• Record Label: Sony
  • Release Date: Jun 24, 2003

Generally favorable reviews - based on 17 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 17
  2. Negative: 0 out of 17
  1. Nov 20, 2018
    Perhaps inevitably, the desperate urge to cover every musical base from dancefloor to soul-ballad means that there is barely a track here with any distinctive identity or even a tune.
  2. Uncut
    Things degenerate into a dreary stream of self-pitying/self-mythologising ballads. [Sep 2003, p.106]
  3. Not, by any means, a disaster. More a cruel glimpse of a talent that occasionally blazes but is frustratingly inconsistent.
  4. Beyoncé never met a ballad she didn't like. Out of Dangerously in Love's 14 tracks, a staggering eight are the kind of overwrought, no-tempo love songs even Toni Braxton has the sense to avoid.
  5. Rolling Stone
    While she oozes charisma and has a fine voice, Beyonce isn't in a class with the likes of Whitney Houston or Mariah Carey as a singer. [24 Jul 2003, p.86]
  6. Unfortunately, the rest of Dangerously in Love is only intermittently sexy.
  7. Q Magazine
    She has good songs, but no great songs. [Aug 2003, p.105]
  8. Before descending without hope of return into the treacle swamp of R&B ballad hell that beckons at the halfway point, 'Dangerously In Love' offers a few passable moments.
  9. Mojo
    It's not so much that the most singularly talented and important soul singer of now has let us down, more she's tried too hard to please. [Sep 2003, p.105]
  10. Vibe
    At times... Dangerously In Love sounds desperate to reach every demographic. [Aug 2003, p.150]
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 564 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 82 out of 564
  1. Nov 29, 2010
    UnderRated just like all Her Albums. No Fillers, Lesser thans but no fillers. Its packed with some really great songs all throughout. GreatUnderRated just like all Her Albums. No Fillers, Lesser thans but no fillers. Its packed with some really great songs all throughout. Great Album. 5 stars. Full Review »
  2. Jul 15, 2012
    This album is a favorite ! Beyonce has amazing vocals, beats, videos, and choreograpy that sets her work apart from anyone else! Beyonce isThis album is a favorite ! Beyonce has amazing vocals, beats, videos, and choreograpy that sets her work apart from anyone else! Beyonce is the modern Janet Jackson and she is dominating for good reason. If you do not like/love this album then you dont know how to identify good music. She goes from sexy to rage to fun in a heartbeat, its so diverse! Buy this album seriously if you havent already! No artist is touching this woman! Full Review »
  3. shayB.C
    Nov 5, 2003
    Beyonce is the business and so is her CD. With her beauty, voice, and overall style she is simply untoppable. Many hate on her, but her can Beyonce is the business and so is her CD. With her beauty, voice, and overall style she is simply untoppable. Many hate on her, but her can replace her? She has too much to offer and not many artists can bring that much to the table. Not to mention her talent is versatile, so she easily able to appeal to almost any audience. Full Review »