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Generally favorable reviews- based on 311 Ratings

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  1. Negative: 38 out of 311
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  1. Aug 16, 2017
    Wow. Beautiful poignant and crushingly tender. The music is pretty simple, though it is peppered with some subtle oddness, which means it is a lot more than a sad folk album. This is a truly classic high quality album full of the pain of loss and the haunting nature of nostalgic memory.
  2. Mar 24, 2017
    One of the saddest albums I've ever heard. It is raw, powerful, emotional, and purely human. Wonderful eulogy for his wife. It's not a jammer album, and it's hard to really consider these tracks to be songs. They're more like poetry spoken over minimal acoustic guitars. I'm not sure if this is for everyone, but it's impossible to not recommend. This is one of the most moving albums I'veOne of the saddest albums I've ever heard. It is raw, powerful, emotional, and purely human. Wonderful eulogy for his wife. It's not a jammer album, and it's hard to really consider these tracks to be songs. They're more like poetry spoken over minimal acoustic guitars. I'm not sure if this is for everyone, but it's impossible to not recommend. This is one of the most moving albums I've ever come across. Those who appreciated Carrie & Lowell a few years ago will appreciate this as well. Just make sure to have some tissues around. Beautiful! Expand
  3. Mar 28, 2017
    I had a hard time deciding when I was going to listen to this album. I just had my first baby boy, and I am married to the love of my life. To a certain extent and in certain circumstances, the musicality of an album becomes less important than the messages and emotions. I cried listening to this album several times. And I mean really cried. It's a very, very personal album that beckons toI had a hard time deciding when I was going to listen to this album. I just had my first baby boy, and I am married to the love of my life. To a certain extent and in certain circumstances, the musicality of an album becomes less important than the messages and emotions. I cried listening to this album several times. And I mean really cried. It's a very, very personal album that beckons to be listened to in private. I made the mistake of listening to it during a slow work day and it wrecked me. Death is a scary thought, but his bluntness and openness allowed me to receive peace when dealing with the harshest, most confusing, realest lesson of losing a loved one. I highly recommend this album. Expand
  4. Aug 29, 2019
    A simple picture of a piercing pain. A Crow Looked at Me is an album that basically talks about death and the daily life of an afterlife. With its dark melody and raw lyrics, here is an album that portrays the simplicity of death and the sincerity of longing. There is not much fuzziness, just the true expression of what needs to be expressed. It is. From the raven's evil omen to theA simple picture of a piercing pain. A Crow Looked at Me is an album that basically talks about death and the daily life of an afterlife. With its dark melody and raw lyrics, here is an album that portrays the simplicity of death and the sincerity of longing. There is not much fuzziness, just the true expression of what needs to be expressed. It is. From the raven's evil omen to the emptiness of loneliness, from the hardness of death to almost tortuous memories, this is a brutal album that portrays the simplicity of a man who is living without the one he loved.
    This album falls like a stone on the glass ceiling of the music industry's illusion. It is so deep and so simple at the same time that it becomes timeless.There is an incredible duality between cold and warmth, between hospital and nature, calm and fire ... but there is no duality to death, just simple metaphors bordering on the fantastic or the hope of existence in a supernatural. And it enriches the album lyrically, making it a poetic treasure on a higher level.
  5. May 23, 2017
    An unsettlingly intimate journey through grief and death. I've heard many a sad and depressing songs and albums, but this is just heart wrenching. Would not recommend it if you don't know what you're in for and the history of the album.
  6. Apr 10, 2017
    Completely stunning, and left me at times weeping and almost breathless. As raw and power as anything I've ever heard. What he keeps coming back to is the title of the first track, death is real. Sometimes told as memories that are fading, and sometimes as a metaphor he constructs that ultimately comes crashing down when faced with that reality of his loss. An amazing companion recordCompletely stunning, and left me at times weeping and almost breathless. As raw and power as anything I've ever heard. What he keeps coming back to is the title of the first track, death is real. Sometimes told as memories that are fading, and sometimes as a metaphor he constructs that ultimately comes crashing down when faced with that reality of his loss. An amazing companion record to Sufjan Stevens brilliant Carrie and Lowell, about the death of Stevens's mother. Well worth your time and money. Expand
  7. Mar 24, 2017
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. By far the most honest, poetic and just... beautiful grief-related art that I've ever seen/heard. It's such an engrossing and "fatiguing" listen, yet I can't stop playing this record over and over again.

    The way Phil delivers these sometimes simple, but always devastating lines is incredible. He's truly one of a kind. I want to hug him.

    All the imagery related to the forest, the ocean, Genevieve's ashes, the birds, the "realness" of everyday life transformed by her sudden absence... The subtle lyrical/melodic references to previous Microphones/Mount Eerie releases... This is honestly one of the best records I've ever heard.

    "It’s dumb, and I don’t want to learn anything from this. I love you."/ "I can't remember, you did most of my remembering for me" / "We are all always so close to not existing at all" / "Now I can only see you on the fridge in lifeless pictures" / "I missed you, of course. And I remember thinking the last time it rained here you were alive still" / "Look at me. Death is real" / "Conceptual emptiness was cool to talk about, back before I knew my way around these hospitals" / "I went back to feel alone there" / "And there she was."
  8. Mar 24, 2017
    A series of sparse yet vivid vignettes that tell the story of the death of Phil Elverum's wife. He takes his nearly spoken-word lyrical style to its limits, at some points making "A Crow Looked At Me" feel less like music and more like lyrics accompanied by background sound - though not at all to its detriment.

    This will hit very hard for many people, especially those who have lost
    A series of sparse yet vivid vignettes that tell the story of the death of Phil Elverum's wife. He takes his nearly spoken-word lyrical style to its limits, at some points making "A Crow Looked At Me" feel less like music and more like lyrics accompanied by background sound - though not at all to its detriment.

    This will hit very hard for many people, especially those who have lost friends or family to cancer.

    I would recommend this record for anyone that has appreciated Elverum's previous work, particularly that which was released in the first half of the last decade.
  9. Mar 25, 2017
    Phil puts together a gorgeous, harrowing tribute to Genevieve, he beautifully articulates what is probabl the darkest few months of his life. It's chilling to even think about the first few months of parenthoodn being spent in cancer wards and grieving alone, on A Crow Looked At Me, Phil doesn't hesitate to reveal every darkest corner of this life he found himself thrust in to. I could bePhil puts together a gorgeous, harrowing tribute to Genevieve, he beautifully articulates what is probabl the darkest few months of his life. It's chilling to even think about the first few months of parenthoodn being spent in cancer wards and grieving alone, on A Crow Looked At Me, Phil doesn't hesitate to reveal every darkest corner of this life he found himself thrust in to. I could be listening to this album and feel comfortable and relaxed for a few minutes as Phil tells beautiful about his relationship with Genevieve or a beautiful moment spent with his daughter, until there comes a line that will tear a hole in my chest, a line showing an aspect of grieving a loved one i couldn't have considered before. The most important thing about this album is persepctive, Phil is living in a nightmare, this album provides an authentic, raw and sometimes beautiful look at a truly nightmarish reality. It shouldn't be enjoyable, but it's easy to get caught up in the beauty of it all, to be intrigued by how such an introspective man process this reality and shares it, i don't know if i love this album. I don't know if i should love this album less for subjecting me to this emotional catharsis, but i think most listening will agree that the album is something very special. Authentic, raw ,and beautiful, we should all cherish such a rare album. Expand
  10. Mar 28, 2017
    The best record of the year so far, the songs are excelent and very touching, its not only the best record of the year so far is one of the best records of the decade
  11. Apr 29, 2017
    I disagree this isn't the best album of 2017 not being negative i'm just telling the truth. The most talked about album in a positive way are the best albums, but again I mean no disrespect I just don't think it is the best album I can name 3 albums that were better this year than this one to be honest.
  12. May 13, 2017
    Note: This isn't a very good review, sorry.

    This is a beautiful album that deals with real-life grief by reflecting on the past, horrifically moving through the present, and ultimately looking forward to the future. The lyrics on all of these songs paint a visual image, almost as if it were a movie or a real-life situation that you and the narrator are living with. The first song starts
    Note: This isn't a very good review, sorry.

    This is a beautiful album that deals with real-life grief by reflecting on the past, horrifically moving through the present, and ultimately looking forward to the future. The lyrics on all of these songs paint a visual image, almost as if it were a movie or a real-life situation that you and the narrator are living with. The first song starts out fun, before quickly turning into something dark yet comforting. Every single song on this album is an absolute gem and this album deserves more credit than its already getting, because this is a piece of experimental folk history that tampers with fiction and real-life events (mostly the latter) to create something almost revolutionary, and in the folk genre of all genres.
    Favorite Song: Ravens (simply because of the fact that I want it to be longer, despite the fact that the song is over six minutes long.)
  13. Feb 4, 2018
    Очень душевный релиз.Иногда простая и личная музыка очень ценится,тебе просто не хочется ничего делать просто слушать музыку и подчёркивать что-нибудь в этой музыке.Про саму музыка: здесь нет ничего такого-только душа вложенная в это произведение.Здесь даже писать нечего-необходимо слушать.Очень душевный релиз.Иногда простая и личная музыка очень ценится,тебе просто не хочется ничего делать просто слушать музыку и подчёркивать что-нибудь в этой музыке.Про саму музыка: здесь нет ничего такого-только душа вложенная в это произведение.Здесь даже писать нечего-необходимо слушать.
  14. Nov 27, 2017
    It's hard to listen to, but only because it's a painfully realistic display of grief. A type of thing I've never seen in any album before. It may be minimal, but the message is still very much there.
  15. Jan 20, 2020
    Good god this album is heart wrenching. This is honestly one of the hardest times I've had listening to an album, not because it's bad by any means, but because of the subject matter. This may be one of the most honest and unfiltered looks into grief we have seen in a long time. The production is very limited, and most of the time it's just Phil with an acoustic guitar and a bit ofGood god this album is heart wrenching. This is honestly one of the hardest times I've had listening to an album, not because it's bad by any means, but because of the subject matter. This may be one of the most honest and unfiltered looks into grief we have seen in a long time. The production is very limited, and most of the time it's just Phil with an acoustic guitar and a bit of production spilling his heart and soul out onto a track with no holding back. This is, as far as I'm concerned, one of the most raw experiences in music of this decade. Go listen to this for yourself, please. Expand
  16. Jun 15, 2019
    A Crow Looked At Me is one of the most emotionally-draining things I've heard. From the simple yet fitting instrumentals to the depressive vocals (which fit the instrumentals and lyrics well), this album is a masterpiece. It's hard to believe people actually gave this a 1.
  17. Dec 19, 2019
    To me, the themes of this album completely speak for themselves. The narrators wife died and this album is his way of grieving with it. It’s meticulously crafted in a way that even though the style isn’t traditional in the slightest it doesn’t catch you off guard. The lack of a rhyme scheme and the lack of vocal fixing on the tracks speak for the emotional depth of the album as far asTo me, the themes of this album completely speak for themselves. The narrators wife died and this album is his way of grieving with it. It’s meticulously crafted in a way that even though the style isn’t traditional in the slightest it doesn’t catch you off guard. The lack of a rhyme scheme and the lack of vocal fixing on the tracks speak for the emotional depth of the album as far as the writing goes Expand
  18. Feb 17, 2021
    This album is so bare bone, simple, honest and heart wrenching. I despise listening to this album. If one of the songs comes on when I'm shuffling my music, I jump to skip it. I can only listen to this in my room when I know that I don't have anything important to do the next day. This album makes me cry multiple times every time I listen to it. I would consider this music (althoughThis album is so bare bone, simple, honest and heart wrenching. I despise listening to this album. If one of the songs comes on when I'm shuffling my music, I jump to skip it. I can only listen to this in my room when I know that I don't have anything important to do the next day. This album makes me cry multiple times every time I listen to it. I would consider this music (although barely), but its music in a different way. I feel it would be disrespectful to hum along or to say that I enjoy a chord progression or production choice. And I don't think this is entertainment. This is a pained man explaining his pain and letting us hear it. I have never heard anything that makes me feel the way this album does, and for that, I think it is amazing. However, I hate this album so much. It terrifies me and feels like an emotional gut punch. I don't think I'd recommend listening to it. Expand
  19. Apr 26, 2017
    A beautiful demonstration of the power of medidative minimalism. The melodic devices here aren't particularly pronounced, but they perfectly compliment the evocative, powerful storytelling.
  20. Apr 18, 2017
    This has been my first Mount Eerie album so take my opinion with a grain of salt. I have mixed feeling about this album. Its deeply harrowing to listen to and I get the sense of raw emotion that has been poured into this, but unlike other albums about death such as Carrie And Lowell I find the music itself doesn't stand well by itself. With that being said I feel this is a rare occasionThis has been my first Mount Eerie album so take my opinion with a grain of salt. I have mixed feeling about this album. Its deeply harrowing to listen to and I get the sense of raw emotion that has been poured into this, but unlike other albums about death such as Carrie And Lowell I find the music itself doesn't stand well by itself. With that being said I feel this is a rare occasion that this is less about the music and more about the raw emotion this album pushes on you.

    Musically the album is good although nothing horribly special in my opinion, but the lyrics are gut wrenching. You can almost feel the pain he is going through which, depending on your interpretation, is incredible. I wish he didn't have to write this album and I am honestly devastated that it exists, but I am glad he was able to pour his pain into this piece of art so others could somewhat understand what he is going through.

    I hope Phil is recovering well from his loss.
  21. Aug 25, 2017
    This album is just so overwhelmingly depressing and hits so close to home on so many levels. On this album, Phil not only delivers gut punch after gut punch but he does it over perfectly conceived production. I cannot remember a record as powerfully destructive as this album.
  22. Dec 28, 2017
    This album is absolutely beautiful. Every time I've listened to it I've come to tears. Phil Elverum (Mount Eeire) perfectly captures his heartbreaking response to his wife passing away from Cancer. Please, give it a listen and it will make you shed a tear with Phil's beautiful somber voice telling one of the saddest stories I've heard on an album.
  23. May 20, 2018
    The most incredible thing about this album is Mount Eerie's control of his own ability. Instead of taking a deeply personal issue and turning it exceedingly poetic, he puts it in terms that anyone can comprehend.
  24. Jan 15, 2021
    Album 5ask tsm3o ila knti baghi tnta7r ola ila kant tala3lk l7ayt fkrk o bghiti chi 7aja tzid dmrk nafsiyan
  25. Mar 11, 2019
    A Crow Looked at Me is concise and raw, sounding like a Mount Eerie's soul-discharging, talking about death in the most pure possible.
  26. May 14, 2017
    After losing his wife to cancer, Phil Elverum reminds us of the power of music by stripping everything down to its most basic self and leaving nothing but pure, unaltered emotion that’s predictably difficult for anyone to fully comprehend. My Score: 143/180 (Solid) = 7.9/10
  27. Mar 30, 2017
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. A Crow Looked At Me è probabilmente uno degli album più tristi che la storia della musica abbia mai visto e ascoltato, ma partiamo con ordine:
    Il 9 Luglio del 2016 Geneviève, la moglie di Mount Eerie, muore a causa di un cancro pancreatico a soli quattro mesi dalla nascita della figlia della coppia. L'artista, nei mesi seguenti, scrive le varie canzoni usando delle strumentali della moglie (musicista anche lei), registrando il tutto nella stanza in cui è morta la sua amata.
    Siamo dinnanzi ad un'opera fantastica, una vera e propria dichiarazione d'amore e di disperazione verso la propria compagna di vita. Ci viene narrato, attraverso i testi, come sia completamente diverso andare a buttare la spazzatura senza la moglie e, per esempio, come un semplice spazzolino possa far riaffiorare dolci ricordi. La perdita di Geneviève e la sofferenza data da essa viene smorzata dalla presenza della figlia, alla quale è dedicato l'ultimo brano: uno sprazzo di felicità, una visione verso il futuro restando consapevoli che l'anima dell'amata li accompagnerà per sempre.
  28. Jul 18, 2017
    great album............................................................................................................................................................
  29. Feb 5, 2018
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. An incredibly depressing listen, though I didn't expect much else, given the death of Elverum's wife. The album was released only a couple months after his wife's death, I believe, so he had little time to reflect, but also to care about musically enhancing the album, which he did not intend, as he mentions in "Death is Real", when he talks of how "it's not for singing about, or making art". Throughout the album, he makes that much clear. He does not intend to make a masterpiece, or even a great album - that's not the purpose. The purpose is a no **** look into his personal tragedy and as a way for him to reflect on what happened, which he does, in great depth. Most of the album concerns what things are like after her death - walking in the room where she passed, talking to their kid, her ashes, her things in the bathroom, and even taking out the trash, but also covers territory regarding some memories before her death, including the moment she died and some reflections on some particularly significant memories that occurred during their lifetimes. We will never know for sure Elverum's experiences around the events, what he went through, and how he processed the events, though this is possibly the closest anyone could get. This is a frank and harrowing experience, that successfully impresses upon the listener how real and serious death is.


  30. Oct 31, 2020
    Deeply depressing. I cannot fathom why it is so sparse yet complex. The words transcend the sound. Unfortunately whether it is it's theme or very repetitive production and limited range i find some songs very skippable and like repetitions of others making the album challenging to accomplish or bother revisit.
  31. Sep 18, 2022
    What a dramatic album. Powerful theme addressed an intertwined with some vulnerable and touching lines all along. Phil manages to fuse regards on his wife's death but in the end it is only from his own point of view that he is talking about it. I enjoy how he managed to fuse many varied emotions into that effort.
    What I regret about this album is the monotony of Phil's voice. I mean we
    What a dramatic album. Powerful theme addressed an intertwined with some vulnerable and touching lines all along. Phil manages to fuse regards on his wife's death but in the end it is only from his own point of view that he is talking about it. I enjoy how he managed to fuse many varied emotions into that effort.
    What I regret about this album is the monotony of Phil's voice. I mean we all get how grief can be painful, sad and senseless in a way. But couldn't it also be destructive, unfair and surprising ? Why did Phil had to maintain such a equal tone all along ? I would have change that point even if I totally understand how it depicts the monotone grey we tend to feel after losing someone or something valuable to us.
    The production also could have sound more original and experimental than that. I guess these two points only show how Phil personnally dealt with the loss, how he was affected as an individual. But it makes it difficult to truly feel the emotions and reflections he proposes.
    It is a really hard task to rate such an album because to me it is like rating the very personal approach of someone experiencing something they didn't necessarily need to share. And this question remains open to me: why would you share (a bit less than) 41 minutes of your thoughts on a subject so deep, so emotional and so personal ? Maybe there are numerous answers. Anyway thank him to invite us into his thoughts.
  32. Mar 27, 2017
    Err... this is when art in the 21st century gets concerning. The album is beautiful, quite simple, sorrowful melodies, but the songwriting is cringe-worthy, like someone on Diazepam trying to write poetry and I won't even comment on the singing. If there wasn't a real death involved it would rate bad. When is real is instantly classic these days, the total reality show state of art.

Universal acclaim - based on 18 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 18 out of 18
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 18
  3. Negative: 0 out of 18
  1. Mojo
    May 23, 2017
    Painfully literal in its detailing of grief. [Jul 2017, p.91]
  2. May 9, 2017
    This is a remarkably powerful and pure album.
  3. Mar 27, 2017
    A Crow Looked At Me is an unsettling, awkward listen and it might (probably will) make you cry. It’s also a tribute to an amazing 13-year love story (the penultimate song Soria Moria encompasses Elverum’s childhood longing, how he met Castrée and their instant connection) and may turn out to be one of the strongest albums of the year.