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Universal acclaim- based on 278 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 27 out of 278
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  1. Nov 1, 2012
    Ms. Banks is one of the smartest artists around. Using 90's-like house beats mixed up with clever rap wordplays, she accomplishes a hard-to-get feature: an EP that's strong from the funky title track all the way to "Liquorice", which celebrates men's fetishes for colored women. It's a win for Azealia!
  2. Sep 1, 2012
    This is a very unique Ep. I love the style of music and the lyrics of Banks. If her debut album anything like this EP it should be a very great one. She has some great lyrics. EP album of the year. This album is a very great Hip Hop/R&B Album.
  3. Sep 17, 2012
    A fresh and tasty bite that makes you want more. An exciting EP which promises a great deal of fun and delivers through every little sound. Keep an eye on her, she's going to change the game.
  4. Jul 21, 2012
    Azealia Banks is an original and fresh addition to the current Hip-Hop movement. Her Rap skills are very refined, her lyrics are unique, and she has a very good singing voice on top of it. This EP is great; I definitely recommend. Download her FREE Mixtape, Fantasea, though Facebook (It's very good as well).
    Favorite tracks: "212" and "Liquorice"
  5. Aug 6, 2013
    I don't really care that the EP has four tracks. They are all amazing. "1991" introduces the EP, "Van Vogue", a slower rap song comes next, Azealia's breakout hit "212" follows, and sassy "Liquorice" closes.
  6. Jul 29, 2014
    Exuberant and sassy from start to end. An exquisite salad of perfectly-performed lyrics, good rhymes, catchy rhythms and a constant sensation of satisfaction and fantasy. A genius, a miracle.
  7. Dec 5, 2013
    Azealia como sempre arrasando !Amei este Ep,ele mostra a verdadeira Azealia e seu estilo verdadeiro.Azealia vai ser uma grande rapper e pode se igualar a grandes nomes como Missy Elliot
  8. Apr 18, 2014
    This is so cool.These are the best Azealia's tracks.This is a good entrance in the rap world.Liquorice , 1991 and Van Vogue are cool, but 212 is excellent.
  9. Apr 22, 2014
    This is a very unique Ep. I love the style of music and the lyrics of Banks. If her debut album anything like this EP it should be a very great one. She has some great lyrics. EP album of the year. This album is a very great Hip Hop/R&B Album.
  10. Jun 16, 2014
    Azealia Banks is the most original artist of actuality. She did "1991 EP" the best of 2012 and no one can turn down her Witch-Hop. Everybody should listen all tracks and dance while learn something with the lyrics.
  11. Nov 9, 2014
    Simple Brilliance. Azealia Banks should be the most famous in her industry. The music might not be for everyone, but the fact that she writes her own music and uses the beat so well is proof of the pudding.
  12. Apr 14, 2015
    Azealia wins !!! This EP is amazing! Is the real rap/hip-hop.
    "Van Vogue" is a iconic music, with the style hardcore eletronic hip hop, she goes away. The best EP by a female rapper ever.
  13. Jan 5, 2015
    Great first work from Azealia. She is the next step in music. All four songs, 212, 1991, Liquorice and Van Vogue have a unique sound. If you liked 212, you need to hear the rest of this EP.
  14. Jul 7, 2018
    This is pure gold.

    Amealha brings her best 90s beats with this EP. All four tracks incredible. Liquorice and Van Vogue with unique styles along with their music videos. 212 was born a hit. 1991 brings her best rap moves.
  15. Oct 23, 2016
    O EP que soa melhor que muitos álbuns em bancadas nas lojas. Azealia Banks é corajosa e mostra sua bravura e personalidade através de suas batidas. Talentosa, imatura, mulher forte... Não podemos definir a essência dela.

    O álbum tem "1991" abrindo. A música aborda acontecimentos deste ano, quando a Azealia Banks nasceu. Ela traz em suas rimas sua capacidade artística. Acordem! Ela é
    O EP que soa melhor que muitos álbuns em bancadas nas lojas. Azealia Banks é corajosa e mostra sua bravura e personalidade através de suas batidas. Talentosa, imatura, mulher forte... Não podemos definir a essência dela.

    O álbum tem "1991" abrindo. A música aborda acontecimentos deste ano, quando a Azealia Banks nasceu. Ela traz em suas rimas sua capacidade artística. Acordem! Ela é incrível. Chegamos a "Van Vogue", que tem sample do Machinedrum — Azealia Banks nasceu para Lone e Machinedrum! — que casam perfeitamente com o "flow" (fluxo) da Azealia Banks. É um estado de espírito que queria ter todos os dias: Azealia Banks está sofisticada, refinada e atemporal.

    O hit "212"! Não gosto tanto, mas foi o que elevou a Azealia Banks no América inteira. A letra é cheia de jogos, subjetivos demais pra eu definir como x ou y.

    Finalizando com "Liquorice", essa música foi o que marcou a militância da Azealia Banks. As pessoas mal conhecem suas músicas e acham que ela só abordou questões raciais em seus tweets. Não! Essa música fala do preterimento da mulher negra. Produzida pelo Lone, deixa o público querendo mais.

    O melhor EP dos últimos anos. Azealia Banks é uma explosão de talento e verdade!
  16. Oct 29, 2016
    This EP is a huge contribution to House Rap and the overall shift in the diversity of beats that has been happening in underground music. Azealia Banks does a good job going back to House music in the 90s while her lyrics are original and fresh. Especially in her songs, "Liquorice" and "1991" Banks really knows how to write good, fast paced, and artistic lyrics. Her rap skills areThis EP is a huge contribution to House Rap and the overall shift in the diversity of beats that has been happening in underground music. Azealia Banks does a good job going back to House music in the 90s while her lyrics are original and fresh. Especially in her songs, "Liquorice" and "1991" Banks really knows how to write good, fast paced, and artistic lyrics. Her rap skills are phenomenal and the way she plays around with words, especially in the "Van Vogue" track are incredible. Expand
  17. Jul 14, 2017
    1991 - 9

    Van Vogue - 10

    212 - 10
Liquorice - 10

    score: 9,7

    ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
  18. Dec 1, 2017
    Excellent! A piece of originality and art. Azealia is absolutely one of the most talented rappers of actuality and she show us that every time a new track starts on 1991
  19. Feb 5, 2018
    esse álbum é a minha vida. é muito bom, é explêndido! soooooooooooooo good
  20. Apr 10, 2018
    oringally the best thing dropped by a female rapper sorry about it,the 90s vouging sounds to the vintage house music slays
  21. Oct 31, 2018
    Azealia is so great rapping that ep is a masterpiece and so is her voice. princess of rap.
  22. Jun 16, 2019
    Exceptional & Brilliant! Everything about this EP is perfect! From the word play to the Beats.
  23. Jun 16, 2012
    From the cover to the last second, 1991 is pure freshness. She's in her own lane and like she already said, this sh*t been hers. Favorite: Van Vogue and Liquorice.
  24. Aug 12, 2012
    This is one of the best EPs I've heard in a while. Her rapping skills are undeniable and she's a talented singer too. Each track uses shrewd and clever lyricism and marries traditional hard-core Rap with Electronica, Dance/Pop and House. Out of this holy union comes nothing but pure excellence. Her upcoming mixtape and album should not disappoint. The '1991' EP sure didn't.
  25. Aug 30, 2013
    Banks proves herself a fierce songstress with a talent of ingenious lyricism. The 1991 EP is bold, salacious, and superbly produced as an immaculate jewelry box of infectious gems. This ambitious debut helped pave the way for equally and rightfully acclaimed mixtape, Fantasea.
  26. Jun 26, 2014
    With unexpected beats and productions that combine the best of pure hip-hop and urban music style in only a few tracks, Azealia shows that she surely deserves our attention. Not only a sick flow but amazing lyrics are displayed on this EP, and Banks sort of stood out of the box in which she was through her mixtape "Fantasea", showing a lot of energy and a more light sound. There'sWith unexpected beats and productions that combine the best of pure hip-hop and urban music style in only a few tracks, Azealia shows that she surely deserves our attention. Not only a sick flow but amazing lyrics are displayed on this EP, and Banks sort of stood out of the box in which she was through her mixtape "Fantasea", showing a lot of energy and a more light sound. There's absolutely nothing to complain about it, and it is even more than I expected from her after listening to her mixtape, which left me very excited for her upcoming work. Go Azealia!!! Expand
  27. Jul 7, 2014
    Azealia Banks is a breath of fresh air in the crowd of male rappers who seem to know only how to rap about female conquests, expensive liquor and lots of money. Even though the project is only 4 tracks short and totaling just over 16 minutes in length, Banks still manages to lyrically annihilate most of her male counterparts.

    Many good points to the EP, ranging from Banks' tremendous
    Azealia Banks is a breath of fresh air in the crowd of male rappers who seem to know only how to rap about female conquests, expensive liquor and lots of money. Even though the project is only 4 tracks short and totaling just over 16 minutes in length, Banks still manages to lyrically annihilate most of her male counterparts.

    Many good points to the EP, ranging from Banks' tremendous singing abilities on tracks '1991' and 'Liquorice', to the fact that no two songs song remotely similar, a trap which a lot of rappers tend to fall into. '1991' and 'Van Vogue' are smooth jazz influenced hits while the latter tracks '212' and 'Liquorice' are dance infused rap songs.

    Banks pushes limits also, being the first female of my knowledge to be able to fit the word **** into one song as many times as she did on her hit song '212'. An amazing EP overall, and the only thing stopping it receiving a perfect 10 is the two minute talk at the end of 'Van Vogue' which frankly I have no idea how anyone can sit through. Strongly recommend though.
  28. Sep 19, 2015
    O primeiro EP da rapper Azealia Banks '1991' que vem com uma pegada Dance/Hip Hop pois no mundo de hoje um albúm totalmente de RAP para mulheres não faz sucesso,não consigo entender pois muitas vezes rappers como Eve,Trina,Lil' Kim,Missy Elliott entre outras conseguiram lançar um albúm e ter uma ótima recepção pela crítica mas esse não é assunto de hoje.

    Neste albúm tivemos uma
    O primeiro EP da rapper Azealia Banks '1991' que vem com uma pegada Dance/Hip Hop pois no mundo de hoje um albúm totalmente de RAP para mulheres não faz sucesso,não consigo entender pois muitas vezes rappers como Eve,Trina,Lil' Kim,Missy Elliott entre outras conseguiram lançar um albúm e ter uma ótima recepção pela crítica mas esse não é assunto de hoje.

    Neste albúm tivemos uma qualidade de música jamais vista,talvez derivado da Missy Elliott que se aproxima do estilo da Azealia,com faixas super dançantes como 212,Liquorice;Van Vogue e 1991 achei bem mais próximo do Hip Hop ainda mais 1991 que parece um Rap Vintage.

    Para o EP adiciono nota 9 pois ele mesmo contendo poucas faixas é excelente e chega a dar show em qualquer rapper da época sem essa de Rap/Pop e sim voltado ao Dance e merece mesmo 9 não desmerecendo outras rappers como Iggy Azalea ou Nicki Minaj que pra mim são excelentes também nos albúns certos Azealia Banks detonou sem mais elas na época com um trabalho totalmente novo!!!
  29. Apr 30, 2019
    If Broke With Expensive Taste proved itself too scattershot and messy for your taste, only a few steps back highlights her most potent and vicious outing with this EP. Firmly establishing her footing in house and rap, with career-high bars and quotables littered throughout, 1991 EP is an onslaught of twisting flows and percussive rhyme schemes that ground Banks as a talent that demands toIf Broke With Expensive Taste proved itself too scattershot and messy for your taste, only a few steps back highlights her most potent and vicious outing with this EP. Firmly establishing her footing in house and rap, with career-high bars and quotables littered throughout, 1991 EP is an onslaught of twisting flows and percussive rhyme schemes that ground Banks as a talent that demands to be heard and felt. Expand
  30. Mar 17, 2013
    One thing's for sure, this girl has ATTITUDE. This ep is all about that word, laced with intelligent worldplay and her incredible phrasing which adds a layer of both rythym and beat as she bounces and pops from word to word. The whole thing is quite short, which lends to the whole thing as a teaser of what's to come in what's sure to be a controversial music career. On the negative side ofOne thing's for sure, this girl has ATTITUDE. This ep is all about that word, laced with intelligent worldplay and her incredible phrasing which adds a layer of both rythym and beat as she bounces and pops from word to word. The whole thing is quite short, which lends to the whole thing as a teaser of what's to come in what's sure to be a controversial music career. On the negative side of things, it is noticeable that Miss Banks hasn't discovered a definitive sound yet, other than the sneering 212. The songs are a mix of bubblegum house, hip-hop, rnb with a sprinkling of punk. For her to be an artist that's taken seriously in the music world, she has to eradicate that sound mash up and either create more distinctive songs like te aforementioned 212, or concentate on particular concepts for future releases (Fantasea had a sense of sea punk baroque to it but I think it was slightly forced.) Overall, 1991 is the bud of what could bloom into a beautiful flower, or withering leaves. But either way you can be sure Azealia Banks won't care what people are going to think about her artistic endeavours, which will certainly work in her favor Expand
  31. Jul 24, 2012
    Although on the first major publication of Azealia Banks there were only four songs, she decided to place two of them as singles. These "212" and "Liquorice" are undoubtedly compositions belonging to the hip hop mainstream, with the difference that this quarter of an hour EP has a mostly house tone, which makes it stands out from the competition - and most importantly - does it in decent style.
  32. Dec 31, 2012
    Great debut EP from Azealia Banks, and while I'm not a massive fan of Hip-Hop I was really intrigued by this girl and there's no denying she's talented. I actually prefer both Licuorice and 1991 to the lead single 212, but all four songs are great! I'm looking forward to seeing what's next to come!

Universal acclaim - based on 9 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 9 out of 9
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 9
  3. Negative: 0 out of 9
  1. Jul 10, 2012
    1991 is all about the bubble-popping lushness of "Van Vogue" and the hall-of-mirrors shimmer of "Liquorice." It's also about the summer, and showing more of Banks than just her breakout hit.
  2. 100
    Quick-tongued, lascivious, catchy, and delighted with itself, there hasn't been a more pleasurable record all year and probably won't be‑-not even by her.
  3. Jun 20, 2012
    Banks continues to get away with her obnoxiousness--and while the quality of the music remains disproportionate to the hype, it does make her bratty rejection of the rap establishment feel that much more thrilling.