• Record Label: Kompakt
  • Release Date: Apr 3, 2007
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 397 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 97 out of 397

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  1. pierpaolof
    Jun 19, 2007
    a lot of stylish concentration - nothing is useless
  2. im
    Jul 9, 2007
    so many people here does not seem to understand what's going on with this album...ignorance they say... untrained ears... anyway, maybe there's been a little hype about the field's from here we go sublime but it's a good album in it's own right. not sure if this is the great candidate for 2007s best...it will be though... but i don't get the people here so many people here does not seem to understand what's going on with this album...ignorance they say... untrained ears... anyway, maybe there's been a little hype about the field's from here we go sublime but it's a good album in it's own right. not sure if this is the great candidate for 2007s best...it will be though... but i don't get the people here rating with 0s or 1s...no point at all. Expand
  3. MejicanaH.
    Aug 5, 2007
    All I have to say is that this album deserves its status as the best reviewed album of the year. It is fantastic and well worth seeking out. I wish those of you who had not actually heard the album would refrain from rating it.
  4. JustinB.
    Sep 21, 2007
    I love how people like to question the critics of this album. Critics won't rate this badly, want to know why? it's awesome and if they do rate it badly they would doing their job badly.
  5. JasonM.
    Sep 23, 2007
    This is not an album to listen to whilst jogging or playing video games with your friends, this, much like Loveless, is an album to enjoy while laying down, closing your eyes, and letting it take you wherever you let your mind wander.
  6. KH.
    Sep 24, 2007
    Heads and shoulders above the playing field. People with an electronics allergy beware. Though, this is techno's most beautiful outing in years, it's not everyone's cup of tea (as the users' ratings reflect). All those slightly more open minded should have a ball with this.
  7. AmurabiM.
    Dec 18, 2007
    This is the sound of the new millennium. The sound of contemporary trance music, without the excesses of past times. "From Here We Go Sublime" is just a stunning album without the dullness and boredom of techno albums. This is a catchy album; the kind of sound that stays in your ears for a long while. This is atmospheric, dreamy, danceable and even sublime. This is a terrific album for a This is the sound of the new millennium. The sound of contemporary trance music, without the excesses of past times. "From Here We Go Sublime" is just a stunning album without the dullness and boredom of techno albums. This is a catchy album; the kind of sound that stays in your ears for a long while. This is atmospheric, dreamy, danceable and even sublime. This is a terrific album for a magnificent artist. Expand
  8. ArnZ.
    Dec 19, 2007
    This album deserves all its accolades. It's definitely a different genre of music but if you're into anything mildly electronic then there's something here for you to gain.
  9. bobdylan
    Apr 16, 2007
    it's one hell of a lush album and make sure to give it a chance. kinda a cross between fennesz and mylo.
  10. DarylS
    Apr 19, 2007
    Anyone played Lumines on PSP? This albums would be right at home on that game, luckily I love the music on the game and this album is much better than a lot of that. Good album, good purchase.
  11. RG
    May 16, 2007
    first of all if anyone says somethng about repetition then u have no idea what pop music is. some reviwere summed it perfectly calling out ppl who have convicend themselves that pop music is otherwise just because someone sings over the repetitiveness. This album is completely entrancing and i have not beeen able to take it out of my headphones, my comp, my car. it is soo simple yet first of all if anyone says somethng about repetition then u have no idea what pop music is. some reviwere summed it perfectly calling out ppl who have convicend themselves that pop music is otherwise just because someone sings over the repetitiveness. This album is completely entrancing and i have not beeen able to take it out of my headphones, my comp, my car. it is soo simple yet creates this gorgeous world. first track is the only downer, which has some nice moments but the rest of the album is just toooo sweeet. Expand
  12. RM
    Jun 27, 2007
    Yes not perfect, much better in some places than others... But the thing that amazes me most about this album is that it is possibly the first trance album EVER that is even mildly intelligent. Its taken the dumbest electronic genre on the planet, scraped of all the cheese and cut out all the crappy lyrics in trance that make you cringe until your spine breaks, and made it interesting and Yes not perfect, much better in some places than others... But the thing that amazes me most about this album is that it is possibly the first trance album EVER that is even mildly intelligent. Its taken the dumbest electronic genre on the planet, scraped of all the cheese and cut out all the crappy lyrics in trance that make you cringe until your spine breaks, and made it interesting and engaging. So it deserves a lot of browie marks for that. I persoanlly feel the second half of the album is stronger than the first; repetition fares a bit better here and there is a bit more evolution in tracks like 'The Deal' (probably the highlight of the album). It is a shame it gets such high reviews because some people give it extremely low reviews as a knee jerk reaction. Its deserves to be in the top ten albums released this year though! Expand
  13. joe
    Jul 16, 2007
    this is not a dance album like Justice. this is not a trance album. this album is not meant to revolutionize electronic music. this one is about nostalgia, minimalism and vision, as the final track illustrates. forget the high metacritic rating and users ranting and ravings. try hanging out on the beach with a nice buzz on a nice summer day with this one playing on the truck this is not a dance album like Justice. this is not a trance album. this album is not meant to revolutionize electronic music. this one is about nostalgia, minimalism and vision, as the final track illustrates. forget the high metacritic rating and users ranting and ravings. try hanging out on the beach with a nice buzz on a nice summer day with this one playing on the truck stereo...f'in sweet. Expand
  14. EddyS.
    Sep 24, 2007
    This really is among the year's best, but yes it is true that one is more likely to get the full value with a background interest in intelligent electronic music. if you do like electronic with some emotion besides the partyyyyy Daft Punkesque attitude, then check this out and surely you will find its magnificence.
  15. TomM.
    Feb 15, 2008
    Great album!
  16. Apr 16, 2011
    Great ambient electronica. Synthetic, cold, mechanized. Completely hypnotic. BE CAREFUL driving and listening to this. You might just end-up in the guard rail.
  17. Sep 25, 2012
    This album is great. It's revolutionary in that it's minimal trance. The genre was bound to be pioneered, eventually; and that's why I didn't give it a ten. Also, not every song on this album is on equal footing. Besides that, it's the elements that make up each song that makes this album special. In addition, the sounds of this album are very diverse; from acid sounding, to quite digital.This album is great. It's revolutionary in that it's minimal trance. The genre was bound to be pioneered, eventually; and that's why I didn't give it a ten. Also, not every song on this album is on equal footing. Besides that, it's the elements that make up each song that makes this album special. In addition, the sounds of this album are very diverse; from acid sounding, to quite digital. Very understated, though. Quite beautiful album. I have to just say to people that are arguing over the critics rating that if my primary love within electronic music were ambient or minimal techno, or even trance, than I would have given this a ten, as well. You guys have to realize that falling head over heels for this album depends on your primary interest in the electronic realm. If you hate electronic, you're gonna give this album a 0. If you love ambient and minimal techno, you're gonna try to give this album a 15. You also have to understand that the quietness may not help with leaving an impression (much less a positive impression) in your mind. All these things have to be kept in view. Expand
  18. ja
    Jul 3, 2007
    Beautiful. Finds ways to hit the listener's emotions without a single sappy lyric or radio-pop cliche. Refreshing because it is a break from the norm, even by indie-snob standards. Better than what the users have rated it, but somewhat overrated by critics too (the critical average feels like it should be lower based on the scores, I can't see why it is so high). Not every track Beautiful. Finds ways to hit the listener's emotions without a single sappy lyric or radio-pop cliche. Refreshing because it is a break from the norm, even by indie-snob standards. Better than what the users have rated it, but somewhat overrated by critics too (the critical average feels like it should be lower based on the scores, I can't see why it is so high). Not every track is compelling or interesting as the good ones, but the good ones are...very, very good. Expand
  19. DanS
    Aug 10, 2007
    I enjoy listening to this album.
  20. MichelleT
    May 10, 2007
    Initially I was unimpressed with the album. But after a few more listens, I was won over. The album builds to its peak by track 6 and recedes gently. It's minimal, subtle, and neatly crafted. It's a great album to listen to when you don't feel like listening to anything at all. He beautifully extracts that space between words and shifts between syllables, and layers these Initially I was unimpressed with the album. But after a few more listens, I was won over. The album builds to its peak by track 6 and recedes gently. It's minimal, subtle, and neatly crafted. It's a great album to listen to when you don't feel like listening to anything at all. He beautifully extracts that space between words and shifts between syllables, and layers these repetitive snipped sounds over pounding electronic beats to create an intense yet vacuous abstraction. Expand
  21. [Anonymous]
    Jun 6, 2007
    I don't think this album is the best of this year, but it is still definitely above average. "Over The Ice" and the title track are amazing, and the rest of the album is an emotional trance trip that rarely bores. Definitely worth it for techno fans.
  22. PatrickB
    Sep 26, 2007
    Subtle, sometimes to the point of being static, but tracks like "Everyday" and "A Paw In My Face" are pretty blissful. The beats are simple, sure, but they're not the point; they're just there to give the tracks a bit of extra momentum. Most of the rhythm comes from the sample-processing. Reminds me a lot of Seefeel.
  23. Joene
    Aug 11, 2008
    I fully understand why some people don't like this album. However I'm a big electronic music fan and this album tickles all the richt places in my brain. It's all in the details with this one. The grainy textures, the brilliant use off effects, the minimal beats they all come together in a truly beautiful way. Just remember that beauty lies in the eyes (or in this case I fully understand why some people don't like this album. However I'm a big electronic music fan and this album tickles all the richt places in my brain. It's all in the details with this one. The grainy textures, the brilliant use off effects, the minimal beats they all come together in a truly beautiful way. Just remember that beauty lies in the eyes (or in this case ears) of the beholder. My favorite track must be 'everyday', pure bliss... Expand
  24. bryan
    Apr 16, 2007
    Last half of the album most definitely stronger than the first...
  25. AlanR
    Apr 26, 2007
    Repetitive? It's house. Every track has a 4/4 beat. Where else could they go?
  26. Ryan
    Apr 30, 2007
    There are better albums of this genre than this, but I would assume all those giving it negative reviews (i.e. calling it boring and repetitive) only happened to listen to this because it was rated highly on popular music websites. If I am incorrect about this, forgive me, but guys, its ok to listen to other genres sometimes lololol
  27. Pedro
    May 10, 2007
    Beautiful....one of the best of '07 so far
  28. hexumhater
    May 9, 2007
    how can anyone give this album a 0? totally ridiculous. how can this site be for people that don't smile? all you're doing is pouting now hexum, you're not smiling. notice how you don't mention one single act you like that are not on metacritic. as for the album itself, it is praised for a reason. the gushing minimal sounds of micro house such as on "sublime" are all how can anyone give this album a 0? totally ridiculous. how can this site be for people that don't smile? all you're doing is pouting now hexum, you're not smiling. notice how you don't mention one single act you like that are not on metacritic. as for the album itself, it is praised for a reason. the gushing minimal sounds of micro house such as on "sublime" are all about emotion. subtleties and intricacies within these patterns are what my feelings are made of. you can't tell me i am wrong for feeling better internally under these sweeping movements. really, who needs anthems? Expand
  29. LukasF
    Jul 24, 2007
    Though "From Here We Go Sublime" was, in my opinion, somewhat overhyped by critics, it still delivers a refined minimalist techno playlist. If you're expecting to be entertained by melody and lyrics, think again: "From Here We Go Sublime" is a well-crafted background beat to life.
  30. DarylM.
    Feb 7, 2008
    This is the kind of album which restores your love of progressive house, and has you blowing the dust off your renaissance albums from the '90s.
  31. DaveS
    May 14, 2007
    Fantastic album. Infinitely re-listenable; builds from simple lines, strips the rhythm down and then re-makes it over the course of a track.
  32. GilesB
    May 18, 2007
    This is an extreamly accomplished bit of work. Unlike a lot of dance music, its neither tacky or overly aggresive. The album also seems to be respectful of new york, chicago and detroit - garage, house and techno music of the 1980's. Excellent stuff.
  33. DaveD
    Jun 14, 2007
    Yes, indeed, this is an enjoyable, mesmerising and effective minimal techno album. But 91?? 6 points over and above last year's masterpiece Ys and this year's best album so far "Boxer"? What the F%$&k??
  34. david20023
    Dec 15, 2007
    My, how this divides people. Any album that annoys as many people as this must have something going for it.
  35. arthurdogtrash
    Jun 1, 2007
    Album of the year? No damn way. It's actually kind of boring and mind-numbing. Once again the readers vote is a far better representation of it's actual status. Avoid the media hype and make up your own minds.
  36. EricF
    May 20, 2007
    I think this album is a bit-overhyped. Its not minimal, its not trance, its not house. Its listenable techno, and for the indie-rock kids how are only now starting to appreciate electronic music this album bridges the gap because its so easy to listen to. I personally think its extremely lush and deep electronica, but at times takes the same loop a bit too far. A good offering, and a I think this album is a bit-overhyped. Its not minimal, its not trance, its not house. Its listenable techno, and for the indie-rock kids how are only now starting to appreciate electronic music this album bridges the gap because its so easy to listen to. I personally think its extremely lush and deep electronica, but at times takes the same loop a bit too far. A good offering, and a truly Kompact sounding record for those familiar with the famous German label Expand
  37. JohnD
    May 9, 2007
    Urgh. Look, here's the deal: See that 7? Well, if you don't like house music at all, then subtract 4 points from it, because there is nothing here that is going to change your mind; beats are 4/4, the songs sound almost exactly the same at the beginning of the song as they do at the end, and most of the songs last for more than 5 minutes. If you appreciate house music but are Urgh. Look, here's the deal: See that 7? Well, if you don't like house music at all, then subtract 4 points from it, because there is nothing here that is going to change your mind; beats are 4/4, the songs sound almost exactly the same at the beginning of the song as they do at the end, and most of the songs last for more than 5 minutes. If you appreciate house music but are not a raver, then take that 7 at face value, since its better than most house music around...but it's still house music. If you breathe house music, then you probably already own this album, but increase that 7 by 3 points anyway. That's all you really need to know. Expand
  38. jimmyj.
    Jun 30, 2007
    All of you who say you can create something as good or better, well let's get to it! Look how much acclaim this "boring" album is getting. Imagine the reviews your work of art would get! You could be a star!! I'm mean, since it's so damn easy and everything, you should be able to shit one out with your laptop and loop program in no time. Imagine: all of the sudden, all of All of you who say you can create something as good or better, well let's get to it! Look how much acclaim this "boring" album is getting. Imagine the reviews your work of art would get! You could be a star!! I'm mean, since it's so damn easy and everything, you should be able to shit one out with your laptop and loop program in no time. Imagine: all of the sudden, all of this incredible, original electronica just oozing from normal, every-day music lovers everywhere! Anyone can do it. It's so easy. Can't wait to hear what you all come up with! Expand
  39. Bram
    Jul 3, 2007
    This is very abstract music. And like with all abstract art wether its a mondriaan painting or minimal music, people think they can recreate it with great ease. But believe me you can't. It's a good album but it's a little to clubby for my taste.
  40. dan
    Sep 12, 2007
    It's got a strange mesmerizing quality but i can't help but think wtf? when i see the ratings for it. pretty much what everyone is saying here is right to some extent. it's a good minimalist techno album that's way overrated. I'm feeling it despite how repetitive it seems.
  41. Hierophantus
    Apr 11, 2008
    The hype gets in the way. If people could just listen to this album with no preconceptions--especially if they were prepared to just zone out with their headphones on--most would probably enjoy it just fine. However, even though I like it, I confess I still don't get why it's absolutely praised to the skies. It's good. It puts you in a fine mood and its subtlety has its The hype gets in the way. If people could just listen to this album with no preconceptions--especially if they were prepared to just zone out with their headphones on--most would probably enjoy it just fine. However, even though I like it, I confess I still don't get why it's absolutely praised to the skies. It's good. It puts you in a fine mood and its subtlety has its rewards. But #1? I feel like I still must be missing something that others get, but based on the reviews I don't know what that would be, since I see what they're talking about already. Expand
  42. RickmanJ
    Apr 24, 2007
    s'good! lush and lovely.
  43. MarkN
    Jun 20, 2007
    Good, not great. Mildly overrated.
  44. yoks.
    Jul 11, 2007
    it has its moments, admitedly only in the first half, but definitley doesn't deserve 90. Technically, its nothing Apparat wasnt doing almost ten years ago.
  45. tonye.
    Jul 13, 2007
    i love it
  46. tonys
    Apr 16, 2007
    its not as spectacular as the present score (95) but it is enjoyable none the less
  47. Marcus
    Sep 16, 2007
    I can understand that all good albums need to be listened to several times before they can be thoroughly enjoyed. The tune of each song needs to be repeated in one's head for a while before it fully takes hold. Somehow, I feel like the repetitive quality of most electronic music may help this process along, but at the same time, it makes the tune get old fast. I would like the songs I can understand that all good albums need to be listened to several times before they can be thoroughly enjoyed. The tune of each song needs to be repeated in one's head for a while before it fully takes hold. Somehow, I feel like the repetitive quality of most electronic music may help this process along, but at the same time, it makes the tune get old fast. I would like the songs more if only they were more dynamic. Expand
  48. Brad
    Dec 29, 2007
    Soft, atmospheric and somewhat repetitive loops over lazy shuffling beats. Nothing approaching the greatness I've read in reviews, but completely inoffensive and moody enough as background music. I imagine it would be mind blowing if I still got high, but I don't, so it's not.
  49. Darnell
    May 9, 2007
    Say Hello! to SUPER-HYPE! What is new here? It sounds so repetitive and boring that any slight nuance is considered profound (in the ears of critics). I tried, let me tell you, to like this. It's OK, and that's as good as it gets.
  50. MycroftW
    May 9, 2007
    It's not bad, but this is surely way to lacking in ideas or originality to get a 93 score? That would imply there's a second Strings of Life on here somewhere, but instead it sounds like a poor man's Isolee
  51. AndreasD
    Apr 18, 2007
    While I enjoy the impact Kompakt had as a label, the stuff has become formulaic and they focus a bit too much on quantity over quality for my taste. What's a bit of a concern is that a lot of their albums seem to get very high ratings with stylus, pitchfork, etc. and I scratch my head wondering what all the fuzz is about ...when I listened to these albums, I am often underwhelmed. As While I enjoy the impact Kompakt had as a label, the stuff has become formulaic and they focus a bit too much on quantity over quality for my taste. What's a bit of a concern is that a lot of their albums seem to get very high ratings with stylus, pitchfork, etc. and I scratch my head wondering what all the fuzz is about ...when I listened to these albums, I am often underwhelmed. As a label gets bigger, the creative output oftentimes suffers. In that context, I see the album by "The Field" as a decent release that has been inflated by clever promotion/marketing of the Kompakt-clan and their worshippers. As the user ratings show, many people seem to like the album. That's all good as long as people trust their own instincts and don't just base their opinions on what they are being told. Expand
  52. Nato
    Dec 29, 2007
    Underwhelming considering the pro reviews.
  53. Gaz
    Apr 20, 2007
    Not sure what the fuss is about. Sounds the B-side of a Paul van Dyk single from the late 90s. Seriously.
  54. RockofGibraltar
    Apr 29, 2007
    I don't get why this album has a 95 avg score! It doesn't break new ground and is extremely repetitive!
  55. ChrisC
    Jun 7, 2007
    I keep reading reviews for albums like this and Stars of the Lid talking about 'deep listening' (You know, that thing people who've been listening to Mozart since they were five do). Also accusing anybody who doesn't like it of just expecting it to be more like mainstream records. Basically the message of the reviews are 'We've decided this is great, and if I keep reading reviews for albums like this and Stars of the Lid talking about 'deep listening' (You know, that thing people who've been listening to Mozart since they were five do). Also accusing anybody who doesn't like it of just expecting it to be more like mainstream records. Basically the message of the reviews are 'We've decided this is great, and if you disagree, you're just a pop junkie'. Apparently, listening to a bunch of tones fading in and out, going nowhere, is the new state of avant garde. Unfortunately, all those things they say about it, how deep listening has some euphoric payoff, just aren't true. The record sounds okay and at points does indeed evoke some emotion. But not any more emotion than any other kind of atmospheric electronica. Sorry Pitchfork, The Field just ain't Mozart. Expand
  56. KenC.
    May 17, 2008
    I can't give this an album anything less than a 5 due to I'm not the hugest fan of this genre. The brilliance of this album must be real subtle because I got through 2 listens without being blown away by anything. I would not recommend for anyone that is not a hardcore fan of electronic. I'm a big fan of Burial's Untrue, but this one just does not do it for me.
  57. TheShallowCaller
    Apr 18, 2007
    Decidedly average. What is the fuss all about. I agree the Eric M there's much better stuff out there. Domik Eulberg, Villalobos, Isolee, Mathew Jonson, ya know, interesting electronic dance oriented music DON'T BELIEVE THE HYPE!
  58. colin
    Apr 18, 2007
    there is nothing new or interesting about this album. completely unremarkable
  59. FabrizioF
    May 26, 2007
    NOT a minimalist record; who told this go check La Monte Young, the Fifties minimalism. This record can be interesting only as a metaphor of alienating routine of our modern way of living, in which though we're still looking for something worth which could go off the deep end. But this lil warmth is not enough for me...
  60. tim
    May 6, 2007
    whats the big deal? i've heard better.
  61. MiguelC
    Jul 26, 2007
    overated album, 2 chords repeating themselves for 10 minutes on each track on a 4/4 beat, works fine as a sleeping pill if you are out of stilnox
  62. JorgeS.
    Aug 28, 2007
    I heard this album while reading the critics. I was amazed. In the back of my mind an idea was forming, sort of like a presence, I was being witness to electronic payola. There certainly is no other reason for calling this the best album in years. It's a good album, definitely more listenable than a Juan Atkins minimalist album, but to call it greatness? I've been listening to I heard this album while reading the critics. I was amazed. In the back of my mind an idea was forming, sort of like a presence, I was being witness to electronic payola. There certainly is no other reason for calling this the best album in years. It's a good album, definitely more listenable than a Juan Atkins minimalist album, but to call it greatness? I've been listening to electronica fore more than 15 years, and surely I have heard jewels of albums and tracks that it blows my mind to think that they aren't regarded as musical landmarks. I could pick easily 5 albums in the last 5 years that have more merit to be really in the best of category. This is an album for people who are just experiencing for the first time the joys of electronica and techno. If you usually listen to rock and pop and find this interesting and refreshing, I say welcome, there is way more than that out there, in almost any subgenre, but please do not consider this album the best there is to offer from the 1's and 0's crowd. I hope that in subsequent listenings I catch some of that greatness it has been so lauded to posses, for all the noise that it's making outside typical electronica minded people, I sure hope it has what it takes to entice listeners to linger beyond the riffs, beats and typical markup that you find outside the genre. Expand
  63. Koko
    Jul 10, 2008
    Very overestimated record. This is a very eclectic and sui generis LP and does not deserves such praise in my opinion. In a interview Wilner stated that 'From here we go sublime' was music to listen in 'minimal decorated spaces and living rooms'...but in my opinion its quite boring under any other circumstances I'm afraid.
  64. pierreb.
    Jun 26, 2007
    It is certainly not bad, but 90!!!!???? that's way too much for just an ordinary dance/electronic record. Good for running though. Still it is obvious that this album does certainly NOT deserve to be 2007's number 1.
  65. sargonzo
    Jun 28, 2007
    Incredibly overrated
  66. SelfMedicating
    Jun 28, 2007
    One might ask how a collection of rave music from the early 90s became the most critically acclaimed record of 2007. Or one could just admit that the critics know best.
  67. Francesco
    Dec 22, 2007
    God, how can an album like this one collect a 90 out 100? Better than Neon Bible? Please. Let's be serious. This album consist of 3 sounds repeated again and again. Blah.
  68. Jonathan
    Oct 6, 2007
    Electronic music thrives on novelty - so I'm amazed that this album has received such glowing reviews. This kind of lush minimal proggy techno has been done a trillion times before. It's well crafted, but dull.
  69. SteveC
    May 1, 2007
    Has a couple of nice moments. Someone's been hacking Kate Bush up, which always triggers a warm feeling...
  70. onyxE.
    Jul 9, 2007
    I love electronic music but this album is so overhyped it's ridiculous. TOTALLY OVERRATED!
  71. TomP.
    May 1, 2008
    Every song has the same annoying chop-up sound that makes this album virtually unlistenable by itself. Entertaining to listen to for the first 15 seconds, then you realize it's only going to keep repeating the same unoriginal beat and melody with a few subtle changes for the rest of the song. There's pretty much no music, no meaning, nothing. Sure, it makes nice background Every song has the same annoying chop-up sound that makes this album virtually unlistenable by itself. Entertaining to listen to for the first 15 seconds, then you realize it's only going to keep repeating the same unoriginal beat and melody with a few subtle changes for the rest of the song. There's pretty much no music, no meaning, nothing. Sure, it makes nice background music, while you go about doing something else, because if you were to sit down with headphones and concentrate on this cd from start to finish you would ultimately feel like you wasted about 50 minutes of your life. Not to mention you would be driven insane. I mean are you serious? Sun and ice was just about the most pointless song I've ever heard....Baaaaaaaaaahhh......Beeeeehhhhhhhhh.....baaaaaaahhhhh.....beeeeeehhhhhhh....and so on. So yeah, nice background music, that's definetly worth album of the year isn't it? Oh well, instead of discussing why it's there, just look at that nice 14 reviews...14 misguided reviews, that this album got. For anyone even remotely serious about music, In Rainbows was the real album of the year, and we all know it. Nuff said. Expand
  72. Alunp
    May 6, 2007
    Not sure why the reviews are so high? There are no bad songs but the rating on Metacritc ranks it as one of the best albums of all time? After listening theres not really much you can remember of the stand out songs
  73. AlanP
    May 7, 2007
    All I have to say is that the music does not live up to the critics hype. simple.
  74. esss
    Jun 2, 2007
    I found it very repetitive and was disappointed. Maybe it would have been more impressive if I'd been tripping balls on E or something. My gf can't even be in the same room as this CD.
  75. TiagoM
    Aug 25, 2007
    At first glance this album feels quite original. Harmonic tracks build up from sliced samples with a small use of synthesizers. But when look further, From Here We Go Sublime, reveals a huge lack of creativity. Repetitive loops from the beginning to the end (If you stand till the end of it), monotone drums, invariable rhythm, and excessive use of fade outs. Though, it can be a satisfying At first glance this album feels quite original. Harmonic tracks build up from sliced samples with a small use of synthesizers. But when look further, From Here We Go Sublime, reveals a huge lack of creativity. Repetitive loops from the beginning to the end (If you stand till the end of it), monotone drums, invariable rhythm, and excessive use of fade outs. Though, it can be a satisfying album to create background ambient in a pub or to be mixed by DJ's. But if you are the type who like to lay down on the sofa and listen to electronic music the same way you would listening to a great symphonic orchestra, forget about it. Expand
  76. SteveF.
    Sep 9, 2007
    The only track that really commands your attention is "Mobilia" - and it gets old *really* fast. The most overrated record of all time.
  77. DennisP
    Jan 24, 2008
    At first, I really thought there was something wrong with my computer (I ripped the cd onto the laptop). It didn't take long to realize that it was supposed to sound like that. Not sure if that's my thing. I want to listen more to give it a fair shake, but a few of the tones, repeated ad nauseam, seem to really upset my dogs.
  78. waymanr
    May 1, 2007
    Are you serious? Can't live without this trite drivel? Astounding that one would even suggest such a notion. It is elementary at best and worth a few spins at some clubs in Europe. It sounded like my old 8-bit nintendo playing Mario Brothers.
  79. JamesD
    May 6, 2007
    This is a prime example of why Metacritic dosen't always (really) work. It's a bland, uninspired headache of an album, that sounded good to a few bland & uninspired reviewers. When real and effective original music is very much alive, thers's no need for such regressive piddle.
  80. JTR
    Jun 28, 2007
    What's the big deal here? Why are so many critics losing their minds over this trite, predictable, paint by numbers trance album that sounds like it fell through a wormhole from 1998? Seriously, electronic music has evolved far and wide from this car commercial music.
  81. EricM
    Apr 15, 2007
    Not sure what the hype is about. There's much more interesting stuff our there.
  82. kevinp
    Apr 18, 2007
    wow, people actually like this shit?
  83. SimonC.
    Oct 30, 2007
    This is literally the worst album I've ever heard, It is ridiculously repetitive it sounds like your computer froze while playing music and its playing the same thing over and over again. It might sound alright at times but I can';t see how any talent in this music. Maybe I just don't understand it but in my opinion it should defiantly not be #1 let alone the top 10
  84. pix101
    Sep 3, 2007
    Must agree with what others have said, there is much better electronic music out there! I can't believe the hype for something so boring.
  85. BenjaminB.
    Mar 10, 2008
    I guess if your into this style of music you will enjoy it. I will give anything a chance and try to be as open minded as possible. With that being said this stuff is pretty weak, way over-rated, cause I wanted to hear what others are raving about but it wasn't there.
  86. DanielA
    Apr 27, 2007
    This is highly overrated.
  87. StephenE
    May 28, 2007
    Why is this rated at the top of Meta Critic? Terrible.
  88. MattD.
    May 9, 2007
    This is just goopy techno stuff. Big on sound effects but nothing else. It often amazes me what gets high and low ratings from critics. Just follow your own taste.
  89. emilyw
    Jun 26, 2007
    Finally this boring cd's rating is coming down a little bit. It still saddens me though that this has a 90 when stellar stuff like The National, Of Montreal, and Feist deserve to be the top three albums of the year thus far. Boo to boring electronica that goes absolutely nowhere. Give me a laptop and while put out something at least ten times as interesting as this tripe.
  90. StephenU
    Jul 25, 2007
    Swayed by fawning critics, I decided to plunk down some cash on this album and was underwhelmed, but then I thought that it must be a grower and that repeated listens would reveal layers that I had missed the first three or four times, or that I would become aware of the majesty of its understated, minimalist structures. About eight listens in......nothing. I've either got a tin ear Swayed by fawning critics, I decided to plunk down some cash on this album and was underwhelmed, but then I thought that it must be a grower and that repeated listens would reveal layers that I had missed the first three or four times, or that I would become aware of the majesty of its understated, minimalist structures. About eight listens in......nothing. I've either got a tin ear or this is overhyped mediocrity. It can't be the latter as the music press is immune to such, yes? Expand
  91. PaulC
    Sep 25, 2007
    Vastly overrated, every album in the top ten is better than this one, and I've listened to them all.
  92. MarkD.
    Apr 11, 2008
    Easily the most over-rated album of 2007. I listened to this album repeatedly trying to give it a chance. I guess I just don't get the house phenomenon. If you are not a fan of this style of music don't even attempt to appreciate this album.
  93. STeve
    Oct 14, 2007
    I'm a big fan of electronic music of all kinds, but this really isn't a very good album. I agree with the previous poster's point that all the other albums in the top ten are better than this one. How can you compare this tripe to Radiohead's "In Rainbows", for example? Insulting.
  94. NiallS
    Dec 17, 2007
    Maybe it's a Grower but I've listened to this album 3-4 times and can't see what I'm supposed to see in it.
  95. SantiagoS
    May 16, 2007
    I can´t believe that a simple album like this has this rating!!!
  96. ChristianK
    May 16, 2007
    This is the only album I've bothered to comment on, the two years I've been visiting this sight. Minimalistic sure, but quite dull. When ever song has the same beat, there's a problem. If your into dance or electronic check out !!! (chkchkchk). Why is it that the amazing albums always take backseat to the subpar ones. It's #7 on the all-time high list, but doesn't This is the only album I've bothered to comment on, the two years I've been visiting this sight. Minimalistic sure, but quite dull. When ever song has the same beat, there's a problem. If your into dance or electronic check out !!! (chkchkchk). Why is it that the amazing albums always take backseat to the subpar ones. It's #7 on the all-time high list, but doesn't do anything for me. All biases aside, if it's top ten for the last five years, it should atleast be slightly captivating. There are many better albums than this one, ask 90% of anybody willing to listen to this album. Somebody please lock up the reviewers. Expand
  97. AaronS.
    May 28, 2007
    Overrated. It's really nothing special.
  98. BigSur
    May 4, 2007
    Nothing that hasn't been done in a much more creative way before, even in mainstream music. To have this as the best rated record in 2007 implies the critics aren't mastering their craft. Listen to more music, guys!
  99. JSIlva
    Apr 18, 2007
    I really don't know why such a high note. Very repetitive, I cant see any fresh ideas, and by the 3rd track it starts to get really boring...(no, make it 2nd..)
  100. BrendanD
    May 3, 2007
    No, seriously, what? I'm a fan of all different types of electronic music, but my two favorite subgenres are trance and ambient. This is neither trance nor ambient. It's not minimalist; Brian Eno is minimalist. This is boring schlock, with no heart, no heat, and nothing to even make it semi-interesting background music. And before anyone else accuses me of not understanding No, seriously, what? I'm a fan of all different types of electronic music, but my two favorite subgenres are trance and ambient. This is neither trance nor ambient. It's not minimalist; Brian Eno is minimalist. This is boring schlock, with no heart, no heat, and nothing to even make it semi-interesting background music. And before anyone else accuses me of not understanding this, let me tell yaz: I have now listened to this record about ten times. There is NOTHING INTERESTING ON IT. It's pretentious dribble disguised as pretty melodies. You want to pretend you're cool by listening? Have fun. Me, I'll stick with the guy who prefers women with ocular damage. Expand

Universal acclaim - based on 14 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 14 out of 14
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 14
  3. Negative: 0 out of 14
  1. If you like minimal electronic music at all, you must seek it out.
  2. This is one of those rare albums that makes you wonder how you ever got by without it.
  3. This is an album you could easily hate -- especially if you like things like change and development.