• Record Label: Kompakt
  • Release Date: Apr 3, 2007
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 397 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 97 out of 397

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  1. AmurabiM.
    Dec 18, 2007
    This is the sound of the new millennium. The sound of contemporary trance music, without the excesses of past times. "From Here We Go Sublime" is just a stunning album without the dullness and boredom of techno albums. This is a catchy album; the kind of sound that stays in your ears for a long while. This is atmospheric, dreamy, danceable and even sublime. This is a terrific album for a This is the sound of the new millennium. The sound of contemporary trance music, without the excesses of past times. "From Here We Go Sublime" is just a stunning album without the dullness and boredom of techno albums. This is a catchy album; the kind of sound that stays in your ears for a long while. This is atmospheric, dreamy, danceable and even sublime. This is a terrific album for a magnificent artist. Expand
  2. ArnZ.
    Dec 19, 2007
    This album deserves all its accolades. It's definitely a different genre of music but if you're into anything mildly electronic then there's something here for you to gain.
  3. SadaF.
    Dec 30, 2007
    I can't stop listening to this. It's emotional, nostalgic, blissful, uplifting, melancholic all at once - like a freshed-up, simplified trance music for those of us who'd given up on that cliche-ridden genre. I love the way it shifts from one phrase to another. So simple, yet so brilliant. This isn't an album for the 'Ministry of Sound' generation though. I can't stop listening to this. It's emotional, nostalgic, blissful, uplifting, melancholic all at once - like a freshed-up, simplified trance music for those of us who'd given up on that cliche-ridden genre. I love the way it shifts from one phrase to another. So simple, yet so brilliant. This isn't an album for the 'Ministry of Sound' generation though. It's an acquired taste and a most rewarding one at that. Expand
  4. AntreasP.
    Oct 26, 2007
    Simply the best album of 2007 so far... A great album since 2001's "Melody A.M". "Mobilia" should be heard everywhere!
  5. mikeyf
    Apr 13, 2007
    reedy & callow.
  6. Mr.Hankey
    Apr 13, 2007
    The greatest electronica album you'll hear all year.
  7. GillyD
    Apr 15, 2007
    Luxuriant is right. What wonderful music, particularly Over the Ice n Sun and Ice. Restrained it may be but lacking in fab grooves it aint. I can't stop playing it
  8. EricM
    Apr 15, 2007
    Not sure what the hype is about. There's much more interesting stuff our there.
  9. tonys
    Apr 16, 2007
    its not as spectacular as the present score (95) but it is enjoyable none the less
  10. bobdylan
    Apr 16, 2007
    it's one hell of a lush album and make sure to give it a chance. kinda a cross between fennesz and mylo.
  11. Oliver
    Apr 17, 2007
    Its impressive, beautiful and fresh. Its minimal but makes an amazing impact on you. This is techno and beautiful techno it is.
  12. AndreasD
    Apr 18, 2007
    While I enjoy the impact Kompakt had as a label, the stuff has become formulaic and they focus a bit too much on quantity over quality for my taste. What's a bit of a concern is that a lot of their albums seem to get very high ratings with stylus, pitchfork, etc. and I scratch my head wondering what all the fuzz is about ...when I listened to these albums, I am often underwhelmed. As While I enjoy the impact Kompakt had as a label, the stuff has become formulaic and they focus a bit too much on quantity over quality for my taste. What's a bit of a concern is that a lot of their albums seem to get very high ratings with stylus, pitchfork, etc. and I scratch my head wondering what all the fuzz is about ...when I listened to these albums, I am often underwhelmed. As a label gets bigger, the creative output oftentimes suffers. In that context, I see the album by "The Field" as a decent release that has been inflated by clever promotion/marketing of the Kompakt-clan and their worshippers. As the user ratings show, many people seem to like the album. That's all good as long as people trust their own instincts and don't just base their opinions on what they are being told. Expand
  13. kevinp
    Apr 18, 2007
    wow, people actually like this shit?
  14. RyanM
    Apr 18, 2007
    Easily some of the best music I've heard this year. The only record in recent memory that I have listened to back to back multiple times. Sure to be at the top of anyones 2007 list.
  15. Biggles
    Apr 19, 2007
    Just astounding. Utterly sumptuous and addictive, it gets better with each listen. If you are at all interested in minimal electronic music you must seek this out.
  16. DarylS
    Apr 19, 2007
    Anyone played Lumines on PSP? This albums would be right at home on that game, luckily I love the music on the game and this album is much better than a lot of that. Good album, good purchase.
  17. Dave
    Apr 21, 2007
    You people are lemmings, this muisc is so boring, think for yourselves
  18. GrahamW
    Apr 22, 2007
    No idea why this is getting such rave reviews, agree with Evan, it is extremely repetitive, sounds like a cd skipping. Certainly not a 95.
  19. DaveS
    May 14, 2007
    Fantastic album. Infinitely re-listenable; builds from simple lines, strips the rhythm down and then re-makes it over the course of a track.
  20. SantiagoS
    May 16, 2007
    I can´t believe that a simple album like this has this rating!!!
  21. RG
    May 16, 2007
    first of all if anyone says somethng about repetition then u have no idea what pop music is. some reviwere summed it perfectly calling out ppl who have convicend themselves that pop music is otherwise just because someone sings over the repetitiveness. This album is completely entrancing and i have not beeen able to take it out of my headphones, my comp, my car. it is soo simple yet first of all if anyone says somethng about repetition then u have no idea what pop music is. some reviwere summed it perfectly calling out ppl who have convicend themselves that pop music is otherwise just because someone sings over the repetitiveness. This album is completely entrancing and i have not beeen able to take it out of my headphones, my comp, my car. it is soo simple yet creates this gorgeous world. first track is the only downer, which has some nice moments but the rest of the album is just toooo sweeet. Expand
  22. GilesB
    May 18, 2007
    This is an extreamly accomplished bit of work. Unlike a lot of dance music, its neither tacky or overly aggresive. The album also seems to be respectful of new york, chicago and detroit - garage, house and techno music of the 1980's. Excellent stuff.
  23. TomE
    May 19, 2007
  24. TylerM
    May 21, 2007
    House? Techno? Ambient? Possibly. Absolutely breathtaking? Definitely.
  25. marcelolleos
    May 29, 2007
    Es una pieza maestra. nos dice como es posible la exaltacion del alma en diferentes emociones. La musica se detiene y despues avanza, juega con el tiempo...
  26. DaveD
    Jun 14, 2007
    Yes, indeed, this is an enjoyable, mesmerising and effective minimal techno album. But 91?? 6 points over and above last year's masterpiece Ys and this year's best album so far "Boxer"? What the F%$&k??
  27. MaxenceW
    Jun 17, 2007
    Minimalist but strangely refreshing.
  28. amuror
    Jun 25, 2007
    It is a sound track of cool stylish &. It is a sound without extra noisiness, and natural transformer music. Therefore, the person who feels that this is sober will not be able to come to like it. It is a refined sound adult who is not child's sound.
  29. KyleR
    Jun 26, 2007
    Tokyopimp. You have vocalized my opinion in a way my own mind could not.
  30. pierreb.
    Jun 26, 2007
    It is certainly not bad, but 90!!!!???? that's way too much for just an ordinary dance/electronic record. Good for running though. Still it is obvious that this album does certainly NOT deserve to be 2007's number 1.
  31. RM
    Jun 27, 2007
    Yes not perfect, much better in some places than others... But the thing that amazes me most about this album is that it is possibly the first trance album EVER that is even mildly intelligent. Its taken the dumbest electronic genre on the planet, scraped of all the cheese and cut out all the crappy lyrics in trance that make you cringe until your spine breaks, and made it interesting and Yes not perfect, much better in some places than others... But the thing that amazes me most about this album is that it is possibly the first trance album EVER that is even mildly intelligent. Its taken the dumbest electronic genre on the planet, scraped of all the cheese and cut out all the crappy lyrics in trance that make you cringe until your spine breaks, and made it interesting and engaging. So it deserves a lot of browie marks for that. I persoanlly feel the second half of the album is stronger than the first; repetition fares a bit better here and there is a bit more evolution in tracks like 'The Deal' (probably the highlight of the album). It is a shame it gets such high reviews because some people give it extremely low reviews as a knee jerk reaction. Its deserves to be in the top ten albums released this year though! Expand
  32. JamesP.
    Jun 28, 2007
    6.9?! Are you lot fucking kidding me? All I can say is that I'm glad these guys aren't professional reviewers. For anyone who wants million MPH DnB that changes 1000 times a minute without ever settling on a particular tune, there's venetian snares. For those who can appresciate the infinitely deep, soft-as-dove's-down soundscapes teased out of splintered samples, 6.9?! Are you lot fucking kidding me? All I can say is that I'm glad these guys aren't professional reviewers. For anyone who wants million MPH DnB that changes 1000 times a minute without ever settling on a particular tune, there's venetian snares. For those who can appresciate the infinitely deep, soft-as-dove's-down soundscapes teased out of splintered samples, there's this utterly sublime (cough) record. Each song is actually allowed to unwind fully to its conclusion, given space to breathe, to soar, to put you into an utter stupor where the only thing that exists is you and the music. Which is such a rarity in a genre where artists are increasingly trying to pack as many substandard ideas into 4 minutes as possible. And the fantastically minimalist approach is so damn refreshing that I can't help but wonder why all music isn't like this. And hey, any song that can make Lionel Richie's "Hello" into one of the best songs of the decade thusfar (no exaggeration, this is seriously that good) deserves infinite praise. Expand
  33. sargonzo
    Jun 28, 2007
    Incredibly overrated
  34. SelfMedicating
    Jun 28, 2007
    One might ask how a collection of rave music from the early 90s became the most critically acclaimed record of 2007. Or one could just admit that the critics know best.
  35. joe
    Jul 16, 2007
    this is not a dance album like Justice. this is not a trance album. this album is not meant to revolutionize electronic music. this one is about nostalgia, minimalism and vision, as the final track illustrates. forget the high metacritic rating and users ranting and ravings. try hanging out on the beach with a nice buzz on a nice summer day with this one playing on the truck this is not a dance album like Justice. this is not a trance album. this album is not meant to revolutionize electronic music. this one is about nostalgia, minimalism and vision, as the final track illustrates. forget the high metacritic rating and users ranting and ravings. try hanging out on the beach with a nice buzz on a nice summer day with this one playing on the truck stereo...f'in sweet. Expand
  36. LiamA
    Jul 31, 2007
    To all you indie scene hipster hacks who are influenced by Pitchfork, don
  37. freenF
    Aug 11, 2007
    I absolutely agree with the critics on this one. One of the best albums of 2007 and destined to become a classic.
  38. whatadick
    Aug 29, 2007
    When I first read about this album I thought it was interesting. But that was just when I was reading about it. When I then started listening to this I was like "What?! Am I on some kind of hidden camera show? What the hell?" This must be a big joke, it has to be. This album sucks a shit load but every criticizer is lovin it. I think that all of those hot shot criticizers meet and was When I first read about this album I thought it was interesting. But that was just when I was reading about it. When I then started listening to this I was like "What?! Am I on some kind of hidden camera show? What the hell?" This must be a big joke, it has to be. This album sucks a shit load but every criticizer is lovin it. I think that all of those hot shot criticizers meet and was like "Yo, all of yall is going to give this piece of shit a good review, and afterwards we look how the readers react. If they love it, they're just assholes that love everything they are told to love, and if they hate, they're smart enough to say out loud "What the hell is going on? This sucks". Expand
  39. Parse
    Sep 11, 2007
    Hold on. It's terrible, you say? Not in the least bit. Have you even given the album more than one listen? When I first picked this album up, I was like "What is this shit? It's repetetive, it's boring, and it just flat out sucks. Maybe a few good songs here and there", pretty much the same thoughts running through some of your heads. This album is a masterpiece, and needs Hold on. It's terrible, you say? Not in the least bit. Have you even given the album more than one listen? When I first picked this album up, I was like "What is this shit? It's repetetive, it's boring, and it just flat out sucks. Maybe a few good songs here and there", pretty much the same thoughts running through some of your heads. This album is a masterpiece, and needs some time to be fully appreciated. Just because you can't love it right off the bat doesn't mean that it's a piece of shit. Expand
  40. Marcus
    Sep 16, 2007
    I can understand that all good albums need to be listened to several times before they can be thoroughly enjoyed. The tune of each song needs to be repeated in one's head for a while before it fully takes hold. Somehow, I feel like the repetitive quality of most electronic music may help this process along, but at the same time, it makes the tune get old fast. I would like the songs I can understand that all good albums need to be listened to several times before they can be thoroughly enjoyed. The tune of each song needs to be repeated in one's head for a while before it fully takes hold. Somehow, I feel like the repetitive quality of most electronic music may help this process along, but at the same time, it makes the tune get old fast. I would like the songs more if only they were more dynamic. Expand
  41. EddyS.
    Sep 24, 2007
    This really is among the year's best, but yes it is true that one is more likely to get the full value with a background interest in intelligent electronic music. if you do like electronic with some emotion besides the partyyyyy Daft Punkesque attitude, then check this out and surely you will find its magnificence.
  42. Gil
    Sep 25, 2007
    Fantastic!!! great album. very simple electronic music but it does the job very well. i love this album the sound is simple and clean very quiet. one of the best i heard ever.
  43. CedricD.
    Jan 24, 2008
    Wow what a beautiful album!
  44. Charlie
    Jan 25, 2008
    Being simple is fine, but being redundant is another thing. The thing is, there are so many better trance charts out there with much more to offer.
  45. TomM.
    Feb 15, 2008
    Great album!
  46. david20023
    Dec 15, 2007
    My, how this divides people. Any album that annoys as many people as this must have something going for it.
  47. Francesco
    Dec 22, 2007
    God, how can an album like this one collect a 90 out 100? Better than Neon Bible? Please. Let's be serious. This album consist of 3 sounds repeated again and again. Blah.
  48. Brad
    Dec 29, 2007
    Soft, atmospheric and somewhat repetitive loops over lazy shuffling beats. Nothing approaching the greatness I've read in reviews, but completely inoffensive and moody enough as background music. I imagine it would be mind blowing if I still got high, but I don't, so it's not.
  49. Nato
    Dec 29, 2007
    Underwhelming considering the pro reviews.
  50. Mar 12, 2013
    This is a rare case (in fact it might be the first time I've said this about anything) where I have to say if you don't love this masterpiece you just don't get it.
  51. Dec 25, 2010
    It's the simplicity of sounds that erupt a complex reaction, in guidance with the ambient repitition, loose beats and magnificent electronic application, it is undoubtedly the cornerpoint of sample-musician history.
  52. Apr 16, 2011
    Great ambient electronica. Synthetic, cold, mechanized. Completely hypnotic. BE CAREFUL driving and listening to this. You might just end-up in the guard rail.
  53. Mar 24, 2014
    Axel Willner, under the guise of 'The Field" created on his first release something of a minor masterpiece of electronic music. His ideas here are not only fully developed, but also immaculately conceived; the inspiration to take fraction cuts of music and loop them repeatedly for several minutes on end is, simply put, genius. This approach gives the listener a feeling of primal intimacy.Axel Willner, under the guise of 'The Field" created on his first release something of a minor masterpiece of electronic music. His ideas here are not only fully developed, but also immaculately conceived; the inspiration to take fraction cuts of music and loop them repeatedly for several minutes on end is, simply put, genius. This approach gives the listener a feeling of primal intimacy. Having been subject to a sound on repeat for what feels like an eternity, we gradually begin to feel as if we've known this song deeply and personally for a long time. For an album defined as electronic music to achieve such a profoundly human feel is, frankly, quite rare. Not only has Willner carved an amazingly original niche into his moniker, his music is, regardless of gimmick, a great listen. From the opening track, 'Over the Ice', we are instantly transported somewhere else - a world of indescribable synthetic sounds based in human vocal samples that feels ethereal and anthemic at the same time. 'Over the Ice' perfectly captures the major theme that Willner explores on 'Sublime', the contrast of tension and release, simplicity and complexity. The second track, "A Paw in My Face' tests the listeners ears further, with an incredibly simple, almost elementary loop of electric guitar (later revealed to be a cut from Lionel Richie's 'Hello'), that builds for five minutes to almost unbearably tense effect. From this song onward, we begin to see Willner's hand as more compositional and restrained. Other tracks, such as 'Silent', 'Everday', and the 10-minute centerpiece of the album, 'The Deal', follow this pattern, beginning at an almost comic level of simplicity, only to evolve into a monolithic, densely layered trance. In slowly giving us a little more to grab onto with each loop, these songs become incredibly engaging from multiple standpoints. For one, Willner's music is exceptionally rhythmically subversive, often testing our patience by holding onto a loop just a little longer than we may be comfortable with. He betrays our expectations, creating tension. Another trick that Willner employs lies in the density of the sounds that he samples. They are so mythic and opaque that our brains naturally try to identify an understanding of what it is we are hearing. For instance, on track "The Little Heart Beats So Fast", what exactly is being said so faintly in the background? Diphthong? Dance On? End Solo? When you begin to think on it, each sounds plausible. Lingering on a specific song on the album in order to decipher in exactitude what is being heard, however, can be a near impossible task. Our brains can be deceptive in their understanding of what we hear. In an interview, Willner stated that many of the sounds perceived on 'Sublime' are actually hollow. Our ears naturally attempt to fill in the gaps of music that we presume are there. This makes every faint noise heard (or not heard) deeply mineable, which is a good thing because the listener certainly gets a chance to dive in and examine the soundscape of 'From Here We Go Sublime'. Each track, regardless of how simplistic it is at first glance, is endlessly cavernous. Tracks "Sun & Ice" and "Good Things End", though blatantly repetitive, have a quality of vastness, of grandiosity hidden beneath such sparse sounds. Admirably, The Field has built on a strong following among electronic music enthusiasts because of his respect of the intentional listener. He assumes that his audience is not the kind to feed on instant musical gratification so commonly found in modern popular music, which appears rigid and impersonally structured by comparison. Since its release in 2007, 'From Here We Go Sublime" has left an incredible staple on electronic minimalism. Other such albums unveiled around that time, such as Panda Bear's 'Person Pitch' and Burial's 'Untrue' inhabit a similar musical vein, both making a great application of sampling and repetition. However, the argument could be made that though both of these artists smother The Field in terms of popularity and relevance, and basically rival in critical acclaim, none is more humble and graceful than Willner when it comes to simply crafting music. To anyone with an interest in electronic minimalism, 'From Here We Go Sublime' becomes necessity. For any interested in good music in general, the album resembles a genre at its most accessible and accentuated. To write off The Field as 'dull' or 'an acquired taste' is to accuse a great wine of not intoxicating upon initial consumption. To call his songs mere 'remixes' would be to undervalue the sheer distinction of The Field's style. This is a distillation of music style that is admittedly slow burning, but also endlessly rewarding, like a classic film or novel. 'From Here We Go Sublime' is a work of whose value would be a shame to see fade over time. Collapse
  54. Oct 9, 2012
    It really doesn't get better than this, expect to return to this album for years to come; I have. Seen this guy loads of times, it all stands up live. The Field has put out some good music since this but I'll never expect him to top this. Listen is you like tight controlled music, of any genre. Don't listen if you want immediate returns.
  55. Sep 25, 2012
    This album is great. It's revolutionary in that it's minimal trance. The genre was bound to be pioneered, eventually; and that's why I didn't give it a ten. Also, not every song on this album is on equal footing. Besides that, it's the elements that make up each song that makes this album special. In addition, the sounds of this album are very diverse; from acid sounding, to quite digital.This album is great. It's revolutionary in that it's minimal trance. The genre was bound to be pioneered, eventually; and that's why I didn't give it a ten. Also, not every song on this album is on equal footing. Besides that, it's the elements that make up each song that makes this album special. In addition, the sounds of this album are very diverse; from acid sounding, to quite digital. Very understated, though. Quite beautiful album. I have to just say to people that are arguing over the critics rating that if my primary love within electronic music were ambient or minimal techno, or even trance, than I would have given this a ten, as well. You guys have to realize that falling head over heels for this album depends on your primary interest in the electronic realm. If you hate electronic, you're gonna give this album a 0. If you love ambient and minimal techno, you're gonna try to give this album a 15. You also have to understand that the quietness may not help with leaving an impression (much less a positive impression) in your mind. All these things have to be kept in view. Expand

Universal acclaim - based on 14 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 14 out of 14
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 14
  3. Negative: 0 out of 14
  1. If you like minimal electronic music at all, you must seek it out.
  2. This is one of those rare albums that makes you wonder how you ever got by without it.
  3. This is an album you could easily hate -- especially if you like things like change and development.