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Generally favorable reviews- based on 323 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 25 out of 323
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  1. Dec 14, 2016
    I don't understand why people think J. Cole is so much deeper than he actually is. On this album, there are some good tracks but there aren't any standout beats or bars. He's just too corny.
  2. Dec 20, 2016
    Oh I wish J Cole make music like the old J Cole. This album is a huge disappointment. HUGE! I downloaded this album on Spotify and was looking forward to seeing what I consider the King of the Game right he merely a prince. I want the old J Cole back!!! 1/10.
  3. Dec 15, 2016
    I just didn't enjoy the album at all. his sound is terrible, he hides in other people stories and truly not commit to showing who he truly his. i only enjoyed the last song

Generally favorable reviews - based on 14 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 9 out of 14
  2. Negative: 0 out of 14
  1. The Wire
    Jan 27, 2017
    Cutting through the tedium reveals a moderately engaging narrative of low level criminality with solid insights ranging from the cloying to mildly provocative. [Feb 2017, p.59]
  2. Jan 17, 2017
    He has matured into a one of the most important figures in modern hip hop and 4 Your Eyez Only is the evidence of this.
  3. Jan 10, 2017
    4 Your Eyez Only‘s low-key production, favoring muted live-band grooves, occasionally reaches a boil, but mostly it provides scaffolding for Cole to rap. He does the heavy lifting without ever doing anything flashy--or, some might say, anything especially interesting.