. Aug 28, 2020
    Es uno de sus mejores álbumes siento la productora de ha esforzado y hubo una evolución en cuento a su música en el pasar de los años
  18. Aug 28, 2020
    As músicas podem até não funcionar separadamente, mas dentro do album há coesão e conceito. O album possui ao mesmo tempo musicas experimentais e as clássicas de Katy Perry, sendo Never Really Over e Not The End of the World os destaques.
  19. Aug 28, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Is pure pop, the songs are so perfect, she really find herself in music, after all this time she really give what fans want, PURE POP SONGS Expand
  20. Aug 28, 2020
    Katy is the queen, she doesn't have to prove anything to anyone else, the album is perfect and the songs are as amazing as everything she does.
  21. Aug 28, 2020
    amei mto. only love e not the end of the world donas do album. katycats cornos parem de dar 0 pro folklore
  22. Aug 28, 2020
    It is one of Katy Perry's best albums, since it tells us how her whole life was during the witness era to this new musical era
  23. Aug 28, 2020
    Hermoso como todo lo que Katy hace. Transmite tanto que dan ganas de llorar. A la mierda los "críticos" ella es ARTE.
  24. Aug 28, 2020
    Made my day, cured my depression, made me dance, wiped my tears, woke me up...
    I am grateful for this album, thank you Katy Perry.
  25. Aug 31, 2020
    LOVED IT! It's so fun and so good! Katy LITERALLY made me smile in every single song! Critics are saying she didnt go deep on the lyrics, but every artist is different nd Katy always want us to have fun and think.
  26. Aug 28, 2020
    a record that will lift you up with beautiful and meaningful pop songs. like a breeze on a sunday afternoon, this album feels very bright and airy. I completely love this, it isn’t boring like other top-rated albums I’ve seen in meta critic. I feel as if these critics are always in their room with the blinds shut as they only like music that is of dark and overwhelming sad lyrics with slowa record that will lift you up with beautiful and meaningful pop songs. like a breeze on a sunday afternoon, this album feels very bright and airy. I completely love this, it isn’t boring like other top-rated albums I’ve seen in meta critic. I feel as if these critics are always in their room with the blinds shut as they only like music that is of dark and overwhelming sad lyrics with slow instruments. those high rated albums isn’t something you would want to play in your car after with friends when having fun. they need to know that sad and depressing is out of date. I come to wonder what these critics would play after a beautiful wedding. maybe an old fashioned song they love so much that is the only happy song they will ever think is enough for them. maybe it’s time for fresh and youthful critics to write reviews for albums because they write from a place that is outdated and old. it’s now the modern world, get with the music that is shaping the era. Expand
  27. Aug 28, 2020
    ah! The best album of this **** year, this album was just what my ears needed, a fresh and zero repetitive album, with good tracks Katy as usual giving us art
  28. Aug 28, 2020
    Katy Perry Encontra seu sorriso novamente e faz o mundo sorrir junto
    Rainha nunca erra
  29. Aug 28, 2020
    I love it, Katy always kill it but she deserves better recognize for her job
  30. Aug 28, 2020
    Esse é o melhor álbum/ato do pop! Todas as músicas são perfeitas, Katy Perry acertou no conceito, eu estou muito feliz e sorrindo bastante com esse novo álbum! As notas desse site é igual a opinião de bater, ninguém pediu, beijos, Katy Perry rainha do pop!

    This is the best album / act in pop! All the songs are perfect, Katy Perry got it right, I'm very happy and smiling a lot with this
    Esse é o melhor álbum/ato do pop! Todas as músicas são perfeitas, Katy Perry acertou no conceito, eu estou muito feliz e sorrindo bastante com esse novo álbum! As notas desse site é igual a opinião de bater, ninguém pediu, beijos, Katy Perry rainha do pop!

    This is the best album / act in pop! All the songs are perfect, Katy Perry got it right, I'm very happy and smiling a lot with this new album! The notes on this site are equal to the opinion of hater, nobody asked, kisses, Katy Perry queen of pop!
  31. Aug 28, 2020
    the critics must be deaf because this record is fantastic. they critiqued her for being too experimental on witness and now she’s too safe on smile? They hate Teenage Dream when it came out and now they say Smile doesn’t compare? they’ll never be happy with what Katy Perry does, but it doesn’t matter because she’s Katy Fing Perry.
  32. Aug 28, 2020
    gente vim contar um testemunho, a meses venho estado triste e sem vontade de estar alegre e feliz. Ontem quando dei play no álbum simplesmente abri um sorriso e tudo mudou, eu abri o álbum e tive um êxtase, maior do que o da cocaína. E eu disse “essa... essa aquivé pura!”, e foi ali que eu me encontrei, dentro do smile.
  33. Aug 28, 2020
    It's the best of the best, the critics end it because they compare it to other artists but if we focus on the album it's something you really like.
  34. Aug 28, 2020
    Smile is a masterpiece, Katy never disappoints and this is definitely her best album yet
  35. Aug 28, 2020
    this is her best album... Cry About it Later is a masterpiece

    and critics can kiss my white a...
  36. Aug 28, 2020
    Smile is the perfect album to listen to when you have unpleasant moments. It has great sounds like the guitar solo on Cry About It Later, or the perfect sound for a soundtrack with It's Not The End Of The World. Smile came at the perfect time and year to rejoice while in lockdown.
  37. Aug 29, 2020
    This album is amazing and all them old critics can’t tell us otherwise!!! Katy snapped as she should!!!
  38. Aug 28, 2020
    Bellisimo, me encanto el álbum y la musica, jaty tan sincera y humilde la amo
  39. Aug 28, 2020
    This album is cohesive. Every 3 tracks tell the part of the big story. in 3rd part she finds her smile back. She brings new sounds to her discography, she never done an euro pop song like Teary Eyes before, and also funky song like Champagne Problems. Nothing alike to her last albums, this is brand new. She evolved a lot yet she proved that she is a legend of pop music, she is the master.This album is cohesive. Every 3 tracks tell the part of the big story. in 3rd part she finds her smile back. She brings new sounds to her discography, she never done an euro pop song like Teary Eyes before, and also funky song like Champagne Problems. Nothing alike to her last albums, this is brand new. She evolved a lot yet she proved that she is a legend of pop music, she is the master. She knows the formula of pop hit music. Another genius thought behind the album is beat drops are not EDM-ish they are all in songs verses, so that makes every second of songs valuable. Congratulations to her and thank her for this pure pop that we all needed. Expand
  40. Aug 29, 2020
    Her most cohesive work. No skips from top to bottom. She’s doing the most while being pregnant
  41. Aug 28, 2020
    That's how heaven sounds,we find our smile with this album and with Katy Perry
  42. Aug 28, 2020
  43. Aug 28, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Is the best of 2020, la verdad pensaba que witness sería mi favorito hasta escuchar esta joya de álbum. Es muy bueno la verdad, desde que escuché la segunda canción no podía empezar tan solo con el inicio, es tan buena cada canción, cry about it later es tan triste y a la vez te gusta porque te transmite ese sentimiento. Arte y Joya de álbum!! Expand
  44. Sep 8, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Katy se renovou neste novo álbum, e ai do viado q abrir a boca pra falar q nao ta bom Expand
  45. Aug 28, 2020
    esse álbum me fez reviver um tipo de pop que eu estava a algum tempo procurando em cantoras atuais, ele é simplesmente perfeito. consegui sentir tudo do começo ao fim!
  46. Aug 28, 2020
    This album is the signature Katy with the pop bangers and uplifting anthems. All songs are amazing, Katy’s best album so far!!
  47. Aug 28, 2020
    The album shows how Katy managed to overcome one of the most problematic moments of her career. It rescues some musical styles that have not been heard for a long time, for example, Teary Eyes, finally Perry managed to do an excellent job as expected.
  48. May 9, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Smile is the definition of Witness production, has PRISM lyrics and singing like Teenage Dream. Expand
  49. Aug 29, 2020
    I'm swiftie I'll rate this 10/10 even though some of TOXIC katycats made an effort to give folklore 0/10 lol.... I thought after the feud the war between stans will end lol. Disappointed
  50. Aug 28, 2020
    It’s an excellent album with great production and catchy lyrics. Her best work
  51. Aug 28, 2020
    She managed to make another perfect album. All songs on this album are unforgettable songs.
  52. Aug 29, 2020
    she was purring out raw honesty emotion with beautiful melodies synths (Electronica dance) layered with her outstanding vocals. Will put a smile on your face
  53. Aug 28, 2020
    We can never ignore the temporal context of a cultural product. Once ignored, we will never be able to absorve the real narrative message of it. Said that, during a pandemic time, we can enjoy any tipe of songs about heartbreaks or fats cars or dancing in the Club. But at the end of the day, Katy showed us that all we need is to dance listining sad words about how frustrating and sad andWe can never ignore the temporal context of a cultural product. Once ignored, we will never be able to absorve the real narrative message of it. Said that, during a pandemic time, we can enjoy any tipe of songs about heartbreaks or fats cars or dancing in the Club. But at the end of the day, Katy showed us that all we need is to dance listining sad words about how frustrating and sad and lonely is tô live in a pandemic time. You made us feel understood, Katy. Expand
  54. Aug 28, 2020
    This álbum is Katy Perry, I love it...... One of my favorite by Katy......
  55. Aug 28, 2020
    Reinaty nos salvó de tanta chromatica, TE AMAMOS REINA DEL POP. SE CAGÓ EN MIEEGA
  56. Aug 28, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Esse álbum é completamente incrível! Além de confessional ele é bem trabalhado, eu admiro muito a Katy pelo esforço de entregar um álbum tão bom como este! Expand
  57. Aug 28, 2020
    Perfeição e Aclamação. Smile simplesmente é o novo motivo para todos sorrirem
  58. Aug 29, 2020
    This album is incredible. Katy Perry shows us that we can smile even though there are difficult times. It is an album so personal and different from the others but with a musical delicacy
  59. Aug 28, 2020
    she never disappoints me, in this album she shows us how strong she is, and how is she happy again.
  60. Aug 28, 2020
    TE AMAMOS REINATY, ÁLBUM DEL AÑO JUNTO A CHROMATICA!! Amamos a una reina que nos entrega puro himno
  61. Aug 29, 2020
    Es un muy buen álbum, sin duda alguna mejor que su antecesor, de su anterior álbum sólo me gustaron 3 y de este todas las canciones
  62. Aug 28, 2020
    Katy showed us the power of overcoming in the album Smile, with music with beautiful message and with stories that only she knows that she passed, I listening now, music, by music and so I want to applaud her standing, you presented us a pop alumble, light, passionate, addictive, and with beautiful messages! These notes of these critics are not worth some of why some who decides whetherKaty showed us the power of overcoming in the album Smile, with music with beautiful message and with stories that only she knows that she passed, I listening now, music, by music and so I want to applaud her standing, you presented us a pop alumble, light, passionate, addictive, and with beautiful messages! These notes of these critics are not worth some of why some who decides whether the album is good, it is the listener and not critical that always wear the Katy's work! That this album touches in each corner of the world and shut these people who are knowing to play negative criticism and that you Katy Perry we presented with more songs like, I love you! Expand
  63. Aug 28, 2020
    So so amazing this is her best album to date it’s so cohesive and I love it so so so much
  64. Aug 28, 2020
    Sem dúvidas, um dos melhores discos dos últimos tempos. Sutil, delicado e delicioso de ouvir.
    Alguém de ser um dos trabalhos mais coesos da Katy. Se notarem, todas as músicas começam em uma batida quase muda, que vai crescendo até chegar a um pouco, e no fim, volta a uma mesma batida menos. Quando juntas, as músicas do album se compõe e ficam coesas.
    Outros pontos que me chamou a atenção,
    Sem dúvidas, um dos melhores discos dos últimos tempos. Sutil, delicado e delicioso de ouvir.
    Alguém de ser um dos trabalhos mais coesos da Katy. Se notarem, todas as músicas começam em uma batida quase muda, que vai crescendo até chegar a um pouco, e no fim, volta a uma mesma batida menos. Quando juntas, as músicas do album se compõe e ficam coesas.
    Outros pontos que me chamou a atenção, foram a voz e os vocais da Katy, que estão tremendamente incríveis.
  65. Aug 28, 2020
    Harley's in hawaii >>>>>>>>>

    La mejor del disco, merece mucho más reconocimiento
  66. Aug 30, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. This album shows us the evolution of katy in the last years, it really is a record that brings us joy for those who can connect with it. I think it is stupid for anyone to think otherwise because of the penultimate album or because of their hair tone. It really is an evolved album with wonderful music, thanks Katy for providing us with this complete album during this pandemic. Katy will always be one of the best pop singers of our generation. Expand
  67. Aug 28, 2020
    THIS IS THE ALBUM OF THE YEAR. incredibly good!! u nailed it katy!
  68. Aug 28, 2020
    I absolutely adore this album! She gave us solid electro dance pop album that 2020 needed. This was a perfect contiunation to witness. She got over her mental struggles and she’s back even stronger. With this album, she showed us her maturity as an upcoming mother, but she still kept the fun side that her early music is known for.
  69. Aug 28, 2020
    Hermoso album, capaz de hacerme sentir identificado en sus canciones y videos como Cry About It Later! me encantó y voy a reproducirlo siempre! arte katy bae
    Beautiful album, it makes me feel identified on her songs and vids such like Cry About It Later! I love it and im gonna stream it always! a masterpiece katy bae
  70. Aug 28, 2020
    A masterpiece. Lovely album as only Katy Perry can do it. Simply perfect! I fell in love with this album from the first song to the last
  71. Oct 19, 2020
    I think it's an excellent album, has Beautiful songs and nice lyrics. It's an optimistic álbum.
  72. Aug 28, 2020
    El nuevo álbum de katy, un álbum con propuestas muy interesantes y muy variado en si, acompañado de buenas letras, se sale completamente de lo este año otros artistas nos han entregado...
  73. Aug 28, 2020
    Smile has everything an album need. As many people know the album shares the story of how Katy Perry went through her depression and how she healed her wounds by searching what made her really happy. This album transmits her most deep feelings through the lyrics. The production is just incredible.
  74. Aug 29, 2020
    This album just shows Katy's growth and I love it! Definitely my fav album of 2020
  75. Aug 28, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. "Smile" is one of Katy Perry's best record works. It has an enveloping vibe, which causes you to keep playing the album. The "professional critics" are not rating the album, they are comparing it with other artists, who have nothing to do with it and destroying Katy Perry, and that is pathetic. Expand
  76. Aug 28, 2020
    A perfect album. a real reason to smile
  77. Aug 28, 2020
    I really don't understand what is wrong with being yourself, we are all free to express what we feel, Katy Perry with Smile tells us that there are more reasons to laugh than to cry, that it is never too late to start over, but above all, that with a smile life is better. 10/10 Love U Katy, thanks for this masterpiece, for another Bible ❤️
  78. Aug 28, 2020
    El mejor álbum de Katy Perry desde Teenage Dream, definitivamente los críticos no saben apreciar el arte
  79. Aug 28, 2020
    The media criticize the album they are not so good anymore, they praise Albums that are horrible but this one that is very good they put it as if it were the worst, the only bad thing about this is the media.
  80. Aug 31, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Agradeço pela a obra em conjunto feito em Smile , uma leveza , uma construção e reconstrução maravilhosa entregue a nós em um momento tão difícil que é esse ano de 2020. Amo todas as músicas quero reforçar mais uma vez que esse álbum me fez sorri e me fez muito bem !! Obrigada Katy ! Sou muito feliz em ser sua fã e poder escutar esse álbum !! Expand
  81. Aug 28, 2020
    Best album of her career, perfect vocals, perfect melody, her new vision of the world improved her power of music. I loved it.
  82. Aug 28, 2020
    Masterpiece! Extremely necessary during these rough days. Thank you Katheryn
  83. Aug 28, 2020
    The Smile album is one of those albums that when you listen to it you fall deeply in love, enjoying each song over and over again. Excellent work Katy
  84. Aug 28, 2020
    One of her best project, makes me wanna listen to more of her albums, an amazing voice and instrumentals
  85. Aug 28, 2020
    Katy, thank u for your amazing album, you’re the best!!! Swifties are with u, congrats and success to you. Love u till the end! ♡
  86. Sep 6, 2020
    Just one of the best albums from her
  87. Aug 28, 2020
    This album is incredible, the lyrics , the sound, the connection with TOTGA. Beautiful
  88. Aug 28, 2020
    PERFEICAOOOOO DE ALBUMMMMM MEU DEUs passo mal com a perspicaz de katy aí fazer essa obra prima de álbum perfeito e impecável 1000000/10
  89. Aug 28, 2020
    Great album, loved every track I love the 80s influence this album has on its sound and glad to hear Katy going back to what she is best at making catchy and great pop song while still experimenting with sounds.
  90. Aug 28, 2020
    I dont have nothing to say unless that we are in the presence of the AOTY... And the best album by Katy Perry...
    And this reviews are completely ridiculous... sure they are not reviewing the same album I heard... Is just impossible
  91. Aug 28, 2020
    Hands down the best piece of work she ever released in her career. Starting off with a banger of Never Really Over, serving bops like Cry About It Later, Tucked, Not The End of The World, Harleys in Hawaii, Daisies, Only Love, and ending with a feminist anthem What Makes a Woman. Truly a perfect pop album.
  92. Aug 28, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Eu amei o álbum, um dos melhores da carreira da Katy. Aclamação, sentimento, sensibilidade. Expand
  93. Aug 29, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Best album of 2020! this is literally POP PERFECTION. katy perry is back with a beautiful body of work full of empowering songs that will make u find the light at the end of the tunnel! her best album!!! Expand
  94. Aug 29, 2020
    Es uno de sus mejores álbumes, las canciones son bailables y bops, ame tucked.
  95. Aug 28, 2020
    Um álbum para sentir. O maior acerto foi a compositora ter sido a produtora executiva do SMILE, dividido em 4 partes que contam uma história contínua e coesa sobre as quedas e processos até uma estabilidade emocional e felicidade sem soar fantasioso. Katy soube experimentar todas as suas habilidades e pontos positivos de sua carreira em todas as 12 faixas sem soar repetitiva ou pretensiosaUm álbum para sentir. O maior acerto foi a compositora ter sido a produtora executiva do SMILE, dividido em 4 partes que contam uma história contínua e coesa sobre as quedas e processos até uma estabilidade emocional e felicidade sem soar fantasioso. Katy soube experimentar todas as suas habilidades e pontos positivos de sua carreira em todas as 12 faixas sem soar repetitiva ou pretensiosa a fazer algo inovador ou querer reinventar a roda. Passou sua mensagem com excelência! Expand
  96. Aug 28, 2020
    Katy Perry returns to her classic sound in her 5th album. It’s catchy and the singles will stay stuck in your head.
  97. Aug 28, 2020
    Pode realmente ser o melhor álbum da carreira, separações das músicas em tríades que contam algo em sequência! Você sempre se supera Katy Perry, incrível e formidável. O sorriso voltou!
  98. Aug 28, 2020
    It's her best body of work, HANDS DOWN
    It's probably the best or the second best album of 2020, no doubts
  99. Aug 28, 2020
    Katy Perry is back with this amazing and original record, all the songs are really good.

Mixed or average reviews - based on 18 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 3 out of 18
  2. Negative: 1 out of 18
  1. Sep 8, 2020
    Without fleeting moments of bad taste, Perry does indeed sound mature, but she's also not quite as fun. That's a conscious choice, though. Smile is intended to evoke memories of her frivolous younger days while pointing toward a sustainable pop future.
  2. Sep 4, 2020
    While Perry finds the occasional moment of quality here (Smile and Tucked both feel like the best possible music we could get from Katy Perry in 2020), Smile is an album searching for an identity—and when it fails, it falls back on lazy writing.
  3. Aug 31, 2020
    Like Joanne before Chromatica, Smile plays like a necessary centering exercise, indulging her insecurities and less surefire instincts. If Witness was overdetermined, Smile is an earnest exhale, for better or for worse. It delivers an image of her journey towards inner peace that is honest (if corny) and catchy (if not exactly inventive).