• Record Label: Hyperdub
  • Release Date: Nov 6, 2007
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 472 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 57 out of 472

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  1. AnonymousMC
    Jul 28, 2008
    If you like a pragmatic, more active approach to music, listen to "Untrue" while preparing to make love, lighting up the ganja, or taking a 3am trespassing stroll through the neighbor hood. Btw, Archangel is about his dog that passed away... I cannot wait for his third tirade, claimed by himself as to be the darkest bit yet.
  2. Ree
    Dec 14, 2007
    Hauntingly emo and beautiful, but I'm still on the fence as to whether this is merely clever, or a true advancement in the sub-genre. Burial is almost there. I think album #3 will (hopefully) answer this question. Burial is almost there. I just cannot figure out exactly where there will be.
  3. AnonymousCoward
    Dec 16, 2007
    Let's get a couple of things straight here: First, anyone claiming they can make music as beautiful as this on their laptop is a troll, plain and simple, because they obviously cannot or we would already be aware of them. Second, this album is for electronic fans -- more specifically, those with very particular, even peculiar tastes. This album will by no means be the best for Let's get a couple of things straight here: First, anyone claiming they can make music as beautiful as this on their laptop is a troll, plain and simple, because they obviously cannot or we would already be aware of them. Second, this album is for electronic fans -- more specifically, those with very particular, even peculiar tastes. This album will by no means be the best for EVERYONE, but the fact that it is the best for ANYONE means its ranking is justified, if not deserved. Metacritic's ranking system isn't necessarily about making judgments of who had the best album of the year, as that is a question is wholly unanswerable by any crowd of individuals with vastly differing tastes. Metacritic merely ranks them based on the reviews they've received, and most every fan of this genre has proclaimed it to be positively stellar. And to be honest, I am glad it was at the top, because I have been thankful ever since for being exposed to Burial. As for the album itself, I personally find it to be fantastic, although by no means revolutionary. Collapse
  4. GilC.
    Dec 17, 2007
    This is a good album, very innovative, great rhythms and a very good concept, sounds like UNKLE to me on some parts, the only thing I have to complain in that all songs begin with the same voice-pitched-echoed pattern, listen to it very closely and you'll know what I mean. Giving it the title of album of the year is exaggerated.
  5. Morheilio
    Dec 6, 2007
    It takes a few listens, but soon reveals itself as a brilliant album.
  6. RickW
    Dec 9, 2007
    Near perfect. A groundbreaking album. This just gets better with every listen. It may not be for everyone! Why do the muppets who don't like 'repetitive beats' or 'synthesisers' buy dance music??!!!
  7. ScottH.
    Jan 10, 2008
    I can understand why some folks have been bashing this album. They don't get it. They're stuck in a musical rut. An open mind can appreciate the simplicity and unbelievable fluidity to the songs on Untrue. It is one of the most complete albums I've heard. From start to finish this is a great record.
  8. Michael
    Jan 10, 2008
    Lots of kids here. Ignore them. Great album.
  9. BenH.
    Jan 12, 2008
    It may be too dark for most people and not particularly danceable, but this a landmark album. Like itor not, the future of electronic music is dubstep. This album will not be forgotten!
  10. OkKo
    Jan 15, 2008
    I think all the posts below mine are made by the same guy just because there can't be so many negative reviews in the row. As for me, I really like this album and it made my top 10 of 2007. It's dark, but in a good way and it's wonderfully mysterious and interesting. The vocal hooks used in the songs are just blissful.
  11. Ams
    Jan 16, 2008
    This album is sublime. From start to finish it is a masterpiece. The production on it is like nothing else being done these days, the way he warps and jarrs the vocals is highly impressive. My favorite album of 2007 hands down
  12. PaulS.
    Jan 19, 2008
    An amazing album. It grabs a hold of you and won't let go. A hypnotizing work of structured beauty!
  13. JonG.
    Jan 31, 2008
    People who gives negative reviews to this album, knows nothing about music. It need a lot of attention and ear to understand. I'm not sure if is the best album of 2007 but definitely is one of the best.
  14. JohnS
    Jan 7, 2008
    After seeing the high scores Dizzee Rascal received, and how much I dislike Dizzee Rascal's music, I was expecting a similar reaction to Burial, especially after the harsh criticism dished on it by other users. But lo and behold, I actually agree with the critics for once, this is a quality album. Not for everyone of course, but for anyone that's been out all night, and has After seeing the high scores Dizzee Rascal received, and how much I dislike Dizzee Rascal's music, I was expecting a similar reaction to Burial, especially after the harsh criticism dished on it by other users. But lo and behold, I actually agree with the critics for once, this is a quality album. Not for everyone of course, but for anyone that's been out all night, and has found themselves still up in the morning listening to music, this is your soundtrack. In some ways it actually reminds me of Goldie, but much more streamlined and modest than Goldie ever was. This is just a lo-fi dark little masterpiece. Expand
  15. DavidB
    Jan 9, 2008
    I'm surprised by the wildly differing opinions this album is generating. I'd never call it a technical masterpiece, but there is something rushing through the whole album, the way the beatless interludes are timed perfectly between the longer songs, the way the samples are often twisted in a way that suggests someone choking back tears, the way so many emotive synth washes are I'm surprised by the wildly differing opinions this album is generating. I'd never call it a technical masterpiece, but there is something rushing through the whole album, the way the beatless interludes are timed perfectly between the longer songs, the way the samples are often twisted in a way that suggests someone choking back tears, the way so many emotive synth washes are undercut by the echoing sample of spent shells hitting the ground. Burial hit a nerve. Honestly, I don't think this album will necessarily age well, but for 2007 it's gorgeous. Expand
  16. Person
    Mar 2, 2008
    Not perfection, but it's pretty close.
  17. Derj
    Sep 20, 2008
    This is one of the best albums that I have heard in a long long time. He tries to do something different and succeeds massively. That he does it all on Soundforge is beyond comprehension. A genius, I sincerely look forward to his next effort which he syas is going to be a more aggressive DnB tinged affair.
  18. DanS.
    Nov 29, 2007
    Stunning! I like it even better than the self-titled album.
  19. ChuChu
    Dec 5, 2007
    Don't listen to the haters. This is a solid album full of atmosphere.
  20. RogerS.
    Dec 5, 2007
    There is something going on these days. I think the Avalanches started this new sound. The rave DJ's are being replaced by bands. LCD Soundsystem, The Field, Simian Mobile Disco, Daft Punk, The Battles and now Burial. This CD is new music in a boring Bruce, Britney, REM, or Celion Dion world. It's like Enigma but going into winter 2007/2008 it's peaceful. No more war music There is something going on these days. I think the Avalanches started this new sound. The rave DJ's are being replaced by bands. LCD Soundsystem, The Field, Simian Mobile Disco, Daft Punk, The Battles and now Burial. This CD is new music in a boring Bruce, Britney, REM, or Celion Dion world. It's like Enigma but going into winter 2007/2008 it's peaceful. No more war music from rap. Check out "Archangel", it just might be a hit...ah shit they don't even swear. Music is evolving into a kind of Brian ENO/Kraftwerk thing. The lyrics are minimal and the message is upbeat. Even if it is, "Good to be alone". I found myself in this new phenomenon and the kids are rebelling against the punk, metal, rap, pop and what ever has come before. This is fresh but started years back. This will be playing in a coffee house somewhere right now. Something to create dreams for a new generation. "In McDonalds" was so simple. "Untrue" sounds like another hit formula but relaxing chill out beats. Never get's up uptight to lie....untrue. The way I feel inside because your lie? The way way I feel inside in a song. If you like music you'll like this one. I guess the only complaint is it sounds like Retro-1997. The rave scene is over but there is something about an unknown DJ that makes music. Weren't Kiss unknown musicians hidden behind masks before they made it? I'm listening to "Raver" track 13 with the hiss, pitch, samples over dubs and tempo. Ahhhhh what a stressless CD. It's good fuck music if there ever was. Expand
  21. AlexR
    Dec 6, 2007
    The album feels deeply personal. Dark and brooding, behind driving percussion (or not) and equally dark and brooding beats, this is one of the great records of 2007. Also, Radiohead is way more art rock than electronica any day.
  22. AlexO
    Dec 8, 2007
    Hey chris b apparently you cant make nice sounds on your laptop because you don't have a 91 rated album. I'm not a big fan of electronica but somehow this album seems to me a wonderful masterpiece. It's less about the beats than the interesting sonic textures presented to us.
  23. AndrewH
    Dec 9, 2007
    It's impossible to hear it's genious on first listen.
  24. DanM.
    Jan 15, 2008
    An amazing album. The kind that you can completely get lost in. The only reason I didn't give it a 10 is that I generally don't listen to this type of music and I probably fail to grasp some of the nuances. The simple fact is that it is inexplicable and infectiously beautiful.
  25. JImH
    Jan 17, 2008
    Grows on you if you give it a shot. Don't expect to get it until you're in the right frame of mind. Keep listening over a few weeks and suddenly it will make sense.
  26. OllieH
    Jul 11, 2008
    this album gives me shivers every time I listen to it, the amount of warmth and emotion here is unparalleled in electronic/dance music
  27. Sep 28, 2012
    I think you must get it to like it. btw most (if not all) of the songs actually have lyrics, but they´re hard to understand. i think im slowly getting it.
  28. Nov 29, 2013
    Given this a listen only a couple of days ago, I must say its an experience like no other. Burial did his thing with sampling and used it like a pro. I hope to hear a follow up to this near-masterpiece.
  29. May 23, 2013
    If you're looking for something to dance to, then this is the wrong album for you. If not, continue reading. Just like with most of his music, Burial blends together an extremely tranquil, deep and harmonious experience, plus if you like emotional things, Untrue is definitely something to give a listen to. It's not the best album I've ever heard, but it is definitely in my Top 10.
  30. dezv.
    Jan 8, 2008
    Very good album. If you're bored by all that lame guitarpop, folksy pretense and tuneless r&b/hiphop, this is homecoming.
  31. BrandonD
    Jan 8, 2008
    I can understand why people wouldn't like this album, I wasn't too sure of it at first either. After a while, it definitely grew on me. Not exactly the best album of the year, but a great effort nonetheless.
  32. Jay
    Nov 30, 2007
    After a couple of listens I can understand the attraction. We've been waiting for something this fantastic, but, I felt some repetition in some of the layout of the songs and wanted a different slant towards the end, I WANTED MORE. A few more listens I may feel different and see the simplicity in his follow through.
  33. IanM.
    Jan 17, 2008
    Great album! I really cannot understand all the people comparing it to LCD Soundsytem and the like... "makes you want to feel like a teenager, until you remember the feelings of, a real live emotional teenager". And people say this sounds awkward and trite!!! Beautiful background music for a rainy day...
  34. AlexW.
    Feb 7, 2008
    I liked it a lot - but i prefer faster beats and to the person below who said ok computer was a good album - its not really - two good songs - karma police and the other hit the rest id just filler - god knows why it is often rated the best album ever - theirs no feelings to it! granted karma police probably is the best song ever written!
  35. ErikH.
    Nov 29, 2007
    Far from the best album of the year, but still a very good dubstep album.
  36. blak000K
    Dec 10, 2007
    A solid electronica album. There are 2-3 tracks that I simply can't get enough of. If you're into more upbeat, progressive beats, then this is not for you -- it has a more relaxed tone to it. "Untrue" is something you listen to on a lazy afternoon or while cruising the road at night.
  37. IainM
    Dec 2, 2007
    A great second album. atmospheric and moody. very evocative of modern day London.
  38. hansenp.
    Dec 7, 2007
    Nirv... justice and lcd soundsystem should never be used as superiors to anyone. i know that all of the indie-tight-panted kids are into them for tnow, but in 10 years time, i guarantee they will hardly be remembered outside of the same kids. to some people lcd is just a sad knock on post punk funk that was developed by certain ratio in the 80s, and justice is a novelty actfor folks who Nirv... justice and lcd soundsystem should never be used as superiors to anyone. i know that all of the indie-tight-panted kids are into them for tnow, but in 10 years time, i guarantee they will hardly be remembered outside of the same kids. to some people lcd is just a sad knock on post punk funk that was developed by certain ratio in the 80s, and justice is a novelty actfor folks who were too young to really get into daft punk the first time around. burial will exist beyond the hip time line because it appeals to more than the just that factor. and just so all of you are aware, radiohead likes, and possibly loves this record. seeing is how you are all so firmly planted up yorke's backside, i am sure this will more than likely alter your opinions immediately. burial is not any more hyped than any of the crap that is equally, or to a greater degree, hyped that has been brought up as superior by any negative posters below. Get a grip. Expand
  39. KevinS
    Dec 8, 2007
    Actually, reviewers can rate an album at whatever they want to, and why? Because they can. Because they are music reviewers for publications, and you're not. And considering this is actually a far above average album that manages to capture and reimagine dubstep in some intriguing and incredibly engaging ways.
  40. dana
    Jan 18, 2008
    Don't listen to Mike G; music can be good without being danceable or experimental. Disgusts me to be a part of the same species with alot of the people making comments here.
  41. JuliaA.
    Jun 18, 2008
    First spin: BORINGGG second spin: well,it's decent third spin: I'd move to London respectively.
  42. MrL
    Dec 11, 2007
    Chris B....if you can do as well as Burial, I suggest you do it.
  43. PerspicaciousCritic
    Dec 12, 2007
    I agree with Paul C, who gave this album a respectable 7 out of 10. I listened to every track on Burial, then listened to it again to see if I was missing anything that merited a perfect 10 score. And although I can see why critics would fall out of their chair over the filmic soundscape, the album sounds samey throughout and for me can only be tolerated after a couple listens. And while I agree with Paul C, who gave this album a respectable 7 out of 10. I listened to every track on Burial, then listened to it again to see if I was missing anything that merited a perfect 10 score. And although I can see why critics would fall out of their chair over the filmic soundscape, the album sounds samey throughout and for me can only be tolerated after a couple listens. And while I don't disagree with most of the professional reviews, and while every track is thought out and noodled over, and while there are no fillers on this album, Burial is missing that emotive magic, making it an 8 out of 10 at best. In the electronic / alternative / indie genre, Radiohead's In Rainbows wins top honours this year. Expand
  44. 100100100100
    Dec 6, 2007
    I wish certain critics would stop throwing 100 scores around.
  45. EricM.
    Dec 8, 2007
    "Entroducing" fans heed! Same sound different perspective!
  46. JeremyF
    Jan 24, 2008
    Definitely an acquired taste. It took me a few tries. But now I really do enjoy this work. It's best heard on headphones; it seriously sounds ten times better on headphone. No joke. My favorite tracks are Archangel, Near Dark, and the title track. In McDonalds is a brief but pristine surge of synth, and Etched Headplate is a nice relaxing electronic/beat-driven song. The vocals Definitely an acquired taste. It took me a few tries. But now I really do enjoy this work. It's best heard on headphones; it seriously sounds ten times better on headphone. No joke. My favorite tracks are Archangel, Near Dark, and the title track. In McDonalds is a brief but pristine surge of synth, and Etched Headplate is a nice relaxing electronic/beat-driven song. The vocals aren't meant to be the star of the show, so I like that they're not over the top. And on Archangel, they're so spliced up, and yet there's still a constant melody. I'm still unsure what dubstep is, but, if Burial is this genre, then I should check out more. (Remember: LISTEN ON HEADPHONES!) Expand
  47. TylerF.
    Dec 17, 2007
    So Pitchfork, Popmatters, and BBC aren't good enough for you?
  48. Dec 6, 2021
    complex, stark, tender, blurred and breathtaking. Burial has managed the impossible and improved on his faultless debut
  49. May 17, 2021
    This album sounds like walking home drunk from the pub in a rainy midnight in London. The atmosphere is so cold yet so warm and inviting at the same time. Icy rhythms with surreal soundscapes and textures laced throughout its 50-minute runtime. Choppy samples and fractured and hard-hitting beats and percussive elements. Love this.
  50. ToddW.
    Dec 13, 2007
    This is a great album, deserving of the praise it's been getting. However, it's not the best of 2007; it's not even in the Top 10. That designation belongs to the following: Deerhoof - 'Friend Opportunity;' Panda Bear - 'Person Pitch;' Liars - 'Liars;' Animal Collective - 'Strawberry Jam;' White Stripes - 'Icky Thump;' This is a great album, deserving of the praise it's been getting. However, it's not the best of 2007; it's not even in the Top 10. That designation belongs to the following: Deerhoof - 'Friend Opportunity;' Panda Bear - 'Person Pitch;' Liars - 'Liars;' Animal Collective - 'Strawberry Jam;' White Stripes - 'Icky Thump;' Justice - 'Cross;' Radiohead - 'In Rainbows;' Bruce Springsteen - 'Magic;' LCD Soundsystem - 'Sound of Silver,' and the best album of 2007, The National - 'Boxer.' 'Boxer' was a grower. I'll admit to not particularly caring for it at first. However, as of today I realize it's light years ahead of everything else made this year. Expand
  51. EvilEd
    Feb 6, 2009
    Wish this won the Mercury instead of the boring Elbow. A good album but you tend to tire a bit from it after multiple plays.
  52. NickL.
    Jan 17, 2008
    It's overrated to be sure; however, it's not horrible. Untrue takes a few listens to sink in underneath your skin, but once it does the interplay between melancholy and rhythm is positively sublime. Unfortunately, Burial outstays his welcome be about 20 minutes. In no way is this a slam against the last few tracks, rather just a comment that this concept could have been pulled It's overrated to be sure; however, it's not horrible. Untrue takes a few listens to sink in underneath your skin, but once it does the interplay between melancholy and rhythm is positively sublime. Unfortunately, Burial outstays his welcome be about 20 minutes. In no way is this a slam against the last few tracks, rather just a comment that this concept could have been pulled off more effectively on an EP. 65/100 (+5 Bonus points for opening with a sample from Lynch's brilliant film Inland Empire.) Unrelated, but important: Hater H's mini-review made me laugh out loud. Expand
  53. PaulC
    Dec 11, 2007
    This is a good album, and certainly much better than The Field, but to have this ranking as the best album of the year is mental. Unlike The Field, this album is definitely something fun to listen to, and each listen The Burial grow on you. However, what kind of world do we live in where this kind of music could possibly be the best album of the year? There's nothing here. There are This is a good album, and certainly much better than The Field, but to have this ranking as the best album of the year is mental. Unlike The Field, this album is definitely something fun to listen to, and each listen The Burial grow on you. However, what kind of world do we live in where this kind of music could possibly be the best album of the year? There's nothing here. There are definitely groups out there putting out better albums than this--Radiohead, Arcade Fire, and The National to name three. Expand
  54. boriz
    Jan 12, 2008
    Yeah, this is one horribly overrated release. Its hardly experimental, every track has an identical feel, theres just not enough variation to keep me into this. Chuck it on when your stoned out of your brain at 3am.
  55. JimB
    Jan 9, 2008
    My first initial listen to this album (on line) was pretty positive. However, after having purchased it, subsequent listens diminished my first favorable impressions. Now, I DO "like" the album, but it HAS been ridiculously over-rated. I really like it's "dark and isolated urban atmosphere", but it all sounds kind of repetitive after a few listens. The title track is amazing, but the My first initial listen to this album (on line) was pretty positive. However, after having purchased it, subsequent listens diminished my first favorable impressions. Now, I DO "like" the album, but it HAS been ridiculously over-rated. I really like it's "dark and isolated urban atmosphere", but it all sounds kind of repetitive after a few listens. The title track is amazing, but the single, "Archangel" is kind of annoying. So, for me, "Untrue's" inconsistencies were frustrating, because it DOES have some great moments on it. Expand
  56. JoaoD.
    Dec 6, 2007
    This album is just nice to listen, but that's all. I can't find a single piece of genius in this album that exceeds electronic music standards.
  57. EthanB.
    Dec 6, 2007
    Its a little repetitive.
  58. MatsZ
    Jul 28, 2008
    Nice, full and dark soundscapes with the same type of drum loop repeating over and over again on every track. Add vocal samples repeated add nauseum and you have a really boring album that never seems to actually get started.
  59. IRightfully
    Aug 19, 2008
    When it comes down to it, it really doesn't deserve that 90. Overall. I want to be able to appreciate that CD at any moment, not just when I'm taking a long drive or walking home from a club at night. That's a pretty narrow selection. Props for sounding different, but I expect more out of that score. I mean, it's a good dubstep album. That's like finding a good When it comes down to it, it really doesn't deserve that 90. Overall. I want to be able to appreciate that CD at any moment, not just when I'm taking a long drive or walking home from a club at night. That's a pretty narrow selection. Props for sounding different, but I expect more out of that score. I mean, it's a good dubstep album. That's like finding a good Country Rock album. Some people will like it, but not nearly enough for the supposed "universal acclaim". People stumble upon something different and overate it in an attempt to be a pioneer in that style. I mean, since when should we be taking Robert Christgau seriously? He said Ok Computer was trying to be Wish You Were Here by Pink Floyd. Expand
  60. JimT.
    Dec 18, 2007
    The album is decent but not great. Its something that DJ Shadow, Massive Attack, Unkle, etc have all done better.
  61. DjM
    Jan 27, 2008
    A handful of good tracks, you've all been duped! a big step down from his debut- archangel as the best track? your all crazy! keep in mind he wrote this album in 2 weeks and it shows- it isn't minimalism you tools its called "thrown together" by more sensible people
  62. JodieL
    Dec 10, 2008
    I actually really enjoy the beats and electronic elements of this album, but seriously when will electronic artists learn, that if you are going to have vocals in the album, provide a second disc, minus the vocals. I would pay an extra $5-$10 for that, if it was released in that fashion, yeah, I would give it a 7 or 8 out of 10, or what the hey, learn how to use a vocoder in an I actually really enjoy the beats and electronic elements of this album, but seriously when will electronic artists learn, that if you are going to have vocals in the album, provide a second disc, minus the vocals. I would pay an extra $5-$10 for that, if it was released in that fashion, yeah, I would give it a 7 or 8 out of 10, or what the hey, learn how to use a vocoder in an interesting way, John Cale is the only artist I've heard use a vocoder and gone, that sounded unbelievable. Expand
  63. KalebS
    Jan 7, 2008
    If you're looking for a relaxation CD, you've just found one. If you're looking for interesting, inspired dubstep, look elsewhere, because Untrue is monotonous, dull and repetitive. Quite possibly the most overrated album of the year.
  64. JK
    Dec 1, 2007
    The content is at odds with the style. Dance beats, depressing? Throws in everything, kitchen sink included, as far as samples are concerned which hurts cohesion and focus. It is listenable, but pointless, as the ambiance is easily the focus here, over anything resembling songwriting, which to many people is ideal, I'm sure.
  65. TomP.
    May 1, 2008
    Ummm.......yeah.....seriously? I just got done writing a review for the most overated album of the year that took the #1 spot. Is #2 even worth my time? Don't think so.
  66. DevinG
    Dec 7, 2007
    I really don't get all the hype, not only for this album, but for numerous "electonic" albums this year. What am I missing?
  67. seeds13
    Jan 19, 2008
    This music is weak and lacks substance. It wouldn't even make an impact if it was blasting at someone's "burial". Hell, I've heard better sounds blast out of my a$$. Seriously. The vocals seem to be some kind of sick joke from the world of pop. But, go ahead and vote high since you have little taste in music. I personally am drawn to musicians.
  68. JimD.
    Jan 2, 2008
    way overrated, metacritics rating system is bollocks to be honest.
  69. Gabriel
    Dec 7, 2008
    A futuristic boring reality. Untrue gets real, a truly fake of hopes. Buried in rainbows.
  70. gnomars.
    Jan 3, 2008
    Remember "trip-hop"? Nothing really new here that wasn't done 10 years ago. I just can't listen to this stuff anymore...boring.
  71. SteveC.
    Dec 16, 2007
    Nothing overly exciting, ok in parts, not ok in other parts, here is fence, me sit.
  72. MaxB.
    Dec 2, 2007
    I wasn't as moved as the critics apparently. Just sounded uninteresting, too scattered.
  73. SlinddeeanaJ.
    Jan 11, 2008
    I guess I shouldn't have rated this album yet, but I tought I need to chime in ahead of time. The reviews have been awlful for album of the year. I just picked it up on Zune Marketplace. I will report back in an hour.
  74. ZachW.
    Dec 16, 2007
    I simply don't get it I guess.
  75. AdamB
    Jan 7, 2008
    I just don't understand the hype - there is nothing original or 'beautiful' about it. It's dull, end of story.
  76. Nirv
    Dec 6, 2007
    This is the type of album you put on for your Asian girlfriend so she can get to sleep quicker. That's all it is. You don't seriously listen to this stuff because it's no LCD Soundsystem, it's no Justice, and it's no, and as much as I dislike them, Radiohead.
  77. hoffo
    Jan 16, 2008
    pretty over rated album i must say, its really really booooooooring. well maybe like 3 pretty good tracks but alot of filler in here.
  78. HaterH
    Jan 2, 2008
    This may be the greatest dubstep album of all time.
  79. MaxM.
    Dec 3, 2007
    "best electronic album of 2007"?! HAHA! please. Radiohead: In Rainbows best by far. Give me a ring when a new electronic band comes up that's better than radiohead. Until then, don't bother me with this bullshit.
  80. petes
    Jan 4, 2008
    It is overrated completely. it is boring and oldfashioned..just good for dancing..i a certain way it feels melancholic
  81. DanielL.
    Feb 6, 2008
    a perfect example of why music critics can't be trusted to rate music its boring if you like to trip acid for days and have time to waste you might like it cause its interesting but not music just somewhat artsy noise anyone who understands how to write music and how to play it knows this is not music (cause eerie vocals doesn't show emotion to me)
  82. Aug 20, 2023
    Not bad but not good either. I don't know if it's the same genre but the sounds on the album reminded me of Moderat. I like Moderat a lot, that's why I compared it to Moderat. It's an average album.
  83. ManchesterUK
    Feb 25, 2008
    Errr, sorry guys but this is overated tosh. Surely Massive Attack have been doing it so much better for years. Yeah yeah yeah I'm sure it's different than MA but ultimately it's the same genre but not as good by a long way. Each to their own but as hard as I try to get into this album. It just aint happening.
  84. BenjaminL
    Feb 8, 2008
    Not very good. Simple and boring beats. Cheesy vocal samples. Just generally uninspired.
  85. StephenM.
    Dec 4, 2007
    Surely one of the most overestimated electronic releases in many a moon. Future Sound of London were doing this sort of thing with more skill, panache, and conviction over a decade ago. The fawning critical reception over this trifle is just baffling!
  86. GonzO
    Jan 16, 2008
    I don't see the appeal. Repetative, boring... a technical lullabye.
  87. DavidE
    Jan 29, 2008
    What the ****. I don't even understand the amazing reviews at all. Honestly, if you want great music (emphasize MUSIC) listen to OK computer, The Bends, Kid A, or In Rainbows - and then try listening to Burial. It pales so much in comparison its almost excruciating to see so many 8-10s. This is to music what blotches of paint on a white canvas are to art. A joke.
  88. ThomasK
    Dec 31, 2007
    Not very good. Almost every song sounds the same. Moody atmospherics, a decent beat, and a sample of someone singing the same phrase over and over again. That just about sums up every track on the album. How this crap could beat out Panda Bear, Battles, Radiohead, or even The Field for highest rated album of the year is beyond me.
  89. JonathanC.
    Mar 31, 2008
    Boring as hell.
  90. TequilaD.
    Dec 11, 2007
    Dark sounds dun make good Albums. Same beats all the time never mind.
  91. ChrisB.
    Dec 6, 2007
    I can make nice sounds with my laptop and a synthesizer as well. This is some serious trash. What is wrong with you people who rated this so high? Its almost unlistenable.
  92. BenJ.
    Dec 6, 2007
    Dreary, and so inoffensive it might as well be used now to soundtrack a whole series of adverts.
  93. BL
    Jan 19, 2008
    91... lol.. seriously.. lol. i love electronica, but if you want something laid back try aphex twins selected ambient works 85-92. i seriously doubt there are more than a small handful of people out there who listen to this on a regular basis.
  94. JohnN
    Jan 29, 2008
    WTF...am I missing out on the joke. I keep waiting for the songs to start and they never do!!
  95. ElizabethA
    Jan 29, 2008
    SG, don't be a pretentious ass. I hardly think the rest of us "don't know what music is". Get over yourself. This album is some people's cup of tea, but not mine.
  96. markp.
    Jan 4, 2008
    Hell, really, come on guys pretty dull methinks (a polite term for having one's head stuck up one's backside for 70 minutes)
  97. TomJ.
    Dec 11, 2007
    The only reason this is ranked so high is that, if you look, very few serious media journals even bothered to review it. The whole album sounds like a Korg sampler demo, with even less honest emotion. Crap Sandwich!
  98. TobiasC.
    Jan 19, 2008
  99. MichaelH.
    Dec 31, 2007
    People who are tempted to buy this based on the reviews here: Imagine yourself walking into a trendy clothing store for 18-24 year olds. A store where people say "like" a lot, and always have their faces pressed up against cellphones. This is the soundtrack that's playing over the stereo. The same trendy drum riff repeated for an hour. Bland and inoffensive, but with all the People who are tempted to buy this based on the reviews here: Imagine yourself walking into a trendy clothing store for 18-24 year olds. A store where people say "like" a lot, and always have their faces pressed up against cellphones. This is the soundtrack that's playing over the stereo. The same trendy drum riff repeated for an hour. Bland and inoffensive, but with all the trappings of 'cool' and 'edgy'! It's modern elevator music, just what you want to listen to at home. Expand
  100. JoseR.
    Jan 10, 2008
    I bought this album and really gave it a chance. I even asked my girlfriend if she heard something I wasn't catching. She had the same reaction I had: "Turn this crap off." What is it with these electronic albums that have the same boring sound over and over getting great reviews. Save your money and time. Get In Rainbows or anything by The Kings Of Leon if you want to hear good music!

Universal acclaim - based on 23 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 22 out of 23
  2. Negative: 0 out of 23
  1. Burial has concocted a noir-ish sound that’s as powerful as it is atmospheric.
  2. What gives this album more depth is the focus, the rolling symmetry and cinema.
  3. That emptiness tempts a listener in, and puts you in its place--you, in a sense, step into the record’s point of view. This invitation to intimacy is a powerful move that most club music is simply incapable of.