• Record Label: Reprise
  • Release Date: Oct 24, 2006
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 790 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 63 out of 790

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  1. EllenB
    Apr 14, 2007
    This is an amazing album, My Chemical Romance is geniousl
  2. TylerC
    Apr 17, 2007
    A great mix of the sound from Three Cheers and all new lyrics that aren't morbid
  3. BushHead
    May 26, 2007
    this album was so awesome. they way they mixed up the songs sound and make it different from everything else made it one of my favorite cds
  4. CronosA.
    Jan 15, 2008
    This is not only the best album of My Chemical Romance, but a true masterpiece of the whole rock scene. Prejudice isn't the most accurate way to rate an album, and this happens here. It's not the fact that MCR is an emo band or not, actually Gerard Way said that emo is shit. I think it is a before and an after "The Black Parade". You may dislike it, but it's sure this album This is not only the best album of My Chemical Romance, but a true masterpiece of the whole rock scene. Prejudice isn't the most accurate way to rate an album, and this happens here. It's not the fact that MCR is an emo band or not, actually Gerard Way said that emo is shit. I think it is a before and an after "The Black Parade". You may dislike it, but it's sure this album won't be forgotten for many years, instead of that, it surely be one of the albums more representative of de decade. Expand
  5. ChristyC
    Mar 23, 2008
    Dude this CD ROCKS!!!! I don't understand how some of you could rate it so low!!! The songs are brilliant, the lyrics are awesome, AND GERARD WAYS VOICE DOES NOT SUCK TO THAT PERSON WHO SAID IT DID!!!! THis band has awesome talent and I can see them going far in their musical carrier.
  6. kyah
    Nov 23, 2006
    this album rules love this band to death
  7. lee
    Nov 28, 2006
    hey anyone who just comeson 2 fucking make fun of real muscians people with real voice songs and heart are fags.mcr are more real and true with there songs and at the same time there fukin good.me a fukin human myself i love music i listen to rap and rnb mostly but always had to give it up for mcr and there talent.there music connects to people lives and souls...including mine.and for hey anyone who just comeson 2 fucking make fun of real muscians people with real voice songs and heart are fags.mcr are more real and true with there songs and at the same time there fukin good.me a fukin human myself i love music i listen to rap and rnb mostly but always had to give it up for mcr and there talent.there music connects to people lives and souls...including mine.and for those who r negative against them y bother say anything....ur just haters and losers....if you can you better ...make a band urself....till then respect and stfu with ur trash. love mcr ! rock on.....a friend lee Expand
  8. rebeccak
    Dec 11, 2006
    Amazing. Simply amazing. This album is an example of rock at its best. Each track is diverse, from a flowing "I Don't Love You" to a F.U., fun "Teenagers" to an almost 'old Italian' sounding "Mama." How can you not become addicted to atleast one of these songs?
  9. julion
    Dec 18, 2006
    this could be there best cd yet i listen from track 1 all the way to 14 its awwsome!!!!!!
  10. KathleenG
    Dec 28, 2006
    all of you idiots that rated below an 8 should go get your heads examined IMMEDIATELY. im not a fan of "dark" music normally and i freaking LURVED it. that is all.
  11. John
    Dec 14, 2007
    I love this album! There is such a range in this as each song is very different from the other. Every song is great and most are memorable. One of my favorite albums, and one of the rare ones where I find every single song great. It rocks!
  12. Sep 25, 2010
    The best album i've seen. The lyrics, rythm, voice, guitar solos, etc... all in this album is perfect. Amazing. Pure genius.[2]
    Three Cheers for Sweet Revange is good, but The Black Parade is the best album of My Chemical Romance.
  13. Nov 24, 2010
    One of the Best bands of our time!!The words and emotions really captures you. If you didnt enjoy this album you just dont have a heart. If this doesnt make you love this genre of music then nothing will!!
  14. May 10, 2011
    A monumentally ambitious album. Tossing the scream-and-rage-based sound of their previous albums 'I Brought You My Bullets, You Brought Me Your Love' and 'Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge', My Chem fuses the conceptual imagery of 'Sgt. Pepper' with the arena-rock sensibilities of Queen to create a sound that is both dark and cheerful. A non-linear, well-balanced rock opera of high concept,A monumentally ambitious album. Tossing the scream-and-rage-based sound of their previous albums 'I Brought You My Bullets, You Brought Me Your Love' and 'Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge', My Chem fuses the conceptual imagery of 'Sgt. Pepper' with the arena-rock sensibilities of Queen to create a sound that is both dark and cheerful. A non-linear, well-balanced rock opera of high concept, and high payoff. Excellent instrumentals, good vocals, and well-placed lyrics. This is to My Chemical Romance what 'American Idiot' was to Green Day.

    Best tracks: "The Sharpest Lives", "Mama", "Teenagers"
  15. Aug 24, 2011
    In this journey of death my chemical romance comes off stronger than they did in three cheers or I brought you my bullets you brought me your love. With some of their best songs including welcome to the black parade and disenchanted this is a must have album and one of the best albums of the decade 10 out of 10
  16. Nov 26, 2011
    Amazing album with dark and deep lyrics that live up to MCR's "emo" label but it also has that fast pased exciting rebellious punk sound that makes the dark theme of The Black Parade come alive. Possibly my favorite MCR album.
  17. Mar 27, 2012
    is very good album in the album narration the situation the live everytime and everydays is very good album, half is a gothic album with a touch of tragedy and death always room where stories are told and disappointments is a creative album with a sound very 70's and 80's with some 90's sometimes a bit of hendrix or ozzy style eg there is a song that seemed to me much in the style of crazyis very good album in the album narration the situation the live everytime and everydays is very good album, half is a gothic album with a touch of tragedy and death always room where stories are told and disappointments is a creative album with a sound very 70's and 80's with some 90's sometimes a bit of hendrix or ozzy style eg there is a song that seemed to me much in the style of crazy train. album is dirty and full of sound and music Expand
  18. Feb 27, 2016
    10/10 - "This is one to file alongside 'American Idiot', 'Doolittle' and 'Nevermind' on your greatest US rock albums shelf" - NME

    Such a good album!!
  19. Jan 5, 2013
    My Chemical Romance have truly found their way to fame and the big time with The Black Parade, which is a showcase of both their musical abilities and their storytelling abilities, both through the lyrics and the emotion. This is the kind of album that comes around one in a band's lifespan and brings wonderful songs such as Dead!, Welcome to the Black Parade, Teenagers and Famous LastMy Chemical Romance have truly found their way to fame and the big time with The Black Parade, which is a showcase of both their musical abilities and their storytelling abilities, both through the lyrics and the emotion. This is the kind of album that comes around one in a band's lifespan and brings wonderful songs such as Dead!, Welcome to the Black Parade, Teenagers and Famous Last Words, which single handedly took the world by storm in 2006 and 2007. Expand
  20. Mar 15, 2013
    One of the characteristics of MCR is that in every job evolving their sound and theme and this work definitely proves that this band has great power in the music.
    First of all, clarify that this work, for me, does not exceed the greatness of the previous album 'Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge' because I feel more emotional and melodic, but The Black Parade is a unique blend of styles and
    One of the characteristics of MCR is that in every job evolving their sound and theme and this work definitely proves that this band has great power in the music.
    First of all, clarify that this work, for me, does not exceed the greatness of the previous album 'Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge' because I feel more emotional and melodic, but The Black Parade is a unique blend of styles and quality, containing topics literally for everyone. Surely listening after listening, you will be able to go all tastes squeezing this cd from a group that has been getting a major impact far and wide across the planet and surely still have much to offer job after job. Do not miss out.
  21. Apr 16, 2013
    A good old fashioned prog-rock opera that serves as a tribute to classic rock of the 1970s (namely Queen, which is the biggest influence on the record). Death is the big (and only) theme on the album that follows the journey of The Patient after his death from cancer and seeing death in the from of a favourite memory (the titular parade as a child). Its a wonderfully ludicrous story toldA good old fashioned prog-rock opera that serves as a tribute to classic rock of the 1970s (namely Queen, which is the biggest influence on the record). Death is the big (and only) theme on the album that follows the journey of The Patient after his death from cancer and seeing death in the from of a favourite memory (the titular parade as a child). Its a wonderfully ludicrous story told brilliant with some great instrumentation inspired by Billy Corgan and Freddie Mercury. This could be the greatest "emo" album of the century. Expand
  22. May 10, 2013
    This is the most outstanding album I own and that I have ever heard. This is MCR's finest effort. Every single song on this album is incredible, deep, thoughtful, masterful and magical. This is the album against which I compare all others. If I was stuck on a desert island and could only have one CD, The Black Parade would be my choice.
  23. Feb 13, 2023
    A great record. Never thought they would get this good after their first 2 records.
  24. Apr 5, 2015
    This album really stands out with it's unique and honestly magnificent sound. Every song holds its own beauty, story and twist. The style of music is edgy yet graceful and the lyrics really match the mood and feel of each separate song. My Chemical Romance really took from many different inspirations to create this album and it works really well. It is easy to connect to the lyrics andThis album really stands out with it's unique and honestly magnificent sound. Every song holds its own beauty, story and twist. The style of music is edgy yet graceful and the lyrics really match the mood and feel of each separate song. My Chemical Romance really took from many different inspirations to create this album and it works really well. It is easy to connect to the lyrics and feel the beat of each tune pump through your veins. 'The Black Parade' has many catchy beats that range from pumped up and hard hitting to soft and melodic, each blending with each other whilst still sounding completely different and unique. A few of the songs on this album are quite bold and perhaps not for everyone but I feel like every track could grow on you after a couple of plays. This album is definitely worth purchasing and it would also be wise to check out some of MCR's other stuff as well. Expand
  25. Jun 10, 2015
    Every single song stand out in its unique way. The lyrics seem to come from the soul. If you have ever heard "Welcome to the Black Parade" and liked it than this album will be your next love.
  26. Jul 21, 2015
    The album has an amazing storyline and all the songs have a powerful message, especially the amazing Famous Last Words and Welcome to the Black Parade.
  27. Nov 20, 2015
    Melhor álbum da banda em tudo. Álbum completo, sonoridade perfeita, letras dramáticas, produção dos Deuses. Não há como não dar uma nova abaixo de 10. O álbum e muito bom mesmo. Isso e uma banda Emo/Core para a adolescência
  28. Dec 21, 2015
    In my opinion, it is hard to have a better album than this. All the songs are great (including the slower ones). It is also is a great rock opera. If you get the chance, I highly recommend getting this album.
  29. Dec 23, 2015
    The Black Parade é um álbum incrível! Gerard Way está no auge da sua voz e as músicas tem ótimas letras, além da ótima instrumental. O ponto alto da carreira de MCR.

    Pontos altos: The Sharpest Lives, Sleep, Cancer
    Pontos baixos: Blood, The End., Disenchanted
  30. Jan 28, 2016
    Each song could be a single and become a worldwide hit. There's an overwhelming amount of emotions from the very beginning to the very end of the album, one of my all-time favourite records.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 24 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 17 out of 24
  2. Negative: 1 out of 24
  1. The most bonkers album of the year, but one of the best.
  2. Alternative Press
    The Black Parade is MCR's whole raison d'etre rolled up into one mega-decibel calling card. [Nov 2006, p.179]
  3. 90
    They've created the Sgt. Pepper of screamo.