• Record Label: Atlantic
  • Release Date: Feb 26, 2016
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 30 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 23 out of 30
  2. Negative: 3 out of 30
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  1. May 22, 2019
    Mesmo sendo um álbum menos cintilante, se comparado aos outros, Santigold consegue trazer uma peculiaridade particular. Nos presenteando com canções magníficas como Chasing Shadows, a hipnótica Rendezvous Girl e e dançante Banshee. Um álbum bom para se escutar algumas vezes durante a semana.
  2. Feb 19, 2017
    A very boring and uninvolved record. To me this is an attempt similar to Charli XCX's Vroom Vroom EP where she tried to create something edgy yet still pop, and she failed. I mean, both of these records want to explore the sonic boundaries of pop music, and they do accomplish that. Unfortunately while pushing the sonic boundaries they fail to produce good sounding music. There are onlyA very boring and uninvolved record. To me this is an attempt similar to Charli XCX's Vroom Vroom EP where she tried to create something edgy yet still pop, and she failed. I mean, both of these records want to explore the sonic boundaries of pop music, and they do accomplish that. Unfortunately while pushing the sonic boundaries they fail to produce good sounding music. There are only three songs I like on this record and those are "Who Be Lovin' Me", "Rendezvous Girl" and "Before the Fire". Even though the vocal performance on "Who Be Lovin' Me" is very weak, that same vocal performance creates a somewhat hypnotic feel to the song, and I guess I wouldn't like it if it weren't for that. "Rendezvous Girl" is the only songs that comes close to being catchy, and "Before the Fire" is a simple, slow, sincere ballad that doesn't impress nor disappoint. Expand
  3. Oct 12, 2016
    Esse álbum é simplesmente incrível, musicas divertidas alegres e sentimentais, Santigold se expressou muito bem gravando este álbum,mesmo eu não gostando do genero este álbum me fez amar.
  4. Apr 8, 2016
    Yikes! I couldn't believe what a disappointing half-hearted effort this record was. Listened to it twice just to be sure and couldn't believe it. Oh well, perhaps she'll provide some more hits for other artists in the future as I doubt we'll see much more of her as a solo artist.
  5. Mar 6, 2016
    Santigold puts a interesting spin on modern pop with her wide range of musical styles on "99 Cents." From Pop, to Reggae, to Hip-Hop, even to Electronica she (for the most part) pulls off each of these Genres. The production is very interesting here. It could be crisp-and-clean on songs like "Can't get enough of Myself" or Dark-and-Brooding on "Walking in a Circle." Sure there are the fewSantigold puts a interesting spin on modern pop with her wide range of musical styles on "99 Cents." From Pop, to Reggae, to Hip-Hop, even to Electronica she (for the most part) pulls off each of these Genres. The production is very interesting here. It could be crisp-and-clean on songs like "Can't get enough of Myself" or Dark-and-Brooding on "Walking in a Circle." Sure there are the few misses on songs like "Big Boss Big Time Business" or "Who be loving Me" but besides thoughs, this is a very sold album. Expand
  6. Feb 26, 2016
    '99 cents' is a great album hiding behind a curtain of emptiness and distant, emotionless presentation. With a few stylistic changes it could easily be Santigold's best release.
  7. Feb 26, 2016
    i really enjoyed this album front to back. if you remember what kelis was like when she first came out, you can get a sense of what youre getting with Santigolds 99 cents.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 26 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 16 out of 26
  2. Negative: 0 out of 26
  1. Mar 21, 2016
    For every song that I replay, there’s another that I skip.
  2. Mar 2, 2016
    It’s initially fun to play spot-the-references, but in the best moments the sounds are harder to pin down.
  3. Mar 1, 2016
    Although the bulk of the album oscillates between sarcasm and sincerity, the most fully realized songs transcend that spectrum entirely.