Entertainment Weekly's Scores

For 3,519 reviews, this publication has graded:
  • 81% higher than the average critic
  • 1% same as the average critic
  • 18% lower than the average critic
On average, this publication grades 5 points higher than other critics. (0-100 point scale)
Average Music review score: 78
    • 73 Metascore
    • 100 Critic Score
    A transcendent and seductively personal sound.
    • 97 Metascore
    • 100 Critic Score
    It's a gorgeous trip back to a time when anything seemed possible. [1 Oct 2004, p.73]
    • Entertainment Weekly
    • 75 Metascore
    • 100 Critic Score
    Fans will likely find Live In New York City's porridge not too epic and not too stingy, the balance of newer material, obvious classics, and obscure trifles just right. [13 Apr 2001, p.73]
    • Entertainment Weekly
    • 71 Metascore
    • 100 Critic Score
    While these beats keep you hooked without a single word, surely they'd sound phenomenal with the right vocal on top. [15 Aug 2008, p.67]
    • 100 Metascore
    • 100 Critic Score
    Only hardcore devotees (of which, admittedly, there are many) truly need to hear all of the 25 rarities and concert recordings included with this expanded two-CD reissue Pinkerton: Deluxe Edition.
    • 82 Metascore
    • 100 Critic Score
    Stoner-rock heavyweight Josh Homme shows no ring rust on QOTSA's first new album in six years. [14 Jun 2013, p.94]
    • Entertainment Weekly
    • 53 Metascore
    • 100 Critic Score
    HITnRUN is an invigorating, eclectic modern pop record that takes a now-familiar (but still no less impressive) formula--equal parts hedonistic arena rock, chugging funk, and art-mutated pop--and tacks on a handful of new sounds and twists that give is a satisfying, visceral edge.
    • 79 Metascore
    • 100 Critic Score
    Apple's piano trundles, the strings loom, the beats clop; everything, including her throaty voice, has alluring dark circles under it. With their hints of cabaret, tango, and doomed chanteuses, the melodies slither rather than pummel you.
    • 73 Metascore
    • 100 Critic Score
    Much of the credit for this catchy set of Britpop goes to the intelligent use of samples. [2 Apr 2004, p.66]
    • Entertainment Weekly
    • 75 Metascore
    • 100 Critic Score
    On Rome, they masterfully conjure up a love story fit for the silver screen--shoot-outs and tumbleweeds included.
    • 79 Metascore
    • 100 Critic Score
    As hopelessly antiquated as it may sound in the year 2000, it's as if they decided it was time to write and record an album of very good, extremely substantial traditional rock songs with an underlying inspirational bent.... the new work focuses on songs, not sonic gimmicks, and the difference is palpable.
    • 90 Metascore
    • 100 Critic Score
    By adding grit and gutter-savvy humor, Skinner also takes U.K. garage to a new level, making for the year's most striking debut.
    • 71 Metascore
    • 100 Critic Score
    It's a reminder to the rest of the pretty-rock community that loveliness is worthless if there's no heart behind it, and Death Cab's beats stronger than most.
    • 88 Metascore
    • 100 Critic Score
    By nature, Radiohead albums will always be somewhat epic, but this one is more consistently grandiose than any of the band’s releases since 2000’s masterpiece Kid A.
    • 74 Metascore
    • 100 Critic Score
    Lush, high-plains soundtrack music. [1 Nov 2002, p.70]
    • Entertainment Weekly
    • 87 Metascore
    • 100 Critic Score
    His latest sounds happier, and it’s still steeped in the Southern mythology that’s his forte.
    • 84 Metascore
    • 100 Critic Score
    Holmes races through genres like a mad cab driver running red lights, revving up a jittery, urban fever dream from a junk heap of beats and ragged exotica. [10/27/2000, p.120]
    • Entertainment Weekly
    • 83 Metascore
    • 100 Critic Score
    Yielding vibrant optimism where Lekman had typically sulked with a smile. Life is the perfect pick-me-up for the winter of our discontent.
    • 95 Metascore
    • 100 Critic Score
    Suffused with warmth and memory, this set belongs among your Tom Petty records. [Nov 2020, p.97]
    • 92 Metascore
    • 100 Critic Score
    Her boldest, most ambitious, best album to date.
    • 73 Metascore
    • 100 Critic Score
    Offers up the same taut honky-tonk, high-lonesome balladry and electric-rock snarls as Failer. But the production is more direct, and her songs are more rueful. [4 Mar 2005, p.71]
    • Entertainment Weekly
    • 79 Metascore
    • 100 Critic Score
    Practically every song is a near-perfect amalgam of straight-up melodies and pogoing beats. [5 Nov 2004, p.80]
    • Entertainment Weekly
    • 74 Metascore
    • 100 Critic Score
    Ultraviolence is the masked bacchanalia that finally unleashes the full potential lurking beneath the hype.
    • 72 Metascore
    • 100 Critic Score
    Springsteen's topical concerns have subsided for now, washed away by a high tide of positive personal feelings.
    • 85 Metascore
    • 100 Critic Score
    They're profane, bursting with rage and lust, and they deliver more laughs than anyone since Richard Pryor.
    • 79 Metascore
    • 100 Critic Score
    The overall tone remains knowing and playful.
    • 80 Metascore
    • 100 Critic Score
    ["I'll Be Yours" and "Move That Dope"] reinforces Future's status as the rap game's current MVP. [2 May 2014, p.63]
    • Entertainment Weekly
    • 81 Metascore
    • 100 Critic Score
    Shockingly well done... a remarkable album. [3 Sep 2004, p.73]
    • Entertainment Weekly
    • 85 Metascore
    • 100 Critic Score
    Damn if an already nearly perfect album doesn't, with these bonus tracks, gets a little better itself. [18 Jul 2008, p.64]
    • Entertainment Weekly
    • 87 Metascore
    • 100 Critic Score
    It's a headphones album in an age of radio singles; a bravura live performance that stands out against pro forma knob-twiddling; a jazzy disco attack on the basic house beat; a full collaboration at a time when the superstar DJ stands alone. It's also quite moving; melancholy runs through every song.