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Universal acclaim- based on 43 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 37 out of 43
  2. Negative: 2 out of 43

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  1. Mar 13, 2012
    For my incredibly high expectations it was a disappointment. Was an overall good album with a few standout songs such as "Campfire" "Wolves (with George Clinton)" and a tasteful rap remix of the Beatles classic "While My Guitar Gently Weeps" however i found myself expecting more when i finished the album. Definitely could have been better, but still takes down a vast majority of hip-hopFor my incredibly high expectations it was a disappointment. Was an overall good album with a few standout songs such as "Campfire" "Wolves (with George Clinton)" and a tasteful rap remix of the Beatles classic "While My Guitar Gently Weeps" however i found myself expecting more when i finished the album. Definitely could have been better, but still takes down a vast majority of hip-hop albums released in that year. Expand
  2. EricL
    Aug 3, 2009
    This album is absolutely awful.
  3. VictorA
    Mar 4, 2008
    All in all the album is great, not spectacular however wu tang still delivers the message, and in a strange sorta way its addicting, you have to listen to it again and again. Out of 14 tracks 2 were jus not good enough. They produced a better then most album while the group endures conflicts between themselves, I hope they give it another shot.
  4. markL
    Feb 5, 2008
    Real WU lyrics and feeling, though the beats they rap on are not up to par with their lyrical talents.... how can hip hop die if wu tang is forever?
  5. HexS
    Jan 9, 2008
    Best hop-hop album I've heard this decade. Witty Wu-Tang is unpredictable!
  6. SamuelG
    Jan 2, 2008
    Different but in a good way. I'm only giving it an 8 because I miss some of that Wu-Tang rawness and ODB.
  7. BryanS
    Dec 25, 2007
    Soulful soundscapes and intricate instrumentals that ony begin permeate one's brain after habitual listens. Cappa, Deck, Meth, Rae and Ghost are sharpest MCs on this affair, but don't get it twisted this is RZA's baby through and through. And that's a good thing!
  8. ToddS
    Dec 16, 2007
    RZA has done it again. If you're a true fan of the WU, tune out the haters and cop this album. It will restore your faith the Clan.
  9. LouisP.
    Dec 15, 2007
    The Wu brings there best since there first with "8 Diagrams". While not quite reaching the heights of there groundbreaking debut, this mostly RZA produced album is lush with stylish mood. In a day of chant-anthems masquarading as hip-hop, our boys dare bring us something crafty. The lyrics are honed and molded around RZA's richly layered soundscape. You feel RZA guiding the members The Wu brings there best since there first with "8 Diagrams". While not quite reaching the heights of there groundbreaking debut, this mostly RZA produced album is lush with stylish mood. In a day of chant-anthems masquarading as hip-hop, our boys dare bring us something crafty. The lyrics are honed and molded around RZA's richly layered soundscape. You feel RZA guiding the members around every bell and whistle the way Dan the Automator might with his concept albums. What has occured with each member are fully realized lyrics, not just throw-away barbs. "8 Diagrams" re-establishes The Wu-Tang Clan as the artist that once electrified hip-hop. They finally give us an album I can fully endorse. Expand
  10. Perry
    Dec 13, 2007
    Like drugs. My bloodstream can't get enough. I'm only half joking. It really is like drugs. Be careful.
  11. NajehD.
    Dec 13, 2007
    Big Wu-Tang fan, but this was disappointing as hell. I wanted a Wu-Tang album, not a bunch of old dudes rapping over a hippie jam festival. I hope this album does grow on me but right now i ain't feelin this at all.
  12. MitchN
    Dec 13, 2007
    Let's see - legendary group goes public with internal dissension as what is unfortunately sure to be their last work is released - Beatles of Hip Hop, anyone? Its brilliance and diversity is something to savor. Worth the nearly a year of anticipation!
  13. JoeT
    Dec 12, 2007
    This is solid Wu Tang. A clear progression from the Ghost Dog OST, but with a far, FAR more charismatic and skilled bunch of MCs spitting rhymes. All the talk of too much 'guitar and 'avant-garde-ness' is garbage.
  14. Drew
    Dec 11, 2007
    Best album since Stillmatic. This album blows me away from start to finish on every listen.
  15. HelltJ.
    Dec 11, 2007
    It will grow as time passes.
  16. RayK.
    Dec 11, 2007
    this is a dope album!, one of the best hands...don't get me wrong, its not perfect, and its not even their best, but aside from a few flaws this will satisfy any true hip-hop junkie. Wu-Tang Clan = Hip Hop.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 33 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 22 out of 33
  2. Negative: 0 out of 33
  1. Whether they love it or hate it. It is a departure from previous releases and it does focus on melody and guitars and strings, but it is also lush and well-crafted and smart and addictive.
  2. Ghostface Killah is as wickedly esoteric as ever, Method Man sounds reinvigorated and snapped out of his recent slump, and Raekwon, who's been on record decrying 8 Diagrams, is ice-pick sharp.
  3. Minus ODB, the collective's most charismatic member, and rife with in-group strife, 8 Diagrams is a long way from the hip hop revolution, "Enter The Wu-Tang (36 Chambers)." It still ain't nothin’ to fuck with.