• Record Label: Capitol
  • Release Date: Jun 7, 2005
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 711 Ratings

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  1. Negative: 62 out of 711

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  1. AndrewL
    Jul 19, 2005
    This is one of those records that takes more than one listen. The first time I listened to it through, I didn't really get it all. It didn't seem as good as ROBTTH. But after more listens, I find it to be a masterpiece. Like it or not, this is the album Coldplay will be remembered for.
  2. PeterG
    Jul 19, 2005
    It,s safe,no arguing ther, still very good. Chris Martin still got it. This one will be played for a long time to come.
  3. matti
    Jul 18, 2005
    my favourite coldplay album yet
  4. MihaiV
    Jul 18, 2005
    It grows on me every time I hear it. At first I didn't like it. But now I love it. That's becouse I gave it a chance. My favourite tracks keep on changing every day. Noy I like "Square one"/
  5. malJ
    Jul 18, 2005
    I was going to give this ten, but i would give Rush ten and this isn't as great as that is, it's very good though, i was the same as another user, didn't really like to start with, but after repeated listenings, the songs have really grown on me, square one, white shadows, (love that guitar), fix you, talk, X&Y, low, (my favourite) and twisted logic, they are all quality I was going to give this ten, but i would give Rush ten and this isn't as great as that is, it's very good though, i was the same as another user, didn't really like to start with, but after repeated listenings, the songs have really grown on me, square one, white shadows, (love that guitar), fix you, talk, X&Y, low, (my favourite) and twisted logic, they are all quality songs and get better with every listen, great album!!!! Expand
  6. chrisr
    Jul 15, 2005
    This is 1 of the best albums i've ever heard and anywho has anything bad to say about it is terribly wrong(New York Times.)
  7. JonyV
    Jul 13, 2005
    easily on my top 5 ever! unsurprisingly, pop snobs will dismiss them as a stadium band... but who cares when coldplay can release records so well crafted like this one? HUGE.
  8. IraD
    Jul 11, 2005
    Absolutely fantastic. I love everything Coldplay has ever put out, and this is no exception. The whole album plays so well together and is incredible. I loved it.
  9. CaretteJ
    Jul 11, 2005
    Not as fresh that Rush of blood to the head. Not bad but not the masterpiece...
  10. CharlesL.
    Jul 10, 2005
    This cd grows on you, just like their previous. When "Rush of Blood" came out, I intially didn't think it as good a "Parachutes". When I first heard X&Y I didn't think it matched up to "Rush". But the more I listen to it, the more I love it. Only two week tracks in my opinion, the rest are pretty great. For those that complain this band isn't eeperimental enough, your This cd grows on you, just like their previous. When "Rush of Blood" came out, I intially didn't think it as good a "Parachutes". When I first heard X&Y I didn't think it matched up to "Rush". But the more I listen to it, the more I love it. Only two week tracks in my opinion, the rest are pretty great. For those that complain this band isn't eeperimental enough, your missing the point. If every band were like Radiohead or Mars Volta (both of whom I love) it would be pretty boring. They do their things. Coldplay does theirs -- and very, very well. Expand
  11. ScottY
    Jul 9, 2005
    This may be their best effort yet. While I can't hear any stadium-sized rockers on this album, there's real beauty in some of the songs. The album reaches a real peak in the middle with the songs Fix You, Talk, X&Y, and Speed of Sound. What really differentiates this album from their previous efforts is their willingness to put the guitar front-and-center with this album as This may be their best effort yet. While I can't hear any stadium-sized rockers on this album, there's real beauty in some of the songs. The album reaches a real peak in the middle with the songs Fix You, Talk, X&Y, and Speed of Sound. What really differentiates this album from their previous efforts is their willingness to put the guitar front-and-center with this album as opposed to the piano. It's just enough to keep Coldplay from sounding derivative of themselves. Expand
  12. josephf
    Jul 9, 2005
    JF: On my first few listens I was a little dissapointed in the CD. I really appreciated their first two albums and this seemed like a let down. However the CD began to grow on me and I really started to hear the music not listen too it and my view changed. The melodies and rythymns are strong and it may sound similiar to earlier works but they have differnt twists to make each song JF: On my first few listens I was a little dissapointed in the CD. I really appreciated their first two albums and this seemed like a let down. However the CD began to grow on me and I really started to hear the music not listen too it and my view changed. The melodies and rythymns are strong and it may sound similiar to earlier works but they have differnt twists to make each song it's own. It is relaxing thought provacative music. I understand it is not for everyone, but it is for me. Expand
  13. camm
    Jul 8, 2005
    a masterpiece.
  14. EljahS
    Jul 8, 2005
    The best record since Ok Computer!
  15. sarah?
    Jul 7, 2005
    this is the best cd ever and all the songs rock.
  16. SimonP
    Jul 4, 2005
    An album that is the definition of a grower - those who can't see its beauty simply aren't listening. Every single song a craker (especially live), but track 4 - fix you - a fantastic 'shivers down your spine' song when it kicks in.
  17. jamess
    Jul 4, 2005
    this is a very very good cd and i can't wait to get it
  18. NoahE
    Jul 2, 2005
    The main criticism many reviewers were making about "A Rush of Blood To The Head", despite rave reviews, was that Martin and the band still sounded too mellow. Coldplay have taken those words to heart here in this most guitar-driven effort to date, "X&Y". The U2/Kraftwerk-esque crunches drive a number of songs including the raw opener "Square One", "Talk", "Low" and "Twisted Logic" The main criticism many reviewers were making about "A Rush of Blood To The Head", despite rave reviews, was that Martin and the band still sounded too mellow. Coldplay have taken those words to heart here in this most guitar-driven effort to date, "X&Y". The U2/Kraftwerk-esque crunches drive a number of songs including the raw opener "Square One", "Talk", "Low" and "Twisted Logic" forward, while 80's techno blends drive the impressive "White Shadows". "Fix You" takes off where "The Scientist" left off, reaching a climatic point with the gospel-esque vocals chiming, fading off with Martin vocalizing as though he's preaching to the choir, making it their most empowered ballad yet. And the "hidden" track "'Til Kingdom Come" makes a stunning closer to the record, acoustically-driven and one of Martin's more deeper writes. It's forgivable that Martin may come off as schmaltzy and soft on some latter tracks of the record, particularly "Swallowed In The Sea" and "The Hardest Part". The record is more slickly produced than their previous efforts, and we have seen Martin evolve a great deal in his personal life grappling with the issues of family with Gwyneth and his daughter Apple, along with dodging tabloids. Whoever rated this lower than "Parachutes" (The New York Times) have already discredited themselves here. The more sensible argument is whether "X&Y" is superior to "A Rush of Blood To The Head" or not. I believe "X&Y" tops both their previous efforts. Indeed there's still room for improvement (let's hope Martin is non-pretentious enough to keep the band together and give it another try) but, ideally, "Parachutes" was like the musical blueprint to the band, with "A Rush of Blood To The Head" musical architecture in the making, and "X&Y" putting soul into what they have built from scratch. Expand
  19. matts
    Jul 2, 2005
    First off, people should except the fact that bands (especially ones that have staying power) change their sound and evolve from album to album. If they didn't, well where would the creativity be? X&Y is a beautifully crafted album that blends perfectly. Changing producers is not an easy thing to do, espeically when the last album was such a smash. "Fix You" is a masterpiece and First off, people should except the fact that bands (especially ones that have staying power) change their sound and evolve from album to album. If they didn't, well where would the creativity be? X&Y is a beautifully crafted album that blends perfectly. Changing producers is not an easy thing to do, espeically when the last album was such a smash. "Fix You" is a masterpiece and hopefully the second single to be released. While other tracks such as "The Hardest Part" and "What If? trademark Coldplay's sound. Well done and looks like this album will silence some critics as to whether this Brits have what it takes to take on U2. Expand
  20. DennisM
    Jun 30, 2005
    I really like this CD. It did take a few times to get use to it (being a veteran Coldplay fan). They do tend to fall the last few songs (kind of sappy Gwenyth songs). I do believe alot of the critics are trying to compare this to Parachutes and A Rush... but, you cannot. Just like you could not compare A Rush.. to Parachutes. They all have there place. I do however think that 'Fix I really like this CD. It did take a few times to get use to it (being a veteran Coldplay fan). They do tend to fall the last few songs (kind of sappy Gwenyth songs). I do believe alot of the critics are trying to compare this to Parachutes and A Rush... but, you cannot. Just like you could not compare A Rush.. to Parachutes. They all have there place. I do however think that 'Fix you' should have been put on the CD last. It would've followed the pattern they had created with the last songs on there prior CD's. This is definatley worth picking up . The first 9 songs on the album are worth it! Expand
  21. JaysonJ
    Jun 29, 2005
    Ostensibly, X&Y is a triumph. Every second sounds sublimely good, but sometimes that alone cannot merit greatness. The album lacks the poeticism that "Don't Panic" and "Yellow" lent to Parachutes and the Instrumental glory found in A Rush's "Clocks" and "In My Place." Martin's lyrics are unforgivably stilted. How could the line "The tears come streaming down your face" be Ostensibly, X&Y is a triumph. Every second sounds sublimely good, but sometimes that alone cannot merit greatness. The album lacks the poeticism that "Don't Panic" and "Yellow" lent to Parachutes and the Instrumental glory found in A Rush's "Clocks" and "In My Place." Martin's lyrics are unforgivably stilted. How could the line "The tears come streaming down your face" be written by the same man who wrote "I was just guessing in numbers and figures." Then again, why can't I stop listening to it? I guess the real tragedy is in how good it could have been. Twisted Logic is the CD's best. Expand
  22. kellyc
    Jun 29, 2005
    I liked this album right when I heard it
  23. RM
    Jun 29, 2005
    this is an album that takes a few listens to really like. im not a huge coldplay fan, but i liked a rush of blood and thought id check it out. some of the lyrics are kind of lame like "i want to love you but i dont know if i can," but the melodies were beautiful and i coudnt get them out of my head. this is a great listen!
  24. JoshuaE
    Jun 27, 2005
    This is an excellent cd! It is near flawless and very good quality music, possibly my favorite album of all time. Speed of Sound, Fix You, Square One and White Shadows are some of the highlights. Coldplay is now officially my favorite band.
  25. donf
    Jun 25, 2005
    this album is as good if not better then the previous 2 coldplay produced.!!!!!!!!!!!!
  26. PatrickD
    Jun 24, 2005
    This album deserves much better than its Metacritic rating. First off, the New York Times' "Look At Us Playing the Contrarian" review skews the results unfairly. Secondly, the critical reviews of X&Y tend to be either of the "it's too perfect" variety or along the lines of "it never soars like previous albums." As for the former, that's just a ridiculous "criticism" that This album deserves much better than its Metacritic rating. First off, the New York Times' "Look At Us Playing the Contrarian" review skews the results unfairly. Secondly, the critical reviews of X&Y tend to be either of the "it's too perfect" variety or along the lines of "it never soars like previous albums." As for the former, that's just a ridiculous "criticism" that doesn't even make sense. If it were not "perfect," they'd slam it for being poorly produced and would be only too eager to point out its flaws. As for the latter, like any Coldplay album, this has to sink in for a few listens. These are songs that take a while to get under your skin and sink their teeth into you. But once they do (and they will), they don't let go. This CD has been in constant rotation since I got it. A great, big, anthemic album as good as anything they've ever done. Expand
  27. DerrickM
    Jun 23, 2005
    This is a very good album, not a complete departure, but an evolution. While it will be compared to U2 and others, I see a possible lineage, perhaps unintended, to John Lennon. The melodies, harmonies, suggest an affinity.
  28. KR
    Jun 23, 2005
    Neat Stuff ! Talk, Square one , A Message and Fix You are the highlights of this album. White Shadows sounds edgy in more ways than one . Go Listen..
  29. CurtisMc
    Jun 23, 2005
    Amazing! So many rock and pop bands put out so much thoughtless crap. This is a refreshing change
  30. MariaP
    Jun 22, 2005
    well I read most of the comments that were posted here and I also took a chance and bought the CD for myself since I am a major Coldplay fan. I listened to it and in my opinion it was great. whoever said that the more you listen the more you like it was right but I think that all their CDs have done that to me. Though it does have many cliches and isn't as great as Rush of blood well I read most of the comments that were posted here and I also took a chance and bought the CD for myself since I am a major Coldplay fan. I listened to it and in my opinion it was great. whoever said that the more you listen the more you like it was right but I think that all their CDs have done that to me. Though it does have many cliches and isn't as great as Rush of blood is..im no music critic but I do know what I like and I like this CD and for those who trash it, you are entitled to your opinion but do remember that everyone is different and everyone is not going to like the same things. there would be no fun in it and the world would be boring, not to mention a very 'outter limits'/ 'twilight zone' kind of place Expand
  31. lewekj
    Jun 22, 2005
    zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz wheres the alarm clock? garners a 7 off the sheer power of 4 truly u2 meets oasis meets radiohead meets coldplay fantastic songs. a rush of blood to the head will likely serve as "definitely maybe" their "morning glory. uneven.
  32. DenisC
    Jun 22, 2005
    This is by far the best album to date of Coldplay with some of their songs taking a new direction , the first sone on the album especially sounding very like U2 and that cant be a bad thing can it . The more you listen to this album the more addicted you will become this CD is one habbit i definatly dont want to beat .
  33. JonH
    Jun 21, 2005
    I could accept criticism of this album like, "I just don't get it," or "it's not listenable." But I don't understand how people criticize X&Y for being a sellout album or overly pop. This is BY FAR the least pop album Coldplay has ever put out. So if you're a person who just can't get into music that won't make the top 40 then that's fine, this album is I could accept criticism of this album like, "I just don't get it," or "it's not listenable." But I don't understand how people criticize X&Y for being a sellout album or overly pop. This is BY FAR the least pop album Coldplay has ever put out. So if you're a person who just can't get into music that won't make the top 40 then that's fine, this album is not for you. These songs are devoid of the instant catchiness of "Yellow" or "In My place." Why? Because the songwriting and the production is much more complex than in the past. But if you give the album a few listens you will find that Chris Martin's uncanny and original sense of melody pervades, along with a much more assertive use of lead guitars, giving the album a sprawling U2-epic feel. The songs are slow but the guitar rhythm is fast so the songs have a perpetual motion to them that keeps things interesting. Listen more carefully! There is A LOT there. Expand
  34. DouglasS
    Jun 20, 2005
    The best new release so far this year! Coldplay has an album that will stand up for a long time.
  35. OliverP
    Jun 20, 2005
    Square One, Speed of Sound and Talk are great songs, but too many of the rest are mediocre, run-of-the-mill. A decent album, but nowhere near as good as Rush of Blood
  36. BenG
    Jun 20, 2005
    best album ever, by the best band ever
  37. MikeK
    Jun 18, 2005
    Excellent record
  38. Jon
    Jun 17, 2005
    It just keeps growing and growing on me. An amazing CD that keeps working its way under my skin!
  39. MarianoD
    Jun 17, 2005
    Coldplay has done again a remarkable job. For those who do not like this album, I must tell you that this is not easy listening music. You have to hear the songs many times to start finding the appropiate sour to the songs. Follow my advice, hear many times, find the sour and you will see this album is going to be amazing to your ears. Enjoy!
  40. Amanda
    Jun 17, 2005
    My sister is crazy about this bands music. But who isn't, right. I think it they are ok.
  41. MikeD
    Jun 17, 2005
    This is for all the so-called Coldplay fans that listened to the album once or twice, then wrote a stupid ass hasty review. PUT THE CD BACK IN AND LISTEN. I can't stand it when people put down good music when there is soooo much crap out there. It makes me want to drink turpentine and piss on a brushfire-- AAAAARRRRGGGHHHH!!!!! Seriously- this album on first listen was a tad This is for all the so-called Coldplay fans that listened to the album once or twice, then wrote a stupid ass hasty review. PUT THE CD BACK IN AND LISTEN. I can't stand it when people put down good music when there is soooo much crap out there. It makes me want to drink turpentine and piss on a brushfire-- AAAAARRRRGGGHHHH!!!!! Seriously- this album on first listen was a tad dissapointing. OF COURSE IT'S GOING TO BE. What cd that you've been eagerly waiting for 3 years isn't? Continued spins will have you in awe of the beauty of this music. Keep it coming. Expand
  42. AZAELM
    Jun 17, 2005
    I can not stop listen the whole album since i got it, I think is the most remarkable job of the band.... specially Talk....
  43. JessS
    Jun 16, 2005
    I have never been a huge coldplay fan, i will not deny the intensity of their hits, (ex. yellow, the scientist, clocks etc.) I own parachutes, which i have never much liked and AROBTTH which i enjoy, but rarely. However X & Y is one of the top 5 records I have heard released in since 1999. i am floored at their ability to mix all aspects and create such a beautifully blended masterpiece. I have never been a huge coldplay fan, i will not deny the intensity of their hits, (ex. yellow, the scientist, clocks etc.) I own parachutes, which i have never much liked and AROBTTH which i enjoy, but rarely. However X & Y is one of the top 5 records I have heard released in since 1999. i am floored at their ability to mix all aspects and create such a beautifully blended masterpiece. Those disappointed incertain aspects of the album should attempt to see the final product for what is, a heart felt ballad album with phenomenal rhythm. I am truly floored. Expand
  44. m
    Jun 16, 2005
    Just like their first 2 albums, this one'll grow on you. I don't know exactly why this is, but oh well. Musically, the album is great, with a few songs being extremely catchy, and progression in their sound is noticable. The areas where "X&Y" gets its demerits are lyrics and number of tracks on the album. Lyrically, the album is not so great. Martin covered a more diverse array Just like their first 2 albums, this one'll grow on you. I don't know exactly why this is, but oh well. Musically, the album is great, with a few songs being extremely catchy, and progression in their sound is noticable. The areas where "X&Y" gets its demerits are lyrics and number of tracks on the album. Lyrically, the album is not so great. Martin covered a more diverse array of topics on "A Rush of Blood to the Head." All he writes about here is love, romance, and his feelings. I would have liked to see more lyrical diversity. As for number of songs, "Twisted Logic" and "Low" shouldn't have made the cut. The album should have been 11 songs long. Also, it just doesn't sound as fresh or as simplistically beautiful as "A Rush of Blood to the Head" did when it first came out. However, "X&Y" still delivers the goods. It's very solid and very consistent. And hey, it's still great, just not exceptional like "A Rush of Blood to the Head" was. Expand
  45. danim
    Jun 16, 2005
    martin says the band gave it thier best; i think they are experimenting with something new. after rush of blood, i guess i was hoping for an extension of that album. Put aside your preconceptions and listen, there are some real jewels on this album.
  46. JackW
    Jun 16, 2005
    This album, though not at all experimental or demanding of its listener, is nevertheless sublime, passionate and without doubt the best thing Coldplay have ever done. I find it incredible that there are so many negative reviews for this album. Just listen to it a few times rather than once or twice before reaching an opinion!!
  47. PaulP
    Jun 15, 2005
    I have been an avid Colplay fan for quite some time now, and I was greatly anticipating this release. However, after bringing it home and listning to it twice, I felt that it was a bit too sparse in it's great moments, especially after an album like Rush of Blood. Coldplay needs to stop trying to appeal to an ignorant majority of idiot teeagers, and concentrate on making real art. I have been an avid Colplay fan for quite some time now, and I was greatly anticipating this release. However, after bringing it home and listning to it twice, I felt that it was a bit too sparse in it's great moments, especially after an album like Rush of Blood. Coldplay needs to stop trying to appeal to an ignorant majority of idiot teeagers, and concentrate on making real art. Though it was a let down, it still maintained that sense of asthetics that we all know and love as Coldplay. Most of all, I look forward to what will come next, will they keep engaging in becoming part of the MTV machine? Or will they take the "Kid A" approach. We can all hope for the latter. Expand
  48. Julian
    Jun 15, 2005
    Like Parachutes and A Rush of Blood to the Head, this album is front loaded with some amazing stuff. Then, just like their previous efforts, the recede into some pretty mediocre stuff. Despite this pattern, the front of this album is so amazing that everyone who liked Parachutes or Rush of Blood should pick it up. The best tracks are Talk (simply amazing stuff), What If, and White Shadows.
  49. BK
    Jun 15, 2005
    This is a good Coldplay record. If you like Coldplay, you will surly like this record. If you like Radiohead, you may or may not like this record. Radiohead create experimental music, Coldplay do not, so to criticize Coldplay for not taking chances on this record is somewhat of a lame argument.
  50. frances
    Jun 15, 2005
    listening to Coldplay without prejudice is hard to do, now that it is common knowledge that it is one of the top bands today.
  51. PhilippeM
    Jun 15, 2005
    I think this album is better than the previous one. Critics are being too tough saying it's the exact same formula. It's not really. You can feel a change there and it's very welcome. Some songs are among their best. I'm thinking : Fix you, Talk, X&Y. A great coldplay CD, a good rock cd, a great pop cd.
  52. NeilP
    Jun 14, 2005
    Almost as good as Coldplay gets. It's Great, i love it!
  53. VineshC
    Jun 14, 2005
    After waiting 3yrs and all the hype leading up to the new albulm, I was expecting more. The 3rd album is a pivotal in a band's development and longevity. (Think of U2's release of War and the impact of that album) I generally like all the songs, although I feel some were dragged out a bit too long (something that works in a live concert but not necessarily on the the studio After waiting 3yrs and all the hype leading up to the new albulm, I was expecting more. The 3rd album is a pivotal in a band's development and longevity. (Think of U2's release of War and the impact of that album) I generally like all the songs, although I feel some were dragged out a bit too long (something that works in a live concert but not necessarily on the the studio version (ex. What If i think should have been a couple "oooh's" shorter)) Also, releasing Speed of Sound as the first single, may have raised expectations even higher, but arguably the smoothest track on the album, it may lead to the next singles not having the same intensity. In the album's defense though,each listening session improves the songs, as songs that appearred to be lackluster start to catch on and you end up really enijoying it. The next test is to see how these songs translate live. With the guitar work on this album, I'm anxiously looking forward to it. Expand
  54. SimonN
    Jun 14, 2005
    Whilst not perfect, X&Y is a real grower, exactly as A Rush Of Blood To The Head was. There's nothing approaching the depth of "The Scientist" nor the sheer compassion and heart of "Shiver" or "Yellow", but songs like "Square One", "What If" and "White Shadows" absolutely sparkle with emotion and musical beauty. With the exception of "Fix You", which is jaw-droppingly awful, there Whilst not perfect, X&Y is a real grower, exactly as A Rush Of Blood To The Head was. There's nothing approaching the depth of "The Scientist" nor the sheer compassion and heart of "Shiver" or "Yellow", but songs like "Square One", "What If" and "White Shadows" absolutely sparkle with emotion and musical beauty. With the exception of "Fix You", which is jaw-droppingly awful, there are some real gems spread throughout (check those already mentioned, as well as "Speed of Sound", "A Message" and "Low"), and it is silly to dimiss the album as a grab for mainstream success or merely an album that U2 never made. It will age well and will be one of the best albums of 2005. Expand
  55. Tyler
    Jun 13, 2005
    Wow... all i can say is that this album is amazing. Yes, Martin's voice alone is nothing amazing. The lyrics easily forgetable. And the riffs easily lost. However, when all three are combined it leaves an album that is simply amazing. Very soothing, introspective, out of this world type experience. Highlights on the album include square one, fix you, my personal favorite talk, and Wow... all i can say is that this album is amazing. Yes, Martin's voice alone is nothing amazing. The lyrics easily forgetable. And the riffs easily lost. However, when all three are combined it leaves an album that is simply amazing. Very soothing, introspective, out of this world type experience. Highlights on the album include square one, fix you, my personal favorite talk, and swallowed in the sea. Most intresting on the album is the not-so-hidden track til' kingdom come, having a country feel to it (makes sense considering it was originally written for the late Johnny Cash). Definetely a must if you have enjoyed other Coldplay efforts Expand
  56. Chrystal
    Jun 13, 2005
    I really like the songs on this CD. They're the best.
  57. ThomM
    Jun 13, 2005
    solid rock album, many hooks, some minor Martin whining. A feminine U2 album
  58. MikeO
    Jun 13, 2005
    Not as strong as their previous releases, but still better than most of what you hear in todays top 40 radio.
  59. NeilO'C
    Jun 13, 2005
    Coldplay have moved on from Rush Of Blood and are making their way towards greatness... this isn't their peak, this is just a teaser for the albums they're going to make. It's a damn fine record, and "Fix You" in particular makes me break out into a broad smile. I can't help but feel that everything is going to be okay when I hear it. Thanks, boys. N
  60. DaveH
    Jun 12, 2005
    Good all-rounder.
  61. RussellT
    Jun 12, 2005
    Solid album. Beautifully mixed. The world is desperate for clean music, and Coldplay presents a great alternative to the mundane crap that tends to float around in a one hit wonder society. They've done it again.
  62. ManojP
    Jun 12, 2005
    boring at first, but gets better with every listen: the way an album should.
  63. SCOTTWeav
    Jun 12, 2005
    COLDPLAY is amazing. the New York Times critic who gave this cd a 20 should be beaten with a bamboo stick.
  64. RickRick
    Jun 12, 2005
    Exceptional. Not a bad song on it. The only reason I don't give it a 10 is because it's not The Beatles "Sgt Pepper's" album, which is the only true 10 out there. And for those who call it Coldplay's "X&Y" pop and belittle it as simplistic stadium-rock crap...I say this; put your talent where your mouth is and make something better. Until then I'm going to enjoy Exceptional. Not a bad song on it. The only reason I don't give it a 10 is because it's not The Beatles "Sgt Pepper's" album, which is the only true 10 out there. And for those who call it Coldplay's "X&Y" pop and belittle it as simplistic stadium-rock crap...I say this; put your talent where your mouth is and make something better. Until then I'm going to enjoy their music for what it is. Expand
  65. Andrew
    Jun 12, 2005
    Give this album five listens. Learn "Fix You," "A Message" and "Til Kingdom Come." Before very long you will want to grab a torch and sprint to the top of a giant hill, waving the torch like a madman, setting fire to the hillside and drooling all over your bare feet.
  66. JimM
    Jun 11, 2005
    Don't understand the (few) bad reviews.. don't listen to them. This is the best album I've heard in a LONG time. Beautiful! A masterpiece!
  67. TroyP
    Jun 11, 2005
    Damn fine record. Not their Joshua Tree, but it could be their Unforgetable Fire. Many outstnading tracks: Talk, Low, Speed of Sound, White Shadows. Martin should stay away from extended falsetto, but all in all, a fine outing.
  68. andyf
    Jun 11, 2005
    it was just great! Music in its true form!
  69. Jan
    Jun 11, 2005
    Great popsongs from an great little band.
  70. jorger
    Jun 10, 2005
    i think this album could be a masterpiece of a lifetime but it seems like big names like rolling stone magazine and spin contradict themselves by calling the last 2 albums quote the work of a small band trying to act like a big band when at the time this two previous critics called both of the albums and the band itself like (gods)
  71. erikar
    Jun 10, 2005
    this is an awsome record, period.....
  72. Angela
    Jun 10, 2005
    Coldplay does it again! I loved Coldplay since their first hit "Yellow" came out. Tthis entire CD is amazing and carries Coldplay's defining essence.
  73. AngelSound
    Jun 10, 2005
    I agree 100 percent with arnab m. This is not their best album. I do like it but the past two were strong, memorable, and ground breaking. x&y has a strong start but flatlined at the end. Its a bit of a downer in a way. Read the lyrics! Theres no dought in my mind that Chris Martin has major talent but where were they during the last couple of years. It would seem that they themselves I agree 100 percent with arnab m. This is not their best album. I do like it but the past two were strong, memorable, and ground breaking. x&y has a strong start but flatlined at the end. Its a bit of a downer in a way. Read the lyrics! Theres no dought in my mind that Chris Martin has major talent but where were they during the last couple of years. It would seem that they themselves have taken to heart many global issues which makes for a depressing and sorrow filled ending. They could have taken a different direction. Nevertheless it was a good album, not the best. They definitely could do better. Expand
  74. JasonN
    Jun 10, 2005
    To start, I was never a huge Coldplay fan, they simply weren't the type of music I listened to, but I am listening now. And the more I listen to this cd, the more I love every minute of it. And to everyone who says that the lyrics are unoriginal, show me the songs that they ripped off. And if it is so unoriginal, let me take a look at some of your material, because I doubt any of you To start, I was never a huge Coldplay fan, they simply weren't the type of music I listened to, but I am listening now. And the more I listen to this cd, the more I love every minute of it. And to everyone who says that the lyrics are unoriginal, show me the songs that they ripped off. And if it is so unoriginal, let me take a look at some of your material, because I doubt any of you could write anything nearly as poetic as this. U2 can definitely rest assured that their torch will be passed on to capable hands! This is one of the best albums of the year so far!! Musically, this album puts you in almost a dream state, and the lyrics are easily relateable, yet moving all the same. Just give a listen to Fix You, a song I was told was writen about Gwyneth's late father, if you are not moved to tears, then you are emotionally inept. If you are a fan of music that is good on all levels, pick up this cd, it will NOT disappoint. Expand
  75. MattS
    Jun 10, 2005
    Album Comparison: "X&Y," in my humble opinion, is worth 8 out of 10 (And I have heard the entire LP multiple times, unlike some those who say they hate before they actually listen to all the songs). The album is not particularly varied (minus two points) but there are many wonderful tracks, such as the opening track and a track near the end titled "Low" which show that Coldplay is trying Album Comparison: "X&Y," in my humble opinion, is worth 8 out of 10 (And I have heard the entire LP multiple times, unlike some those who say they hate before they actually listen to all the songs). The album is not particularly varied (minus two points) but there are many wonderful tracks, such as the opening track and a track near the end titled "Low" which show that Coldplay is trying new things and are willing to break from the formula of verse-chorus-verse-chorus-bridge-chorus. I feel this is more artsy than their "AROBTTH" fans would want, but I am enjoying this album, and I think Parachutes fans will, too. "X&Y" is well worth the money I would say. The song titled "Low" is up there with Radiohead's stuff. One more thing, Coldplay is vocally better than Radiohead, but I will admit Radiohead is more adventurous instrumentally. Kid A and Amnesiac are each worth 9 out of 10 in my opinion. I considered "AROBTTH" to be a waste of money, worth only 5 out of 10 at best. "Clocks" and the title track "AROBTTH" are all I listen to off that album now. I wish they would have included Moses. That was a good song live. Parachutes is worth a 10 out of 10 because the vocals were perfect, the compositional instrumentation was varied, and "High Speed," "Spies," "Don't Panic" and all the rest of the songs that didn't make it to radio were wonderful. I recommend people listen to entire album before you judge. Another album I would give a 10 out of 10 is "Mmhmm" by Relient K. They are still a baby band (not even on metacritic yet). Expand
  76. BrianJ
    Jun 10, 2005
    ...I'm a tough critic...I have over 6500 songs of different genres on my Jukebox...I love "Rush of Blood.." and "Warning Sign" still gives me goosebumps...I loved each song..."Low" and "X&Y" take a few listens to grow on you..."Talk" and "Kingdom Come" are so powerful...I love the older U2/Kraftwerk references and "borrowed" musical lines...Pick it up...along with "Atomic Bomb", the ...I'm a tough critic...I have over 6500 songs of different genres on my Jukebox...I love "Rush of Blood.." and "Warning Sign" still gives me goosebumps...I loved each song..."Low" and "X&Y" take a few listens to grow on you..."Talk" and "Kingdom Come" are so powerful...I love the older U2/Kraftwerk references and "borrowed" musical lines...Pick it up...along with "Atomic Bomb", the best album possibly this year...people love to hate the best out there...enjoy... Expand
  77. Anthony
    Jun 10, 2005
    This one'll take more time to get used to... But "Talk," "Fix You," "Swept in the Sea," and the single are early favorites.
  78. SeamusS
    Jun 10, 2005
    Though I may be biast towards britpop albums in general, I full heartedly feel that this trancends genre titles. This will be hailed as a classic. Its focoused layered honest and brillaint. Dont belive the bad reviews.
  79. joshm
    Jun 10, 2005
    i think this album is great, and that everyone wants coldplay to do a ok computer, but i like x and y very much , especially fix you, swallowed in the sea and twisted logic
  80. jackybol
    Jun 10, 2005
    not as good as their 2 previous albums but still good
  81. UrsulaA
    Jun 10, 2005
    This rules. A little overproduced but the songs in themselves are just spectacular. Songs such as A MESSAGE and SWALLOWED IN THE SEA make this album irresistable.
  82. AliciaM
    Jun 10, 2005
    This album is by far their best album yet! The music is perfect for emotions. It makes you happy when you want to be happy and sad when you want to be sad. The songs are deep and cause you to think. This band gets better and better as the years progress! I recommend you buy it as soon as you can. It's awsome.
  83. RobJ
    Jun 9, 2005
    This album really grows on you. Don't judge it on the first listen. Let it sit in the player for a while. Do some cleaning while you're listening to it. Do some homework. Write earnest love letters that you'll never send. Let it sink into you. Eventually, like any great album, it becomes the ONLY thing you want to hear. It becomes part of who you are.
  84. KMelvin
    Jun 9, 2005
    I am addicted to this album. It will be on repeat for the next month, I'm sure. Absolutely beautiful.
  85. D.Williams
    Jun 9, 2005
    After listening all the way through 4 times this album has grown on me (worked it's way from a 6 to an 8). It is defintely not an album that is immediately listenable like their previous efforts. 'Square One' is IMHO the best opening to any Coldplay album to date and 'White Shadows' has a great chorus and rhythm to it. 'Kingdom Come' is by far my biggest After listening all the way through 4 times this album has grown on me (worked it's way from a 6 to an 8). It is defintely not an album that is immediately listenable like their previous efforts. 'Square One' is IMHO the best opening to any Coldplay album to date and 'White Shadows' has a great chorus and rhythm to it. 'Kingdom Come' is by far my biggest surprise on this album though. I didn't think that Coldplay had the ability or desire to play some thing with such bluegrass/country roots. Should have been a main track and not hidden. XY isn't any better/worse than Rush of Blood. The different approach taken on most songs works for me and serves as a nice change of pace from Rush of Blood. I do understand some negative reviews based on lyrical content (Martin isn't exactly a lyrical whiz-kid) but lyrics are typically so personal that there are bound to be people for whom some lyrics just dont work. Nice to see that Coldplay made a stronger attempt to get away from the standard verse, chorus, verse format of most songs for this album. Look forward to hearing the songs performed live to see if there is a different sound to be gained from some of the songs i didn't like as much e.g. Twisted Logic and A Message. Expand
  86. MaryP
    Jun 9, 2005
    X&Y is just what Coldplay needed to put out. Sure it didn't reinvent the wheel, but as Chris Martin says it did put new rims on the old wheel. Johnny's guitar playing ha gotten more bold, the songs are chock full of passion and it's a perfect follow up album. Love it so much, and probably won't stop listening to it for a month. Can't wait to see the boys in August X&Y is just what Coldplay needed to put out. Sure it didn't reinvent the wheel, but as Chris Martin says it did put new rims on the old wheel. Johnny's guitar playing ha gotten more bold, the songs are chock full of passion and it's a perfect follow up album. Love it so much, and probably won't stop listening to it for a month. Can't wait to see the boys in August in Jersey. Expand
  87. PamA
    Jun 9, 2005
    I love Coldplay and am enjoying their new CD very much. Do I love every single song on X&Y? No, but I never love every song on any CD I purchase, and I certainly don't hate any song on this album. Coldplay hits the mark so much more often than they miss. X&Y is a hit with me, and I am thrilled to have another Coldplay CD to add to my collection. And I will be seeing them on their I love Coldplay and am enjoying their new CD very much. Do I love every single song on X&Y? No, but I never love every song on any CD I purchase, and I certainly don't hate any song on this album. Coldplay hits the mark so much more often than they miss. X&Y is a hit with me, and I am thrilled to have another Coldplay CD to add to my collection. And I will be seeing them on their concert tour this summer, and there aren't too many bands I feel are worth the effort! Expand
  88. wackojacko
    Jun 9, 2005
    This is one of the best albums brought up by coldplay. A true classic with its adventurous songs.
  89. bobbob
    Jun 9, 2005
    One of my top 5 favorite albums of all time.I didn't even like AROBTTH all that much(had its fair share of great songs,though),but this album is just amazing.It has more personality,flavor,anything you want to call it.It's not quite perfect,but it's very close.
  90. p-
    Jun 9, 2005
    A good album but nothing new. When compared to the White Stripes (both albums released on the same day), Coldplay goes for the easy sell, knowing everyone will like it and buy it. Coldplay plays it safe, producing a good album but far from great.
  91. arnabm
    Jun 9, 2005
    the songs themselves are much better than previous efforts, but i still ended up being disappointed after listening to all of it several times. mainly because it not only loses the intimacy of parachutes but also the catchiness of a rush of blood, without significantly progressing musically. not too impressed.
  92. andyl
    Jun 9, 2005
    an extraordinary follow-up to 'A Rush of Blood to the Head'
  93. jimmyjimoneb
    Jun 9, 2005
    Ok, unfortunatly this album is NOT a masterpiece... and because there was so much anticipation about it, many fans are a bit dissapointed... but it would nevertheless be a lie to say this is a bad work! Some songs are a bitirritating (X & Y, twisted logic) but Speed of sound and White Shadows totally rock and there are many goregous ballades, my two favourite being the catchy Swallowed in Ok, unfortunatly this album is NOT a masterpiece... and because there was so much anticipation about it, many fans are a bit dissapointed... but it would nevertheless be a lie to say this is a bad work! Some songs are a bitirritating (X & Y, twisted logic) but Speed of sound and White Shadows totally rock and there are many goregous ballades, my two favourite being the catchy Swallowed in the Sea and the AMAZING Til kingdom comes... Expand
  94. paulm
    Jun 9, 2005
    the new york times are a bunch of freaking morons. maybe they should take the earwax out of their 60 year old ears and then maybe they could review this album properly. This album is simply BRILLIANT. It takes a few listens but it keeps growing on you. It's my favorite cd by far.
  95. JonD
    Jun 9, 2005
    I've been a fan since 'clocks' was released from a rush of blood. Some may say its the same old coldplay formula, but whats wrong with that? If the musics great, why change for change sake? Excellent thought provoking songs; square one, what if, talk (my fave!) fix you, speed of sound and swallowed in the sea are my highlights..
  96. SteveK
    Jun 9, 2005
    There are very few albums that grab you in the first few seconds of a song. You need to listen several times and let it seep in. Coldplay is that kind of band, and this is that kind of album. It may be a bit "boring" to some, but the melodies are there, you just need to listen. In this MTV age, we've been dumbed down by repetitive hooks and driving beats that many people don't There are very few albums that grab you in the first few seconds of a song. You need to listen several times and let it seep in. Coldplay is that kind of band, and this is that kind of album. It may be a bit "boring" to some, but the melodies are there, you just need to listen. In this MTV age, we've been dumbed down by repetitive hooks and driving beats that many people don't recognize a great song when they hear it. Just listen to "Fix You" three or four times before you pass judgment on this album. Listening to "Fix You" is a similar revelatory experience to listening to "The Scientist". It gets better with every listen. This is a great album by a great band. Just give it a chance. Expand
  97. dj
    Jun 8, 2005
    I love every song, especially square one, white shadows, and talk. Sure, it's not too far from their other two albums, but I love the other two albums. They are sticking to the same formula that made them successful and I'm glad for it. Another fantastic Coldplay album that i can listen to over and over again.
  98. carls
    Jun 8, 2005
    It is great, all the songs are amazing!
  99. patrickt
    Jun 8, 2005
    X&Y is not the album I hoped to hear from Coldplay. It is a quantum leap better. Just as A Rush of Blood to the Head far exceeded Parachutes, so does X&Y far exceed its Grammy-dominating predecessor. "Sound of Speed," with its immediately familiar feel, led me to expect more of the same (which is what I wanted, actually), but even that song turns out to be more complex than expected. Like X&Y is not the album I hoped to hear from Coldplay. It is a quantum leap better. Just as A Rush of Blood to the Head far exceeded Parachutes, so does X&Y far exceed its Grammy-dominating predecessor. "Sound of Speed," with its immediately familiar feel, led me to expect more of the same (which is what I wanted, actually), but even that song turns out to be more complex than expected. Like the most recent U2 albums, with craftsmanship that only comes with months of work, this album needs to be listened to several times. The songs may not grab you outright, like "Clocks," but when they finally do, they soar beyond places Coldplay has ever been. Chris Martin is at his peak, and this stuff is going to rock in concert. Critics who were too quick to judge this masterpiece will soon realize they knocked one of the great albums of the past 20 years. Expand
  100. PatrickW
    Jun 8, 2005
    Too bad Elliott M does not know what he is talking about. He makes reference to one song, Speed of Sound which is rediculous to base a whole CD off of one song. When people say that it sounds like 'Clocks' they obviously hear only a piano rift in the beginning. Clocks to me, is more fast paced than Speed of Sound. The difference between X&Y and AROBTTH, is that there are more Too bad Elliott M does not know what he is talking about. He makes reference to one song, Speed of Sound which is rediculous to base a whole CD off of one song. When people say that it sounds like 'Clocks' they obviously hear only a piano rift in the beginning. Clocks to me, is more fast paced than Speed of Sound. The difference between X&Y and AROBTTH, is that there are more guitar rifts in X&Y, making the sound different than AROBTTH. There are many piano solos in AROBTTH, such as Scientist, clocks and Amsterdam. The best new songs are Square One, White Shadows, Talk, Low and for all those love starving souls, Fix You. Coldplay does a great job of mixing up the speed of the song and lyrics. Most definate 10 Expand

Generally favorable reviews - based on 33 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 18 out of 33
  2. Negative: 1 out of 33
  1. Blender
    [Coldplay] have made their masterpiece. [Jun 2005, p.112]
  2. Confident, bold, ambitious, bunged with singles and impossible to contain, ‘X&Y’ doesn’t reinvent the wheel but it does reinforce Coldplay as the band of their time.
  3. They have chosen to opt for the standard formula: it's elegiac, mid-tempo, stadium-friendly ballads all the way.