• Record Label: Capitol
  • Release Date: Jun 17, 2008
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 605 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 35 out of 605

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  1. JoshM.
    Jun 17, 2008
    I really like this album, more than X+Y, maybe even more than A rush of blood... Lovers in Japan and Lost were standout tracks, the title track is great. The first single, Violet Hill, is the least impressive song on the album but still not bad. Brian Eno's producing has a profound effect on this album. Change has definitely been good to Coldplay.
  2. EdA
    Jun 23, 2008
    Bolder than anything else Coldplay has made but not completely different. This album does confirm that they actually know how to play instruments better than beginners. "Yes!" is a song to check out if you want to see their new musical direction. "Lost" is solid too.
  3. Aug 14, 2010
    A truly remarkable album that shows Coldplay as one of the best experimental rock bands out there.

    This is probably their finest hour yet. Coldplay has crafted a wholesome album that sounds uniform yet entirely unique from their previous sound. What each listener gets is not just a good collection but a musical journey that sonically varies from song to song creating a beautiful
    A truly remarkable album that shows Coldplay as one of the best experimental rock bands out there.

    This is probably their finest hour yet. Coldplay has crafted a wholesome album that sounds uniform yet entirely unique from their previous sound.

    What each listener gets is not just a good collection but a musical journey that sonically varies from song to song creating a beautiful experience. There's no real tale because the concept is to take one on an adventure. Chris Martin probably has poured himself out the most on this album, spinning tales of war, love, and pain. On the title track, Martin describes himself as a king in his past life over a background that sounds like the theme music for the appearance of a celestial body. Violet Hill features shredding guitar riffs against the piano and Martin's megaphone-like verses.

    But even some of those verses really stop Viva La Vida from becoming a classic. As much as the sound is sonic majesty, Chris Martin seems at a loss for words and at times weak against the superior background. His topical interests are as Paste Magazine says it, vague.

    Take out all of that and you have one of the greatest 47-minute musical experiences of a lifetime. However, there is no doubt that Viva La Vida is far away from becoming the definitive Coldplay album.
  4. Dec 16, 2011
    Hearing most of these songs live makes it ten times larger than life. You never forget a Coldplay concert, that's for sure. Especially one advertising some of their best songs yet.
  5. Feb 9, 2013
    While I can say, as a Coldplay fan, this is NOT their best record (that would go to A Rush Of Blood To The Head), it's up there. This album, as produced by Brian Eno of U2 production fame, brings many experimental elements to the album, giving the band all new sounds to utilize like soaring string sections (almost the and combining that with their pre-existing sound. You get excellentWhile I can say, as a Coldplay fan, this is NOT their best record (that would go to A Rush Of Blood To The Head), it's up there. This album, as produced by Brian Eno of U2 production fame, brings many experimental elements to the album, giving the band all new sounds to utilize like soaring string sections (almost the and combining that with their pre-existing sound. You get excellent songs like "Violet Hill", "Yes", and "Lovers in Japan". I praise Coldplay and Brian Eno for experimenting their sound. So at this point you're wondering why this hasn't got a 9 or 10. Well, honestly, I can say that my problem is that the album covers almost too much; I have to keep resetting my mind that "Wait, 'Viva La Vida'? That's Coldplay right?" Some songs are too far from their sound. Overall, It deserves a thorough listen, and if you're a fan of Radiohead (or experimental rock in general) this album would appeal to you more than their others. Expand
  6. Apr 7, 2020
    Viva La Vida by Coldplay: 7.52

    Life in Technicolor: 1 (Original: 1, ii: 1 :)) Cemeteries in London: 1 Lost!: 0.75 (Original: 1 :), Lost+: 0.5) 42: 1 Lovers in Japan: 0.75 (LiJ = 1 :), RoL = 0.5) Yes: 0.75 Viva La Vida: 1 :) Violet Hill: 1 :) Strawberry Swing: 1 Death and All His Friends: 0.75 (DaAHF = 0.75, TE = 1) Postcards from Far Away: 0.75 Glass of Water: 1 :) Rainy
    Viva La Vida by Coldplay: 7.52

    Life in Technicolor: 1 (Original: 1, ii: 1 :))
    Cemeteries in London: 1
    Lost!: 0.75 (Original: 1 :), Lost+: 0.5)
    42: 1
    Lovers in Japan: 0.75 (LiJ = 1 :), RoL = 0.5)
    Yes: 0.75
    Viva La Vida: 1 :)
    Violet Hill: 1 :)
    Strawberry Swing: 1
    Death and All His Friends: 0.75 (DaAHF = 0.75, TE = 1)
    Postcards from Far Away: 0.75
    Glass of Water: 1 :)
    Rainy Day: 1 :)
    Prospekt’s March / Poppyfields: 0.5
    Now My Feet Won’t Touch the Ground: 0.75

    13/15 ~ .867 -> 7.52

    While not the knock-your-socks-off album that X&Y was, Viva La Vida is still a huge success and will satisfy all Coldplay fans. The songs, especially the titular track, are wonderfully catchy. There weren’t any songs specifically that I had problems with, but a few of the tracks are more quiet, which is fine, but the lyrics were also kinda meh in those songs. For the most part though (and that’s a big most since there are very few songs in here that don’t exactly apply), I had an amazing time listening to Viva La Vida and I’m excited to listen to Mylo Xyloto. Highlights: Life In Technicolor (both versions, though I am partial to the second version), Cemeteries in London, Lost! (Original), 42, Lovers In Japan (first track), Viva La Vida, Violet Hill, Strawberry Swing, The Escapist, Glass of Water, and Rainy Day.
  7. SamV.
    Jul 7, 2008
    Coldplay return to the originality of Parachutes and A Rush of Blood to the Head, albeit in a different direction. A welcome break from the near pure commercialism of X&Y.
  8. AndrewB
    Jun 20, 2008
    Colplay changes it up a bit after making three successively blander albums, probably due to Brian Eno's involvment. Its a little different from their past stuff, but I would hardly call it experimental. Its their best album yet, though.
  9. vonThunderbolt
    Jul 30, 2008
    This album came as a tremendous surprise to me, a longtime fan of the band. With it's tighter (and surprisingly deeper) sound, the Coldplay really started expanding their boundaries more. X & Y was nothing but a letdown, an album that played out as an empty and heartless ballad barrage. A Rush of Blood to the Head was solid, but this album comes closest to equaling the nearly sweet, This album came as a tremendous surprise to me, a longtime fan of the band. With it's tighter (and surprisingly deeper) sound, the Coldplay really started expanding their boundaries more. X & Y was nothing but a letdown, an album that played out as an empty and heartless ballad barrage. A Rush of Blood to the Head was solid, but this album comes closest to equaling the nearly sweet, wonderful sound of the band's first -- Parachutes. This project certainly boasts a higher production value and grandiose feel -- a move that many Coldplay fans will appreciate. Expand
  10. JoeC
    Jun 19, 2008
    Quite hard to get into, nothing immediately catchy until Viva La Vida. Hopefully it will grow on me.
  11. RobbieC
    Jun 28, 2008
    Better than X&Y by a large margin... there are still lame-ass songs on here. But "Lost!" and "Violet Hill" are two of their best songs ever. If X&Y didn't exist, this would probably get a worse rating, but that was such a horrible record that this is a welcome return to creative form.
  12. ScottW
    Apr 30, 2009
    The album is good because the band is great. Its not a Rush of Blood or something by any means. Coldplay is a super band, one of the big ones. Their sound is very popy and truly theirs. This marks their 4th studio album. For sure though its better then their third. A little more out in the experimental side. Of course they are no Radiohead or Pink Floyd. The album still though is very The album is good because the band is great. Its not a Rush of Blood or something by any means. Coldplay is a super band, one of the big ones. Their sound is very popy and truly theirs. This marks their 4th studio album. For sure though its better then their third. A little more out in the experimental side. Of course they are no Radiohead or Pink Floyd. The album still though is very much nice to listen to with a few songs that will top the rock charts. Expand
  13. TomM
    Oct 27, 2008
    Pretty good overall. I've always though of Coldplay as decent, certainly far above average for a group getting heavy pop radio airplay. The new album sounds like their past work, but is a little more adventurous. It gets an 8 in recognition of progress and in the hope that their next one continues the trend, and does something truly interesing and fresh.
  14. JayL.
    Jun 23, 2008
    Stand out tracks for me were Violet Hill, Yes, and 42. Cemeteries of London and Lovers in Japan sounded too U2-ish to me, especially the latter, but I guess that's what you get when you have Brian Eno producing. They still have yet to beat A Rush of Blood to the Head in my eyes, but this is still a good listen.
  15. MarkT.
    Jul 11, 2008
    The album was good aside from the double tracks, which was a bad idea. I would probably say this was their third best album of the four.
  16. DaveN
    Jul 13, 2008
    Not as good as their last two, but very good non the less.
  17. LuisA
    Jul 18, 2008
    very disappointing, the band´s betting on being the next u2 instead of continuing the great job doing on Parachutes and on A Rush Of Blood To The Head. They´re pretending they´re making an avant garde record, while all their making an over-produced product with no heart whatsoever.
  18. Aug 29, 2010
    Nothing special I'd say. Much better than "X&Y", but not even close to the synthesis band made with their debut. Of course, there are some good songs: "Cemeteries of London", "42" or "Lost".
  19. Feb 3, 2014
    Coldplay, in each of their albums, find the way to stand out from the ordinary, thanks to two or three really great songs. It is the case in this one, with "Violet Hill", a really beautiful rock hit. But we can remember something else this time : much more than in their previous albums, Coldplay seem to have wanted to renew their style, making more complex and varied songs. In this album,Coldplay, in each of their albums, find the way to stand out from the ordinary, thanks to two or three really great songs. It is the case in this one, with "Violet Hill", a really beautiful rock hit. But we can remember something else this time : much more than in their previous albums, Coldplay seem to have wanted to renew their style, making more complex and varied songs. In this album, the group surprises, in the right way. Expand
  20. Aug 9, 2016
  21. Apr 18, 2020
    Coldplay's 4th Album! Although It's not as good as the 3 albums before this one, It's still a pretty solid record. The album starts off with 'Life in Technicolor', A song that may not have vocals, but they're not even needed anyways, this song does a good job at giving you an idea of how the album is going to feel. 'Cemeteries of London' and 'Lost!' are both songs that are just mediocreColdplay's 4th Album! Although It's not as good as the 3 albums before this one, It's still a pretty solid record. The album starts off with 'Life in Technicolor', A song that may not have vocals, but they're not even needed anyways, this song does a good job at giving you an idea of how the album is going to feel. 'Cemeteries of London' and 'Lost!' are both songs that are just mediocre too me, not bad, just ok. I love the haunting chorus on '42', other than that most of the song is just mediocre. 'Lovers in Japan' Is a 2 part song, both parts are very good, but I probably like the first part only a little better. 'Yes' has some good parts of the song, but of 75% the time it's just a little boring, I think. It's also a 2 part song, and I prefer the 2nd part a little bit more too the first. 'Viva La Vida' is very strong in the vocal, instrument, and lyric department. It's a song that fits perfectly with the albums theme. 'Violet Hill' is quite unique compared too the other songs on the album, which to be honest applies too a lot of other songs on this album, it's just that this one is especially unique. It's a great song. 'Strawberry Swing' is a beautiful track, a song that gets you into your emotions. I feel like it would've been a good final track on the album, but 'Death and All His Friends' had the honour of that roll, which is just another mediocre song on the album, so I don't know if I can say it fits all that well at the end. overall, this album has a lot of amazing songs, but there are also a few meh songs on the album, which none of them are really bad, if I had too choose the worst song on this album it'd probably be 'Death and All His Friends' but that doesn't mean it's a terrible song. The 2nd half of the album is stronger than the 1st half admittedly, if the whole album was like the 2nd half then the record may have gotten an 8 from me. My Top 3 Favourite tracks were: Viva La Vida, Violet Hill, and Strawberry Swing...which are coincidentally all next too each other in order when you listen too them haha. Expand

Generally favorable reviews - based on 32 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 22 out of 32
  2. Negative: 0 out of 32
  1. Given Eno’s quarter-century of Bono-fides, this isn’t surprising. Martin’s interests are frequently vague--on 'Lovers in Japan/Reign of Love' he sings about soldiers who must soldier on and runners who must run until the race is won. Seriously?
  2. The greatest thing Coldplay may have learned from Eno is his work ethic, as they demonstrate a focused concentration throughout this tight album--it's only 47 minutes yet covers more ground than "X&Y" and arguably "A Rush of Blood to the Head"--that turns Viva la Vida into something quietly satisfying.
  3. They try hard, Coldplay, but it just isn't enough; their fourth album might just be their best yet, but it's still a long way from being the epochal classic that Chris Martin is desperate to create.