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Generally favorable reviews- based on 199 Ratings

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  1. Negative: 16 out of 199
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  1. Feb 15, 2016
    Slipknot is back! This is a great album, better than their last album. It's dark, aggressive, angry and has all keys elements for a Slipknot album. Corey Taylor sounds great like always
  2. Feb 1, 2015
    Loved the album, bought it at HMV real close to when it came out, and I've been listening to it religiously ever since. I actually think this has become my new favorite SlipKnot album, even in both Joey Jordison and Paul Grey are gone. Also the people who say this sounds too much like Stone Sour are idiots.
  3. Sep 22, 2016
    A decade after the weird Vol 3 comes the bizarre The Gray Chapter with a scared band that want to surface their deep emotions to create some of the most interesting tunes to come in the 2010's.
    A fresh break from the same same but different pop/hip hop songs of now days The Gray Chapter delivers in being something so familiar and close but neglected and strange.
  4. Apr 20, 2016
    With The Gray Chapter, Slipknot exceeded all expectations. I had my doubts about this album, considering the death of Paul Gray and the firing of Joey Jordison, two members who contributed heavily to the songwriting. I worried that Slipknot would go even softer than fans felt they did with Vol. 3. Instead, they turn all that sadness and turmoil into their heaviest and greatest work sinceWith The Gray Chapter, Slipknot exceeded all expectations. I had my doubts about this album, considering the death of Paul Gray and the firing of Joey Jordison, two members who contributed heavily to the songwriting. I worried that Slipknot would go even softer than fans felt they did with Vol. 3. Instead, they turn all that sadness and turmoil into their heaviest and greatest work since Iowa. It reeks of all the Slipknot eccentricities we've come to know and love, displayed in "XIX" "Killpop" and "Be Prepared for Hell", as well as containing anthemic-style tracks like "The Devil in I" that easily stack up to stuff like "Wait and Bleed" and "Duality". The heaviest tracks like "Custer" and "The Negative One" are quintessential Slipknot and will also undoubtedly be seen as Slipknot classics a decade or so from now. Anyone who is still convinced that Slipknot sound too similar to Stone Sour needs to clean all that wax out of their ears. Expand
  5. Oct 22, 2014
    This album is absolutely amazing. I've been a Slipknot fan since '99, with mixed feelings about Vol. 3, and even more about All Hope Is Gone, but this one is the perfect blend between old and new. It's dark, brutal, and everything I was hoping for with a new release after 6 years. Welcome back Slipknot, we've missed you dearly!
  6. Oct 22, 2014
    One of the best albums this year, so far. This album have it all; beautiful anger lyrics, heavy riffs, amazing voice, ...This album deserves "Universal Acclaim". Hope music critics like the awful Rolling Stone, understand the powerful album is it.
  7. Oct 27, 2014
    If you love their first three albums, or all of them then you'll love, .5: The Gray Chapter. An album dedicated to their fallen brother, Paul Gray. This album opens up with a somber tune in, XIX, then it kicks into full gear with Sacrastrophe , and then we hear a beautiful touching melody in, Goodbye, and you hear their love for Gray in Skeptic, and you hear their anger in, Custer, AOV,If you love their first three albums, or all of them then you'll love, .5: The Gray Chapter. An album dedicated to their fallen brother, Paul Gray. This album opens up with a somber tune in, XIX, then it kicks into full gear with Sacrastrophe , and then we hear a beautiful touching melody in, Goodbye, and you hear their love for Gray in Skeptic, and you hear their anger in, Custer, AOV, Killpop is a very unusual tune for the Knot, but it dishes out the goods, with sweet melodies, chorus, thunderous screams, and a sweet guitar solo at the end! The Devil In I, their most well known song off the album has everything in it. Normadic is another stand out song, great riffs, screams, melodies, choruses, and guitar solos! Now, The Negative One, which is based off of, Corey's regret of how he believe he could have saved Paul, you can tell, he is wracking, and torturing himself with guilt, and anger. The One That Kills The Least is another fine example of Slipknot constantly evolving as musicians should do, very good melodies, and a very memorable intro, and chorus. Lech is very similar to Skin Ticket, and Gently in the vein of haunting, drum beats, vocals, and samples, awesome track! Custer is seriously takes the spot as their no 1 song for most F bombs, but seriously this is a very good, and energetic song to get a mosh pit going! Be Prepared for Hell is just an audio track, but still cool. If Rains Is What You Want is a very melodic song in the vein of Danger Keep Away, Circle, and Snuff. If you are a Slipknot fan, get this album, far better then AHIG, still a great album though. I will be seeing the Knot with Korn on December 2nd! m/ Expand
  8. Oct 21, 2014
    This is so far the best Slipknot record ever made and also the best album of the year... its' the perfect mix between old-school Slipknot and new melodic's their bravest album, the saddest, the angriest THE MOST EPIC!
  9. Oct 23, 2014
    An outstanding album. Full of creativity and artistry. Some songs are haunting yet beautiful, some are heavy and bad ass, some sad and thought provoking... A complete full range of emotions in one album. Not one song is put to waste! Best Slipknot album to date... Custer is an instant heavy metal classic!
  10. Oct 21, 2014
    The long-awaited return of Slipknot is here. Despite having lost two band members (Grays death is a reoccurring theme throughout the album, may he R.I.P.) they have lost none of the anger, sadness, or power we fans have come to expect from them. In many way the album is a return to their roots. There are tracks on here that wouldn't have sounded out out of place on Iowa or on their first,The long-awaited return of Slipknot is here. Despite having lost two band members (Grays death is a reoccurring theme throughout the album, may he R.I.P.) they have lost none of the anger, sadness, or power we fans have come to expect from them. In many way the album is a return to their roots. There are tracks on here that wouldn't have sounded out out of place on Iowa or on their first, self-titled album.

    Yes, they're carrying the angry vibe from back in the day that so many have been wanting to hear. There are some slower tracks on the album, such as "The Devil in I," that some have argued are more Stone Sour than Slipknot. However when you really listen to the tracks you can tell that the tone and message is pure Slipknot. More so than older songs like "Dead Memories" have been.

    Slipknot returns with a magnificent album that reminds me why I became a maggot in the first place. Even better is that it may just be the best album of their career. In my opinion it is their best album, and I'm going to enjoy rocking out to it in the days to come. Welcome back Slipknot. You have been missed.
  11. Oct 21, 2014
    Best slipknot album since iowa. This album is the best because its heavy, groovey, Metaly....and very very dark R.I.P Gray!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. Nov 1, 2014
    It's always hard to make a comeback in any form of art or media. What Slipknot have done with Chapter 5 is a bit more than a simple comeback. It's a statement.
    A lot different opinions go back and forth about this album, and it's perfectly normal for this to happen. A lot of people have forgotten what to "expect" Slipknot is, and have moved on and with doing so - changed their musical
    It's always hard to make a comeback in any form of art or media. What Slipknot have done with Chapter 5 is a bit more than a simple comeback. It's a statement.
    A lot different opinions go back and forth about this album, and it's perfectly normal for this to happen. A lot of people have forgotten what to "expect" Slipknot is, and have moved on and with doing so - changed their musical preference. I would like to say one thing before I continue - in the end of the day, it matters if you like the music. Mindless hate towards genial giants isn't needed, let alone proper.
    To move forward from that, from the start of this, in the absolute sense of the word, chapter in the history of Slipknot, it is clear that something is different. But note that different does not mean bad.
    This time around, though the usual chaos of Slipknot has been preserved, this piece feels much more esthetically established. We have proper intros and outros, much more melodic and musical than usual. There are also fragments throughout the songs that are more usual for bands like Ayreon or Opeth to have. The overall feeling this Chapter brings is maturity. Their music seems aged, as undoubtably the members of Slipknot also have. One changes a lot after an important loss, and it is clear that the death of Paul Gray has affected the band. The song "Skeptic" from this album is testament to that. And it's one of the better tracks in the album.
    To everyone who mindlessly accuses - listen to "Sarcastrophe" - it's Slipknot, you can't deny that. The lyrics, sound, rage. It's just toned down in the right places and gone a bit higher in the artosphere of life.
    Some songs sound a bit more like Stone Sour songs, but that is also normal when you think about it. But other than that, there are no real gripes to be had.
    Sure, the album sounds different, but that is the proof of moving on - both mentally and as musicians. They have evolved. There are new elements that freshen up the old rage, but none of those feels out of place or unimportant to the overall composition.
    "The Gray Chapter", aptly named, is one of the best albums that have come out this year. Outraged fans have either not moved on, or the music of Slipknot has moved on beyond them now. Other than that, this album will have worth to every music appreciator. And more importantly, it's now official - Slipknot are back.
  13. Nov 18, 2014
    This record is like the difference between chucking a dump in public and chucking a dump at home. It feels like home and just feels right coming out. Go listen to this!
  14. Nov 4, 2014
    .5: The Gray Chapter completely blew my mind. The album is perfect on every aspect of it. You can expect many Vocals reminiscent from the Debut Album, Iowa's heaviness, Vol. 3's Frenzy and Odd Structures with a little bit of All Hope is Gone's melodies.

    It summarizes Slipknot in its utmost perfection. The new drummer and bass player did their job, in the case of the drummer even better
    .5: The Gray Chapter completely blew my mind. The album is perfect on every aspect of it. You can expect many Vocals reminiscent from the Debut Album, Iowa's heaviness, Vol. 3's Frenzy and Odd Structures with a little bit of All Hope is Gone's melodies.

    It summarizes Slipknot in its utmost perfection. The new drummer and bass player did their job, in the case of the drummer even better than anything heard from Joey ever before.

    AOV is the best song ever created by them IMO, Killpop is unusual but beautifully crafted to the point of being a highlight with a new sound, Nomadic is insanely good, good heavy parts and good melodies, The Negative One is the heaviest song along with AOV and Sarcastrophe, the are all stand-outs. Best Record for both 2014 and Slipknot, and probably of the decade, has arrived.
  15. Nov 11, 2014
    Slipknot has finally managed to create a balance of their various sounds over the last twenty years. It's unfortunate that Paul and Joey are gone but the album still sounds great. It's also good to hear more of Sid again too. The turntables and samples were one thing that actually drew me to the band when I first heard them in 2000. It's Slipknot, it's loud, it's angry and if you'reSlipknot has finally managed to create a balance of their various sounds over the last twenty years. It's unfortunate that Paul and Joey are gone but the album still sounds great. It's also good to hear more of Sid again too. The turntables and samples were one thing that actually drew me to the band when I first heard them in 2000. It's Slipknot, it's loud, it's angry and if you're expecting something different you're listening to the wrong band. Expand
  16. Nov 14, 2014
    I'm one of the few that loved the mainstream apporach with "All Hope is Gone". And not that the old stuff is just as good, but the mainstream approach allows them to achieve a sound that no other band really has. The combonation of ridiculously heavy drums and guitars, goes beautifully with Corey Taylors creepy sounding vocal melodies.
    As a comeback considering they lost 2 members of the
    I'm one of the few that loved the mainstream apporach with "All Hope is Gone". And not that the old stuff is just as good, but the mainstream approach allows them to achieve a sound that no other band really has. The combonation of ridiculously heavy drums and guitars, goes beautifully with Corey Taylors creepy sounding vocal melodies.
    As a comeback considering they lost 2 members of the band, they definitely nailed this one.
  17. Oct 21, 2014
    Unbelievably great album. The dynamics and the brutality are all perfectly executed in a masterpiece of this record. The bonus songs on the special edition are still intense and well worth a listen. So pleased to purchase this.
  18. Nov 19, 2014
    As a fan born and raised in Slipknots backyard I have watched this band evolve from a local act to one of the biggest metal bands of all time. I discovered them at a live show here in Des Moines, IA at a local club called "Hairy Mary's". Before I knew it every pissed off teenager in my town owned a Slipknot shirt. Watching them grow to the monster they are today has been almostAs a fan born and raised in Slipknots backyard I have watched this band evolve from a local act to one of the biggest metal bands of all time. I discovered them at a live show here in Des Moines, IA at a local club called "Hairy Mary's". Before I knew it every pissed off teenager in my town owned a Slipknot shirt. Watching them grow to the monster they are today has been almost surreal. I've supported all of their work, but I was rather dissapointed with AHIG. It lacked the pain and anger that is needed for Slipknot to be at their best. This album is a fantastic return to form. Sarcastrophe, AOV, Skeptic, Lech, Nomadic, The Negative One, Custer are all incredible tracks and I have yet to name a favorite. They are fast, they are heavy, and Corey sounds the best he has since Iowa. The more melodic side of Slipknot that has been present since Vol.3 is still their, but like Vol.3 it is dark, very dark. They are haunting tracks and very "Slipknot". The One that Kills the Least is probably the weakest track, along with Killpop in my opinion, but they are still worth listening to. They don't make me cringe like many of the tracks did on AHIG. The lyrics are heartfelt and honest and that very inward, as where AHIG was very political (which isn't a good thing for Slipknot in my opinion.) This is their best album since Iowa and possibly their best ever. They have exceeded every expectation I had for this album and then some. Expand
  19. Dec 8, 2014
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. I have to say I was disappointed with a lot of albums that came out in the past year or so such as Avenged Sevenfold's "Hail To The King" and Skillet's latest album. There were exceptions such as Dream Theater's self-titled album, August Burns Red's latest, and Black Sabbath's newest album. But for a while I have been disappointed with many of the recent Metal and/or Hard Rock albums.
    Slipknot's ".5 The Gray Chapter" has given me more hope in the current generation of Metal to make good material. While I liked "All Hope Is Gone" it was a step backwards especially a few months later with the tragic death of the band's bassist, Paul Gray. The recent departure of drummer Joey Jordison also gave me concerns about where the band was headed especially due to the fact that Jordison was easily the most talented of the group. These setbacks were managed very well as the band delivered a killer album here.
    Most of the songs were very well-written re-establishing their older style while combining a little of their newer as well. I also noticed they added a lot of thrash metal elements to their songs. The songs on this album are just plain addicting to listen to. Who wasn't constantly chanting (loudly) "Cut, Cut, Cut me up and F***, F***, F*** me up" after listening to Custer? Other titles I absolutely loved were AOV, The Devil In I, Lech, and Nomadic. Corey Taylor and the new drummer Max Weinberg were easily the MVP's on this album with their incredible performances.
    This album was not without its flaws though. I have often wished for more guitar solos in previous Slipknot albums from Mick Jones and Jim Root, and this album was no different. We know they have the talent to do them so I am just plain dumb-founded as to why they write so little. Also, after "The Negative One" the album slows down way too much and is just boring at that point.
    Despite those very few flaws the album is a must listen for Nu-Metal and Slipknot fans, both new and old.
  20. Oct 27, 2014
    As a late-comer to maggot-hood (a chrysalis you might define me) I went against the normal flow of metal interest, and got into slipknot through hardcore like hatebreed, sick of it all dillinger and bleeding through, and coreys other band; stone sour. I was for a long time, a bit of an "extreme music snob" until I actually bothered to listen to their back catalogue. I remember hearingAs a late-comer to maggot-hood (a chrysalis you might define me) I went against the normal flow of metal interest, and got into slipknot through hardcore like hatebreed, sick of it all dillinger and bleeding through, and coreys other band; stone sour. I was for a long time, a bit of an "extreme music snob" until I actually bothered to listen to their back catalogue. I remember hearing **** for the first time and it resonating so vividly with me, I almost felt guilty that I could still find meaning in such blunt lyrics. Anyway, 10+ knot gigs later, I am still proud to be a fan at 31. To me, 5 isnt just a tribute to paul gray, its also a tribute to all the tracks he has had influence in whilst the band have recorded with him. Its a retrospective recap. This is the angriest the band have been since Iowa - but its mature, purer, directed anger. I remember hearing an interview back in '99 where corey states that "slipknot wants to play you THE MOST extreme metal you will ever hear". I am not alone is thinking that vol3 and AHIG do not conform to that "mission statement" and at times found it difficult to define where stone sour finished and slipknot began. To sum up, this album is a re-focused, dark, slipknot, a band hurting and lashing out, in the way they do best; With extreme metal. Expand
  21. Oct 22, 2014
    Great album, the best since Iowa, very dark, to much heavy, still the same Slipknot, with more pain, more anger, more darkness in their souls, it's a amazing album! R.I.P Paul Gray!
  22. Oct 23, 2014
    After losing two original band members in Joey Jordison and Paul Gray, Slipknot manages to but together a pretty solid effort for .5 The Gray Chapter. Gray's death in 2010 appears to be a massive inspiration for the album, note the reference in the title. Its been six years now since All Hope is Gone and I was hoping for the best album of 2014 but sadly I didn't quite get it, however itAfter losing two original band members in Joey Jordison and Paul Gray, Slipknot manages to but together a pretty solid effort for .5 The Gray Chapter. Gray's death in 2010 appears to be a massive inspiration for the album, note the reference in the title. Its been six years now since All Hope is Gone and I was hoping for the best album of 2014 but sadly I didn't quite get it, however it still is pretty good and worth buying for any Slipknot fan. Corey Taylor's (#8) vocals really shine on this record and his lyrics are surprisingly emotional, several tributes to Gray are apparent. I highlight The Negative One, perhaps my new favorite Slipknot song, The Devil in I, Goodbye and The One That Kills The Least. Expand
  23. Oct 25, 2014
    Best album of the year... Seether brought us **** godsmack brought same old same old... Slipknot just built upon what they are. Next years tours are going to be PACKED with slipknot
  24. Nov 3, 2014
    The new Stone Sour album .5; The Gay Chapter...ahem *cough*...I meant the new Slipknot album. Slipknot is nothing without Paul or Joey. The Gray Chapter proves that. Paul and Joey were the two most talented members or Slipknot. Slipknot without Paul/Joey is like Guns and Roses without Slash. It just doesn't work. Killpop is without a doubt the worst song Slipknot has written to date. It'sThe new Stone Sour album .5; The Gay Chapter...ahem *cough*...I meant the new Slipknot album. Slipknot is nothing without Paul or Joey. The Gray Chapter proves that. Paul and Joey were the two most talented members or Slipknot. Slipknot without Paul/Joey is like Guns and Roses without Slash. It just doesn't work. Killpop is without a doubt the worst song Slipknot has written to date. It's hard to believe the guys behind the masterpiece Iowa wrote a love ballad. Leave the love ballads to Bieber and Rihanna. I was honestly expect Rihanna to appear on the song. The vocal melody on Killpop sounds very R&B ish. Corey just doesn't have it anymore. His heart is no longer in Slipknot and it shows on this album. Paul Gray is rolling in his grave right now. Dedicating the worst Slipknot album to date to Paul Gray is just disrespectful. They should rename the album to .5: The Gay Chapter. Expand
  25. Oct 23, 2014
    As with everyone else, i've been listening to this band ever since the first album. so i'll just cut to the chase:

    after hearing All Hope is Gone, i couldnt bare to see if i could ever like this band's music again. AHIG was definitely not their best, or worst, but it was definitely the weakest album they produced. it still had songs i liked, not as much as their past 3 albums before it,
    As with everyone else, i've been listening to this band ever since the first album. so i'll just cut to the chase:

    after hearing All Hope is Gone, i couldnt bare to see if i could ever like this band's music again. AHIG was definitely not their best, or worst, but it was definitely the weakest album they produced. it still had songs i liked, not as much as their past 3 albums before it, but it was still enough to replay once in a while. that is, until heard The Gray Chapter. just when i thought that this couldnt be an even more low point for the band musically, they proved me wrong. this is definitely by far, my most hated album they have made, and probably the bottom of the barrel album of 2014 so far.

    not just by instrumentation, but mainly by vocals. the instrumentation part of their music sounds reminiscent of the early Slipknot days (since at least the self titled). that, however, is stretching it. however, most of the vocal tracks, have done the same thing that i've felt when i listened to AHIG, and this something that no one will admit, when its clear as day that its presented in it - the Stone Sour feel. this is something that bothers me, in the sense that - if i wanted to hear Stone Sour, i would rather just hear that. but the problem is, is that Corey's vocals have literally overlapped between the two bands, more so effecting Slipknot's signature sound, and this has been problematic for me ever since AHIG.

    do i hate every song? no, but for the most part, i can't listen to everyone of them either. The Negative One seems to be the only standing out track, which was released as a single months before the album finally released. in conclusion to this, if you are a die hard Slipknot fan (or just a die had maggot in general), then you'll obviously pick this album up, regardless of how it sounds. but as for me? maybe its time i completely move on and leave this band behind, and just enjoy what they offered in the past. Slipknot was easily one of those bands that i absolutely loved during my high school days (and no, i wasnt some rebel kid. i actually very well mannered - to an extent, but not overly mischievous :P). but this looks to be the first album i actually dont buy from them, therefore, i'm glad the "streaming" option is available these days. and if i end up do buying it, it'll only be for the sake to just have it in my music collection.

    maybe i've just really grown tired of the melodrama tone in metal music. its actually rather funny, coming from an adult who's barely passed his mid 20s. i know for a fact, i still have plenty to experience in music (i listen to more than metal, thank you very much) therefore, i'll leave it with 4 out of 10, just for the fact that these guys still tried even after Paul Gray's death (which is probably why its called the "Gray" chapter, in memory of him), and despite the fact that Joey Jordison is no longer a band member as well. Slipknot seems to have been going through some tough times for several years, but that reflection in the music, in this particular album, sadly, didnt pull me over.
  26. Feb 5, 2021
    such a **** album all around. Radio friendly at best and can be compared to five finger death punch. **** this album honestly.
  27. Jul 14, 2019
    This album has one of the best opening few tracks of any album I've ever heard. Yes there are multiple cleanly sung, melodic choruses on this project in a row (which was a problem i had with their last project) but the songs are just so good!. I don't love every track on this album, my least favourite being 'The One That Kills The Least'. but there are so many great ones such as 'AOV'This album has one of the best opening few tracks of any album I've ever heard. Yes there are multiple cleanly sung, melodic choruses on this project in a row (which was a problem i had with their last project) but the songs are just so good!. I don't love every track on this album, my least favourite being 'The One That Kills The Least'. but there are so many great ones such as 'AOV' Sarcastrophe' and 'Nomadic'. This is the bands third best album in my personal opinon and deserves to be listened to by every metal fan out there. Expand
  28. Jan 12, 2016
    .5: The Gray Chapter by Slipknot. A german review.
    Dieses Werk der Jungs aus Des Moines geht wieder etwas zu den Anfängen der Alben Slipknot und Iowa zurück ohne dabei zu vernachlässigen 1-A Hymnen abzufeuern. Alles in allem ein echt starkes Album. Anspieltipps sind AOV, Custer und Killpop. Aber auch der Rest kann sich sehen lassen.
    Da es etwas an Ideenreichtum fehlt, leider "nur": 8/10
  29. Feb 6, 2016
    As something of a hated band, Slipknot tend to struggle to prove die hard old fans and old 'haters' wrong with new releases, with Iowa being seen as the holy grail of heavy music when slipknot are concerned. The trouble with the gray chapter is... Well... It doesn't do anything that amazingly. Sure, the pace of AOV is incredible, but the riff is weak. Sarcastrophe is very strong but theAs something of a hated band, Slipknot tend to struggle to prove die hard old fans and old 'haters' wrong with new releases, with Iowa being seen as the holy grail of heavy music when slipknot are concerned. The trouble with the gray chapter is... Well... It doesn't do anything that amazingly. Sure, the pace of AOV is incredible, but the riff is weak. Sarcastrophe is very strong but the lyrics are lacking and it goes on far too long. Custer is a lowest common denominator appeal to 2001 nu metal and the chorus on songs like Nomadic and Skeptic are laughably over dramatic. In contrast, the wonderfully eerie Killpop is ruined by Corey Taylor's dry howl that really hasn't done well over the years. But when the album hits, dear god it hits hard. The Devil In I is a heavy metal masterpiece and The Negative One is about as heavy and snarling as slipknot have ever felt. But it's inconsistent. The album is a mess, the bounce between hypermelodic choruses and aggressive riffing reeks of late 00's Metalcore in the worst sense of the word. In conclusion, it's average. it sparkles in places, and sounds excellent live but has no consistency to really compare to the leviathans of their two first releases, of which only the eponymous album has really aged well. Go buy the new Machine Head album for more mature and consistent songwriting, or even the new Sylosis release. Neither band is quite so big, but both put out excellent albums that didn't receive anything like the hype that .5 got. Expand
  30. Jun 5, 2016
    This is an almost perfect equilibrium of Slipknot's feisty and ferocious side, to their more subtle, almost demented, melodic side. The Gray Chapter is a true testament to one of the Kings of Metal. Whilst EVERY song may not appeal to everyone, this is a more than solid album and is one I believe every Subliminal Verses and Iowa album advocate will love.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 13 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 10 out of 13
  2. Negative: 0 out of 13
  1. Classic Rock Magazine
    Dec 16, 2014
    There is still enough here to inspire hope for the band in the future, but this album is not quiet there yet. [Dec 2014, p.106]
  2. Q Magazine
    Nov 13, 2014
    A struggle to balance the killer riffs and aggression that the fans want with the melodicism that the band themselves seem far more interested in. [Dec 2014, p.116]
  3. Uncut
    Nov 11, 2014
    We find their extreme metal interspersed with more reflective moments. [Dec 2014, p.80]