• Record Label: Capitol
  • Release Date: Jun 7, 2005
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 711 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 62 out of 711

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  1. BakeM
    Jun 8, 2005
    On the very first listen, I thought this whole album was crap. Uninspired songs that reached for past greatness but failed miserably. After the 3rd or 4th listen, you relaize the intent and purpose of this album..to subconsciously bludgeon you with hooks and melodies and lyrical trite and imagery so catchy... that you cannot help but revel in its triumphantness! Serioulsly, the ends of On the very first listen, I thought this whole album was crap. Uninspired songs that reached for past greatness but failed miserably. After the 3rd or 4th listen, you relaize the intent and purpose of this album..to subconsciously bludgeon you with hooks and melodies and lyrical trite and imagery so catchy... that you cannot help but revel in its triumphantness! Serioulsly, the ends of White Shadows and Fix You may be some of the most over the top, wishy washy heartfelt crap ever spewed, but damn are they amazing moments! I still think tracks 9-12 are album filler, but this is a very solid album...not ROBTTH great, but nothing to be ashamed of. I guess you can say I agree with what the NY Times critic said, but I love this band so I don't mind being so melodically played. Expand
  2. GeorgeR
    Jun 8, 2005
    This makes that hundred-dollar concert ticket so worth it.
  3. Derekm
    Jun 8, 2005
    Great great great. Full of awesome songs like FIX YOU and WHAT IF.
  4. DuddyC
    Jun 8, 2005
    No ratings or reviews should be accepted on any album until at least 5 listens to complete album. Like so many classics they take a little getting used to. This album is no different. Yes the album is U2ish but a better U2 than U2. Is it perfect...nothing is and music is personal. Is rare a quality album has commercial success in this day of corporate radio (Remember it's not Payola No ratings or reviews should be accepted on any album until at least 5 listens to complete album. Like so many classics they take a little getting used to. This album is no different. Yes the album is U2ish but a better U2 than U2. Is it perfect...nothing is and music is personal. Is rare a quality album has commercial success in this day of corporate radio (Remember it's not Payola if you own the source) Expand
  5. AmandaB
    Jun 8, 2005
    Having been a fan of Coldplay since before Parachutes was even released here in the states I might be a bit biased, but I absolutely love X&Y! After such a long break between AROBTTH and X&Y, I was a bit nervous and axious to hear the new material. I had heard a lot about the guys going in different directions musically, and was worried that Coldplay might change too much from the last Having been a fan of Coldplay since before Parachutes was even released here in the states I might be a bit biased, but I absolutely love X&Y! After such a long break between AROBTTH and X&Y, I was a bit nervous and axious to hear the new material. I had heard a lot about the guys going in different directions musically, and was worried that Coldplay might change too much from the last record to this. However upon first listen I was reassured, the Coldplay that I have loved for 5 years, is indeed back. And in a BIG way. Obviously X&Y is a major work of growth for the band, with just enough new ideas to excite and intigue us, while maintaining the core sound that is the identity of this band. From heavier tunes like X&Y and Twisted Logic, to Soaring Ballads like Fix You and Swalled in the Sea. From uptempo anthems such as Low and White Shadows to the almost accoustic Til Kingdom come, I would consider X&Y to be as complete as any album could possibly be. I am obviously not technically musical and I could not tell you anything about chords or riffs, but to me only one thing matters when considering a peice of music... Does it move you? X&Y Has moved me like no other album since... well since, A Rush of Blood to the Head. ;) I definitley reccomend it! Expand
  6. JamieH
    Jun 8, 2005
    Simply fantasic, works incredibly as an album, im glad im not the one who has to pick singles out.
  7. ryanb
    Jun 8, 2005
    Many reviews have looked past the obvious. Chris and the band have elgantly placed a full description of their album in the title, X&Y. This album is full; full of landscapes that vary and contrast from one to the next just like the emotional variances of our own lives. Its full of sounds, complexities that demand an attentive listener. Its big and bold, similar enough to be welcomed as Many reviews have looked past the obvious. Chris and the band have elgantly placed a full description of their album in the title, X&Y. This album is full; full of landscapes that vary and contrast from one to the next just like the emotional variances of our own lives. Its full of sounds, complexities that demand an attentive listener. Its big and bold, similar enough to be welcomed as comforting, but driven and chaotic enough to challenge and tweek our perception. An album that embraces the past and propells us and Coldplay forward. Expand
  8. angela
    Jun 8, 2005
    im a huge fan of coldplay and i will have to say that my heart still belongs to a rush of blood... some of the songs on that album were the ones that bound me to this band and so its hard to really listen to x&y without comparing some of the songs to those of the two previous albums espically AROBTTH... i also think the lyrics werent not as well written but some of the songs on x&y are im a huge fan of coldplay and i will have to say that my heart still belongs to a rush of blood... some of the songs on that album were the ones that bound me to this band and so its hard to really listen to x&y without comparing some of the songs to those of the two previous albums espically AROBTTH... i also think the lyrics werent not as well written but some of the songs on x&y are absolutely incredible - some of my faves are fix you, what if, square one and although swollowed in the sea is bland i still find it very nice..coldplay was definitely under a lot of pressureand was expected to fulfill all expectations from fans and critics alike.. but whats important i think is that they put heart into these songs and if you listen to them they really come to life Expand
  9. jamalt
    Jun 8, 2005
    great album under every single point of view
  10. MikeJ.
    Jun 8, 2005
    Wonderful album -- that's all can say.
  11. cristianP
    Jun 8, 2005
    todavia no se si comprarlo o no. me lo baje y lo escucho seguido.. pero......ABURRE UN POCO!!
  12. MateoM
    Jun 8, 2005
    Coldplay has taken what it does well and perfected it. This album has songs (Square One, Fix You) that remind you that Coldplay is the best band out there right now.
  13. TalhaH
    Jun 8, 2005
    It is really astonishing as to why critics are accusing the band of not being revolutionary and bold enough. Don
  14. Daniel
    Jun 8, 2005
    Good but not ideal.
  15. MattL
    Jun 8, 2005
    Listen to it through 3 times. It just keeps getting better
  16. joeh
    Jun 7, 2005
    Intelligent. Intense. Introspective. One the best albums released in the last twenty years.
  17. marks
    Jun 7, 2005
    Its obvious New York Times reviewer has never wrote a song.
  18. Cotty
    Jun 7, 2005
    This Coldplay at the top of their game. The music swirls and cascades into your soul. Definitely their most commercial effort to date.
  19. CharlesK
    Jun 7, 2005
    They just keep getting better. People are going to hate them or love them which has been the same for any hugely successful band that has ever come before them. For those that love them, this album is a treat.
  20. DonnyL
    Jun 7, 2005
    I will give those who dislike this album this: many of the songs on this alubm are very similar to those on 'a rush of blood to the head'. But hey, their first album was good, and this one is all that much better! I find it mixes ballads with more edgy songs well, and the lyrics are really well written. Every single song sounds like a Coldplay song, yet they are all so I will give those who dislike this album this: many of the songs on this alubm are very similar to those on 'a rush of blood to the head'. But hey, their first album was good, and this one is all that much better! I find it mixes ballads with more edgy songs well, and the lyrics are really well written. Every single song sounds like a Coldplay song, yet they are all so different. Coldplay stays true to itself and put out one hell of a record. If you liked their previous stuff, you will sure to love this. Expand
  21. JD
    Jun 7, 2005
    Can't be wrong, almost perfert !
  22. ReubenP
    Jun 7, 2005
  23. JKM
    Jun 7, 2005
    I've been a Coldplay fan since before Parachutes was even released in the US. I really liked Parachutes, I loved Rush of Blood. I must admit that it took several listens for this album to really grow on me... But, like any great album, it has only gotten better with each listen. While this album has gotten rave reviews by some, I am shocked by the number of negative reviews. You feel I've been a Coldplay fan since before Parachutes was even released in the US. I really liked Parachutes, I loved Rush of Blood. I must admit that it took several listens for this album to really grow on me... But, like any great album, it has only gotten better with each listen. While this album has gotten rave reviews by some, I am shocked by the number of negative reviews. You feel like each song on X&Y was crafted extremely carefully and molded to perfection. This is a classic third album... different enough from the previous two to be unique, but not too different to alienate fans of the Coldplay sound. They are moving in the right direction... I already can't wait for what they come up with next. I would list some favorite tracks, but then I'd have to list every song on the album! X&Y was worth the wait for me! Expand
  24. StephenP
    Jun 7, 2005
    I've always thought Parachutes was the better of two albums, and now I thinkits the better of three albums. Its an excellent disc but no song on there sticks in my head like Sparks or Clocks
  25. AntonioA
    Jun 7, 2005
    I just bought this and it is the most beautiful thing since OK Computer.
  26. KatamaiS.
    Jun 7, 2005
    Quite beautiful album. All songs really stick in your head. If you give it 4-5 spins you will think that this is Coldplay's greatest. I was with them from the start. "Parachutes" was good, but "A Rush Of Blood..." was even better, and the change that Coldplay has made with this new album is quite astonishing. I can't understand why so many of the old Coldplay fans, think that Quite beautiful album. All songs really stick in your head. If you give it 4-5 spins you will think that this is Coldplay's greatest. I was with them from the start. "Parachutes" was good, but "A Rush Of Blood..." was even better, and the change that Coldplay has made with this new album is quite astonishing. I can't understand why so many of the old Coldplay fans, think that "X&Y" is a dissapointment. I think that this is Coldplay at there very best, like Zep on "Physical Graffiti". Expand
  27. RicoHop
    Jun 7, 2005
    Coldplay is the best!
  28. ZachS
    Jun 7, 2005
    It's funny that this synth-laden effort actually feels less shimmering than their previous 2 albums. These new songs either sound just like the old ones or, regrettably, like old ones reworked to sound more like they are from the 80s. Technology is fine, but the band sounds better when pianos and guitars take center stage. Please, Coldplay, don't become Radiohead.
  29. marshallp
    Jun 7, 2005
    Dear Coldplay: Ok Boys, a good effort although it's still 2 songs too long: you should have ditched A Message. Sorry, Chris I know you really like it. It's just too... YOU. Save it for a better moment. And Swallowed In the Sea is too easy-fake-genre music. why is it even in there? You're trying too hard for what... a campfire classic. Please! The rest of it: Sonically, Dear Coldplay: Ok Boys, a good effort although it's still 2 songs too long: you should have ditched A Message. Sorry, Chris I know you really like it. It's just too... YOU. Save it for a better moment. And Swallowed In the Sea is too easy-fake-genre music. why is it even in there? You're trying too hard for what... a campfire classic. Please! The rest of it: Sonically, it's a bit overcooked, right? time to strip down. you guys are good enough and big enough that next time you have to let it loosen up a bit on some songs. But again, thanks for having the cojones to do such huge and gracious tunes, no one is this good at it. Lyrically, this is your get-out-of-jail-free card. Are you listening to us, Chris? take note! It is the very last time you should ever shoot for so low a common denominator. I mean come on, man. The world is already listening, take us somewhere fascinating and new next time. We like you and we want to hear it. Expand
  30. PatrickS
    Jun 7, 2005
    Super album, but you'll have to hear it 3 times before realizing how good it is !
  31. mikek
    Jun 7, 2005
    I don't care what anybody else thinks, but to me, this is the most beautiful music I've ever heard.
  32. JonN
    Jun 7, 2005
    The only people who would give this album a 7 or less are those on the anti-Coldplay bandwagon that is rolling around right now. X&Y sees Coldplay evolve once again, and after about 15 listens every track has something to make it special. This is a work of art that has to be heard to be believed.
  33. JB
    Jun 7, 2005
    Colplay really grew up on this album, and we get the benefits.
  34. AdamR
    Jun 7, 2005
    It soars, it drops, it leaves you wanting more, it leaves you wishing that Johnny Cash sang "Til Kingdom Come"...most of all it leaves you with that warm feeling that all good albums do. Has great lines "my song is love, love unkown and I've got to get that message home", songs about angst, songs about love, songs about loss, songs about today...it just fits and you will love It soars, it drops, it leaves you wanting more, it leaves you wishing that Johnny Cash sang "Til Kingdom Come"...most of all it leaves you with that warm feeling that all good albums do. Has great lines "my song is love, love unkown and I've got to get that message home", songs about angst, songs about love, songs about loss, songs about today...it just fits and you will love listening to it front to back, which is the true test of a good album. Expand
    Jun 7, 2005
    very solid, the tracks are genuine and touching
  36. scottw
    Jun 7, 2005
    simply amazing. enough said.
  37. camm
    Jun 7, 2005
    a masterpiece.
  38. MatthewM
    Jun 7, 2005
    This is a beautifully ambient album. Most of the songs are pretty solid, especially the first four. I think the only one to stay away from is "talk." Great album.
  39. SteveM
    Jun 7, 2005
    I always have high expectations for this band, but this suprisingly exceeded them. There are many classic albums I've collected over the years and this sits right up there with the best of them.
  40. DerekF
    Jun 7, 2005
    Yeah they may have gotten uber popular, but for people like me who don't use that as a reason to distance myself from artists, the album is still good. If you enjoyed Parachutes more than Rush of Blood you will probably be pleasantly pleased with Coldplays newest outing. Big swells, nice warm reverb(y) production, and back to more falsetto rich choruses, what more could you ask for. Yeah they may have gotten uber popular, but for people like me who don't use that as a reason to distance myself from artists, the album is still good. If you enjoyed Parachutes more than Rush of Blood you will probably be pleasantly pleased with Coldplays newest outing. Big swells, nice warm reverb(y) production, and back to more falsetto rich choruses, what more could you ask for. Even though they're as pop as all get get out, they're still good and surely doing their own thing. Expand
  41. jimmyj
    Jun 7, 2005
    While songs like Square One and Low are terrific, there are some pondering fillers towards the end that are frankly quite dull. And "Fix You" is nowhere near as good as everyone is pretending it is. This is a good album, but not the masterpiece that is being sychophantically claimed.
  42. CristianeS
    Jun 7, 2005
    After waiting 18 months now we received our prize! Very good album.
  43. Graham
    Jun 7, 2005
    A very bland album, personally their worst album.
  44. Matt
    Jun 7, 2005
    An OK album. Not as good as the A Rush Of Blood To The Head album, but not bad either. Was hoping a bit more to be honest.
  45. Lochie
    Jun 7, 2005
    Its a good album, but definitely not in the league of Rush of Blood, which was a masterpiece. But, its still heaps then all those Coldplay copier bands out there. Ignore them and get this album.
  46. RichieY
    Jun 6, 2005
    A fantastic album. Eighteen months well spent by Coldplay. What If and A Message are the standouts.
  47. fábios
    Jun 6, 2005
    as excellent as a rush of blood to the head!
  48. [Anonymous]
    Jun 6, 2005
    excellent album. some cheesy sappy moments but nonetheless to be expected from coldplay. and really, how can one be upset that coldplay's lyrics are too sentimental and sappy, they've pretty much perfected the mid-tempo ballad, that's like complaining that ac/dc use too much electric guitar. this is an ideal album for fans, but is unlikely to sway new listeners, but excellent album. some cheesy sappy moments but nonetheless to be expected from coldplay. and really, how can one be upset that coldplay's lyrics are too sentimental and sappy, they've pretty much perfected the mid-tempo ballad, that's like complaining that ac/dc use too much electric guitar. this is an ideal album for fans, but is unlikely to sway new listeners, but considering they sold 13 million albums last time, keeping their massive fan base is all they really have to do. Expand
  49. Raz
    Jun 6, 2005
    This is the album we've all been waiting for...
  50. Billy
    Jun 6, 2005
    The whole album is not outstanding, but it is a great. The songs i feel deserve a mention are: "Fix You", "What If", "Talk", "Speed Of Sound," and "Square One"
  51. WillL
    Jun 6, 2005
    Easily thier best album to date. Thats really all there is to say, its a masterpiece.
  52. RaymonB
    Jun 5, 2005
    This is one of those albums you come to appreciate over time. It isn't as easy to take hold of as "A rush of blood to the head" or as mellow has "Parachutes" it takes a second listen and becomes better and better. Often the falsetto's Martin gives birth to are criticised for being sung before. Although that is the his sound, and he puts his own twist to it, especially on this This is one of those albums you come to appreciate over time. It isn't as easy to take hold of as "A rush of blood to the head" or as mellow has "Parachutes" it takes a second listen and becomes better and better. Often the falsetto's Martin gives birth to are criticised for being sung before. Although that is the his sound, and he puts his own twist to it, especially on this album. Songs like Square One are new and innovative without losing that authentic Coldplay sound. I think that most of us don't really care for it to be innovative, we just want more coldplay...... Expand

Generally favorable reviews - based on 33 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 18 out of 33
  2. Negative: 1 out of 33
  1. Blender
    [Coldplay] have made their masterpiece. [Jun 2005, p.112]
  2. Confident, bold, ambitious, bunged with singles and impossible to contain, ‘X&Y’ doesn’t reinvent the wheel but it does reinforce Coldplay as the band of their time.
  3. They have chosen to opt for the standard formula: it's elegiac, mid-tempo, stadium-friendly ballads all the way.