• Record Label: RCA
  • Release Date: Mar 19, 2013
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Universal acclaim- based on 493 Ratings

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  1. Negative: 25 out of 493
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  1. Jul 30, 2013
    Like fine wine, this album gets better with time. It's 2013's masterpiece! The tracks are all co-written by Justin and produced by Timbaland. The music is very instrumental...classical yet modern. The album is like a modern day Frank Sinatra meets JT. Women love this album, just so you guys know. Every track has a place on this album from the fantastic opening of Pusher Love Girl down toLike fine wine, this album gets better with time. It's 2013's masterpiece! The tracks are all co-written by Justin and produced by Timbaland. The music is very instrumental...classical yet modern. The album is like a modern day Frank Sinatra meets JT. Women love this album, just so you guys know. Every track has a place on this album from the fantastic opening of Pusher Love Girl down to the Blue Ocean Floor. I was amazed with the sound and tones of each track. This album is damn near perfect. Note: This album is for lovers of R&B/Soul music not EDM or bubblegum pop. Expand
  2. Mar 19, 2013
    Absolutely fantastic. Timberlake's signing is on point, the writing is amazing, the sulky production is also fantastic. This is what pop and R&B is supposed to be. Should be hailed as the classic it is in a few years.
  3. Mar 19, 2013
    After 7 years, JT and Timbaland are back. Let me say they created a masterpiece of today (future) pop/R&B music. Yes, it's different, but it had to be after FutureSex/LoveSounds. This album has only 10 tracks, but it's long enough (7 minutes long tracks are standard). Most of the time is this album ingenious (multilayered sound and lyrics). One listen is not enough to reveal all the hiddenAfter 7 years, JT and Timbaland are back. Let me say they created a masterpiece of today (future) pop/R&B music. Yes, it's different, but it had to be after FutureSex/LoveSounds. This album has only 10 tracks, but it's long enough (7 minutes long tracks are standard). Most of the time is this album ingenious (multilayered sound and lyrics). One listen is not enough to reveal all the hidden treasures. Maybe it wil become the classic, maybe not, but I hope it does. Expand
  4. Aug 30, 2013
    Man, it's been a while since we've heard from Justin Timberlake (or JT for short) in the music world. After debuting his new single "Suit & Tie" with Jay-Z, everyone was curious to see what Timberlake was going to do next and with the announcement of two albums in one year (20/20 Experience 2 of 2 comes out later this fall) we all wanted to see how Timberlake could do it. Ladies andMan, it's been a while since we've heard from Justin Timberlake (or JT for short) in the music world. After debuting his new single "Suit & Tie" with Jay-Z, everyone was curious to see what Timberlake was going to do next and with the announcement of two albums in one year (20/20 Experience 2 of 2 comes out later this fall) we all wanted to see how Timberlake could do it. Ladies and Gentlemen JT did it, "The 20/20 Experience" may possibly be one of the best albums I've heard in quite sometime, Exceptionally written, Expertly produced, and well, excellent. The one thing that could keep this from being the best album of the year could be Timberlake's second release this year, we'll have to see. 20/20 Experience is unconventional to all Pop music out there, it's different and at times it's just R&B, it's Brilliant. Justin Timberlake is at the top of his game here, his vocals here are Natural, Toned in Well, and flows smoothly with everything going on. The album is only about ten songs long, but it's also a little more than 70 minutes long, I was consistently into the music all the way until the final seconds of the last song "Blue Ocean Floor", speaking of songs there are many standout's here, which include "Suit & Tie", "Let the Groove Get in", "Pusher Love Girl", and "Tunnel Vision" all sound amazing. Hardly any problems here but listeners looking for mainstream Pop should stay away from this, it's very different and if you want something different then this is a must. One of the Best albums of 2013, "The 20/20 Experience" is a wonderful experience and something that will go down as one of Timberlake's best and most iconic releases...ever. Expand
  5. Mar 20, 2013
    I used to snicker at the mention of Justin Timberlake's name. But the N*SYNC days are long gone now and a new JT is here. A JT that borrows without stealing from MJ's "Wanna Be Startin' Something" to create a 7-minute oriental epic who's lyrics are basically the chorus sung over and over again but still works marvellously. He was even able to compose some fantastic songs written aroundI used to snicker at the mention of Justin Timberlake's name. But the N*SYNC days are long gone now and a new JT is here. A JT that borrows without stealing from MJ's "Wanna Be Startin' Something" to create a 7-minute oriental epic who's lyrics are basically the chorus sung over and over again but still works marvellously. He was even able to compose some fantastic songs written around pretty terrible/overused concepts: love drug in Pusher Love Girl or Strawberry Bubblegum which really is an ode to his wife's vagina. The weakest song on here might actually be the first single, Suit & Tie, but it is still an above-average piece of work. Of course Timberlake is back but so is Timbaland, the mastermind behind FutureSex/LoveSounds who had since fell of. He is at the top of his game, using without overusing his signature ad-libs on Don't Hold The Wall, one of the real standouts of The 20/20 Experience and producing most of the songs without using samples. He even gets a verse on the bonus track "Dress On". Both bonuses are welcome additions, however, they do not really fit in with the rest of the album and it is understandable that they were left out. "Body Count" has a Justified vibe to it which I am sure will please a lot of his earlier fans.
    I really recommend you pick this album up. I barely ever buy CD's and after listening to it on iTunes, I actually went out of my way to pick up the deluxe version of it. The last time I did that was for Channel Orange. This is a similarly enjoyable album.
  6. Apr 3, 2013
    What makes me angry is when I see all these reviews just bashing the CD and comparing him to other artists who have came out 15 years later and just keep saying the songs are too long, when really he has a diverse album in which he showcases his range and his creativeness...and for anyone who saw his Future Sex/Love Show, the long songs that switch beat over half way through will be a partWhat makes me angry is when I see all these reviews just bashing the CD and comparing him to other artists who have came out 15 years later and just keep saying the songs are too long, when really he has a diverse album in which he showcases his range and his creativeness...and for anyone who saw his Future Sex/Love Show, the long songs that switch beat over half way through will be a part where he showcases his smooth dancing at the concert swooning the ladies. Love the "big band feel" that you hear in Pusher Love Girl, Suit & Tie, and That Girl. Then you have songs like Let the Groove Get In which reminds me a little of Rock Your Body. Its the equivalent on this CD. My two personal favorites are Strawberry Bubblegum and Spaceship Coupe which have gotten some knocks for the lyrics being cheesy but the songs are so smooth and although they're slower songs they got a little step to em thatll make you nod your head (with Spaceship Coupe being more upbeat). Blue Ocean floor is by far the slowest song but its also the deepest song on the CD really making you think with its lyrics. It's comparable to FutureSexLoveSound's Losing My Way, but you can definitely hear the growth of JT in this song. Tunnel Vision a fast upbeat exciting song that transition with Timbaland beat boxing and some hard beats then goes soft and then picks back up. The song is a smooth rollercoaster. I dont even need to say anything about Mirrors its just an awesome song...I mean overall it's a great CD. And if you get Target's exclusive CD you also get Body Count and Dress On which are two nice additions. I think overall (including those last two songs which brings the song total to 12 songs) I could listen to 9 songs on repeat and they would never get old. It's got a nice mix of upbeat and slow. old school sound and new school sound, and I think its a great CD. On a scale of 1-100, I'd give it a 94. Definitely solid Expand
  7. Jul 14, 2013
    Unbelievable,amazing.One of his best albums and maybe one of the best albums of this year.The 4 min outrous for most of the songs made this album this good.Simply EPIC.
  8. Oct 2, 2013
    This is probably one of the greatest albums ever created. All the songs are so different from each other and they are all so amazing. Justin Timberlake's voice is so smooth and the beats and rhythms are great as well.
  9. Aug 27, 2014
    Justin mais uma vez mostrou a todos do porque que é chamado de Príncipe/Presidente do Pop, esse provavelmente é um dos melhores álbuns dos últimos 20 anos, impecável.
  10. Oct 28, 2014
    This album is sweet! Justin Timberlake is making more serious music. It's elegant...
    The beats are pretty good and his voice is amazing too.
    And I know that the lyrics aren't that good and original... but who cares? The album has some amazing sweet beats like "Strawberry Bubblegum". The songs are following each other very great. Some of the songs on this album are 7-8 minutes long. The
    This album is sweet! Justin Timberlake is making more serious music. It's elegant...
    The beats are pretty good and his voice is amazing too.
    And I know that the lyrics aren't that good and original... but who cares?
    The album has some amazing sweet beats like "Strawberry Bubblegum". The songs are following each other very great. Some of the songs on this album are 7-8 minutes long. The last 3 minutes following the next songs style. So the songs are following each other amazingly.

    JT isn't that young N'SYNC guy anymore. He is serious. He is trying to show something good.. and.. he did it. It's amazing.
  11. Nov 18, 2016
    his is probably one of the greatest albums ever created. All the songs are so different from each other and they are all so amazing. Justin Timberlake's voice is so smooth and the beats and rhythms are great as well. King
  12. Feb 9, 2015
    That is what an album created by great artist should sound like. It has its own original sound and shows the maturity of the artist. A real gem in a sea of popular garbage. Justin Timberlake just doesn't dissapoint and shows why he is one of the biggest and most influential artists of his generation.
  13. May 4, 2015
    JT's best album so far hands down and better than part 1 without any doubts .
    Give me what i dont know Murder True Blood Amnesia are the kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
  14. Jun 15, 2015
    Foxes é maravilhosa. Eu amo tudo o que ela faz, tudo bem feito, impecável. Coisa de artista de verdade, é uma pena ver que não tem o reconhecimento merecido.
  15. Sep 4, 2020
    La obra cumbre de JT, quien pese a que se toma su tiempo entre cada nuevo álbum, vale realmente la pena porque se nota el gran esmero, trabajo y dedicación en The 20/20 Experience, el cual yo podría considerar como su trabajo mas consistente, maduro y colosal de toda su carrera, fin.
  16. Nov 4, 2020
    This is a perfect album, definitely one of my favourites of all time. My many favourites include:
    Pusher love girl
    Suit & Tie
    Blue ocean floor
    Dress on
  17. Feb 16, 2019
    After 8 months of being addicted only to Futuresex/Lovesounds, with not too much eagerness, i decided just to listen to this album, but after 1 complete listening i couldnt believe my ears, it was all wonderful except for strawberry bubblegum (just not that metaphor for sex id like to hear, unlike the drugs in Pusher Love Girl and space in Spaceship Coupe). The main songs: Suit&Tie,After 8 months of being addicted only to Futuresex/Lovesounds, with not too much eagerness, i decided just to listen to this album, but after 1 complete listening i couldnt believe my ears, it was all wonderful except for strawberry bubblegum (just not that metaphor for sex id like to hear, unlike the drugs in Pusher Love Girl and space in Spaceship Coupe). The main songs: Suit&Tie, Mirrors and Tunnel Vision sound like timberlake did not just put his back into it, he put his heart, so i wanted to put 9.5/10 to this album, but metacritic allows me to put or 9 or 10, so id like to put 10/10 Expand
  18. Sep 7, 2019
    I have no words for this, it's simply amazing, an incredible album and one of the best of the decade
  19. Oct 4, 2021
    Re-listening this album and I just have one thing to say: YOU'RE MY LITTLE PUSHER LOVE GIRL! Justin is a truly artist.
  20. Dec 29, 2022
    Awesome album of 2013, I love it! Although the songs are long, but i like the hit singles, Suit and Tie, and Mirrors
  21. Jun 19, 2013
    By far his best work yet. The 20/20 Experience returns us to the groovy, poppy, sounds that we heard from FutureSex/LoveSounds, with the addition of some more classic R&B tones and influences that I personal was pleasantly surprised to hear.
  22. Jun 4, 2013
    Incredible album filled with fantastic awesomeness. Okay, that's not a good way to start a review. But it's true. It stars with the magic "Pusher Love Girl", flows with the hit single "Suit & Tie", gets a little messy with "Don't Hold the Wall", romantic with "Strawberry Bubblegum", extraordinary with "Tunnel Vision", magical with "Spaceship Coupe", groovy with "That Girl", annoying (butIncredible album filled with fantastic awesomeness. Okay, that's not a good way to start a review. But it's true. It stars with the magic "Pusher Love Girl", flows with the hit single "Suit & Tie", gets a little messy with "Don't Hold the Wall", romantic with "Strawberry Bubblegum", extraordinary with "Tunnel Vision", magical with "Spaceship Coupe", groovy with "That Girl", annoying (but catchy) with "Let the Groove Get In", deep with "Mirrors" and beautiful with "Blue Ocean Floor". The only thing missing here is a dance pop song. But that obviously was not the goal. Expand
  23. Mar 22, 2013
    I'm glad to see JT after 7 long years. I was long waiting for an album and he didn't fail to deliver. The songs are catchy and addictive and Timbaland's production is also good. So, overall this album is worth listening to.
  24. Jun 2, 2013
    A seriously good album considering his long absence. Could be the best pop album of the year, JT throw away his old R'n'B style and reinvent himself on this LP. Most of the tracks are long and few of them feels rather lengthy, making the highs and lows of the album more apparent. But still, mostly highs, mostly highs. Highlight tracks: Mirrors, Suit & Tie, Blue Ocean Floor, Strawberry Bubblegum
  25. Jul 4, 2013
    Timberlake has set the bar for every album left to come out in 2013. The production that has been handled by Timbaland is almost flawless and Timberlake's vocals flow smoothly with the beat of each song. All in all, the album is a great listen and has many potential hit songs.
  26. Mar 27, 2013
    Listening to this new offering of Timbalake, I was blown away. They have taken their sound, and seemingly perfected it, and you cannot help but absorb it all.
  27. Mar 20, 2013
    This album is awesome; if this is the direction pop music is headed, then bring it on. Although it does drag just a bit at the end, it flows and stays in its groove without getting too terribly long-winded. The beats are on point (classic Timbaland), while the rest of the music does well taking cues from the likes of Prince and the Temps. The accompaniment really accent Justin's vocalThis album is awesome; if this is the direction pop music is headed, then bring it on. Although it does drag just a bit at the end, it flows and stays in its groove without getting too terribly long-winded. The beats are on point (classic Timbaland), while the rest of the music does well taking cues from the likes of Prince and the Temps. The accompaniment really accent Justin's vocal parts, which ultimately shine through and are especially intriguing in harmony with each other. Overall a 9.5 for sure; a versatile display of old soul influences and the future of (good) pop music. Expand
  28. Apr 3, 2013
    I enjoyed this album completely. It is exactly what I envisioned the album to be after his release of Suit and Tie and you can truly hear the effort that JT has put towards this album as nearly all the songs (except three) are about 8 minutes long a true experience. I'm still figuring out whether the continued collaboration between Timbaland and Timberlake is a positive or a negativeI enjoyed this album completely. It is exactly what I envisioned the album to be after his release of Suit and Tie and you can truly hear the effort that JT has put towards this album as nearly all the songs (except three) are about 8 minutes long a true experience. I'm still figuring out whether the continued collaboration between Timbaland and Timberlake is a positive or a negative aspect of the production as it is very similar to JT's previous albums but then again why stop an amazing pair simply because it is expected? My favourite song on this record is possibly Strawberry Bubblegum it's composition and styling is reminiscent of Sade with the "mellow" lyrics and tone. I can truly see this album winning Best Album in the Grammy's 2014 or maybe I am speaking to soon... Expand
  29. Mar 20, 2013
    For all the JT fans that associate him to his 'Cry Me A River' days, this record is going to be a little too hard to soak in... for a while. After that, it's going to be the best thing they've ever heard. It's a record that needs time to grow on you. Once you listen to it a few times, you'll automatically find the music a breath of fresh air. We're surrounded by the music by the likes ofFor all the JT fans that associate him to his 'Cry Me A River' days, this record is going to be a little too hard to soak in... for a while. After that, it's going to be the best thing they've ever heard. It's a record that needs time to grow on you. Once you listen to it a few times, you'll automatically find the music a breath of fresh air. We're surrounded by the music by the likes of Rihanna, Drake, Jay Z, Usher, etc. The music of theirs is almost the same, with a few exceptions. This album is different, just like 'FutureSex/LoveSounds' was, when it released in 2006.

    This is a great album and with time, it'll grow on you. A masterpiece, it is, for me. Kudos to JT and Timbaland and I can't wait for the 2nd Volume to the album, coming out in November, this year.

  30. Mar 24, 2013
    This is easilly the best album of the year (at the moment), suprassing long.live.a$ap of asap rocky.

    I mean i don't listen to much pop, i hear most urban music (rap and r&B), but i think this can be a great R&B album if you compare too usher's and chris brown's lastest albums. I mean this guy make music similar to michael jackson a very rhytmic album and far away the classic pop album,
    This is easilly the best album of the year (at the moment), suprassing long.live.a$ap of asap rocky.

    I mean i don't listen to much pop, i hear most urban music (rap and r&B), but i think this can be a great R&B album if you compare too usher's and chris brown's lastest albums. I mean this guy make music similar to michael jackson a very rhytmic album and far away the classic pop album, he deserves a good score on this because this album cover a wider range of styles, and that's why the album will be easilly thr best selling album of the year, pop and r&B fans will buying this album.
  31. Mar 19, 2013
    Best pop/r&b album I've heard in years,amazing production. Timberlake also proves he is a great vocalist.
    What need to be strengthened is the lyrics.
  32. Mar 23, 2013
    I really like this album...Timbaland's production is very creative and varied from one track to the next. I also think JT's vocals are fantastic. He is also creative with his lyrics. He compares the infatuation of women by men to drugs ie strawberry bubblegum is actually a form of weed.
  33. Mar 20, 2013
    Great album, it may be the best album of the year. It's nice to see someone put the time and effort into making a song longer than 3 minutes. The more I listen the better it get's, that's how I know it'll be in my rotation for a while.
  34. Sep 11, 2013
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. The new "neo-soul" style in the album is the most thing that kept me hooked to the record. We don't have ex-musketeers tha will be ruling the charts and getting critical acclaim. Well we have them [Britney Spears, Justin Timeberlake and Christina Aguilera] and this album shows that JT is the supreme. Absolute masterpiece. Expand
  35. Sep 17, 2013
    Altogether it is JT's best album, with songs that speak right from the heart and go into the soul. The songs could be cut down a little bit, but one of my all-time favorite songs, Mirrors, is on there, as well as two songs I listen to regularly, That Girl and Pusher Love Girl.
  36. Nov 9, 2013
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Track by track review

    Pusher love girl a smooth and funky song that opens up the album great 9/10
    Suit and tie growing on me but this 5 minute song that's not really my cup of tea 7/10
    Don't hold the wall a tropical funky song that is one of the strongest of the album 8.5/10
    Strawberry bubblegum a cute and soft song that does drag on but has strong vocals 7/10
    Tunnel vision some annoying beats but a different and weird type of song 7.5/10
    Spaceship coupe some of the best vocals on the album and has meaning 8.5/10
    That girl one of the highlights of the album slow funky and relaxing 9/10
    Let the groove get in a funky fun up tempo but a little bloated 8/10
    Mirrors a sad but brilliant song that delivers 9/10
    Blue ocean floor a fantastic ending and some amazing lyrics 9.5/10
  37. May 31, 2014
    I Did not know that suit and tie and mirrors had a long version. I listened to them and it was a fun experience with Justin singing. Favorite Tracks: Pusher Love Girl, Suit and Tie, Don't hold the Wall, Let the groove get in, mirrors.
  38. May 18, 2014
    This is a true Pop/R&B album. The songs are well produced. Timbaland has done a great work with the tracks. On the other hand Justin's vocals are incredibly beautiful and dynamic. "Mirrors", "Suit & Tie" and "Pusher Love Girl" are the highlights of the album. The best selling album of 2013 in the US. You outta hear this record. I would give this album a 9/10.
  39. Jun 8, 2015
    The 20/20 Experience is a near masterpiece in every way possible; a testament to artists who strive for perfection in their music. The album challenges audiences to remember a brisker and sophisticated time while adding to them. Aside from the fun and classy lyrics, this is a beautifully composed and produced album that's as inventive as its title. JT only builds himself up to earn loudThe 20/20 Experience is a near masterpiece in every way possible; a testament to artists who strive for perfection in their music. The album challenges audiences to remember a brisker and sophisticated time while adding to them. Aside from the fun and classy lyrics, this is a beautifully composed and produced album that's as inventive as its title. JT only builds himself up to earn loud and long standing ovations after each track ends. Expand
  40. Oct 4, 2013
    This is the best and his most matured album that Justin Timberlake ever made.
    The lenghtly songs of the album made everyone had their eyebrows raised because nobody listens to very long songs. But, it seems like the lenghtly songs made every listener's time worth it.
    The tracklist is perfect, from the perfect opener, "Pusher Love Girl" to the perfect closer, "Blue Ocean Floor", it's like
    This is the best and his most matured album that Justin Timberlake ever made.
    The lenghtly songs of the album made everyone had their eyebrows raised because nobody listens to very long songs. But, it seems like the lenghtly songs made every listener's time worth it.
    The tracklist is perfect, from the perfect opener, "Pusher Love Girl" to the perfect closer, "Blue Ocean Floor", it's like you're listening to the soundtrack of a Hollywood classic.
    The only song that was a miss is "Let the Groove In", which I felt like its somehow upbeat Latin tune is a bit out of place from this album.
    The lyrics may be mediocre but the sophisticated production backs it up perfectly.
    Timbaland's catchy back-up vocals and JT's amazing voice made this album very catchy as its own right.
    Let's not forget how JT learned from producing other songs for other artists with Timbaland and puts everything that he learned into this album.
    This ambitiously made album is a perfect album to buy for any fan and any non-fan who would proudly say that they're glad to buy this album.
  41. Mar 20, 2013
    The ultimate love album. While the length of the album may seem a problem to some, Justin Timberlake does a fine job at making fine music. While better than his debut album, he falls just short of doing better than his last outing, "FutureSex/LoveSound". He starts the album out amazingly with "Pusher Love Girl" (which, by the way, should have been the albums first single instead of "Suit &The ultimate love album. While the length of the album may seem a problem to some, Justin Timberlake does a fine job at making fine music. While better than his debut album, he falls just short of doing better than his last outing, "FutureSex/LoveSound". He starts the album out amazingly with "Pusher Love Girl" (which, by the way, should have been the albums first single instead of "Suit & Tie"). Then you get to Suit & Tie, which by now, is incredibly overplayed, but a still relatively good song, then you finish Track 5, "Tunnel Vision", which isn't that good, then you get to "Spaceship Coupe", which isn't that good either, but you start "That Girl" and "Let The Groove In" and all's forgiven. Then you hit the second single off this album, "Mirrors", and finish off with "Blue Ocean Floor". Aside from the two aforementioned tracks that weren't that good, this album is amazing. Relieving to hear from Justin Timberlake again. He's better suited making music, rather than starring in sub-par movies. I can't wait for Volume 2 of The 20/20 Experience when it comes out this Fall. Expand
  42. Mar 21, 2013
    I'm actually really impressed, he changed up his normal style a little and presented us with something new and fresh. Which is a pleasing experience with the way the music industry currently is with it's Justin Bieber's and One Directions.
  43. Mar 27, 2013
    We really should take advantage and embrace JT while he's still here, cuz he could very well go down as one of the best to ever do it. It's been 6 years, but it was well worth the wait. A whole lot of hours and thought have been made into these tracks. Wayne could learn a thing or 2.
  44. Jun 21, 2013
    An enjoyable album, Timberlake has shown that even after 7 years, he is still a force to be reckoned with. Combining catchy samples, mellow vocals, and great production, the album is in conversation for the best R&B Pop album of the year. The lyrics seem cliche after listening to many other pop songs on the radio speaking of romance, but it is the delivery that allows Timberlake to shineAn enjoyable album, Timberlake has shown that even after 7 years, he is still a force to be reckoned with. Combining catchy samples, mellow vocals, and great production, the album is in conversation for the best R&B Pop album of the year. The lyrics seem cliche after listening to many other pop songs on the radio speaking of romance, but it is the delivery that allows Timberlake to shine through. The only major issue, though, is that the album drags on the first listen through. Songs are accompanied with outros ranging from 2 3 minutes long, causing initial impatience. With more listens, though, the outros are appreciated, and the album becomes better. Though not a classic, it is a worthwhile listen. Expand
  45. Jul 21, 2013
    Some tracks aren't very distinctive whilst others stand out as classical and catchy tunes. Justin's return to the music industry is astounding considering his last album was so long ago.
  46. Sep 3, 2013
    After all these year, JT has come back and dominated the airwaves, making sure to produce songs that get played over the radios ever 36 minutes on average. and might i say, great job for giving us a great album. nothing is as it seems in this voyage to the human heart. but what should we expect?
  47. Sep 6, 2013
    A long, elaborate, almost intricate album. At a first listen it would seem basically devoid of hit singles, but it is only because Timberlake pushes the boundaries of pop music, striving for longer songs (8 tracks are over seven minutes long) and delivering less immediate melodies. But radio edits prove that at the heart of every song in The 20/20 Experience there is a smash hit.A long, elaborate, almost intricate album. At a first listen it would seem basically devoid of hit singles, but it is only because Timberlake pushes the boundaries of pop music, striving for longer songs (8 tracks are over seven minutes long) and delivering less immediate melodies. But radio edits prove that at the heart of every song in The 20/20 Experience there is a smash hit. Timberlake's vocal performance is gracious as usual, so inspired he sounds like he's actually dancing. The only fault is that sometimes the transitions between different moments in a song are not smooth, but there is well over an hour of continuous enjoyment. Expand
  48. Jun 3, 2014
    This album came in good time! I was tired of electronic songs with lyrics about parties playing on the radio all the time.

    Highlights: Spaceship Coupe, Pusher Love Girl, That Girl, Let The Groove Get In.
  49. Nov 21, 2016
    It's a shame that The 20/20 Experience didn't live up to its title by way of, say, a visual for every song (coughcoughbeyonce), but in nearly every other way, 20/20 is one doozy of an album. It may take a special kind of listener to thoroughly enjoy the longer tracks, but who can deny the hooks on this thing? While it isn't a bass-heavy endeavor, the production on this album glistens andIt's a shame that The 20/20 Experience didn't live up to its title by way of, say, a visual for every song (coughcoughbeyonce), but in nearly every other way, 20/20 is one doozy of an album. It may take a special kind of listener to thoroughly enjoy the longer tracks, but who can deny the hooks on this thing? While it isn't a bass-heavy endeavor, the production on this album glistens and bangs in equal measure, finding the balance of pristine melody and enticing rhythms in every track. It's the little touches that give 20/20 its shine, like the barely-melodic harp flourishes on "Suit & Tie", or the aerated, creamy strings on "Strawberry Bubblegum". The album's secret weapon is "Blue Ocean Floor", a track many listeners may have never reached, and the one that keeps me coming back for full listens. Expand
  50. Aug 8, 2017
    It could be better of course, but overall, it's a great comeback for JT! Most of the songs are awesome, but some songs is hard to listen. Mirrors is classic song now and Suit & Tie doesn't belong to the popular music genres, but JT proves that he can pull out everything.
  51. Mar 6, 2018
    Even though All of the Tracks are a little bit too long except for That Girl, All the tracks (Except for Suit And Tie) Are all great with nice sounding beats and a great vocal performance from Justin. Its not as great as Futuresex/Lovesounds for me, but it is still a great album.
  52. May 31, 2013
    This album’s best aspects for the most part are the production & singing. Musically it goes in a fairly diverse amount of territories on the pop spectrum. It ranges from old-school horn/guitar-driven R&B to the modern electronically-tinged interpretations of R&B that was practically the trademark sound of his last album FutureSex/LoveSounds to some more worldly styles that incorporateThis album’s best aspects for the most part are the production & singing. Musically it goes in a fairly diverse amount of territories on the pop spectrum. It ranges from old-school horn/guitar-driven R&B to the modern electronically-tinged interpretations of R&B that was practically the trademark sound of his last album FutureSex/LoveSounds to some more worldly styles that incorporate tribal rhythm sections & mantra-like chant choruses that go on for a good majority of the song, to the minimalist closer Blue Ocean Floor that defies pop structure by running on solely a looped & seemingly backmasked keyboard part, creating an appropriately vast & subdued atmosphere for the beautifully sentimental lyrics about dedication to your significant other. This is one advantage 20/20 has over FS/LS; its ambitious & diverse (by pop album standards) instrumentation makes things a bit more sonically interesting from track to track in addition to the knack for great earworm hooks that has been a constant positive throughout JT’s career, whereas in the past, with a couple exceptions his work has been pop music through-and-through. On the mixed side of things, the lyrics are very hit-and-miss.They’re pretty much all about love (surprise surprise) though in a generally more mature direction than in the past; more ClassyBack than SexyBack. The thing is that the way these more sentimental ideas come across differs in success from track to track. Some tracks that pull this off exceptionally well include Mirrors & Tunnel Vision. The former is a very well-crafted & sincere affirmation that he and his significant other are perfect for each other and meant to last, playing on the term “better half” & tweaking the metaphor a bit. It’s basically this album’s My Love, except it sounds a little less made-for-radio while never losing its accessibility. The latter takes on a similar concept but focuses in more on the devoted & slightly obsessive side of things. It can get a bit cheesy in a couple lines but in comes off endearing rather than cringeworthy. Now if only that’d be the case with some of the other songs here... Some songs like Pusher Love Girl or Spaceship Coupe do nothing more than beat a bad metaphor (drugs & outer space respectively) into the ground until it’s reduced to dust. Heck, Pusher can’t even stay consistent; is the girl the drug or the dealer or it that actually JT that’s one of those things or what? Meanwhile Coupe devolves into replicating the lower points of FutureSex/LoveSounds, throwing out nothing but corny space-sex jokes. And while Strawberry Bubblegum doesn’t beat the titular concept entirely into the ground (in fact containing some pretty good lyrics), it’s still in the same ballpark of metaphoric lameness. It’s further amplified by the facepalm-inducing intro, which for 40 seconds beats into your skull that the song is “dedicated to you” like JT’s for some reason still pandering to the boy-band fangirl demo. It seems that on 20/20, lyrics can only work if they’re one of 2 extremes: the heart-pouring ballads & the lighthearted good-time songs. The songs in this category would include the uplifting & optimistic Don’t Hold the Wall, the dancey, fun & lyrically simple Let the Groove Get In (which like people have been saying sounds a lot like Michael Jackson’s Wanna Be Startin’ Something, but not to the point of ripoff in my opinion) & the suave, sophisticated ode to high-class attire Suit & Tie. When Suit & Tie was released as the first single I was pleasantly surprised (since this was from before I really got into his work), even if it was a bit flawed. Namely in the awful-sounding intro & as well as the meandering & unnecessary verse from Jay-Z. On repeated listens I found a couple cool lines in there, but I definitely would have shortened it. Plus there’s a couple lines in the second verse of the song (Stop, lemme get a good look at it So thick, now I know why they call it a fatty) that just irk me. Is he talking about drugs? His girl’s butt? Either way it’s a bit out of place in an otherwise very mature song. Easily the biggest problem in this album though is the song lengths. Since FS/LS for some reason JT’s had this odd obsession with outros & interludes. And sometimes, like on What Goes Around Comes Around, it works really well, adding sort of a new dimension to the song & giving it more personality & presence. Other times though it just feels tacked on for no reason other than to seem more ambitious a musician than he really is. Unfortunately for the most part this strategy just doesn’t work. It usually falls into at least one of a number of outcomes; either it tacks on practically a remix of the same song, repeats the same 1 or 2 lines for 4 minutes, or just stays on the same groove for WAY too long. Still despite these gripes, JT's in fine form here. He just needs to learn to focus more on his strengths. 70/100 Expand
  53. Aug 2, 2013
    A good album. I liked all the tracks, and loved a few. Nothing special, nothing terrible. I'm excited for 20/20 Experience- 2 of 2. Good job JT, keep the good tunes coming.
  54. Mar 19, 2013
    Downloaded this with my zune music pass and I'm disappointed but it's still a decent album.
    Just expected more, most of the songs sound the same except for a 1 or 2 tracks
  55. Mar 19, 2013
    It's not an album that you will enjoy it immediately (the layouts are even more unusual in here compared to his last album and, of course, most of the songs are 5 to 10 minutes long) but once you gave it two or three listens, most of the songs start to get stuck in your head. I would say Mirrors and Tunnel Vision are the songs that doesn't take too long to like because they're not thatIt's not an album that you will enjoy it immediately (the layouts are even more unusual in here compared to his last album and, of course, most of the songs are 5 to 10 minutes long) but once you gave it two or three listens, most of the songs start to get stuck in your head. I would say Mirrors and Tunnel Vision are the songs that doesn't take too long to like because they're not that unusual. Mirrors is reminding people of Cry Me A River, but it's definitely a better, mature song, dedicated to his wife. Tunnel Vision's beat somehow reminds me of Ayo Technology here and there, but it's way more effective with a beat so addictive that could actually turn this song into a radio-hit if edited to a shorter version. Suit and Tie was his first single, which had mixed reviews at first but most of people actually ended up enjoying it days later, demonstrates exactly what to expect in this album: songs that doesn't sound like modern pop/r&b and more like a classic r&b/neo-soul album, thing that it's likely to disappoint a lot of fans at first but believe me, give it the proper listen it deserves and it will grow on you somehow. Not all the songs are great but most of them are likely to make you repeat them over and over again for a couple a days. Also, I have to point out the last album's song, Blue Ocean Floor. This is the track that I absolutely think most people will fall in love with in the whole album. It cans sound a little weird at first because we are not used to ballads and ultra-serene sounds in Timberlake's albums but those ballads and serene, abstract sounds along with his best showcase of his impressive, inspired vocals to date make for what is with no doubt the best, most memorable song of his new album and even one of the best of his career, simply because it is extremely powerful and shows how much JB has become a mature person in these 7 years out of the music industry, and men, if those 7 year's weren't worth the wait... Expand
  56. Mar 30, 2013
    the beats are the main thing on this album. justin timberlake only shines on a few songs. suit and tie is probably the best song on the album. the songs are also too long, he needs to cut songs in half instead of just changing the beat
  57. Mar 20, 2013
    I wanted to love this cd i ended up liking it. Someone is going to have to tell me why he did not cut this cd with the Tennessee Kids every live version he has done on tv walks all over the overproduced versions on the cd. His band is awesome one of the tightest groups i have ever seen, listen to That Girl it is the best sounding cut on his cd. Maybe next time we'll get the real R&B cd heI wanted to love this cd i ended up liking it. Someone is going to have to tell me why he did not cut this cd with the Tennessee Kids every live version he has done on tv walks all over the overproduced versions on the cd. His band is awesome one of the tightest groups i have ever seen, listen to That Girl it is the best sounding cut on his cd. Maybe next time we'll get the real R&B cd he has in him. Expand
  58. Mar 28, 2013
    This review is from THE LAST NIGHT EARLY MORNING SHOW podcast. THE BAD: I am a little disappointed in the whole album. Other than “Suit and Tie” no song really stuck out to me. Timbaland uses a lot of the same samples we have heard before. THE GOOD: I think Justin is trying to develop an entire album and not one that just has singles on it. The majority of the songs go over 7 minutes. TheThis review is from THE LAST NIGHT EARLY MORNING SHOW podcast. THE BAD: I am a little disappointed in the whole album. Other than “Suit and Tie” no song really stuck out to me. Timbaland uses a lot of the same samples we have heard before. THE GOOD: I think Justin is trying to develop an entire album and not one that just has singles on it. The majority of the songs go over 7 minutes. The format that he sticks to is changing the way the song begins and creates a different song from the same tempo and instruments that he started out using. He will ever use one instrument playing the same thing throughout but everything else around it change. I can respect that. SONGS:
    1. Pusher Love Girl Around 4:57 it goes into a hip-hop kind of break down, which I like better than the original song.
    2. Suit & Tie The best song on the album.
    3. Don't Hold The Wall At 2:45 Sounds like the same sample he used on his Shock Value album song Bombay. I like the breakdown.
    4. Strawberry Bubblegum At 5:00 min the song changes again, but this time it goes into a smooth kind of swing jazz feel to it with Rhodes piano, but it has a deep bass that has a little wah sound effect. 5. Tunnel Vision I like the way JT’s voice sounds on this song. I am nodding my head. 6. Spaceship Coupe At 5:20 there is a loop that plays and it sounds a little like The Stylistics You Are Everything.
    7. That Girl This song sounds really smooth.
    8. Let The Groove Get In I like the stabbing that the horns section does, but don't like the breakdown. I like how the song changes after 5:15. 9. Mirrors This is the first song that I fast-forwarded it to the part where the song changes. 10. Blue Ocean Floor The beginning starts out the same way Black Eyed Peas song Labor Day off their Elepunk album. This song is growing on me.
  59. Oct 6, 2013
    An impressive return to music for Timberlake and a very whole and connected album. The instrumentation is varied and interesting however, the songs sound the same after a week of listening.
  60. Oct 23, 2013
    I do applaud the ambition on this LP compared to his previous albums: Justified and Future Sex/Love Sounds, however Justin tries too hard to make his songs stick and become memorable. They do become memorable, but for all the wrong reasons. He does still retain that pop style to keep his listeners attracted while challenging them stylistically but he doesn't really follow through with theI do applaud the ambition on this LP compared to his previous albums: Justified and Future Sex/Love Sounds, however Justin tries too hard to make his songs stick and become memorable. They do become memorable, but for all the wrong reasons. He does still retain that pop style to keep his listeners attracted while challenging them stylistically but he doesn't really follow through with the sound he's giving. Just keep it short and sweet Justin, consistent even. For now his pop signature continues to shine with a few blemishes. He barely misses the mark he has set for himself, which doesn't really make this experience all to clear (20/20). But that's what Timberlake has to offer here, and his croon and intriguing enigma makes it almost impossible to resist. Expand

Generally favorable reviews - based on 39 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 29 out of 39
  2. Negative: 0 out of 39
  1. This is the kind of record where everyone will have different favorite song, where what someone calls dull or overlong or indulgent will resonate perfectly with someone else, depending on that listener’s past musical tastes and experiences.
  2. May 6, 2013
    The result would be encyclopedia-thumbing pastiche if it weren’t all so carefully curated, and if the production wasn’t so intricately, lavishly produced that as each track stretches into the fifth or sixth or eighth minute it was not still revealing permutations, secrets, strange little surprises.
  3. Apr 17, 2013
    While it may be a little overlong at nearly an hour and a half, there are influences from 40-odd years of pop music expertly melted together by a master craftsman to create an album of consistently brilliant songs.