• Record Label: Polydor
  • Release Date: Nov 30, 2018
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Universal acclaim- based on 294 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 24 out of 294
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  1. Nov 30, 2018
    A surprise to be sure, but a welcome one! This album is well-crafted and even funny in some places. It manages to stand out and have tonal consistency even with the experimental elements. Very good and a contender for any year-end list.
  2. Nov 30, 2018
    Seems like The 1975 outburst their creativity after the detachment from their usual producer Mike Crossey. They've succeeded to push their limits once again, and like their previous album (but even better), they coalesced all those music precedents from their parents' generation and then portrayed for the relevance of today's context. A Brief Inquiry into Online Relationships genuinelySeems like The 1975 outburst their creativity after the detachment from their usual producer Mike Crossey. They've succeeded to push their limits once again, and like their previous album (but even better), they coalesced all those music precedents from their parents' generation and then portrayed for the relevance of today's context. A Brief Inquiry into Online Relationships genuinely answers about what it takes to live in this age as a millennial. Expand
  3. Nov 30, 2018
    "TOOGOODTOOGOODTOOGOOD". The album is highly experimental, bringing all the heavy issues yet the execution is simply delicate and easy to digest thanks to the superiority of the lyrics accompanied by the heavenly melodies. This is their world with their own rules, we are entities that follow the flow of their own melancholy. OK Computer of our generation some said, seems like a little bit"TOOGOODTOOGOODTOOGOOD". The album is highly experimental, bringing all the heavy issues yet the execution is simply delicate and easy to digest thanks to the superiority of the lyrics accompanied by the heavenly melodies. This is their world with their own rules, we are entities that follow the flow of their own melancholy. OK Computer of our generation some said, seems like a little bit exaggeration but seriously there's nothing to be ashamed of. Sincerity is Scary, I Always Wanna Die (Sometimes) and Give Yourself A Try are the highlights of the album with all other tracks serving high replay value. ABIIOR is undoubtedly the definition of instant classic, period. Expand
  4. Dec 3, 2018
    A Brief Inquiry Into Online Relationships is easily one of the best albums of 2018. The 1975 have constructed an album filled with pop rock hits that are infectious and memorable. You'll find yourself dancing to the first half of the album and crying through the second half. Its great blend of pop, rock, gospel and electronic is truly an example of their ambitious yet fantastical feet.
  5. Nov 30, 2018
    The peaks are incredibly high, the lows are pretty forgettable. Overall, a fine album with a number of skippable tracks.

    Love it if We Made It and How to Draw are fantastic, and the tepid usage of jazz-based sounds are intriguing. There are tracks that are less progressive than others, like "TOOTIME" a pretty forgettable synthpop tune. The Ok Computer comparisons are undeserved
    The peaks are incredibly high, the lows are pretty forgettable. Overall, a fine album with a number of skippable tracks.

    Love it if We Made It and How to Draw are fantastic, and the tepid usage of jazz-based sounds are intriguing.

    There are tracks that are less progressive than others, like "TOOTIME" a pretty forgettable synthpop tune.

    The Ok Computer comparisons are undeserved (for now), but this is the best album from a band with a pretty mediocre history
  6. Nov 30, 2018
    This album shows an amazing evolution from their previous work, this album is pretentious, smart, complex and it represents exactly the modernity we are living, that is the beauty of this album. Musically is beautiful and dense, but the best are the rich lyrics and concepts behind them packed in a concept album.
  7. Nov 30, 2018
    After the grand new-wave sound of their second LP "I like it when you sleep", The 1975, easily snatching their place as one of the most interesting bands out there today, are back with "A Brief Inquiry into Online Relationships", which sounds both a lot more organic, and a lot more futuristic at the same time. It is a marvelous record to say the least, shifting gears and switching from oneAfter the grand new-wave sound of their second LP "I like it when you sleep", The 1975, easily snatching their place as one of the most interesting bands out there today, are back with "A Brief Inquiry into Online Relationships", which sounds both a lot more organic, and a lot more futuristic at the same time. It is a marvelous record to say the least, shifting gears and switching from one style to another, all while remaining weirdly cohesive and well-arranged. The singles released prior to the album were all absolute smashes ("TOOTIMETOOTIMETOOTIME" will be a huge favourite in their tour setlist, "Sincerity is Scary" has an amazing tune, and "Give Yourself a Try" and "Love It If We Made It" have some of the best lyrics Matty and co. have ever written). New songs are also diverse and well-made: "I Couldn't Be More In Love" has some kick-ass vocals, "I Like America" is electrifying and hard-core, and "Mine" is a throwback jazzy track about love and gratitude. The whole album is very well produced, alternating between vocoders and guitars and Matthew Healey's pure raw vocals, which makes it nothing less than an absolute success. Expand
  8. Dec 4, 2018
    A Brief Inquiry Into Online Relationships is a beautiful blend of many different inspirations from Bon Iver and Kanye West to John Coltrane. There's such a delicately beautiful blend of genres on this album that makes the album so complex. Songs that seem like simple love songs (see "It's Not Living (If It's Not With You)") are actually songs that delve deep into front man Matty Healy'sA Brief Inquiry Into Online Relationships is a beautiful blend of many different inspirations from Bon Iver and Kanye West to John Coltrane. There's such a delicately beautiful blend of genres on this album that makes the album so complex. Songs that seem like simple love songs (see "It's Not Living (If It's Not With You)") are actually songs that delve deep into front man Matty Healy's struggles with heroin addiction. There are so many moments on this album where musically you'll feel upbeat and happy but delving into the songwriting will show you how desperate, dark, and vulnerable the song is. The best song on the album is the closer, "I Always Wanna Die (Sometimes)" which is one of those quickly timeless songs that can make you feel so good, but so sad at the same time. It's overall a beautiful piece of modern art that gives great critique and commentary on the society we live in today. Expand
  9. Dec 4, 2018
    Absolutely gorgeous album. My issue with the 1975 has always been them releasing great singles with rather boring albums (with a few decent deep-cuts). Self titled was over all good and "I like it..." could really bore me at times. Going into this album I was expecting the same. There were more great singles, but they were really all over the place stylistically. I was excited nonetheless.Absolutely gorgeous album. My issue with the 1975 has always been them releasing great singles with rather boring albums (with a few decent deep-cuts). Self titled was over all good and "I like it..." could really bore me at times. Going into this album I was expecting the same. There were more great singles, but they were really all over the place stylistically. I was excited nonetheless. I downloaded it as soon as it dropped and was extremely surprised from what i heard. This album explores many different genres from electropop to traditional jazz. Usually, this would be a weird thing to do for most bands. But there was a weird thing about this album- The 1975 made it work. "A brief Inquiry..." blends electropop, jazz, post-rock, and ambient to create a hauntingly beautiful album that makes us think about life in 2018. You could argue that this album was boring at times, but I would say that this album is just a slowburner most of the time. If you're going into this album wanting their sleek pop rock sound that the band has become known for, look to their other two albums. This is a different one, a more conscious album that is ushering in a new era for the band. I've been blown away every time I've listened to this album since it was released. This album might just cement The 1975 as the most important pop band of the decade. Expand
  10. Dec 4, 2018
    Their best album yet, all over the place yet cohesive. Songs like "i Always Wanna Die (Sometimes)" and Inside Your Mind are instantly classics.
  11. Dec 4, 2018
    No one has ever captured modern life quite as powerfully and with such complexity as the 1975 in their third album. While this is, undoubtedly, a warning about modern technology and the opioid epidemic, it's not altogether negative. Written by millennials, it has a certain positive undercurrent that previous such albums have totally lacked. You get the feeling that yes, there are problems.No one has ever captured modern life quite as powerfully and with such complexity as the 1975 in their third album. While this is, undoubtedly, a warning about modern technology and the opioid epidemic, it's not altogether negative. Written by millennials, it has a certain positive undercurrent that previous such albums have totally lacked. You get the feeling that yes, there are problems. But we solve those problems, and life is, as a whole, pretty good. Expand
  12. Dec 14, 2018
    A terrible album with terrible productions. I don't get what the hype for this album or for the band is. Why are they considered good or even worthy of mainstream attraction? They just sound like any generic indie pop/rock bands and honestly nothing original. Its incredible how low music industry standards have dropped when we now consider this trash album as the pinnacle for the year.A terrible album with terrible productions. I don't get what the hype for this album or for the band is. Why are they considered good or even worthy of mainstream attraction? They just sound like any generic indie pop/rock bands and honestly nothing original. Its incredible how low music industry standards have dropped when we now consider this trash album as the pinnacle for the year. This is why in my home country you never hear their songs on the radio because they are so trash. Expand
  13. Dec 1, 2018
    Boring. This album is really a pass for anyone except for hardcore 1975 fanboys. It really doesn't offer anything inspiring. Rehashing old jazz and classical themes and calling it innovative or experimental is just ignorance. If you want something slow and ambient then "give this album a try". If you like their previous work...wait for the next installment...or stream on Apple MusicBoring. This album is really a pass for anyone except for hardcore 1975 fanboys. It really doesn't offer anything inspiring. Rehashing old jazz and classical themes and calling it innovative or experimental is just ignorance. If you want something slow and ambient then "give this album a try". If you like their previous work...wait for the next installment...or stream on Apple Music then put it in the never listen to again pile. Expand
  14. Aug 22, 2019
    Maybe 2 or 3 times a year I'll buy an album based on hype. Yes, I could just check it out online but there is just something about parting with your cash and taking a chance on a physical album. If its a good one, its a similar feeling to backing the winner in a game. If its overhyped then you move on and no one has died. The 1975's 3rd album "A Brief Inquiry Into Online Relationships" isMaybe 2 or 3 times a year I'll buy an album based on hype. Yes, I could just check it out online but there is just something about parting with your cash and taking a chance on a physical album. If its a good one, its a similar feeling to backing the winner in a game. If its overhyped then you move on and no one has died. The 1975's 3rd album "A Brief Inquiry Into Online Relationships" is one that I took a chance on. While it is incredibly overhyped, it is still an album that contains half a dozen really good songs. It's got an incredible range of styles present and it has to be noted that it is one of the more ambitious albums of 2018 if certainly not the best. Just short of the hour mark, it outstays its welcome. There are 15 minutes at least that could have been cut."Love It If We Make It" is a good taster of the album, a fusion of the 2010's and the 1980's showing how hard it is to be controversial or relevant in an age of saturation in every sense. I won't be rushing back to The 1975 but not my worst impulse buy ever. Expand
  15. Aug 2, 2020
    i really don't like this overhyped band. they are really really really really really really really bad
  16. Dec 28, 2018
    "A Brief Inquiry" is a distant departure from the groovy, catchy approach the 1975 took on previous albums that evoked 80s synth pop and at times ascended to excellence that you'd expect to find on Michael Jackson albums. Instead of having songs that can draw you in there seems to be an emphasis on experimentation. That's all great n' all but it makes for a weaker album listening"A Brief Inquiry" is a distant departure from the groovy, catchy approach the 1975 took on previous albums that evoked 80s synth pop and at times ascended to excellence that you'd expect to find on Michael Jackson albums. Instead of having songs that can draw you in there seems to be an emphasis on experimentation. That's all great n' all but it makes for a weaker album listening experience. There are a few tracks that feel like more vintage 1975 but I get the feeling that this band is going to start losing more fans as they age. They're the anti-Maroon 5 now and if this is what they're going to be dishing out on future albums then consider me an ex-fan. It's a shame. Expand
  17. Dec 6, 2018
    Never thought that I would fall in love with a 1975 album but here we are. This album is by turns relevant and thought provoking while constantly invigorating itself with catchy pop tunes.
  18. Nov 30, 2018
    A few of the singles are bland. Like, insultingly bland. Give Yourself a Try, for instance, finds itself repeating the exact same melody for almost the entirety of the song. The melody isn't bad, but I'd expect more from a band with this much talent. On the other hand, there are some brilliant moments. The second half of How to Draw, Petrichor, is by far and away one of the highlights ofA few of the singles are bland. Like, insultingly bland. Give Yourself a Try, for instance, finds itself repeating the exact same melody for almost the entirety of the song. The melody isn't bad, but I'd expect more from a band with this much talent. On the other hand, there are some brilliant moments. The second half of How to Draw, Petrichor, is by far and away one of the highlights of 2018. I Couldn't Be More In Love, also, is a pretty brilliant track when it's all said and done. Expand
  19. Dec 2, 2018
    The first 5 tracks are the weakest part of the album. I got disappointed when I was listening to it for the first, until "Be My Mistake" began. Then everything was getting better and better with each song. "Mine", "It's not Living (If It's Not With You)" and "The Man Who Married a Robot/Love Theme" are my favorites.
  20. Dec 12, 2018
    English pop rock stars The 1975 return after a successful 2016 sophomore album with their most ambitious and acclaimed project yet, "A Brief Inquiry Into Online Relationships". On "A Brief Inquiry", The 1975 continue exploring the themes of love and romance in the Age of Information from their previous two studio efforts, with additional focus on issues such as drug abuse and politicalEnglish pop rock stars The 1975 return after a successful 2016 sophomore album with their most ambitious and acclaimed project yet, "A Brief Inquiry Into Online Relationships". On "A Brief Inquiry", The 1975 continue exploring the themes of love and romance in the Age of Information from their previous two studio efforts, with additional focus on issues such as drug abuse and political turmoil mixed in. Whether singing about emotional detachment on the jazzy "Sincerity Is Scary", or his heroin addiction on the 80's rock influenced "It's Not Living", front man Matt Healy's vocals exude emotion throughout, even with some cringe-inducing lyrics. The production, on the other hand, often sounds too smoothed out and forgettable, with the sanitized piano and stings of "Be My Mistake" and ear-piercing guitar loop on "Give Yourself a Try" being particular low points. Even with that, though, "A Brief Inquiry" is still an above average pop album that periodically misses its mark.
    Favorites: "How To Draw / Petrichor", "Love It If We Made It", "Sincerity Is Scary", "It's Not Living", "I Always Wanna Die"
    Least Favorites: "Give Yourself a Try", "I Like America & America Likes Me", "Inside Your Mind"
  21. May 23, 2019
    Lets hear it for your favorite middle school bands creating legitimately creative and thought provoking material. Shout out to maturity!
  22. Nov 10, 2019
    Spectacular, magical and simply charming. The maturation throughout the discography of these talented artists is a true masterpiece.
  23. Nov 30, 2018
    Easily their most well rounded work to date, as well as their most experimental. Matty Healy's wordplay remains unmatched as he continues to improve in writing and explore various topics outside of love, drugs, and sex, such as politics, societal issues, technology, the internet, etc.
    However, that doesn't compensate for the obvious misplacement of Give Yourself a Try & TOOTIME. These 2
    Easily their most well rounded work to date, as well as their most experimental. Matty Healy's wordplay remains unmatched as he continues to improve in writing and explore various topics outside of love, drugs, and sex, such as politics, societal issues, technology, the internet, etc.
    However, that doesn't compensate for the obvious misplacement of Give Yourself a Try & TOOTIME. These 2 songs don't belong on the record in my opinion, especially the latter.
  24. Nov 30, 2018
    I think this is a good album, on the same level as "The 1975", but not close on feeling and effort that I sense on "I like...". It feels like they are looking to keep relevant and present, aiming to the biggest amount of people they can, trying to send message, but neither the message or the music manage to light a flame inside of us like "I like..." did.
    I recognize the time and effort
    I think this is a good album, on the same level as "The 1975", but not close on feeling and effort that I sense on "I like...". It feels like they are looking to keep relevant and present, aiming to the biggest amount of people they can, trying to send message, but neither the message or the music manage to light a flame inside of us like "I like..." did.
    I recognize the time and effort they put, having some very good songs, but I feel they should have focused more on either the music or the message; they ended up not sending a strong message and not a strong music.
    Good, but forgettable, if compared to the past records
  25. Nov 30, 2018
    Podrá parecer pretencioso, si, pero es maravilloso desde donde sea que se mire, un álbum que sobresale de entre toda la escena rock cada vez más mezclada con sonidos pop con poco o nada que decir. The 1975 y este álbum, son algo distinto, a primera instancia es un disco de critica social, pero demuestra ser más que eso, se vuelve personal, es introspectivo, esa investigación online sePodrá parecer pretencioso, si, pero es maravilloso desde donde sea que se mire, un álbum que sobresale de entre toda la escena rock cada vez más mezclada con sonidos pop con poco o nada que decir. The 1975 y este álbum, son algo distinto, a primera instancia es un disco de critica social, pero demuestra ser más que eso, se vuelve personal, es introspectivo, esa investigación online se vuelve personal, Mattew y los chicos hacen que te importe realmente lo que había dejado de tener importancia: "nosotros mismo". Después de un año plagado de discos vacíos como "Origins" de la banda americana Imagine Dragons o "Simulation Theory" de Muse ( si, con grandes sonidos, pero no grandes palabras), o como el más temprano e insufrible "Pray for the Wicked" de lo que solía ser una de las bandas más vistosas de la década pasada (P!ATD), The 1975 nos ofrece algo fresco, algo que podemos sentir propio, algo que podría sentir cualquiera de nosotros siendo jóvenes en una era donde es más importante la cantidad de personas que te siguen en Instagram que la cantidad de personas con quien hablar de algo interesante.
    Somos nosotros la generación de las relaciones sentimentales (y sociales) con la velocidad de la red, rápidas e imperceptibles. Este álbum es una señal de "STOP" para todo aquel que lo escucha, intenta demostrar lo pudrición de la juventud y la sociedad desde un plano más terrenal —que mal abarcado seria algo sumamente mundano y despreciable— que lo he hecho por otras bandas con este tipo de álbumes.
    Este 30 de Noviembre de 2018 The 1975 ha confirmado lo que muchos decían y muchos ya sabíamos, son una banda con muchas cosas más importantes que decir, dicen adiós al glamour de una era musical pasada y es aquí donde "MFC" inicia tratando de salvar a todos los que se dejaron deslumbrar por la poesía de lo mundano, la poesía de los cigarrillos.
    The 1975 muestra su cara más importante desde aquel 2002 donde se reunieron por primera vez, es aquí donde me atrevo a nombrar a este álbum, "el mejor de la década (y, porque no de lo que llevamos del milenio)", este es el álbum que ha marcado el nombre THE1975 en el libro de la historia del rock, a partir de ahora todo es igualar y superar la calidad de este material, con lo que he escuchado, creo que esta banda lo lograra y sera un grito importante aun cuando otra generación halla llegado.
  26. Nov 30, 2018
    It's an hour of pure perfection. Feelings, experiences, things you wanna say, do. You can experience a lot listening to it. It's just perfect and one of the best albums of the year and ever. Nothing to add.
  27. Apr 22, 2022
    The modern OK Computer.

    Talks about real issues, The music is good. The album isn't too long. There is a good balance between experimental / pop / alt-rock. One of my favourites of 2018.
  28. May 21, 2020
    2 years has pass, and I'm still obsessed with this album. It feels fresh still to this day.
  29. Nov 20, 2021
    Punctuated by the leads return to rehab in the throes of addiction the 1975 third album bursted out as jaded as it's frontman. A maximalist amalgamation of inspirations from the bon iver adjacent delivery on "be by mistake " or one if the many Radiohead indept "i always want to die (sometimes)". The latter being one of the lyrical highlights "(But your death it won't happen to you / ItPunctuated by the leads return to rehab in the throes of addiction the 1975 third album bursted out as jaded as it's frontman. A maximalist amalgamation of inspirations from the bon iver adjacent delivery on "be by mistake " or one if the many Radiohead indept "i always want to die (sometimes)". The latter being one of the lyrical highlights "(But your death it won't happen to you / It happens to your family and your friends)" exploding into an arena ready chorus. But the second track which truly opens up the song is one of the best displays of Healy's spectacular songwriting as he biographically riffs on himself and tells us how it's never over. Despite how specific the subjects of fame might be its still a universal topic of self destruction but never does he fall into self pity or pointing fingers just a sincere confession. It's things like that that anchor the album. Filled with black humour and straightforward quips and enough experiments to keep it intresting such as the ok computer coldness of "The Man Who Married a Robot ". The heartbreaking "sincerity is scary " is a frank break between people who haven't lost love for each other
    This is honestly their magnum opus.

Universal acclaim - based on 29 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 26 out of 29
  2. Negative: 1 out of 29
  1. Jan 14, 2019
    Even as only the first half of a delayed double album, A Brief Inquiry already feels like a classically bloated example of the form.
  2. Uncut
    Jan 2, 2019
    Multidimensional. ... This rotating playlist of styles and sincerity will rankle with some--it's very earnest about addiction, love and our internet selves--but rather that than banal conformity. [Feb 2019, p.23]
  3. Dec 17, 2018
    You may feel the urge to dismiss them as pretentious or pompous, but if you can resist that impulse, A Brief Inquiry... soon reveals itself to be full of genuine heart, intelligence and wit. This is a band who want to be the best of their generation. They might not be there yet, but it is incredible to hear them come close.