• Record Label: Virgin
  • Release Date: Sep 26, 2006
User Score

Mixed or average reviews- based on 98 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 44 out of 98
  2. Negative: 30 out of 98

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  1. shanl
    Mar 5, 2007
    i love the cd it has sooooooooooooo many good songs that make me smile when i have bad days how in the world does she hit the high notes?
  2. tyrelln
    Oct 23, 2006
    Janet i love the cd is the biznezz!!!!!!!! Love You
  3. KatieG
    Oct 3, 2006
    Janet is the ultimate... I love the CD... I see her doing at least two more videos for this CD. She's an artist and a entertainer. If you've been a fan of Janet's over the years then you'll understand this CD... and trust their will be many more to come... I love you Janet... Your biggest fan... Rep... Dallas, TX
  4. zacharyl
    Oct 4, 2006
    quintessential janet. i love it
  5. DustinW
    Oct 4, 2006
    It is a great step up for Janet. I hope this C.D. will let America know that she is a true star and not just a nipple.
  6. AdamC
    Oct 6, 2006
    I can't stop listening to this album. I love every song! I am a huge Janet Jackson fan and this album is certainly not a dissapointment. Don't listen to negative reviews. They probably haven't even heard the album, and are just trashing her because of her brother, superbowl, etc... This album is definitely worth the 9.99 and I own 6 copies. Go out and buy the album now if I can't stop listening to this album. I love every song! I am a huge Janet Jackson fan and this album is certainly not a dissapointment. Don't listen to negative reviews. They probably haven't even heard the album, and are just trashing her because of her brother, superbowl, etc... This album is definitely worth the 9.99 and I own 6 copies. Go out and buy the album now if you haven't! Highlight tracks include "So Excited", "Show Me", "Get It Out Me", "Do It 2 Me", "With U", "Enjoy, and "Take Care". That's more than 1/2 the cd right there. Expand
  7. CaptainJackSparrow
    Sep 27, 2006
    Good or bad, don't trust the reviews. There are a lot of biases towards and against Janet right now. Judge this album for yourself. If you can forget about her last name, forget about her brother, forget about the darn superbowl, I can't imagine you wont at least feel it was worth the 9.99 it cost to buy. Janet delivers.
  8. BY
    Sep 29, 2006
    a very strong album. i really love the 2nd single "so excited" great video! back to the best that janet does...great dance numbers!
  9. jamieg
    Nov 30, 2006
    I love you janet wow!!!!!
  10. DakotaP
    Oct 2, 2006
    Janet brought it with this record the production is on point the songs are timeless and JD took it to a new level make way for the return on the Queen. it's easy to see how this album will make #1. Great body of work!
  11. TimM
    Oct 5, 2006
    I liked the songs after the 2nd listen, the song "enjoy" is the one I keep going back to that wasnt produced by JD. WIth any artist your either going to love it or hate it. I love anything Janet puts out because I know she will give us some music to chew on awhile. People who comment about her in the negative sense were not fans of hers from the beginning so the talk is pure trash. Go buy I liked the songs after the 2nd listen, the song "enjoy" is the one I keep going back to that wasnt produced by JD. WIth any artist your either going to love it or hate it. I love anything Janet puts out because I know she will give us some music to chew on awhile. People who comment about her in the negative sense were not fans of hers from the beginning so the talk is pure trash. Go buy this album, roll your windows down and " enjoy!" Expand
  12. mikeyd
    Oct 8, 2006
    Can't stop listening to it. Smokin!!
  13. DC
    Sep 29, 2006
    Her best album since Velvet Rope...
  14. AnnC
    Sep 30, 2006
    1st listen, its okay, 2nd and 3rd you really appreciate the work that went into making this CD. My kids were like no not Janet Jackson, by the 3rd listen, they were humming and dancing to the tunes. There isn't a song I don't like. " Enjoy" and "Daybreak" make you feel good! Love the energy on "Do It 2 Me" "Get It out Me" Its a "Feel Good" and "Body Moving" CD - great for my 1st listen, its okay, 2nd and 3rd you really appreciate the work that went into making this CD. My kids were like no not Janet Jackson, by the 3rd listen, they were humming and dancing to the tunes. There isn't a song I don't like. " Enjoy" and "Daybreak" make you feel good! Love the energy on "Do It 2 Me" "Get It out Me" Its a "Feel Good" and "Body Moving" CD - great for my workouts, and smiling when I'm walking my dogs! Expand
  15. Noble
    Oct 24, 2006
    Great album
  16. ClaudiaV
    Sep 27, 2006
    I just bought six copies of Janet's album cause I just can't get enough! All the songs are great and are what I expected from her, with a drop of "ghetto". For those of you who don't already have the album, please go buy it today, and for those of you who have, BUY ANOTHER ONE! GREAT SONGS AND BEATS!
  17. JessieP
    Sep 27, 2006
    Great album. I thought it woud be horrible, but I think it's better than Maraih Carey's "Emancipation of MIMI" and WAAY better than Beyonce "B-Day". Im really enjoying it!
  18. Nov 5, 2016
    Such an Amazing come back since Damita Jo is a terrible album. This album is mainly intended for dancing but it ends up working. I highlight tracks as Call on Me, do it 2 me, Get it out Me and So Exited.
  19. Apr 28, 2021
    That is my favorite album ever! All the songs are just magical and awesome. The full project sounds very good, i listen to it everyday. I'm pretty sure that this album just have a bad reputation cause of the media. If was a man releasing this, it would be sucessful until today.
  20. MartiquT
    Jan 18, 2007
    it good di to me the shit so excited i hot come on so get get it
  21. [Anonymous]
    Sep 27, 2006
    20 YO: A Celebration! Welcome back Janet! There is a great mix of dance, funk, and soul! "Get It Out Me", "This Body", "Daybreak", "With You" and "Enjoy are some highlights. Worth the $14 for the CD!
  22. larryc
    Oct 1, 2006
    the sogns that really standout are the jerry jame and terry lewis ones. the jermaine dupri produced tracks ae notvery exciting. two of his production, though,do standout. "show me" and "with u" are nice tracks, teh latter being one of the best tracks.
  23. BenM
    Oct 15, 2006
    Great Beats! 1st half is very funky and very dancy!! 2nd half is a bit slow for me but I think this album is definately better/more successful than Damita Jo
  24. JosephV
    Feb 22, 2007
    This is not Janet's best effort by a long shot, but it is also not her worst (Damito Jo.) The one thing that is lacking is that it feels less like a Janet Jackson record and more like a compilation of new songs that Janet just happened to like. There is very little continuity. However, many of the songs are wonderful -- it's a great collection of new Janet songs that I am really This is not Janet's best effort by a long shot, but it is also not her worst (Damito Jo.) The one thing that is lacking is that it feels less like a Janet Jackson record and more like a compilation of new songs that Janet just happened to like. There is very little continuity. However, many of the songs are wonderful -- it's a great collection of new Janet songs that I am really happy to listen to! Expand
  25. Jul 25, 2017
    Apesar de pouca semelhança aos seus trabalhos iniciais, Jackson arrisca em uma nova produção em seu último trabalho pela Virgin. Ainda como consequência do desastroso Halftime no Superbowl, Janet ainda é eclipsada, o que faz com que um ótimo trabalho não seja observado como deve.
  26. Oct 21, 2017
    Bom CD R&B, com produção em sua maioria feita por Jermaine Dupri, que na época tinha um relacionamento amoroso com Janet. O Cd tem a romântica balada "Call on Me", com participação de Nelly que foi a música mais marcante do álbum.
  27. JosephA
    Sep 28, 2006
    Great CD!! Much better without the interlubes, it has a better flow.
  28. MattD.
    Oct 3, 2006
    Pleasant, but with too few stand outs. Probably won't put her back on top of the R&B scene.
  29. mikes.
    Sep 28, 2006
    One could consider this a comeback album for Janet Jackson, however; this album is severely flawed. Although the production is modern, there are some questionable production methods that ruin certain songs from their true potential. There are only about three good songs on the album. Still I was surprised, I didn't expect any good songs from Janet and this album is a heck of a lot One could consider this a comeback album for Janet Jackson, however; this album is severely flawed. Although the production is modern, there are some questionable production methods that ruin certain songs from their true potential. There are only about three good songs on the album. Still I was surprised, I didn't expect any good songs from Janet and this album is a heck of a lot better than other "modern" R&B artist. In particular this is a lot better than the new Beyonce album on levels. Not really a good album, but definitely an above average album coming from an artist that seems to be coming out of a slump. Expand
  30. JennaB
    Sep 28, 2006
    I've never heard of her before.
  31. RedLight
    Oct 2, 2006
    Very average. I like about 4 songs. The rest is very bland.
  32. Or
    Sep 27, 2006
    Su peor álbum.
  33. Sep 28, 2022
    Really fun dated 200's rnb pop that doesn't attempt to be many things beyond playful and sexy. It might not be amongst her best but it's among her most accessible and fun,like All For You it doesn't build itself around a narrative that would often anchor her older classics. It is mire air tight than All For You but none of the songs are as infectious as the latter's iconic title track.Really fun dated 200's rnb pop that doesn't attempt to be many things beyond playful and sexy. It might not be amongst her best but it's among her most accessible and fun,like All For You it doesn't build itself around a narrative that would often anchor her older classics. It is mire air tight than All For You but none of the songs are as infectious as the latter's iconic title track. It's an average record but shouldn't be a disappointment fir fans or newcomers. Expand
  34. Sep 27, 2020
    Let me start by saying that this is not a bad album. I don’t know if Janet did this album fast because she wanted it to be released on Control's 20th anniversary, but the album sounds like generic 2000s R&B with some some exceptions like Take Care, Enjoy and So Excited
  35. EricL
    Oct 26, 2006
    What ever happened to the originality that she had on her previous albums ? It's all gone, especially since Damita Jo. It's like she lost all of her inspiration that made her early music sound so much better than the rest. I think she should keep M.Dupri in the bedroom and out of the studio. What success has he had lately ?
  36. Aug 21, 2021
    See, I find it curious that Janet has been trying to be authentic to herself with every album she makes, especially with Velvet Rope, but, now that I think about it, before All For You, she was trying to hop on hip-hop tracks and show her versatility, as always. But she was trying to make an album that represented how she was feeling at the time, so she made a pop album, All For You. AfterSee, I find it curious that Janet has been trying to be authentic to herself with every album she makes, especially with Velvet Rope, but, now that I think about it, before All For You, she was trying to hop on hip-hop tracks and show her versatility, as always. But she was trying to make an album that represented how she was feeling at the time, so she made a pop album, All For You. After that, she did kind of do the hip-hop thing with Damita Jo, but the Super Bowl happened and sales didn't come through. So she had to make a generic and trendy album, 20 Y.O. By no means this album is bad, however, I just find it unoriginal and bland, with the exceptions of With U, Daybreak, Enjoy and Take Care. It's a well produced album, but it's uninspired lyrically and not very diverse or consistent in its sound. So yeah, not a bad album, but also not an album I would go back to. Expand
  37. Nov 11, 2017
    Pior álbum dela sem dúvida alguma, Dupri fez do álbum o que ele quis e saiu um álbum cheio de demos, apenas "So Excited" chama atenção, pois o resto são músicas totalmente mal feitas com letras genéricas.
  38. PennyW
    Oct 3, 2006
    I'm a big fan of Janet Jackson. I've bought all of her albums except for Dream Street (if anyone remembers that album). Some people would say that Dream Street was her low point. Janet has somehow managed to relive her Dream Street days on this release by trying to cater an audience that doesn't even realize Dream Street exists. It doesn't work.
  39. ToddW
    Sep 28, 2006
    Rather than rip my clothes off, this album makes me want to put a bag over my head and breathe deeply. This doesn't even seem like the same genre as No Control or Rhythm Nation, when her talent actually eclipsed that of her brother before he decided ogling little Middle Eastern boys was a worthwhile profession. It seems that she is trying way too hard to regain a sliver of cultural Rather than rip my clothes off, this album makes me want to put a bag over my head and breathe deeply. This doesn't even seem like the same genre as No Control or Rhythm Nation, when her talent actually eclipsed that of her brother before he decided ogling little Middle Eastern boys was a worthwhile profession. It seems that she is trying way too hard to regain a sliver of cultural cache after her faux pas on national television with song titles that my kids could scratch on an Etch-A-Sketch. Leave the song misspellings to Prince and some Meta-critics, Janet. Expand
  40. Jul 2, 2022
    20 Y.O. is full of barely any hits and just full of bland, tedious dance track fillers that add nothing to her career. All the songs are very loud, boring, and lacks in anything new and exciting. Lyrics aren't up to the standards of Janet at her peak, and her voice is the only highlight of all songs. Love 2 Love by far is the worst on the album! #ugh
  41. ShirleyH
    Sep 29, 2006
    This album is a huge dissapointment...once again. It's been nearly a decade since Janet's put out a album worthy of putting her name on the cover. 20 Y.O. is garbage.
  42. Jun 22, 2020
    Recuerdo cuando en los años 90 Janet no se cansaba de decir que Madonna era vulgar y sin clase, parece que cuando hizo este álbum se mordió la lengua porque es de lejos lo más mugroso que ha hecho en toda su carrera.
  43. Jun 15, 2019
    Whoever let her record this crap should get arrested the minute she was allowed inside the studio. How can someone in perfect mental health listen and relax to this ? Pure **** ZERO

Mixed or average reviews - based on 14 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 2 out of 14
  2. Negative: 1 out of 14
  1. The saddest thing about 20 Y.O. is that Janet's decision to hedge her bets on an album whose backbone is made up of terrible R&B instead of great dance music.
  2. Janet is as crafty and poised as ever. Her flirtations are still a pleasure, but an overly familiar one.
  3. Dated songs like "So Excited" and "Do It 2 Me" end up sounding like they're, well, 20 years old.