
Universal acclaim - based on 25 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 22 out of 25
  2. Negative: 0 out of 25
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  1. Mar 23, 2015
    There's not much one can do to deny the emotional weight or the eerily '70s character of Goon; it's probably best to settle into the La-Z-Boy, flick feathered hair off of your polyester lapel, grab a box of tissues, and let it be.
  2. Apr 23, 2015
    Like his piano chops, his lyrics are no-frills expressions, ripe and ready to be groomed into something even bigger.
  3. Mar 16, 2015
    Goon is not perfect, but it's the imperfections and the straight honesty that bleeds through it that make it so appealing.
  4. Mar 6, 2015
    Goon vocalizes a timelessness through the mouth of a man playing simply to start over, earnest as he’ll ever be--and getting to hear it from inside the practice room, not outside the door, makes all the difference.
  5. Mar 16, 2015
    Goon is gluttonously full of rich sounds, but it’s the running thread that counts: That voice, and its ability to sing about experiences like they’re universal stories, not a means of self-indulgence.
  6. Mar 13, 2015
    The end result is a pretty extraordinary album, but what makes Goon really special is the future it hints at.
  7. Mojo
    Mar 19, 2015
    It's lovely stuff throughout. [Apr 2015, p.87]
  8. There are cheesy moments--Jesso pretends to cry on 'Crocodile Tears', and 'Can't Stop Thinking About You' mimics the theme from US sitcom Cheers--but the compelling fragility of his demos remains. Because of that, Goon is a triumph.
  9. Mar 18, 2015
    Goon is an indisputable triumph and a staggering opening statement from pop music's newest Piano Man.
  10. Mar 17, 2015
    What Jesso has delivered is a record that needs no context, that can exist outside of time and place. Jesso, in short, has crafted a masterpiece, with the only connection of real significance being between him and his audience.
  11. Mar 16, 2015
    Goon isn’t an album of layers; what you hear is what you get, which in this case turns out to be something special.
  12. 75
    Jesso doesn’t have a perfect voice, but his flaws are less derailments and more idiosyncrasies. These pockmarks, along with strong and engaging composition, are what give personality to a record that could been another bland adult contemporary release destined for the sale bin.
  13. Q Magazine
    Mar 5, 2015
    Jesso's winsome melodies and gorgeous chord changes never fail to hit the spot. [Apr 2015, p.103]
  14. Mar 17, 2015
    His debut LP gathers 12 beautifully lean ballads sung in a vulnerable tenor, with vintage studio touches blended by sharp producers.
  15. Mar 11, 2015
    Goon surpasses any suggestion of mediocrity by a significant margin.
  16. Mar 5, 2015
    His debut album experiments with intense sincerity and captivating subtleties in the lyrics and melodies respectively.
  17. Mar 17, 2015
    While the narrative is compelling, this is a sound-first record, with each lyric fostering the fundamental ideals Jesso has for his music.
  18. 80
    Some of the exhaustion on Goon is a lack of emotional range. The continued packaging and shrinking of love and misery for commercial consumption, something Jesso Jr. doesn't do cynically, but he does it so well and so often.
  19. Mar 16, 2015
    Ultimately, Goon is a very good album, one further elevated by its terrific tale of redemption. Here, victory is belatedly extracted from the digestive tract of defeat.
  20. Mar 16, 2015
    Comparisons with Nilsson and early solo McCartney are high praise, but at his softer side it all threatens to go a bit Gilbert O’Sullivan. Yet this is a lovely debut and its innocence is a big part of its charm.
  21. Uncut
    Mar 5, 2015
    It takes some skill to make these sentimental songs sound this effortless. [Apr 2015, p.77]
  22. Mar 13, 2015
    Sometimes the album suffers a bit from how cohesive the themes (and some of the music) are, making it hard to pick one song out from another, but it's a minor complaint. Plus, there's something refreshing about how guileless these songs are.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 42 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 38 out of 42
  2. Negative: 1 out of 42
  1. Mar 18, 2015
    An album that is not demanding of the listener, however,is not watered down. Jesso has a McCartney like ear for infectious melodies thatAn album that is not demanding of the listener, however,is not watered down. Jesso has a McCartney like ear for infectious melodies that deliver messages which are not mentally taxing to understand. Jesso dlievers his lyrics simply without too many cringe-worthy. Do to its accessibility for a wide range of listeners expect this album to make many year end lists. Jesso isnt reinventing the wheel, he is just doing something that is over done, but doing it better than anyone else is the recent past Full Review »
  2. Nov 22, 2021
    An album that is not demanding of the listener, however,is not watered down. Jesso has a McCartney like ear for infectious melodies thatAn album that is not demanding of the listener, however,is not watered down. Jesso has a McCartney like ear for infectious melodies that deliver messages which are not mentally taxing to understand. Jesso dlievers his lyrics simply without too many cringe-worthy. Do to its accessibility for a wide range of listeners expect this album to make many year end lists. Jesso isnt reinventing the wheel, he is just doing something that is over done, but doing it better than anyone else is the recent past.

    a gorgeous, soulful, and earnest little album. Sure, the influences are as naked as they come. Some Elton here. Some McCartney there. Regardless, the songwriting and performances are far too winning to be overshadowed by who this sounds like.

    Jesso packs it with McCartney-like songs, containing infectious melodies and haunting progressions that seem like a Beatles-Elton John amalgamation of epic proportions. It's not a game-changer but no doubt this will put Jesso on the map.
    Full Review »
  3. Mar 13, 2017
    A stellar album coming from a young man who originally didn't even want to sing his own songs. I hope he continues to do just that. LookingA stellar album coming from a young man who originally didn't even want to sing his own songs. I hope he continues to do just that. Looking forward to his next release to see if he experiments with new instrumentation. Full Review »