• Record Label: Hyperdub
  • Release Date: Nov 6, 2007
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 472 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 57 out of 472

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  1. May 24, 2022
    It's one of the most detail-rich albums ever made, of any genre. It feels like a melancholic odyssey through a dark, rainy city, which is a pretty good description of London through Autumn and Winter. However, Untrue is never overbearingly gloomy; there are uplifting moments of beauty and hope scattered through the record, most intensely in the second half of "Shell of Light" (#9). IIt's one of the most detail-rich albums ever made, of any genre. It feels like a melancholic odyssey through a dark, rainy city, which is a pretty good description of London through Autumn and Winter. However, Untrue is never overbearingly gloomy; there are uplifting moments of beauty and hope scattered through the record, most intensely in the second half of "Shell of Light" (#9). I recommend that everyone listens to this record and that when you do listen to it you turn the volume up high and take a walk to get the full experience. Expand
  2. Dec 6, 2021
    complex, stark, tender, blurred and breathtaking. Burial has managed the impossible and improved on his faultless debut
  3. May 27, 2021
    O melhor álbum eletrônico da década! Talvez, do século até o momento. Experiência única e fantástica!
  4. May 17, 2021
    This album sounds like walking home drunk from the pub in a rainy midnight in London. The atmosphere is so cold yet so warm and inviting at the same time. Icy rhythms with surreal soundscapes and textures laced throughout its 50-minute runtime. Choppy samples and fractured and hard-hitting beats and percussive elements. Love this.
  5. May 9, 2020
    One of the best underground albums of all time. Rightful amongst the most influential electronic albums ever.
  6. Dec 28, 2019
    In my opinion this record is a classic. Those saying this album is "too repetitive" or "boring" need to stop listening to this like a normal song. This record is immersive, it's spacial, it's an atmosphere. It's jogging home at 2:00am in the city after a party, or sitting in a diner in the evening with your hood on trying to avoid eye contact. It's moody and dark, but with subtleIn my opinion this record is a classic. Those saying this album is "too repetitive" or "boring" need to stop listening to this like a normal song. This record is immersive, it's spacial, it's an atmosphere. It's jogging home at 2:00am in the city after a party, or sitting in a diner in the evening with your hood on trying to avoid eye contact. It's moody and dark, but with subtle hopefulness. I hope those who hate this record will give it another try without expectations of getting your average song structure. Expand
  7. Jul 9, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. “Untrue” by Burial is a tightly knit album packed with pitched samples that are elegantly placed over instrumentals containing calculated and lavish production. The result is a 13 track, 50 minute long project that is very calming and easy to vibe to. Expand
  8. Feb 3, 2019
    A defining moment for electronic music across the board, Burial's sophomore album evokes a state of continuous bliss under grey skies.
  9. Dec 22, 2017
    Minimalist and at the same time complex, masterpiece! Greatest dubstep album.
  10. Dec 22, 2017
    Excelent album .......................................................................................................................................
  11. Sep 5, 2017
    I intially discovered this album in 2010 from Mt. Eden Dubstep's remix of Archangel. At the time I preferred the remix and quickly judged the album as dull faux dubstep that couldn't stand up to the kid's dubstep, the EDM brostep dropfests that were peaking in popularity at the time. I never even listened to it all the way through. I suspect this may be true for many others and the reasonI intially discovered this album in 2010 from Mt. Eden Dubstep's remix of Archangel. At the time I preferred the remix and quickly judged the album as dull faux dubstep that couldn't stand up to the kid's dubstep, the EDM brostep dropfests that were peaking in popularity at the time. I never even listened to it all the way through. I suspect this may be true for many others and the reason the user score is lagging so far behind the critics'. Hearing this for real 7 years later I am astonished at what I missed and how cheap the remix I once preferred sounds in comparison. This album transcends the genre labels most often associated with it; like all albums it has many influences but it stands out as truly unique. In retrospect it was way ahead of its time, and it might still be. Sure it has a consistent and familiar drum and bass backbone but that's just used to hypnotize you while it goes to work. Burial weaves intricate dreamlike layers that hook themselves inside you and drag you simultaneously deep into your soul and out into the far and empty reaches of space. Ghostly voices call out to you, robotic and warped in tone but utterly human in their sorrow and longing. This album is the sound of a brilliant mind so enveloped and distraught in its musings that they bleed directly into the surrounding space to be felt literally by the external world. Burial has peeled back his skull and exposed a part of his brain so that we lucky listeners can mush our brain meat against his to gain a fleeting but profound taste of pure consciousness outside ours, the type of real connection we spend our lives chasing. Untrue is an instant classic and we are extraordinarily lucky to be living in a time when this type of music is even possibly, let alone that someone was actually talented enough to produce it. Don't miss this like I almost did. Expand
  12. Mar 29, 2017
    One of my favorite electronic albums ever recorded...
    It is dark and haunting but maintains enough heart that it ends up being an uplifting experience.
    While it may send you traveling down the dark alleys of your mind, there definitely is a light ahead... I suggest consuming this all in one sitting on a night you feel open to it. I did about 10 years ago and have been listening to it
    One of my favorite electronic albums ever recorded...
    It is dark and haunting but maintains enough heart that it ends up being an uplifting experience.
    While it may send you traveling down the dark alleys of your mind, there definitely is a light ahead...

    I suggest consuming this all in one sitting on a night you feel open to it.
    I did about 10 years ago and have been listening to it ever since. No one is better than Burial at this type of music and Burial never did it better than this...
  13. May 15, 2015
    It is hard to skip a song on this faultless LP. Brooding, evocative and strong, a step up from his self-titled debut and a pinnacle in electronic music.
  14. May 8, 2014
    The best ambient album of all time. Burial is a hugely unappreciated artist on the electronic scene, and this is his highest quality collection of musical pieces. I look forward to future full-length albums.
  15. Dec 26, 2013
    With fast tempos despite bone-chilling ambiance, Untrue manages to be arguably one of the greatest dubstep albums ever. However, don't expect this one to hit you immediately. When I first listened to this album, I thought it had nice beats, but those seemed to drone a bit too much and I lost interest. Luckily, I gave it a second chance and was left in tears by the emotional intensity ofWith fast tempos despite bone-chilling ambiance, Untrue manages to be arguably one of the greatest dubstep albums ever. However, don't expect this one to hit you immediately. When I first listened to this album, I thought it had nice beats, but those seemed to drone a bit too much and I lost interest. Luckily, I gave it a second chance and was left in tears by the emotional intensity of every song of this album; yet I still felt the uncontrollable urge to move to the album's incredible and subtly varied rhythms. It is not often an electronica album can be this physically and emotionally moving. In fact, I cannot think of another example. Expand
  16. Dec 13, 2013
    I wasn't a huge fan of the album after the first half dozen listens. But something kept me coming back for repeated listens. Then during a random listen, it just hit me, the sound which seemed mediocre to me before, was incredible! One of my all-time favorite albums, and easily one of the oddest experiences I've had with an album.
  17. Nov 29, 2013
    Given this a listen only a couple of days ago, I must say its an experience like no other. Burial did his thing with sampling and used it like a pro. I hope to hear a follow up to this near-masterpiece.
  18. May 23, 2013
    If you're looking for something to dance to, then this is the wrong album for you. If not, continue reading. Just like with most of his music, Burial blends together an extremely tranquil, deep and harmonious experience, plus if you like emotional things, Untrue is definitely something to give a listen to. It's not the best album I've ever heard, but it is definitely in my Top 10.
  19. Sep 28, 2012
    I think you must get it to like it. btw most (if not all) of the songs actually have lyrics, but they´re hard to understand. i think im slowly getting it.
  20. Mar 12, 2012
    Absolutely incredible. Burial's unique blend of dubstep and garage is further refined in his second full lenght release, conjuring up the same bleak, melancholic atmospheres but with new depth and focus. Faultless.
  21. Jan 7, 2012
    I've heard it described as the sound of London at night, and I agree. Sorrowful early-morning comedowns set to fuzzy radios. I guess some people don't get it, but you can't attack it for repetitiveness, the monotony compliments the sad bass fading in and out, and the twisted vocals sound beautiful floating over the whole thing.
  22. Jan 4, 2012
    Repetitive?, guess what, is electronic music. Since the 60s, electronic music has always been repetitive. And that's the best part when you love the beat, the echos and the vocals. You want to listen to that, again and again and a hundred times more. Open your minds, the electronic music is the most varied genre ever, because there are so many artists, each one with it's own style, so manyRepetitive?, guess what, is electronic music. Since the 60s, electronic music has always been repetitive. And that's the best part when you love the beat, the echos and the vocals. You want to listen to that, again and again and a hundred times more. Open your minds, the electronic music is the most varied genre ever, because there are so many artists, each one with it's own style, so many tracks... Expand
  23. Sep 13, 2011
    This isn't music... it's what I call Audio Art. or Art Music, or.... well. Anyway, what makes this album great is it takes you to a lonely place where nobody's around, thank god. Maybe one other person. It's stormy, it's dark and the underground tunnels are rather tricky to navigate, but you're having the time of your life. Shame the song finishes though, and you're back to yourThis isn't music... it's what I call Audio Art. or Art Music, or.... well. Anyway, what makes this album great is it takes you to a lonely place where nobody's around, thank god. Maybe one other person. It's stormy, it's dark and the underground tunnels are rather tricky to navigate, but you're having the time of your life. Shame the song finishes though, and you're back to your not-so-lucky real life. It's that brilliant amnesia you get listening to these songs making me have to give it a ten. Expand
  24. Oct 6, 2010
    Even though it is classified as dubstep, don't expect any bassy oscillation of what todays dubstep is composed of. This album is a stroke of genius and was and still is a breathe of fresh air. Emotionally pounding tracks like 'In McDonalds' and 'Endorphin' will bring about sensations that are unexplained, tracks like 'Shell of Light' will leave you completely hypnotised. This cleverEven though it is classified as dubstep, don't expect any bassy oscillation of what todays dubstep is composed of. This album is a stroke of genius and was and still is a breathe of fresh air. Emotionally pounding tracks like 'In McDonalds' and 'Endorphin' will bring about sensations that are unexplained, tracks like 'Shell of Light' will leave you completely hypnotised. This clever arrangement of distorted sampling really gives every song a soul. I find it musically insulting how some user critics have shunned this album saying it's 'uninspired and boring'. I think its rather them who are uninspired and boring. Expand
  25. DaveC.
    Apr 7, 2009
    tons of scattered ideas all held together by a single emotion that meander between utter chaos and beautiful superposition.
  26. AdamP
    Mar 4, 2009
    If this album could be any better, it would be the epitome of perfection, and I don't think I could handle that as my mind would explode.
  27. EvilEd
    Feb 6, 2009
    Wish this won the Mercury instead of the boring Elbow. A good album but you tend to tire a bit from it after multiple plays.
  28. MatheusB
    Dec 30, 2008
    Very deep, touching vocals, almost angelical... put also very sad. It puts together a lot of feelings but not suitable for all places and situations. Works for me though. I loved it.
  29. WesM
    Oct 11, 2008
    It's like the beautifully bleak, manic depressive anti-thesis to Since I Left You by the Avalanches.
  30. Derj
    Sep 20, 2008
    This is one of the best albums that I have heard in a long long time. He tries to do something different and succeeds massively. That he does it all on Soundforge is beyond comprehension. A genius, I sincerely look forward to his next effort which he syas is going to be a more aggressive DnB tinged affair.

Universal acclaim - based on 23 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 22 out of 23
  2. Negative: 0 out of 23
  1. Burial has concocted a noir-ish sound that’s as powerful as it is atmospheric.
  2. What gives this album more depth is the focus, the rolling symmetry and cinema.
  3. That emptiness tempts a listener in, and puts you in its place--you, in a sense, step into the record’s point of view. This invitation to intimacy is a powerful move that most club music is simply incapable of.