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Generally favorable reviews- based on 226 Ratings

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  1. Negative: 28 out of 226

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  1. Apr 18, 2016
    I remember when I was young and impressionable and I heard "Fit But You Know It" for the first time on the radio. I enjoyed its general quirkiness, and it was my first foray into the world of Mike Skinner. I had to pick the album up as soon as I could. Once I did I enjoyed it very much but it would take me several more years to appreciate its lyrics / story telling. Skinner was never yourI remember when I was young and impressionable and I heard "Fit But You Know It" for the first time on the radio. I enjoyed its general quirkiness, and it was my first foray into the world of Mike Skinner. I had to pick the album up as soon as I could. Once I did I enjoyed it very much but it would take me several more years to appreciate its lyrics / story telling. Skinner was never your average early 2000s British grime/hip hop artist. He was always keen to explore new lyrical territory and went all the way with his 2nd effort. Some of the rhyming and choruses are a bit awkward but if anything it better serves to capture the instability of a man at life's crossroads relationship and money wise. Empty Cans is quite the stand out as it provides the listener with two very different but both equally impacting endings to the story. Expand
  2. Nov 30, 2015
    A very original record with main man Mike Skinner blazing a trail for many acts that copied his approach to music. If he didn't single handedly create a genre, he at least should be classed as one of the most innovative musicians of the noughties. For all the praise you can heap on his approach to this record, there are still only a handful of pure genius moments. This is more than mostA very original record with main man Mike Skinner blazing a trail for many acts that copied his approach to music. If he didn't single handedly create a genre, he at least should be classed as one of the most innovative musicians of the noughties. For all the praise you can heap on his approach to this record, there are still only a handful of pure genius moments. This is more than most records but still, too many times the lyrics are repetitive and lack the cutting wit that is present on the best pieces on the record. His style of delivery, while electric on certain tracks, just doesn't work on others. This album is well worth a listen - some people absolutely love it but for me I mainly keep going back to the tracks "Blinded By the Lights" and "Dry Your Eyes". The album is worth listening through for those two tracks alone. Expand
  3. Apr 14, 2015
    Wow. This album is even better than the first. The Streets have an excellent way of telling stories in such a picturesque way that it almost feels more like a movie than an album.
  4. Apr 17, 2013
    An urban hip-hopera masterpiece. Mike Skinner is a genius when it comes to this type of thing and raps over a series of electronic samples and textures. Standout track is obviously Dry Your Eyes.
  5. Mar 2, 2013
    This album is big in the game! Tells a quality story throughout and tells it from an average person's point of view from getting high to heart break. Quality stuff!
  6. Aug 15, 2011
    brilliant from beginning to end,that all I need to say.
  7. EliT
    Aug 17, 2009
    Incredible record. When I first listened to it, years ago, I was vaguely impressed, but not engaged. After a few listens some songs started sticking out, I began caring about the narrative more and more. Songs I hated became incredible, all leading up to one of the best closing songs of all time, Empty Cans. If you don't care for it now, give it a listen every 3 or 4 months, you may Incredible record. When I first listened to it, years ago, I was vaguely impressed, but not engaged. After a few listens some songs started sticking out, I began caring about the narrative more and more. Songs I hated became incredible, all leading up to one of the best closing songs of all time, Empty Cans. If you don't care for it now, give it a listen every 3 or 4 months, you may come around to love it. Expand
  8. MattS
    Jul 28, 2009
    One of my favorite albums of all time. When I first got this album I didn't really understand it. Then the song 'Empty Can's came up randomly on my shuffle on my MP3 player about six months later. I was absolutely blown away by the lyrics and immediately played the entire album from start to finish the way it was met to be. A fun and moving album that really relates to One of my favorite albums of all time. When I first got this album I didn't really understand it. Then the song 'Empty Can's came up randomly on my shuffle on my MP3 player about six months later. I was absolutely blown away by the lyrics and immediately played the entire album from start to finish the way it was met to be. A fun and moving album that really relates to pretty much any of us who fell in love at an early age, made a ton of mistakes, and eventually needed to pick themselves back up again. Expand
  9. AP.
    Feb 20, 2008
    Really cool album! People who say that they don't get it just don't listen to the words or even the music. The story is really cool and the beats are backing vocals are great. (Try out Dizzee Rascal's Boy In Da Corner if you like this) It may at first be a little hard to get used to (being American, it's hard to at first get past the accent) but it's ultimately rewarding!
  10. pADDYA
    Jul 15, 2007
    Got this for
  11. AlexP
    Jun 12, 2007
    Americans don't get this record. LOL at Americans.
  12. LaviniaH
    Jan 19, 2007
    loved it
  13. dannyw
    Jan 13, 2007
  14. AlexB
    Dec 14, 2006
    One of the best albums I have listened to in a long time.
  15. Pelicaine
    Oct 28, 2006
    Some of the most unique beats I've ever heard. This album is well put-together. An enjoyable story that gets better with each listen. Get this album any way you can! A must-hear.
  16. Scholesy
    Oct 19, 2006
    Better than OPM. MUCH better. This album is a true storytelling classic
  17. ChrisT
    Oct 13, 2006
    Skinner is lyrically amazing. His songs flow is great, and is accent while rapping is an amazing asset to his songs. He can take really normal situations, and relay them in a perfect sence.
    Aug 8, 2006
    Not as good as the critics say. i'd recomend buying "original pirate material" by them. i find this album slow and preachy. A 7
  19. SimonE
    Apr 21, 2006
    It's at least as good as his first album.
  20. jw
    Mar 29, 2006
    This is not Original Pirate Material. Yes, whereas OPM had its brief valleys here and there ("Sharp Darts" and "Geezers Need Excitement" come to mind), A Grand Don't Come For Free maintains basically the same quality throughout. Owing to the carry-over storyline and the similarity in the beats, it does not waver much from side to side. But neither does it soar as high as OPM when it This is not Original Pirate Material. Yes, whereas OPM had its brief valleys here and there ("Sharp Darts" and "Geezers Need Excitement" come to mind), A Grand Don't Come For Free maintains basically the same quality throughout. Owing to the carry-over storyline and the similarity in the beats, it does not waver much from side to side. But neither does it soar as high as OPM when it shined its brightest - and did that album ever shine! We may be able to blame this on the absence of that pleasant surprise wow that accompanied one's discovery of Skinner's first effort. And maybe it just isn't as good. Certainly the humor is back in spades; "It Was Supposed to be so Easy" and "Get Out of My House" make sure of this. There is no pulsing call to arms reminiscent of "Turn the Page" or "Let's Push Things Forward." Nothing as emotive as "It's Too Late." No dreamy memorial like "Weak Become Heroes." A Grand... plays over a day or maybe two, and bounces from one crisis to another, one encounter to the next. It's excellent at that, and interesting and funny and worth checking out. It just isn't Original Pirate Material. And for that it can be forgiven. Expand
  21. TimD
    Mar 29, 2006
    A simply brilliant album. Has to be heard to be believed. Great story
  22. sachep
    Mar 28, 2006
    Incredible, unique, - a genius is born.
  23. TomR
    Mar 19, 2006
    First off, THIS IS NOT HIP-HOP OR RAP! THIS IS NOT your normal music. So for all of you who expect that and can't handle a truly new form of music, move on. This is for those of you that GET music, that recognize someone that is not only good for creating something new, but also for the genious it. It's a form of spoken word over overly complex programming...mostly off beat. First off, THIS IS NOT HIP-HOP OR RAP! THIS IS NOT your normal music. So for all of you who expect that and can't handle a truly new form of music, move on. This is for those of you that GET music, that recognize someone that is not only good for creating something new, but also for the genious it. It's a form of spoken word over overly complex programming...mostly off beat. This album is a story. It's emotion. It's human. The beats are random at first, but organized and structured perfectly to complement Skinner's delivery. A Grand creates a world for the listener to drop into. It's not your life, it's not what you're used to hearing, and that's the whole point. It's a reflection of experiences, of maturing, but still maintaining one's identity. From the unknowing opening to the retrospective conclusion, most people should be able to relate to this. A stellar follow up to Original Pirate Material, and one count the days until the release of The Hardest Way to Make an Easy Living and see how Mike's perception of life has changed. Expand
  24. PaulV
    Mar 11, 2006
    I hate rap, and I mean REALLY HATE. But this album? it's absolutely fantastic - It's just plain unique, Skinner has created an absolutely amazing, unique and creative album that has nothing else to compare with. Some nice easy background music. 100% recommended - and just to reiterate, I _HATE_ rap, but BUY THIS!
  25. davec
    Feb 28, 2006
    i love this album its great. blinded by the lights is awesome
  26. JoshS
    Feb 12, 2006
    A great follow-up album and depicts a young-single man's life with his mates, girls and money excellently
  27. Paulie
    Jan 4, 2006
    The spirit of Ian Drury lives on .
  28. Kel
    Dec 1, 2005
    The album that follows a successful debut LP presents a significant problem. Do you rinse, wash and repeat the previous formula, hoping that it will sound just as good the second time round, or do you attempt to explore new territory with the risk of alienating old fans and failing to acquire new ones? A copy-cat album would most likely have seen The Streets branded as a one hit wonder The album that follows a successful debut LP presents a significant problem. Do you rinse, wash and repeat the previous formula, hoping that it will sound just as good the second time round, or do you attempt to explore new territory with the risk of alienating old fans and failing to acquire new ones? A copy-cat album would most likely have seen The Streets branded as a one hit wonder parody and this undoubtedly played on his mind as he attempted to conjure up an album that would stay true to his everyday UK style roots whilst, at the same time, charting new waters. This he has achieved by producing an intoxicating mix of old and new. There are many thematic similarities between 'A Grand Don't Come For Free' and 'Original Pirate Material'. For 'Blinded By The Lights' read 'Weak Become Heroes'. For 'Fit But You Know It' read 'Don't Mug Yourself'. For 'Dry Your Eyes' read 'It's Too Late'. But it's here that the similarities end, for unlike its predecessor, 'A Grand Don't Come For Free' can be loosely termed a concept album. But unlike the pretentious art-rock efforts of years gone by, AGDCFF is not a po-faced attempt at communicating the meaning of life to a mentally Expand
    Aug 7, 2005
    the whole album story is greatly depicted, very nice tracks and awesome beats, esp "blinded by the light" and "dry your eyes"
  30. rogers
    Jul 28, 2005
    This CD is incredible. I can listen to it all the time and get something new from it. To Trust or not to Trust that is the name of the Game.
  31. ZachL.
    Jul 23, 2005
    This album is definetly best when listened to in it's entirety. Definetly unique and innnovative.
  32. Joel
    Jul 9, 2005
    This album is difficult to define. It's like "The Office" meets "The Wall" or something. The quality of the rapping (or talking) and music is usually nothing to write your homies about, but somehow the end result works great. I've listened to it about five times now straight through, and I rarely listen to albums straight through. Great piece of work they made.
  33. ThomasM
    Jun 19, 2005
    1 of the best albums ever skinners jus wicked and it was the best concert ive bin 2 an its great music 2 get lost in
  34. AWeinkle
    Jun 19, 2005
    A refreshingly contemporary, listenable hip-hoppish, gen Y Everyman. My daughters played it this week and this baby boomer was instantly engaged... bought a legit copy of the CD for myself
  35. matta
    May 27, 2005
    A great album and so special becuase MIke Skinner truly is making music like no one else. Original Pirate Material was, song for song, probably a better record, but this one is so intriguing and works so well becuase Skinner's ability to tell a truly engrossing story over the course of this cd's eleven tracks. great stuff.
  36. BriannaJ
    May 20, 2005
    I am AMAZED!
  37. JoyL
    Apr 18, 2005
    Great Album. Even better in concert. Although for me Original Pirate Material is still my favorite Skinner album.
  38. LouiseB
    Apr 11, 2005
    Now, I know a lot of you think that this album is shit.. but you're all wrong! There's no-one else I have heard that can make an album that tells a story the way Mike does on this. I also don't think that this is only an album for hip-hop lovers cos anyone who loves good lyrics, tunes and catchiness should love this..... but thats only my opinion!
  39. BRD
    Mar 24, 2005
    He deserves credit for reviving the concept album. Might even be the most coherent one ever. The song about being on ecstacy in the club is great. There is a lot of obscure Brit-slang, which will limit accessibility in the US.
  40. StoP
    Mar 18, 2005
    If you are expecting Original Pirate Material then you are expecting too much. What Mike Skinner did with his debut is not repeated here wit A Grand Don't Come for Free. A Grand is it's entity, chalk full of narative, a great lead character in the pill popping s Skinner himself, and a ssupporting cast full of turncoat mates, angry birds and fit as all hellll beeyatches. Skinner If you are expecting Original Pirate Material then you are expecting too much. What Mike Skinner did with his debut is not repeated here wit A Grand Don't Come for Free. A Grand is it's entity, chalk full of narative, a great lead character in the pill popping s Skinner himself, and a ssupporting cast full of turncoat mates, angry birds and fit as all hellll beeyatches. Skinner is telling a tale of woe that we all go through from time to time . He has given a voice to the self aware youth that reside in the urban landscapes of not only London but NYC ,Chicago, LA, etc. A Grand is a triuphant narrative that is mixed into a personal soundscape of pots and pans beatss, machine-gun fire guitars, chilled out after party grooves, and a doubled up surprise ending that is not only told once but rewound and told again. From which perspective do ou believe is purely upto the listener. The Streets are the shiznitz. hands down one of the best albums of the year. Expand
  41. brennenC
    Mar 16, 2005
    Shit man! awsome : )
  42. Claire
    Mar 6, 2005
    great albumn and even better when hes live!!
  43. ElizabethR
    Mar 1, 2005
    This album is amazing. Mike Skinner talks about the most normal things in the most minute detail that really makes you think. If you pay attention, the songs all together also tell a story, which is something I've never heard before. Much more polished and together than "Original Pirate Material."
  44. DerekN
    Feb 13, 2005
    This album isn't anywhere near as good as his first one. There are still some extremely amazing tracks on this, but some of the songs are sketchy at best. The album tells a great story and has a really cool theme to it though. I'll give it that. As for it being critically acclaimed, it's because nobody has ever made an album like this before. Then again, that could be said This album isn't anywhere near as good as his first one. There are still some extremely amazing tracks on this, but some of the songs are sketchy at best. The album tells a great story and has a really cool theme to it though. I'll give it that. As for it being critically acclaimed, it's because nobody has ever made an album like this before. Then again, that could be said for Skinner's first album. Expand
  45. flatulantfarts
    Feb 3, 2005
  46. Chrisc
    Feb 3, 2005
    at the end of the record, you feel as if you have reached nirvana
  47. mikeymikey
    Jan 30, 2005
    So what makes this album so great? It's definatley not Mike Skinners ryhms, they're almost spoken word. What does make it great however, is the fact that when listened to, you can see yourself being a buddy of Skinner. His british charm is undeniable, and the songs are all so evryday that he becomes easy to identify with. When you hear conclusion of the final track "empty cans," So what makes this album so great? It's definatley not Mike Skinners ryhms, they're almost spoken word. What does make it great however, is the fact that when listened to, you can see yourself being a buddy of Skinner. His british charm is undeniable, and the songs are all so evryday that he becomes easy to identify with. When you hear conclusion of the final track "empty cans," you can't help but feel a range of emotions that makes you realize that you love this album. Expand
  48. keithm
    Jan 22, 2005
    Wow. From the first word I was swept off my feet into the middle of London, watching the world pass by with a new, fresh perspective. Who knew simple speech could be so profound?
  49. AdamM
    Jan 20, 2005
    this is a great album that holds a hidden story if listned to correctli
  50. JohnnyA
    Jan 15, 2005
    I love it!
  51. joolzmonks
    Jan 9, 2005
    Best album I've come across in about a decade. Well, five years at least.
  52. AdamR
    Jan 4, 2005
    This album requires some time and some attention, but if a listener is willing to spend enough of both, he or she will be able to appreciate an album that better captures the importance and significance of everyday events than any other I've ever heard. Mike Skinner simultaneously rejects and worships a wide range of musical genres in order to combine them into whatever will capture This album requires some time and some attention, but if a listener is willing to spend enough of both, he or she will be able to appreciate an album that better captures the importance and significance of everyday events than any other I've ever heard. Mike Skinner simultaneously rejects and worships a wide range of musical genres in order to combine them into whatever will capture the part of his story he is sharing with us at the time. Truly a transcendent work. Expand
  53. T.Bone
    Dec 16, 2004
    People who don't like this item and who are using eminem or 50 cent rappers (who btw pay radio and tv stations to play them and their repitions on the airwaves "brainwashes" morons into thinking that they are good) as comparasons of "quality rap" are morons. I bet most of the people who said this cd sucked have never picked up an instrument or rapped in their lives. As one who does People who don't like this item and who are using eminem or 50 cent rappers (who btw pay radio and tv stations to play them and their repitions on the airwaves "brainwashes" morons into thinking that they are good) as comparasons of "quality rap" are morons. I bet most of the people who said this cd sucked have never picked up an instrument or rapped in their lives. As one who does BOTH, this guy may not be "tight" in his flow or superbly lyrical but his simple storytelling and nice harmony forms well though-out songs. Look at the Beatles; their songs were not complex or lyrical...they repeated the same things over but were loved by the world. Bob Dillan didn't sing when he arrived, but it was his fantastically vivid yet simple storyteklling that reflected the times in which he lived. That is what a good musician does: Tell a vivid story and take the listener into their world, in the end seeking to envoke a feeling. I am a hiphoper in America so don't front ppl, i know what im talking about. This guys going just hoping i can get there before he does! Expand
  54. AndrewP
    Dec 15, 2004
    Great cd, but often a bit too much of a story than a song. The streets rule.
  55. SethB.
    Dec 2, 2004
    The first song I heard off of this album was What Is He Thinking...I was drunk off a couple of forties, and my brother and I were making a jingle for the top twenty underground music count down in Wisconsin...we thought the song was terrible, and an hour later we were kind of curious and went back and played track one. We listened to every word from track one to the last track, and The first song I heard off of this album was What Is He Thinking...I was drunk off a couple of forties, and my brother and I were making a jingle for the top twenty underground music count down in Wisconsin...we thought the song was terrible, and an hour later we were kind of curious and went back and played track one. We listened to every word from track one to the last track, and didn't really say anything about it because we'd spent ten or twenty minutes dissing it earlier, saying how we rap a billion times better, and blah blah. Over the next few days, we kept finding each other listenening to a song and quickly closing the window when the other walked in. This album, we eventually decided, was the best hiphop album in a fukin' long time. His rhyme's suck, his flow is a bit off, and a lot of thug types we played it to said it was crap, but the guy's a poet. He's not the "Eminem Of British Rap"--he's Guy Ritchie of rap music. Everything about this album is perfected, as far as I'm concerned. When he sounds as though he's reading off a piece of paper, it's as though he has formed a picture and wants us to appreciate it word for word, not ride along to the crappy beats. I was surprised by how many people liked this album; I thought no one would understand the story and the real life shit that went into this. Everyone I play it for, though, is hooked. Whatever. Its a hell of an album, and it ranks on my top ten favorite albums, and will for a long time. Anyone who's bit fucked over once or twice, and is paranoid about life, knows about empty cans. Seth of the 12 Professors. Expand
  56. robinr
    Dec 2, 2004
    Great album... nobody and i say nobody makes this kind of music.. inovative and extreem. Lyrics that people can relate to and maybe even some phylosofie in the tracks Brilliant
  57. BryanF
    Nov 11, 2004
    This album was great!
  58. CiaránMcC
    Nov 8, 2004
    A little disapointing thought the 1 album is way ahead of this but did like the beats!!
  59. AbiC
    Nov 1, 2004
    this album is truly original and uniqe i give it 10 out of ten because i am totally in love with this album.
  60. bryonf
    Oct 29, 2004
    A Grand... ...the answer to hip hop with meaning
  61. MattB
    Oct 15, 2004
    While the rhymes aren't quite as good as OPM, the fact that this CD is basically a story, from the first song to the last, makes it an amazing album. He obviously put care and feeling into this album, and thats what matters in music. If you listen to the lyrics, you cant help but become involved in the story. I will admit the rhymes are a little elementary, but what does that matter While the rhymes aren't quite as good as OPM, the fact that this CD is basically a story, from the first song to the last, makes it an amazing album. He obviously put care and feeling into this album, and thats what matters in music. If you listen to the lyrics, you cant help but become involved in the story. I will admit the rhymes are a little elementary, but what does that matter if the content is pristine? I recommend at least listening to this album. I mean REALLY listen, not just have it on. Expand
  62. JohnD
    Oct 11, 2004
    this is what hip hop COULD be, but instead we have to listen to Petey Pablo.
  63. shabaro
    Oct 7, 2004
    8 for the originality,10 for the creativity of the samples and loops; 4 for not trying to take this to the next level; 9 for the production quality; 4 for trivial lyrics. total a well deserved 7.
  64. RyanM
    Oct 4, 2004
    just 1 word for this album BRILLIANT !!!
  65. JonG
    Sep 23, 2004
    Although not as revolutionary as OPM, AGDCFF still impresses the mind. It's obvious that Mikee hasn't lost his skill of master storytelling, but at some points the flow gives way to the story. Still, an album I will be listening to for years to come. Cheap too, making this as essential as the pricier OPM.
  66. AndyS
    Sep 6, 2004
    This Cd is one of those that gets better and better with each listen. A Grand Dont Come For Free sounds completely original and moving on from the made for schoolgirls poppy hip hop and garage scenes. This Cd isnt about the music or skinners vocal talent, which arent tewrrible but not outstanding, but his delivery is spot on, moreover the lyrics are honest, funny, witty and expressive. This Cd is one of those that gets better and better with each listen. A Grand Dont Come For Free sounds completely original and moving on from the made for schoolgirls poppy hip hop and garage scenes. This Cd isnt about the music or skinners vocal talent, which arent tewrrible but not outstanding, but his delivery is spot on, moreover the lyrics are honest, funny, witty and expressive. Its more like looking into the mind of the average british teenager, listening to his thoughts and events. This is what makes it stand out as a modern classic. Some may not get how listening to someone talking is music, and maybe it isnt exactly, but I just cant get enough of the humour and intelligent lyrics. And pretty much anyone can relate to the lyrics. Skinner isnt the British equivalent of eminem, its nothing to do with him being white or anything like that. The Streets is in a class of his own, and this album is a classic. Expand
  67. vinceg
    Aug 18, 2004
    This isnt just an album here; its a story. Mike Skinner transforms simple mundane daily activities into something smart and relevant without comprimising musical content.
    Aug 9, 2004
    GRAND DONT COME FOR FREE is a really majestic album. I find The Strees a great new breath of good shit. Keep it up, yeah.
  69. DJ
    Aug 2, 2004
    its of the hook
  70. bruceh
    Aug 2, 2004
    its good
  71. CJ
    Jul 19, 2004
    Crackin album, And wicked live act!
  72. Andreas
    Jul 17, 2004
    When I first heard it I was really disappointed, but it's getting better now. It's good because it's different, but I got to agree with Glen B, that the lyrics is pretty crazy. People says that Mike Skinner got unike lyrics, and I think the lyrics on OPM was unike, but on A Grand... I think he's talking too much crap(like the money in the TV). I just don't get it. When I first heard it I was really disappointed, but it's getting better now. It's good because it's different, but I got to agree with Glen B, that the lyrics is pretty crazy. People says that Mike Skinner got unike lyrics, and I think the lyrics on OPM was unike, but on A Grand... I think he's talking too much crap(like the money in the TV). I just don't get it. Maybe I just gotta give the album even more time... This sounds very negative, but The Streets is still one of my favorites, and of course, OPM is classical, it's just that I can't say that A Grand... is a 100 and that classical. Expand
  73. ihlfilug
    Jul 11, 2004
  74. patrickm
    Jul 10, 2004
    I thought it was great, especially "dry your eyes", which I think showed the versatility of Skinner. I know a lot of people who think how can a white English boy turn heads? Well, just listen because this guy is creative, edgy, and unpredictable. I have to say that his first album is better and has more singles than this one. But still, the album as a whole might very well be the best of I thought it was great, especially "dry your eyes", which I think showed the versatility of Skinner. I know a lot of people who think how can a white English boy turn heads? Well, just listen because this guy is creative, edgy, and unpredictable. I have to say that his first album is better and has more singles than this one. But still, the album as a whole might very well be the best of a dismal year. Expand
  75. joed
    Jun 25, 2004
    Class most of the songs are amzin the bonus track is simply class!
  76. ArnieGeezer
    Jun 23, 2004
    very different from OPM, I've listened to this album for awhile now and there are a few tracks that I just couldn't get into (5 and 6) but there are some great ones that grow on you with time (not addicted, such a twat). Fit but you Know is the only one that jumped right out when I first heard the album, thats a kick ass party song. All in all very interesting album to listen to very different from OPM, I've listened to this album for awhile now and there are a few tracks that I just couldn't get into (5 and 6) but there are some great ones that grow on you with time (not addicted, such a twat). Fit but you Know is the only one that jumped right out when I first heard the album, thats a kick ass party song. All in all very interesting album to listen to but I still think the best from the Streets is yet to come Expand
  77. JasonS
    Jun 22, 2004
    This almost seems as a sort of homage to the narritive form that one would find in such rock opera's as Quadrophenia or Tommy. Yet, this seems to be executed much better than that. Yes, it's a story, but its a wonderful piece of music as well. It is good to know that someone in the hip hop genre still has innovation on their side. Mike Skinner does not dissappoint.
  78. ChrisP
    Jun 22, 2004
    I don't love it, but I really like it. Some of the beats and "singing" (e.g. the chorus for 'such a twat') can be bland/obnoxious but it's very engaging overall - including Mike's "British flow".
  79. nico
    Jun 8, 2004
    Genius. Make sure you listen to it from start to finish.
  80. BeckA
    Jun 6, 2004
    Mr Mike Skinner... I have just one thing to say. Maybe people did listen to the CD and somehow manage, through sheer force of will against the imposing sheparding gaze of the music industry's hype, to make their own choices and give reviews based on their honest opinions. Comon man, you're basically saying that you didn't like it, so nobody else should either because the Mr Mike Skinner... I have just one thing to say. Maybe people did listen to the CD and somehow manage, through sheer force of will against the imposing sheparding gaze of the music industry's hype, to make their own choices and give reviews based on their honest opinions. Comon man, you're basically saying that you didn't like it, so nobody else should either because the album is obviously a "steaming turd." So...instead of making up their own minds and not following the popular opinion, they're supposed to follow yours? Uh, I fail to see the difference that would make. Instead, people seem to have done exactly what you have suggested: given honest reviews based on what they thought of the disc. ...and what exactly does the fact that you're a Brit have to do with anything? Personally, I thought the disc was decent. It has its hooks, good beats, and melds together fairly well. But, it just doesn't feel as original as their earlier release, which is to be expected. This disc is worth a listen. Expand
  81. AndrewT
    Jun 3, 2004
    Pure Quality! Great story on top of good beats. Dry Your eyes is by far The Streets best ever song.
  82. LawrenceP
    May 31, 2004
    At first listen i didn't think this record was beter than "Original Pirate Material." I was wrong...Mike has showned me a side of him i didn't think he had in him. Good job mate...keep up the good work.
  83. JasonT
    May 30, 2004
    Doesn't have the stand out tracks of Original Pirate Material, but still is a great collection of musings. "Empty Cans" is a brilliant record.
  84. DaveV
    May 27, 2004
    It took guts to make a concept album in the genre, great stuff
  85. Hales
    May 25, 2004
    master pece for the first time in a long time it's an album thats moved me
  86. JeffFormOz
    May 24, 2004
    exceptional album.
  87. elainec
    May 24, 2004
    complete original anybody who slates this album will be eating their words in years to come, a sure classic!!!
  88. MartB
    May 20, 2004
    Mike is a class above everyone else.Brilliant album.Get it.
  89. GennaroF
    May 20, 2004
    Brilliant!!! let all the naysayers eat a D$#@. We love you M.S. keep it comin.RESPECT
  90. GennaroF
    May 20, 2004
    Brilliant!!! let all the naysayers eat a D$#@. We love you M.S. keep it comin.RESPECT
  91. GennaroF
    May 20, 2004
    Brilliant!!! let all the naysayers eat a D$#@. We love you M.S. keep it comin.RESPECT
  92. [Anonymous]
    May 20, 2004
    Bloody Superb!!!!
  93. EvanP
    May 20, 2004
    A modern day flaneur, creating a philosophy upon the most mundane of daily activities. His concept is simple; it just a day in the life of Mike Skinner.
  94. Smenkharon
    May 19, 2004
    Very good, more of a cohesive album than his debut but not as many killer individual songs.
  95. JohnP
    May 17, 2004
    The frenzied rhymes and references of 'Original Pirate Material' are far less present on 'Grand', and sometimes engaging wordplay is sacrificed for the sake of the concept (much more 'The Irony Of It All' than 'Let's Push Things Forward') . The beats and hooks are less engaging, too, ostensibly to focus attention on the story - this is the The frenzied rhymes and references of 'Original Pirate Material' are far less present on 'Grand', and sometimes engaging wordplay is sacrificed for the sake of the concept (much more 'The Irony Of It All' than 'Let's Push Things Forward') . The beats and hooks are less engaging, too, ostensibly to focus attention on the story - this is the Final Cut to Original Pirate Material's Wall, although that's a fairly hackneyed comparison. It does reward close attention, though, and it's still pretty damn fun to listen to. Skinner's frustrated outburst at losing his cellphone is worth the price of admission alone. Expand
  96. MacThelist
    May 16, 2004
    Truly extraordinary. Like a difficult novel, it bears repeated readings, each of which reveals more of a story, each layer of which is increasingly complex and substantially more satisfying.
  97. TK
    May 16, 2004
  98. SeanC
    May 16, 2004
    This disc is brilliant.
  99. MelS
    May 15, 2004
    One of the best CD's released in the past few years. It doesn't matter if you like rap or not, you should listen to this album.
  100. NG
    May 15, 2004
    Mike Skinner took a lot of risks to make this album. The first time I listened to it, I thought that is was less than Original Pirate Material, but the more you listen to it, the more the pieces fall together. Briljant album; if this is the best album of 2004, I think we have no right to complain.

Universal acclaim - based on 30 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 30 out of 30
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 30
  3. Negative: 0 out of 30
  1. Vibe
    11 frenetic, oddball, and extremely original tracks. [Jun 2004, p.154]
  2. The problem with "A Grand Don't Come for Free" is that the pieces often work better as stories than as songs.... But it is still a thrill to hear Mr. Skinner toy with the form that he invented.
  3. This makes engrossing listening if the effort suits you, but it's useless as background music.