• Record Label: Columbia
  • Release Date: May 6, 2022

Generally favorable reviews - based on 29 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 19 out of 29
  2. Negative: 1 out of 29
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  1. May 6, 2022
    While not as immediately accessible as the all-star run of their first three albums, WE will at least be a course-corrector for fans still alienated by Everything Now and the underrated Reflektor, a satisfying journey that realigns the band's heart and soul.
  2. May 6, 2022
    It’s retreading old ground and shouting at clouds, but also genuine and at times beautiful in its crystalline synth-pop nostalgia.
  3. May 6, 2022
    It’s the sound of a band digging deep, sharing the lessons they’ve learned, and channeling their experiences into something bigger than all its members combined. Even if it’s slightly lopsided and occasionally heavy-handed, this album undoubtedly proves that Arcade Fire have a lot of gas in the tank, and they’ll do whatever it takes to… (I’m sorry) keep the car running.
  4. May 6, 2022
    It’s clear that these songs have a real and sincere heart, designed to both stir and soothe the soul in one fell swoop.
  5. May 4, 2022
    Nothing here quite scratches the itch of both emotional catharsis and rapturous splendour the way Arcade Fire's best songs do, but after a few initial attempts at capturing our collective panic and frustration, they have finally managed to pull it off by seeing themselves as part of the problem, by putting themselves in the line of fire, and by sharing the coping strategies and counterarguments that get them through and putting them into song.
  6. May 9, 2022
    As a whole, WE is a fairly good album and would be better received if it wasn’t an Arcade Fire album.
  7. Mojo
    May 2, 2022
    WE is Arcade fire's best album since 2010's The Suburbs. By circling back, they've once again moving forward. [Jun 2022, p.86]
  8. May 2, 2022
    It’s an album that crystallises just what makes Arcade Fire so great, and when they hit the mark, as they do several times on this record, there’s nobody to touch them. It’s good to have them back on form.
  9. Philosophically, they haven’t been so focussed since 2010’s ‘The Suburbs’, nor so musically dramatic since 2007’s ‘Neon Bible’. Subscribe.
  10. May 26, 2022
    There’s lots to love but WE can’t match the power of the band’s first four records. Still, Arcade Fire’s returned rejuvenated after time in a cynical wilderness, ready to sing and dance against apathy. This album is worth it for that fact alone.
  11. May 4, 2022
    It’s their best album since The Suburbs.
  12. May 5, 2022
    To their credit, they mostly remember in the second half of the record, where the songs become more modest and refined, the writing more confident and precise.
  13. May 9, 2022
    Somehow, Arcade Fire have created an album that’s one half an exciting return to form and the other a continuation of their worst impulses.
  14. May 23, 2022
    If Everything Now’s readings of media-age malaise leant towards the grindingly obvious, WE is a partial improvement, give or take singer Win Butler’s occasional clunking takes on modern-life exhaustion.
  15. May 3, 2022
    All of these gestures are deeply in earnest, and some of them even feel earned. But it’s hard not to hear We as the sound of a band hopefully setting things back in order, with better adventures to come.
  16. May 5, 2022
    The melodies and arrangements here are as excellent as they are predictable, and the band recaptures their classic sound on “The Lightning I, II,” with a comfortingly familiar blend of wide-open-skies Springsteen/U2 bombast and pour-out-your-heart emotionalism. But at times, especially toward the beginning of the album, WE takes a more tentative approach.
  17. May 4, 2022
    [WE] is more thoughtful and concise about the proverbial end of the world. And as with all Arcade Fire albums, it’s an urgent, earnest piece of work — no less vital than their worshiped LPs Funeral (2004) or The Suburbs (2010).
  18. May 11, 2022
    This may well be the group’s most sonically diverse outing yet, for good and for ill; even on the many occasions it isn’t convincing, it often manages enough novelty to entertain nonetheless, and Nigel Godrich's impeccable production job certainly makes the whole affair easy on the ears.
  19. May 5, 2022
    If We isn’t a return to the standards Arcade Fire reached on their debut album Funeral or 2010’s The Suburbs, it’s an improvement on its predecessor, and quite possibly enough to avert a slow slide down the festival bills.
  20. 100
    Rebooting the euphoria of their 2004 debut, Funeral, WE is a big old blast of an album. One destined to lift the spirit, inflate the soul and get fans dancing giddily through the carnage of 2022.
  21. 90
    An ouroboros-like reawakening that finds them at their acerbic and celebratory best.
  22. 50
    Despite its occasional moments of brilliance, “We” too often finds Arcade Fire stuck in a digital maze of its own design, ignoring the fact that it’s always sounded more at home off the grid.
  23. 80
    A welcome return to form.
  24. May 6, 2022
    It opens with a piano motif that could’ve come straight from Chris Martin’s candle-scented fingers. The matching vocals are so annoyingly whispered, they practically qualify as ASMR. Halfway through, the song changes tack and starts courting the modern market for anxiety pop. ... More specifically, it makes you think, “Does this sound like a needy Mercury Rev, a ham-fisted Grandaddy, or Wings without the easy-going self-awareness?
  25. May 3, 2022
    It’s a record filled with trite sentiments and well-trodden musical ideas (or in some cases, badly-trodden).
  26. 100
    WE is their sixth album, and every bit as good as their best. ... With a work as ambitious and boldly realised as WE, Arcade Fire know they have nothing to fear by inviting comparison to rock’s all-time greats.
  27. May 2, 2022
    Arcade Fire have delivered a triumphant restatement of purpose that 2022 probably doesn’t deserve but is brightened by all the same.[Jun 2022, p.35]
  28. May 4, 2022
    There’s plenty to recommend this latest offering. Bound together with a rather intoxicating blend of intimacy, inconsistency, and immediacy, this is the sound of a band coming home.
  29. May 6, 2022
    Superb ... The emphasis this time around is not on bells and whistles or external bombast but simply on the music itself.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 99 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 82 out of 99
  2. Negative: 5 out of 99
  1. May 6, 2022
    This is among their best works. Thoughtful, even dark, lyrics with well constructed music. Very theatrical in a sense. I am sure will dislikeThis is among their best works. Thoughtful, even dark, lyrics with well constructed music. Very theatrical in a sense. I am sure will dislike that theatricality but I enjoyed it. Full Review »
  2. May 6, 2022
    This was essentially the album I was hoping for from Arcade Fire. It has the poignant lows, but there’s enough uplift and spirit to keep youThis was essentially the album I was hoping for from Arcade Fire. It has the poignant lows, but there’s enough uplift and spirit to keep you smiling grooving. The opening and closing tracks are wonderful, but for me it’s “Unconditional(Lookout Kid)” that really shines here. Infectious vocal hook, and just builds so nicely and then finishes impeccably, with some well placed vocal inflections. A solid 8 record, that may go to a 9 after repeated listens. Full Review »
  3. May 6, 2022
    An album that will surely be many peoples favourite arcade fire album. Belongs on the top shelf with the likes of funeral, neon bible, suburbsAn album that will surely be many peoples favourite arcade fire album. Belongs on the top shelf with the likes of funeral, neon bible, suburbs and reflektor. Arcade Fire albums are funny in that their rankings change depending on how you’re feeling and what’s going on in your life. I’m certain WE will join that equation. Full Review »