
Universal acclaim - based on 11 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 11 out of 11
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 11
  3. Negative: 0 out of 11
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  1. Jul 10, 2014
    It's as if this box set wants to prove Slint was human, not just a faceless menace that cut a record lost to time and circumstance, worthy of celebration and also fitting neatly in a box.
  2. Apr 16, 2014
    This masterpiece isn’t dulling any time soon. Working on the premise that they were Generation X’s own Velvet Underground, this is their ‘White Light/White Heat’, and one of the most important rock records of all time.
  3. Apr 18, 2014
    Spiderland is a record that will sound just as exciting 20 years from now. Call it the gift that keeps on giving.
  4. Apr 16, 2014
    If anything, the elucidating peek behind the curtain that Bangs’ documentary provides makes the album feel like an even more singular, remarkable achievement.
  5. Apr 18, 2014
    These outtakes give a sort of new context for the album itself, which sounds brilliant in this remaster, but they don’t exactly give us a complete story. Even the huge booklet and documentary about the band here don’t exactly give us the clear picture of Spiderland.
  6. Q Magazine
    Apr 28, 2014
    This willfully obscure yet eerily beautiful music sounds all the more absorbing in remastered form. [May 2014, p.124]
  7. May 13, 2014
    It’s powerful stuff, still wholly worthy of “10 fucking stars”.
  8. Apr 16, 2014
    It’s a thoughtful look at a legendary act, and one that’s both long overdue and well deserved. Just as Spiderland rewards the patient listener, the box set rewards the patient fan.
  9. 80
    There’s a wealth of delicious treats held within this set to more than sate your curious appetite.
  10. The Wire
    Apr 16, 2014
    Instead of disappearing amid the back stories and deep cuts, the hefty additional content and context only acts as so many glittering foils for the enduring, singular force of their crowning achievement, the album itself. [Apr 2014, p.70]
  11. May 9, 2014
    The real beauty of all the context provided here for this batch of songs is not that it extols or magnifies, but that it humanizes.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 98 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 89 out of 98
  2. Negative: 8 out of 98
  1. Apr 17, 2014
    Upon first hearing this, I was blown away. I was skeptical at first because of the high reviews (as people tend to overrate albums from theUpon first hearing this, I was blown away. I was skeptical at first because of the high reviews (as people tend to overrate albums from the past) but this album deserves every 10/10 that it is getting. It is at times calming, overwhelming, upsetting, terrifying, and skin-crawlingly uncomfortable, sometimes in the same moment.
    It CAN be a difficult listen for some who are not fans of post-rock music, with hook-less songs and many examples of spoken lyrics, but if you are a fan of Godspeed, You! Black Emperor or Sigur Ros (or any bands like these or close to this spectrum) this is perfect for you.
    Best Tracks - Everything, it should be taken in at its full length upon every listen (Washer, if I had to choose one)
    Full Review »
  2. May 8, 2014
    LOVE IT SOO MUCH......this is just perfect too listen in relax :).This band is full of ironies and great jokes that's why I reallyLOVE IT SOO MUCH......this is just perfect too listen in relax :).This band is full of ironies and great jokes that's why I really like soo much...sadly there are not soo many people interested in it. Full Review »
  3. Apr 23, 2014
    The importance of this release, which doubles the group's released body of work, cannot be overstated. Spiderland was a true departure, aThe importance of this release, which doubles the group's released body of work, cannot be overstated. Spiderland was a true departure, a point of embarkation that led to so much other great music. The various demo and 4-track additions to the Spiderland story, not to mention Lance Bangs' documentary (included with the set), really tie the room together for a band whose influence has outlasted the first wave of imitators by a decade and today spans far and wide. That this work was produced by 19-year-old only speaks to the vital creative energies of youth. By the way, their reunion shows also prove that they are still the band that offered up an ironic, but heartfelt, cover of Cortez the Killer. Full Review »