
Generally favorable reviews - based on 26 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 16 out of 26
  2. Negative: 3 out of 26
  1. But while its flaws are formidable, so are its strengths, beginning with Cent's dark charisma, belligerent sneer of a voice, fluid delivery, and mastery of hip-hop style
  2. Sadly, the album is reminiscent of everything he has already done.
  3. Uncut
    Not even tight productions from Eminem and Dre can stop things from flagging midway. [May 2005, p.95]
  4. [50's] rhymes are as stupid as ever.
  5. Q Magazine
    Not a wholly convincing return. [May 2005, p.110]
  6. The Massacre is as frustratingly uneven as Get Rich or Die Tryin’, but it’s longer and messier.
  7. Representing the devolution of civilized man, 50 Cent pitifully uses the excuse of a deranged society to stoop even lower into a perpetual chest-thumping nightmare of unbridled greed, misogyny, and black-on-black crime.
User Score

Mixed or average reviews- based on 273 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. DanA
    Sep 23, 2007
    The Massacre is produced better than 50's debut album. However the problem is that 50 is at his worst more consistently than he was on The Massacre is produced better than 50's debut album. However the problem is that 50 is at his worst more consistently than he was on GRODT and even Beg For Mercy. There are two songs that need to be downloaded from this album, and the rest can go to the landfill. A Baltimore Love Thing is a great track where 50 raps a solid lyrical performance combined with great production through the perspective of not a drug abuser, but the drug itself. Build You Up features Jamie Foxx and has the pizazz that 50 tries to capture on most of his love songs, but this one is actually the real deal. Full Review »
  2. May 3, 2021
    Too many negative reviews. Not as good as his debut but a pretty strong album. The first half is brilliant but the second half has someToo many negative reviews. Not as good as his debut but a pretty strong album. The first half is brilliant but the second half has some filler but just a lil bit position of power and god gave me style are still great tracks. Full Review »
  3. Nov 18, 2013
    50 cent has never been a lyricist, but this album is pretty bad lyrically. It seems that 50 keeps repeating himself on this album. Production50 cent has never been a lyricist, but this album is pretty bad lyrically. It seems that 50 keeps repeating himself on this album. Production (like on EVERY 50 cent album) is great. However, lyrically, this album is up there with Curtis as the worst 50 album ever. Btw, this album comes NOWHERE close to Get Rich or Die Tryin! Full Review »