• Record Label: Atlantic
  • Release Date: Jun 3, 2003
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 24 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 15 out of 24
  2. Negative: 8 out of 24

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  1. mattb
    Jun 27, 2003
    it's a good album. i like it better then her old stuff, plus she's hot
  2. Rod
    Jun 11, 2003
    Great. This is by far Jewel's best album to date. I love her new sound.
  3. BrennaA
    Sep 19, 2003
    I love it, i have been a fan even with her underground stuff. she has a beautiful talent despite that fact that this CD was a total shock to the Jewel fan population
  4. MichealB
    Sep 8, 2003
    Awesome!! Screw the embittered reviewers who don;t know music from their ass anymore!!! Especially Rolling Stone!!! Fuck them!!
  5. Sep 22, 2010
    Great album! 0304 shows a different side of jewel, a pop side that wasn't seen before the record! "Intuition" and "2 Find U" are the best on teh album and really are great and the other 12 songs are just as good also
  6. Matt
    Jun 14, 2003
    This is an innovative CD, and it isn't strictly dance. I love the more positive lyrics, too.
  7. TorikH
    Jan 14, 2005
    This album made her my favourite singer. She took a risk an succeeded! My favourite track is Stand. This inspired me to write poetry. It's no Spirit but It comes extremely close.
  8. MattM
    Jun 16, 2003
    OK, so Jewel has completely changed her image and turned in her folk guitar for modern-day pop mechanics on "0304", but that is not the point. The album is a sheer, unadulterated pleasure to listen to, and how many of her previous albums can that be said about? With only a few small missteps, "0304" is one of the most fresh and exciting albums of 2003.
  9. DevonB.
    Feb 25, 2005
    I liked the lyrics, because they seem to mean more than regular pop songs, she said this is the kind of album that she has wanted to create for awhile now, and I think it's a good one.
  10. izata
    Jun 25, 2006
    it's not that bad... but still... quite disappointing as jewel has strayed from her adorable rock-ish country folk singer-songwriter persona... there are great and stupid tracks in this album.. GREAT: INTUITION, STAND, 2 BECOME 1, DOIN FINE, BECOMING. STUPID: AMERICA, U N ME=LOVE
  11. curefreak
    Jan 15, 2005
    this cd is very confusing its neither all bad or all good in my opinion the things i didnt like was the white washed production wich turns everything into a shiny surface , any cd that tries to be pop should always have some killer beats well this one fails miserably for the most part , shania twain has better beats and most of hers are ripped of from def leppard and bryan adams!! some of this cd is very confusing its neither all bad or all good in my opinion the things i didnt like was the white washed production wich turns everything into a shiny surface , any cd that tries to be pop should always have some killer beats well this one fails miserably for the most part , shania twain has better beats and most of hers are ripped of from def leppard and bryan adams!! some of the lyrics are downright embarrasing, this cd would have been a masterpiece if every song was along the lines of intuition( why does all jewells cds have killer singles that she has trouble following up with ?) the songs off the top of my hand that werent completly awfull was intuition , two becomes 1, stand, and run to you so pretty much the first 4 four songs , eeek ive sworn off from buying jewells cds from now on cause theyre just too damn inconsistant i really did like her new look tho it was sexxy without being trashy Expand
  12. ruth
    Jun 25, 2003
    only because i didnt hear of the new songs off it yet.. I only heard "INTUITION" and i like that one..
  13. DavidW
    May 30, 2004
    This CD makes me very sad. Jewel has given into the devil on her shoulder and become what sells. Sluts. I have never been able to respect artists like Britney Spears, Shakira, (recent) Madonna, Christina, etc. There CDs sell because guys wanna do them and girls want to be them. Jewekl Was different. In a sea of american idol pop bullshit, there was always the comforting acustic sounds of This CD makes me very sad. Jewel has given into the devil on her shoulder and become what sells. Sluts. I have never been able to respect artists like Britney Spears, Shakira, (recent) Madonna, Christina, etc. There CDs sell because guys wanna do them and girls want to be them. Jewekl Was different. In a sea of american idol pop bullshit, there was always the comforting acustic sounds of Jewel. Was she for the masses? Probably not. Because the masses like whats trendy, popular, and sexy. They don't want a docile respectful poet who writes her own songs, who plays her own instruments, and who can really touch your heart. This type of garbage can be produced by anyone with a microphone, an ibook, and a copy of garage band. You can make any voice sound "great" with effects. But very few can actually sing from the heart and without effects like Jewel does. She didn't need a pop album! She was fine the way she was. My question for Jewel is: Who will save your soul? Expand
  14. Lisa
    Jun 19, 2003
    I only give her a "1" because the lyrics, minus the overproduction and synthesizers, are o.k. But this is truly the biggest disappointment of the year. I was a HUGE Jewel fan before 0304 and this ruined her for me. A disaster.
  15. LaurenS
    Jul 26, 2003
    It makes me SICK to see a talented, self-propelled singer/songwriter such as Jewel abandon her roots and lazily meander through a music career, being led by the nose through the valley of mediocrity (otherwise known as pop-music) by money hungry music producers. She has COMPLETELY lost any respect I had for her music talent. Now she is no better than any other media slave....shall we It makes me SICK to see a talented, self-propelled singer/songwriter such as Jewel abandon her roots and lazily meander through a music career, being led by the nose through the valley of mediocrity (otherwise known as pop-music) by money hungry music producers. She has COMPLETELY lost any respect I had for her music talent. Now she is no better than any other media slave....shall we begin referring to her as JewelSpears? Don't, I repeat, DON'T support this less than half-assed effort to make music.....DO NOT BUY THIS CD!!!! Expand
  16. Tom
    Jun 10, 2003
    have you seen the tracklisting? what is this, a joke? Stand Run 2 U Intuition Leave the Lights On 2 Find U Fragile Heart Doin' Fine 2 Become 1 Haunted Sweet Temptation Yes U Can U & Me = Love America Becoming
  17. MikeG
    Jun 14, 2003
    Sub-Shakira rubbish. A waste of good talent with horrendous over-production and platitude-laden lyrics. An abomination.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 9 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 4 out of 9
  2. Negative: 2 out of 9
  1. Sellout move or not, ''0304'''s unexpected dance-pop vibrancy makes it Jewel's best album -- or, for detractors, her least unbearable.
  2. Uncut
    The tunes are stunning, her voice has never sounded better and she makes serious points few others would dare in a pop context. [Oct 2003, p.114]
  3. Q Magazine
    She has never sounded brighter or more infectious. [Nov 2003, p.117]